Thursday, July 9, 2020

Arthur II Chapter 8


The attack came as a surprise then and soon after the call was made to move the supplies to the granaries in the fort.
“It’s not ready.” The masons complained but the Optio insisted it was done. The ones that were to do it were named the followers. There were no slaves for the Legionnaires but they do have followers. Those were the unknown or the ones without any homes. They followed the Legionnaires on the march and waited for the hand-out. Or they can be attached as companions. That one pays with rations and a warm bed.

“I do not want to do this.” The young lady complained. She was tall and her body was hidden by the shapeless shift. She shuffled her feet from the cold. She disliked the works but it was all she was worth. She was being a fool being there at the last village soon after the Legion arrived. She was alone and scared and sought shelter there after her silly tiff with her guardians. It was not the first and won’t be her last. She joined up with a family there at the village that was there.

“Yea, you can follow us.” The family head had told her. “Just tell everyone you are our sister.”

The young lady nodded. It was worth her coins that had lightened her purse. She had to work then. It was how she ended up trailing the Legionnaires on their march. It was her second week of trolling. She had discarded her other clothes and took up the makeshift wrap around.  During her march, she had been taken for an easy catch but she was good at fighting them off. She had her training in the art courtesy of her father who never gets out of bed without his sword. Since the incident, she kept a dagger on her belt. The last one who questioned her lost his right index finger.

“We don’t choose.” The other lad from the family was with her. He was moving some dried fruits that spilled over from the dropped crate. While he was scooping the fruits, he was also placing some into his mouth.

“You did with the fruits.” The lady commented. The lad gave out a chuckle. He then placed some in the tunic. “It’s for Kellie and her mum.”

The young lady smiled. She had not seen so much care and love until she met them. They are unlike her family squabbles and betrayals. It’s the traits of the nobles. With the family, she was following she found something to look for.

“Hey, you! I am calling you.” The young lady ignored the call. She had learned that among the followers are always the creeps. She felt the hand on her left shoulder and turned around with the dagger drawn. She paused then when she saw the figure.

“I did not know.” The lady sheathed the dagger. “What ...”

“I came to offer you this.” The figure was another lady but older in looks. Her name was Lady Igraine and she was part of the Augustus camp. “You might be hungry.”

“Thanks.” The young lady accepted the apple offered by Igraine. She then noticed the lady was well dressed in the green outfit and the hairdo was complete. “Did you …”

“I got my release today. It was actually yesterday before the attack.” Lady Igraine then broke down emotionally. “Why did it have to happen now?”

“It’s over for you, Lady Igraine. You are safe now.” The younger lady replied. “Good luck on your release.”

“I have come for you.” Lady Igraine looked at the younger lady. “I promise…”

“Don’t be. I will be fine.” The younger lady replied. “I am from a noble family too. My father's name is Pendragon. I am his eldest.”

“Pendragon? Lord Pendragon?” Lady Igraine looked away. She then turned away before she stopped. “What is your name?”

“Guinevere. My mother is Lady ….” 

“Mention no more. You will come with me.” Lady Igraine pulled the young lady along. The two lady interactions did not go unnoticed. The one who stood at the distance shrugged his shoulder but he saw he was not alone. He approached the figure waiting there.

“Do you eavesdrop on your allies?” Lord Pendragon asked. “Like jackals waiting for the scraps.”

“Don’t get at me. I was just passing by.” Master Meleagant looked over the other’s shoulder. “I wanted to see the Augustus and saw the ladies. Is that….”

“Don’t push it, Meleagant. I am still the overseeing Lord of this land. Listen to me; you left us for …where that was? Gaul?”

“Yes, I left. I had to get away. I had to find me…” Master Meleagant looked away. “You would have done the same.”
“I did it and came back here. I found what I was looking for.”

 “I did not run, Lord Pendragon. I sought my family heirloom there. Gaul was said to be my father’s land but I was wrong.”

“I hope you got it and you are now backing to work for me. Serve me well, Master Meleagant. Remember me, I am Lord Pendragon.”

“And I am indebted to you.” Master Meleagant bowed to the other. He smiled then at the departing Lord. It was simple to declare fealty than to do it.

At the same moment, the declaration of the oath was then taken by the surviving mercenaries. The lucky ones were from the Meleagant and the Augustus. They all stood there in a circle with a clear line drawn in the middle. The leader of the Meleagant named Belvedere stepped up.

“I am calling for the meet for we are the only survivors. The others from the Marcellus have died doing their tasks.” Belvedere spoke up. “We…”

“So, what’s with the …” The mercenary from Augustus stood on the other line cut in. “We are alive and served only the masters who will pay us in gold.”

“I am not here to question your loyalty. Do we even have one as mercenaries? Or was it to the purse we hold?” Belvedere glared at the other. “We are warriors. I asked that we unite to protect the Roman families. The Marcellus held also gold in their purses but not here. They have it in Rome and it can be paid to us.”

“No, we cannot be warriors with an empty purse.” The other replied. He then stepped up towards Belvedere with two others. “And we do not recognize you as the leader.”

Belvedere held firmly on the hilt of his long sword. He had left his shield behind at the fireplace. He watched the trio; all covered in the fur coat and mail lined tunic, with the sword like his and the shield with the dagger slotted on the waist belt. He knew them as the Assante brothers; from across the channel of the sea and were good fighters.

“Maurice, I do not fight with you.” Belvedere stepped back but the later had his right index finger pointed at the chest.
“We have none with you. So, you will back out.” Maurice replied and then stepped back but his youngest, Isaac rushed forth and looked into Belvedere.

“We are not afraid of you.” Isaac spat at Belvedere’s face. That was an insult to the other. Belvedere lashed out with his face into Isaac’s nose. The impact caused the other to backward with the nose bloodied. It was the move that made Maurice to strikeout. He laid his punch on Belvedere. The later fell backward and swords were drawn. Belvedere leveled his sword at the trio.

“We need not fight.” Belvedere reminded the brothers but Isaac was upset at the bloody nose and charged at Belvedere. They later blocked the sword swung at his chest and then moved his body sideways to elbow the other at the throat. Isaac stepped back to avoid the move while his brother Maurice moved in on the right to stab at Belvedere. The later deflected the move and swung his sword back. He barely missed Maurice but by then the last brother, Barry has stepped in with the sword-slashing downwards. Belvedere withdrew and glared his attackers.

“Bel, take this.” A shield was tossed to him. It was a rounded shield and suited him well. He looked at the trio.

“Now we are even.” Belvedere rushed at the trio with his sword swinging from the right. He slashed into Barry who was standing on the left while his shield crashed into Isaac. He had his right leg lashed out with a low kick at Maurice. All his efforts were met with resistance but he was among the trio. He ducked from the swinging sword of Isaac with his shield upturned flat to punch at Maurice in the midriff. He then twisted his body to swing his sword downwards at Barry. His move cut into Barry at the left hip and seeing then Maurice retreating in pain, he moved in on Isaac. He had his shield blocked the oncoming slash and thrust his own sword into the youngest at the right thigh. He then backed up and faced the trio with one wounded.

“You want more? I am here, barbarians.” Belvedere roared out. “I am always here.”

Isaac limping then was help up by Maurice and Barry in anger charged at Belvedere. His sword slashed downwards but Belvedere had his shield up and his sword thrust into the other’s midriff. It was a killing move and used many times.

“No…,” Maurice called out and rushed to his other wounded brother. He saw the wound and knew that Barry was going to die then. “I will…”

“Barry is dead, Maurice. Stop the fight. We are even now.” Belvedere replied. “You know it. It was me or him.”

Maurice held onto his dying brother. He wanted to strike out but knew that they will lose more than one life that day. He looked away at Isaac who was still recovering from the blows.

“Not today, Belvedere. I will come back after I settled his burial.” Maurice replied to Belvedere. “Our fight is not over yet. We leave you now.”

The group then dispersed with some helping the brothers to the tent.

It was just another event for the mercenaries but their action did not go unnoticed then. Optio Lamorak saw the fight and watched the man named Belvedere.

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