Friday, July 3, 2020

Apes Chapter 1

The City of Men and Apes
Raging Madness
Season One

Jimmy Loong
April 2017
Adaptation of the Planet of the Apes
Continued on 31st Jan 2020. Hope it works this round.
Renewed on 1st April 2020.
Done on 5th of April 2020


The world was never the same when a series of plagues infected the population of Man, and diminished the count to almost a quarter of its numbers than before the cures were discovered. It was not the initial plague that decimated the population then although a sizeable died but the recurring of the evolved virus brought on the final countdown after a lapse of twenty years.  The mankind survivors moved to the new cities while some were abandoned.

Once such city then gave a simple name as the City Seven or popularly known as the City held a population of under a hundred thousand and yet it housed more than five times the numbers. The numbers came from the humans who were mentioned in their numbers and then there were the servants. The later was the not so intelligent breed and were once known in their natural habitat as apes or monkeys. The new breed of apes ranged from the huge gorillas to the smaller chimpanzees. It was the later who was deemed to be the perfect servants of Man although the huge gorillas did well for heavy works. The surviving creatures were bred in ten breeding centers within the City. From a mere five thousand in the initial batch, they were artificially bred to ten times that numbers. The newborns were then sent for the microchip insertion and given the needed stimulus to be servants.

What Man lack in skills and will to do, the servants were trained to do so. They were the housekeepers to walking the pets and children, cleaning and the menial works of carrying the baggage. The stronger ones which were the gorillas were retained to do the heavier works like maintenance or construction. Their welfare was never considered for they were servants. In some other time, era, they were alike to slaves. Like the slaves, the end of their servitudes was never revealed nor were their deaths. No cared to ask for they were servants. Their motto was to serve and obey for mankind.

Unknown to the Man, the apes were undergoing an evolution in their build-up and over the generations, the servants had become more mindful of their tasks. If the true capacity of Man’s mind was never used beyond a tenth of it, then the apes may have done more than that during the evolution. They became more intelligent in their learning but they also learned hot hide it.

And from there the evolution was to become a new revolution.

That was not recorded for all to know.

Is the truth ever true?

Hopefully he will wake up from it.
Despair the defeated will crawl
The joyous victors cheered in their steps
And no one sees the death and maimed
For none cared
The defeated anxious to save their own
The victor needs no reminder
Yet in every war this is repeated
Just like the mind reprocessing 
Just that the memories did not come around
We are all retards to the woes of war.
Jimmy Loong, May 31st 2017


The designated cruiser used by the Enforcement Division was a vehicle powered by the electrical power source below the rear of it. It gave the three-wheeler a power drive at over ninety miles an hour but give the design of the roads, the vehicle could do at best was fifty miles before it was considered as reckless. The cruiser was shaped like an elongated beetle with the front shell, its glass cover that displayed the single driver to the rear single passenger seating. The glass cover opened like the cockpit of the vintage flying vehicle. One the side of the vehicle was mounted the twin headlamps that lighted up the path ahead. At the rear of the vehicle, the shell was the powered generator set that powered the engine and supporting it was then the twin huge tires. The vehicle had mounted twin cannons on the left side which makes it a deadlier unit on patrol.

The call came ten minutes ago.

“Major One. You are needed at Alpha Square. Homicide death.”

That was all for Senior Officer Lanceston to hear before he pressed on the pedal to accelerate the vehicle into the marker of pass the maximum limit. He handled the vehicle with utmost calmness while they overtook the slower ones and sped on the open stretches. The lanes for the moving vehicles were stacked in multi high levels that snaked around the taller inhabitant structure that reached close to the clouds. The lanes were built wide allowing for six vehicles to travel in a row and it was all one-way traffic to avoid any collision from oncoming traffic. The lanes were interwoven with turns to stop at the allotted stops. Despite the precautions taken, there were cases of collisions of vehicles that cross or overlap the lanes. To ensure the safety of the adjacent inhabited structures, the side of the lanes were reinforced with metal barriers that may stop a skidding vehicle. Most times, it does but there were some cases where it failed to do so, and the vehicle will slam into the inhabited structures and caused some casualties there.

If the casualties were servants, the news on it was scant but the crashes have rarely avoided the human inhabitants with its cramped living conditions. The news flash of these accidents will be broadcast for days and then the pockets of dissatisfaction will spread out with a small group of mobs asserting their strength on the Enforcement Division.

Senior Officer Lanceston or Lance to his friends was a senior officer of the Enforcement Division which governed the handling of major crimes including homicides. He was one of the five in the district there over a fifty-mile radius, considering that there were twenty thousand residents and fifty thousand over servants. The city five districts covered over three hundred miles in radius. The area outside the city was the barren landscape and home to the outcasts and frontier dwellers.

Senior Officer Lanceston; Abraham Lincoln Lanceston, was the only son of General Oliver Lanceston who died during the ending days of the Dividing War. His name was taken from an icon of freedom of the ancient days. His father's final words to him were never giving up on the battle for freedom.

Senior Officer Lanceston was then in his late thirties and having served for over ten years as an Enforcer and before that, he was in the same unit as his father, the Marauders Unit of the Enforcement Division. The Marauder's role was to hunt for the major criminals but the year of peace soon made him drifted to the enforcing tasks. He was not a tall figure but his slim figure gave him that appearance. He enhanced his physical state with a constant workout with his servant, the gorilla named Bud by him. Bud grew with him since birth and they been good pals. His uniform was a blue overall with the matching waist-length jacket that held three stripes from the left shoulder to downwards to the hem. His overall was tucked into the knee-length strapped boots where a dagger was tucked into the right boot. He did not have any headgear for he preferred to wear a head bandana over his clean-shaven head.

“Judd, how far are we?” Lance voiced over the communication.

“Around the corner and we shall be there.” Officer Molly or Molleen Callen replied. She was a female officer who was fewer among the ones who qualified for Major Crimes.  She was what may be considered as petite build but her peers have regretted that assumption when they lost to her in the physical bout. She was proficient in the skills of hand fighting. She was dressed like him but her jacket held only two stripes.

“We will stop here.” Lance applied the brakes when they reached the corner, and the vehicle drifted to the right on the sudden stop command. The front single wheel was wider than the two rear ones to allow for stability in the fast drive but it was not designed for sharp turns. The vehicle lurched on the stop and then it came to a complete standstill on the curb. The glass cover slides back and Lance stepped out.

“What the? You could have told me beforehand.” Molly screamed at Lance. He was always one to act on his own instincts. “So, your brain telling you that the killer may be here.”

“I just know, Mol.” Lance looked at the towering inhabited structure from the ground level. It was by his estimate at over a hundred levels from the ground up.  He had been lived with the different apes since young and he knew their behavior well. If a servant was on the run when on the ground level it would head for the higher points and from there it was able to see for any pursuing foes.

“Station confirmed it’s a servant,” Molly replied after she replaced the communication unit with the Main Station. “We got a runaway.”

Lance stood there on the curb and looked to his surroundings. The new city landscapes have not changed much but due to the denser population in the area, the newer structures were added to the existing building with connecting corridors or upper levels of buildings like branches of the tree, and the extension reinforced to support the structures. With the new improvement, the sunlight from the sun was blocked by the overhanging structures giving the surface level a dark sullen environment. The use of none carbon emission alleviated the breathable conditions, but it was offset by lack of sunlight.

“Lance, the suspect is on the run,” Mol called out. “Heading our….”

Lance saw the fleeing shadow and knew that he was to do his part then as the Enforcer. He reached inside the vehicle to retrieve his pack. It was a narrow case which he opened by removing the zippered front. He reached in and took the double set of metallic vambrace with a few notches on the topside. He reached in for the attachment to the vambrace. He locked on the unit there on his right arm. It looked like four long tubes on the unit with each tube holding a mini mounted dart. Each of those darts contained enough serum to knock down a raging chimpanzee or two darts for the gorillas. He was not keen to kill them unless he has to. He took out another unit that resembled a rounded shield that was attached to his left arm. That was to protect him in case of a physical fight. He then reached in for the last piece there.

The item was two feet length metallic baton with a round knob top.

Lance aimed it at the third level of the wall on the inhabited structure and pressed the lever on the baton. The knob top shot out towards the wall trailed by the metal wire. It hit the wall and the knob opened upon impact to form a six-point talon that caught onto the wall. Once the talons formed a hold their Lance was hoisted towards the wall. Just before he reached it Lance pressed the lever to release the talons and it reformed back into the knob along with the wire. By then he had swung the baton aiming at another upper level. With three throws, Lance was at the connecting corridor seven levels up that was adjoining the two buildings. He crouched there on the landing of the corridor and lowered his baton which had then retracted back. He tucked the baton to his back on the special housing there.
“Hello, there my miscreant runner.”

The servant had crouched there on its four limbs at the other end of the corridor. It was getting ready to jump as if it was in its instinct to do so but it hesitated. It heard the command by another human master and was responding to the command of Man which was surgically implanted into its brain. Its right paw went up to the side of the head and started hitting it. It was confusing and then sneered at the man. It was the sign of aggression rarely seen then but there were instances of such behavior which a sharp retort will bring it down.

“Down!” Lance shouted. The servant toned down but the look was still aggressive. Lance was to move than at the runner when the shot came from above him. The runner went down with the headshot. Not many could do that and fewer were issued high-velocity rifles. He turned to look at the source of the shot. It was from the adjacent building

“Too bad we miss you again, Lance.” The voice belonged to the shooter who had lowered the rifle. The shooter laid down the rifle and pulled at the left-handed glove. The shooter then reached for the base cap that wore the opposite direction. On the cap was the logo of the shooter was the rifle with the scope.

“Bernice, you could have shot it in the arms. Why kill it?”

“Lance, it’s a servant.”

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