was dragged by its upper limbs by both guards towards the courtyard. Its eyes
bulged out in fear of seeing the mass of its kind all congregated behind the
barbed wires. It saw the frightened ones, the confused, the agitated, and then
the deep resentment among them. There was nothing ever recorded by their
masters. There may have been notes on such research to it but it was not
considered that moment.
was tossed over the wire but it landed on its limbs as part of its genetic
makeup. It looked around and saw the staring eyes. It looked for the familiar
ones and there was none. All of them were strangers to each other then. It
moved forth on its hind legs with the upper limbs hanging loosely. It was a
cautionary approach to access if they were to be any violence. As a female
gender, it was unnatural for them to lead but Astrid was different. It was
never in any group having been born in captivity. With the care of the doctor,
it had been treated well, and later its position was seen to be of privilege.
It gave the chimp some form of control over the others. And envy by the others.
saw the sneering and then the grunts. Those were the alpha males that it had
ignored their signs when at proximity. If it was during the older times Astrid
would have been no significant chimp but another in the list of others who were
to serve the alpha male. That had changed with the presence of the master who
was overlord to many. An Alpha male approached Astrid. It sneered at Astrid
before it grunts the words formed in its mind.
Astrid, we are all the same here. You are no more
the one.
calmly looked at the other. It was an unusual action by their breed but the
following action reflected the change in the apes.
Iliad, you are not the Alpha Male here. There are no
alpha males here. There are only our chimpanzees. We are one clan.
call caught the other off guard but the most surprising move was the low
screeching murmurings among the others. Iliad turned to look at them and
singled out some others like itself but they were silent and unmoving. The
females and younger males were moving into groups. They were forming new
grouping but not by ranks. They were grouping with familiarity during their
services, and Astrid group was huge and growing.
had been considered as their leader.
Astrid, what are you planning to do?
looked to the ones in its group. It gave the words out to stand down and wait.
Do not move.
did not go well to the other group of chimpanzees. They were young males who
have never seen how a group should act in such situations.
We fight them now. The call of the King must be
charged over on her four limbs and stopped short of the male. It confronted the
young male which bellowed out the challenge.
That one who died was no King. It’s only his name
but he was no King.
then lashed out with the right paw onto the other. It was an unusual move but
it would have been the move done by the leader of the clan. The young male fell
to the side and then jumped up but it stopped short of attacking Astrid. Its
upper limbs were stretched open but it will not strike.
I am Astrid. Stand down.
male retreated then. That scene did not go well down with the next pen of
gorillas. They saw the male stand down and it was a shame to them. They began
roaring and then the thumping of the chests with their upper limbs. The
chimpanzees reacted with their sneering at the huge counterparts.
Lanceston, what is your assessment?” The younger officer looked to the Enforcer
Leader under the Elite Sniper Section of the Enforcer Division. The officer
referred to was Senior Officer Bernice Lanceston; lead sniper of the Enforcers
and also the daughter of Doctor Lanceston. She was like her father; slim and if
beauty calls for being slim was a consideration. She was dressed like the other
officers in the blue overall and jacket but her uniform was filled out well in
the curves. She wore a waist belt with the huge sidearm and the extra pouches
for the ammunition. Instead of a dagger in her right boot, it was a small
sidearm. She also held a heavy powered rifle that she could take down a five
feet figure in a thousand yards.
are the sonar cannons?” Bernice asked. The sonar cannons were the invention of
her father, Doctor Lanceston. It was a weapon of deterrent and not of killing.
are not available.” Bernice was told. She then smiled at the reply. She knew
then without it; she was free to use whatever force available. She picked up
her comm unit.
I want those apes watched closely. The gorillas are yours to pick.” Bernice
told her men. She then saw the one chimp
that was her father’s companion. The chimp was everything that she was not soon
after her mother died. She was engaged in the training to be an Enforcer and
later she went for the sniper course. She was not keen to return to her home
without her mother there. She had never favored her father for his love for
those infernal chimps that exceeded her love. She went to work on her role as
the Enforcer. What was the cause of her hatred then? She had never liked the chimps
when she was cornered by them when younger when a group of them escaped the
cages. She screamed at being cornered and it was finally over when her father
took them away. She was also blamed for going to the cages.
we got some movement in the gorillas.” Bernice heard the shooter but her focus
was on Astrid.
other had just challenged the young male. It was an unprecedented move by a
female chimp but getting them to be servants was also unprecedented. She
focused on the chimp and then saw the stand down. That was also unusual but
what was expected was the commotion among the gorillas. She turned to look and
access the situation.
was perfect.
the one with the white fleece on the right shoulder.”
shot triggered took down the raging gorilla and the others reacted in anger.
The gorillas went into a rage and began moving towards the Enforcers. Another
shot rang out and took down the leading gorilla. The machine gun setup there then
took its deadly salvo on the gorillas. The wounded huge creatures charged the
wires and leaped over their dead numbers but they did not make it far. The
other machine guns nearby were moved to shoot at the gorillas. They opened up
and the slaughtering began.
was then Bernice looked to the chimpanzees and saw them all huddled to the
side. They were not moving and Astrid was standing before them staring at her. She
wanted to tell the gunners to shoot at the chimps but that will be considered
as killing. She could not do that openly too.
are dead, Boss.” Bernice looked over and saw the threats of the gorillas were
the wounded and then round up the others. They need to be kept behind bars
until we access the situation.”
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