Thursday, July 30, 2020

Arthur II Chapter 15


Decurion Galahad looked to the wall they have been laboring over the week. It was not a tough task initially with the Legionnaires assigned to the task. The stones for the wall were still there but with the weather and soft ground, some of them were embedded into the soil thus the task was to dig them out. That took time and effort. The Decurion assigned his riders to assist; using the mounts to pull the stones out and dragged it to the wall. It worked for a while and then the Optio stepped in.

“Decurion, move your Equities to do the patrols. They are best suited there. I have other help coming in.”

The Optio managed to rope in some others from the other two Cohorts at the other sections of the wall. The extra help was Legionnaires and they came with foul moods.

“We just had done our part and nowhere to help you.” It was true then that the others have done their walls for they arrived earlier and there was not much to do compare to what the First Cohort had to handle. “Trust the First Cohort to get to the bad sections of the wall. What is wrong with them? They are hasty to die or to serve the Emperor more diligently.”
Those words were not taken well by the First Cohort and fights between the Cohorts erupted on the first day of works. The Centurions had to step in and deploy discipline actions. It brought some control to the Legionnaires but the animosity was already in them.

“Decurion, do I have to repeat my order?” Optio Lamorak poured in scorn to his words. He was upset too that the Equities were excused from the works but it was also essential that the patrols go out to ensure that they do not get attacked once more.

“No, Optio. I will deploy the riders now.” That was when Decurion Percival rode off to find his riders. He split the Equities into small groups to patrol the boundary. Each group was four or five riders.

“We will patrol the land in a narrow perimeter to all sides with the northern and southern the length. I want every settlement; village or huts identified and the inhabitants counted. Do not engage if there are hostilities. Just back up and we will ride back in strength.”

He had traveled with Galahad and another four others leaving Gawain and Gaheris to take other patrols. He took the northern east route with the low hills and wide expanse of grassland. There were the clusters of trees hidden in the low valleys away from the winds which were their main search but some riders preferred to skirt the boundary than entered the area of the tree. They feared the trees may be alive but Decurion was not one to fear the unknown. He searched the area with his focus on the solitary huntsman abode to the possible witch lair. He was told that there were a few for the people there believed in such acts. They looked to the witches for everything from healing to hunting. It was soon that he found one; the old crone covered in creature furs and sporting bad hairdo and the odd bones on the walls. Galahad heard of the old lady that was spared by Gaheris.

“You Romans do not know your lines. If you cross this one, you will all die.” The old crone sat there fingering the bones in her hands. She tossed the bones onto the ground. “It spelled your demise.”

Among the Equities and also the Legionnaires, many believed in such acts but not Galahad. He was skeptical of it and had deemed his sword was the equal of these acts.

“Spare me your spells, Witch. I am just here to check on you.” Decurion Percival turned to leave the old crone to her actions. He then stopped. “If one of my men gets sick or dies from a mysterious illness, it will be you that will accompany them to the next world.”

“Mere words to scare an old lady, Roman. I have seen more than that. Go back to your camp. The dead will seek you soon.” The lady told the departing Decurion who had refused to listen but one of his riders had dropped some coins for the lady and whispered some request for protection. The lady laughed at the rider who had then joined the others. They rode out and then the sounds of fighting came to their ears. It was near to the wall.

“Ride!” Decurion called out. They rode hard towards the wall and saw at a distance the single rider slashing at two others on foot. “Stop! I demand you stop.” 

Lawnslot heard the call but he was fighting the two Roman’s Auxiliaries who had challenged him. One of them who was holding a spear was leading them. He knew that he had to retreat. He turned his horse and rode towards the west.

“You two catch the rider. I will handle the one there.” Decurion Percival rode straight for the standing two Auxiliaries. When he approached the figures, he was shocked by the sight. They were a dirty unkempt group in the tattered tunic and one was holding the long spear. It was a pilum that was held by the Legionnaire.

“Who are you? And where is your unit?”

“We are Auxiliaries. We are leaving the Legion. We will travel back to our land. We will not fight here in this wild land. It’s infested with evil and demons.”

“Return to your unit or faced desertion charges,” Percival warned them. They took up their weapons and charged at Percival. He spurred his mount to avoid the attack. He grabbed his bow but one of the riders had dismounted and approached the two deserters. The rider held the gladius with both his hands. He then went in for the kill. He cut at the upper limb holding the spear and severing it with the skin left holding the severed arm. He then swung the gladius in a backward move towards the neck. The blade cut into the side of the head on the right and was stuck there.

“Sparus, help here.” The rider called out. The other rider rode in with the mount and slashed the wounded deserter in the left shoulder at the juncture by the neck. His action dislodged the other’s gladius who had then thrust the blade into the neck of the deserter and then twisted it sideways before he severed the head.

“It’s done.” The deserter lies dead there. The other one was killed by the Decurion and another rider. Hidden by the trees was Lawnslot the Ghost heading towards another cluster of trees in the low valley pursued by the riders.

Lawnslot rode into the valley but the other two riders held back. They were wide not to pursue for there were tales that the trees were alive and will hurt those who are not invited. More so when they are pursuing one who rode in brazenly.

“Was it the Ghost?” The rider on the left asked.

“I don’t know but I think it’s him. We will tell the Decurion we lost him. There are some places we do not enter without invitation.” At a distance away. Lawnslot sat on the mount and looked at the riders. He smiled. It was his sanctuary there on the land. His boundary.

 “Prime, the men are that easily swayed by such tales of the land,” Galahad reported to the Prime. He was however not convinced. “I don’t see why we need to worry about it.”

“None whatsoever.” Prime Artorius replied. “We are the Legionnaires. More to that, I have news of the barbarians are grouping to attack us. That may distract them from deserting.”

The words of the imminent attack have spread to others like wildfire. Another group of mercenary warriors has joined the Romans. They were forty strong warriors and held their campsite far from the Romans. They were busy guarding their camp as per instruction from their leader, Chief Asterix. The Gaul prisoner turned serving mercenary has no real love for the Romans but his servitude was to pick his day when he could overcome them. It was better to get closer to the enemy to know its weakness. He had discovered few but he was indeed short of warriors to handle it. He needed time to stage it.

“Where were you, Chief Asterix?” Optio Lamorak questioned the other. “We did see any of you.”

“We were guarding the wagons there.” It was true that the Auxiliaries held the care of two wagons which housed the idols and prayers materials.

“Forty warriors? I am sure the Gods will be pleased with you.” The Optio remarked back.

“Optio, one cannot taunt the Gods. Their wraths are great and deadlier.” Chief Asterix mocked the other. He knew the Optio was not a believer, unlike the others. The Chief was raised in the forest and his only worship was his grandmother and she was said to be a witch.

“I feared no one but my death which I will then join my ancestors. Then I will come back to hunt the one who killed me.” The Optio replied. “You can be that one but be prepared to die first for I will do you me.”

“I hold no desire to fight you, Optio. I will die for Rome when the time arises.” Chief Asterix smiled. “For Rome.”

It was what was on the Chief’s mind. The tales of the land were unnerving to some. He had seen his share of witchcraft when he was in Gaul. The tribes of Gaul held a man of their own from witches to druids, with their potions and bones. He had not mocked them but his beliefs in them have diminished with the defeats that they incurred by the Legions. It was whispered then the Romans held more powerful Gods which prompted him to join them. He had seen none of them except the decorative idols and paraphilia.  Initially, he was apprehensive to approach it but soon after traveling with it, he felt loathsome for it.

“Have you heard …” The Chief looked at the other mercenary re-telling another version and decided to cut it off there.

“The possible attack by the barbarians?” The Chief looked to the others gathered there at the fireplace. “I feared them more for they come charging and slashed you with the sword. Your innards spilled out like what you saw in the slaughter. You will then kneel and scooped the innards to push them back. Your blood mixed in the innards and there is the pain. You will scream but the sound you made is like your innards; empty and meaningless. For you will be dead soon and no one will care then.”

“Not even the Gods.” The Chief looked at the gathered. “We are doomed.”

Then the Chief laughed.

“Get back to your tasks. We got a war coming……warriors… I hope you are worthy of it.” The Chief motioned to the wagons. “They are not.”

Arthur II Chapter 14

The druid saw by himself at the banks of the pond, with his sight on the water surface. He held a long stick which he swirled on the water, making ripples on it. He drew lines and then rudimentary designs before he pushed the stick further deeper. It was then the rippling on the water surface took its course and formed a mini whirlpool. The whirlpool then rose from the surface to a height of three feet before it revealed the impression of a face. 

It was not any face but the face of a nymph.

One named Vivianne. 

The lady was one of the several guardians of the Lake. They are also known as the Ladies of the Lake. 

“Merlin, you do know that your presence is not welcome in our realm. I would like…”

“Vivianne, I would like to seek your advice.” Merlin voiced out while he removed the stick from the pond waters. “I meant no harm but the new events may harm us all.” 

“Merlin, we are the Ladies of the Lake and there are not many who can harm us,” Vivianne replied. “Unless we wished them to.” 

“Morgause is back,” Merlin uttered in desperation. “She sought our death.”

“Morgause…. Sister….” Vivianne whispered the name. Morgause was one of them; the adorable younger ones among the seven sisters then. It was Morgause who brought them despair when she was found with Merlin then. Vivianne invited the druid into the circle and caused a rift between them. Morgause was banished and was never heard of until then. She left with one other; Morgan Le Fay.

“Morgause has invoked some ancient spells. I sensed it…” Merlin sighed. “If only I had stopped her then. We won’t have this issue now.”

“No, Merlin. You could not have stopped her. She had learned new ones which are not of our family. We had to banish her.” Vivianne comforted the druid. “You were also misled by her.”

“No, Vivianne. I was ….” Merlin defended himself but the other motioned to him to silence.

“Don’t speak, Merlin. It was difficult times then, and we were all … caught in the web of deceit. You, me, and Morgause. A price we pay till today.” Vivianne turned away and then spoke. “You are not welcome, Merlin. Be gone.”

“No! Wait! Hear me out.” Merlin pleaded with her. The lady faced the druid.

“I have done my penance of keeping the lad safe and also his sword. He is rebellious but is ready to serve. I fear he does not know whom he is to serve.” Merlin spoke up.

“You spoke of the Bear to him?”

“Yes, and he is resisting it. I cannot control him. Perhaps ….”

“No, Merlin. I … We cannot risk it. The other sword is only worthy of the true King, and the Big Bear has not shown the signs for it.”

“You speak of Excalibur? I thought it was forbidden to speak on it. The sword …”

“It’s the legacy of the Lake. It can only be used by the one who is worthy to wield and hold it in its glory.” Vivianne replied. “And yet it remained lost for many centuries.”

“Sadly true, the whereabouts of Excalibur unknown to us all but the tales are true, the price of the sword is the holder will bear great responsibility and …”

“Is it not the King of the land bears such weight on the throne? Naturally, the sword is the balance to counter the responsibility.” Vivianne replied.

“Then the other part of the tale, that the sword brings with its wars and blood bath…”

“As it would be for the King was to unite the people on the land, and there may be wars. Such wars are won by the one who will wield Excalibur. The land had seen such a fine King for many centuries now.”

“But the sword is missing.” Merlin sighed. “Unless you knew ….”

“Beware, Excalibur will be found when the dire times called for it. A champion must be found first.”

“And the Big Bear the one?”

“It may be or may not be. We won’t know until the sword declared him worthy.” 

“I plea with you to look. You may be wrong. The Bear may be the King. Show him the sword.”

“The sword is of the Lake as I am of it. I cannot compel it to appear for I am not its mistress. Now leave me be. I need to be alone.”

“Vivianne, can you feel me inside you.” Merlin held his right hand to his chest. “As I did with you.”

“Long forgotten, Merlin. I am no more yours. I shall speak to the other sisters. The lake will decide and then Excalibur will decide.” With that the lady dispersed into the standing whirlpool and then with it, the water receded to the calm water surface on the pond. Merlin looked at it and sighed. He knew that his past will not be that easily forgotten or forgiven. He had crossed the boundary then and will need to pay the price imposed.

Just as Artorius done his payment of a price many years ago.

Lucius Artorius leaned forward on his seat inside the tent. His right hand’s fingers were caressing the side of the goblet that held half its content then. He knew that it was too early to get drunk on the wine with the sun still above the horizon but his mind was moving elsewhere. He had visions of himself then younger as a Probate Centurion. He had just joined then and was attached to Legio VI Ferrata then based at Judea. It was one of the earlier conquests of Rome with the land switching conqueror over the period and finally, the defeat of Bar Kokhba by Emperor Hadrian, and the place was named Province of Judea.

The local people, the Jews were sold as slaves or deported to other areas. It was when he first met his first witch.

“The two of you move to the rear. I don’t want any runners.” Artorius was adamant about keeping his numbers intact. He commanded a small detachment under a Decurion. The low-ranking officer commanded eight legionnaires.

“The two of them stay outside. Anyone passes us, stop them.” That was a relief to the two who were posted there. The other four with the Decurion followed the Artorius inside. It was just another mud-caked abode like the many others on the street but that one was marked by the informer. The Centurion rushed in with the gladius drawn and saw the inside of the place was devoid of any furnishings that normally adorned the abode but that one held only the scented candles and the small fireplace with the lady seated there. She was not as old as expected of many but a beauty of the tanned skin. The chamber was however adorned by the dead creatures’ skins with the fur intact.

“Lady Lisette, you are …” The Centurion stopped then when he saw the creature emerged from the rear of the lady. It was not any creature but of the yellow mane and the huge body with the snarling fangs. He had seen drawings of this creature from the units that served far south on the other continent. They named it the King of the Wilds.

“I trust you meant well to serve the Emperor by coming here but could you leave here serving him? I naught think you could.” With that, the lady commanded the creature to step forth. With each step, it took then the creature seems to have grown larger until it filled up the large size of the chamber. Two of the legionnaires turned to run but the doorway was not there. Where there was a doorway was then the gaping jaws of the serpent. They screamed in panic and it was then the Centurion thrust his gladius into the lady. The blade pierced the heart but the lady sat there smiling.

“You wanted my heart…” The lady reached towards the blade and pulled it out along with her heart which was throbbing as if it was alive. “You may want to feast it.”

Centurion Artorius pulled his arm back and swung it at the lady but she blocked it with her left hand. Artorius had then pulled his pugio the dagger with the left hand and stabbed it at the lady’s throat. He then cut it to the left to sever the flesh there. The lady’s head fell back but it hung by the neck bone with the lady screaming.  The voice was not from the throat but from within the chamber. Artorius dragged his pugio once more to sever the bone there and with a hard kick, the lady went down backward. That action severed the head and the lady stopped screaming. The creature that stood behind her also dissipated into the air, and the doorway appeared.

“Centurion, you are cursed. That was a witch. Her death will be avenged.” The Legionnaire who was a veteran in the campaigns told him. “I have slain these before.”

Artorius looked towards the other with his left hand. His hand was trembling and then it spread to his chest and down his legs, He fell on his knees before the dead witch as if he was in prayer towards her. He keeled over and threw out the remains of his stomach. He retched in pain and then fell to his side. It was the Legionnaire pulled him away from the dead witch to the wall. He turned over onto his back and groaned.

“She is dead, Centurion. You are …... safe.” Artorius heard the Legionnaire. He mumbled whatever words of comfort that he could recall then. He called for the protection of Mars, the love of Gaia before he blacked out. It was over ten years then and Artorius had not encountered any witches or acts by them, although he slept with the rosary beads given to him by his mother than from the monks. He had not any good sleep since then.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Lone Ranger Chapter 56


Lance held onto the barred opening while Tonto rode with Quasimodo on the front seat. They have boarded the carriage and taken off on the winding paths that lined the pit alongside the structures. Quasimodo was adept at handling the horses with the creatures trampling hoofs barely missing any ledges to plunge them over the side. It can’t be said for the attached carriage which at some turns seemed to be hovering on the air before it was pulled back to the path. Those sharp and heart-dropping moves scared Lance and regretted his choice of seating.

The dirigible had its advantage as it could descent down the pit to draw parallel with the carriage but it was cumbersome on the descent.

“You do know how to use that thing you cradle?” Quasimodo motioned to the rifle on Tonto’s lap. The later ignored the demon and looked at the descending dirigible. He had not seen one that close and spotted the carriage below the balloon. He saw the crew there at the window openings. He leveled the rifle and aimed at them. It was about three hundred yards and there was no wind there but the fumes from below were there and visibility was erratic.

“Shoot I believe is the term,” Quasimodo called out. “We still have a long way to ride.”

Tonto pulled the trigger and hit the cabin side. He adjusted his aim and fired again. His shot was spot on and the bullet broke the cover on the window. He smiled and moved to the next window. It was then he saw the emerging guns.

“Those are gun ports.” Quasimodo warning came too late. There were seven ports and each one held a nasty multi-barreled gun which spews bullet as if they were green peas spit out by the child. The broadside of bullets trailed the carriage but the horse managed to outpace all of them before it took to the sharp turn. Quasimodo pulled hard at the reins to steer the horse past the low arch there and into the yard.

“Another chamber I believe.” Lance struggled to voice while reaching for the gate to leave the bars behind. Just when he was stepping off, Tonto joined him but the demon had rushed to the nearby doorway. He went in without checking for the others but Lance had chosen to follow. He saw Quasimodo standing over the open grating by the far wall.

“Come on if you think those on the dirigible will be friendly,” Quasimodo told Lance. “I will close the grating when we are all in.”

Lance Tonto was to caution Lance but he relented when he saw the other had crawled on He followed suit in the dark tunnel. The tunnel was dark and damp with the only way forward was by their knees and arms. He looked back and saw the demon had closed the grating and then crawled to follow them. Lance was still in the front and Tonto felt the tunnel walls were clamming onto him. It was warm to the touch and at times he felt as if he was suckered instead of his crawling. He was to shout to Lance when he saw the other had slid forward. He felt himself doing so and was to call for assistance when he heard the demon behind spoke.

“Do not fight it. Let it take you.” Quasimodo called just when Tonto felt his body moved by the walls. It was no longer any wall but that of some flesh. He went tunneling in and felt his body contorted to the turns there. Soon they were sliding down the tunnel and eventually they found themselves out on what may be described as another major tunnel.

“The smell of the place. I recognized such a pungent odor once when I was in London. Are we not in some similar tunnels where the waste of Man was released?” Tonto yowled out in anger. “Need I say more. Only a demon will retreat to such vile places.”

“Spare me your grief this was the only escape I knew.” Quasimodo slogged on in the dirty water on the tunnel while he pulled away at the waste off his clothes.  Lance cringed at the thought that he had slid down the tunnel but he saw no avail to his anger except to get out of there. They followed the demon on his way in the tunnel with an unpleasant silence. The tunnels were filled with the disposal of the inhabitants and more vile creatures lurked there.

“Your dinner is not my legs, scavenger.” Quasimodo grabbed the slithering creature with the length of Man’s spread of the arms. The creature was grabbed below its neck and then slammed its body against the walls before it was tossed to the far end of the tunnel. The creature landed there and was set upon by others which were best not described in detail.

“Could we move faster?” Tonto voiced out his desperation. He still held onto his rifle and doubt it will fire unless they oiled the parts of it again. He had asked Lance on his guns and was told the same concern but Tonto still held on his tomahawk. And the wooden stake.

Suddenly Quasimodo stopped them in their strides. He crouched down onto the tunnel water and looked at it. He then motioned to them to stay by the sidewall and it was in the time when the hordes of creatures of all nature and shapes rushed past them. They were rodents and roaches to the snaking cold-blooded. The rush was swift and soon the trio was standing there alone.

“What is …” Lance called out and saw a new threat. “Do they exist?”

“In Hades, they do but they are not seen here,” Quasimodo replied while he readied himself for battle.  “It’s the work of the Devil if they are here.”

Lone Ranger Chapter 55


Their stay at the Mad Baker was rather short when they took the back entrance in a rush to exit at the alley behind. The lady then led them on the run along the alley with her looking back for anyone who may be following. It turned out that was true.

“We are being followed.” Lilith 49 reached for the closed doorway and got it opened with ease to push her way in. She was followed by Lance and Tonto. She did not check on them and moved on across the back yard to another doorway. She got that open and let herself in. Again the duo followed in and then noticed that they were in a big chamber. It was bigger than the scant looking house that they saw from outside.

“Darn!” Lance voiced out his frustration at the strange going on. The chamber he was in was another testimony to his frustration. The place was huge and it resembled more like a Roman chamber with the three huge tables laden with food and the rows of side tables with the drinks and the multi pillars that lined the side of the chamber. There were nectars, honey, and also the assorted wines. It was picturesque of the Roman statues that gave the clue away.

In the middle of the hall was a figure lain on the long bench with the robe covering the vanity of his body.  It was a male figure and a greater part of the male was hidden by the layers of fats. It does make the bosom more like titties. That was something viler and a turn off was the swarm of flies. The flies were everywhere; in the food and drinks and some seems to be a part of the decorated like dried cranberries or grapes.

“Beelzebub I presume.” Lance voiced out. The other nodded and smiled with surprise.

“Was it the flies that betrayed my name?” The demon asked. And then looked towards Lilith 49. “I supposed a thank you will suffice for my contribution.”

Lilith 49 bowed her head and then withdrew. Beelzebub laughed out aloud and then looked at the duo.

“Your journey here had been dizzy tilly till now? I have been leaping ahead of the others to meet you. I guessed it pays to have Lilith’s best also working for me.” Beelzebub smiled. “All of us knew you were coming to Hades but our influence ran only as far as the River Styx. We knew that Asmodeus had sent Quasimodo to intercept you but he underestimated your allies and tenacity to survive.”

“Maamon had you covered at the docks. He was the one with the greed means to share the greed with the others. They reported your arrival and he planned the massacre. He was good there and played up to your humanity which we seem to be short of. I was not surprised that Leviathan will pass the opportunity to snatch you away from Maamon. He had envy Maamon who had overstepped him in capturing you. I knew Lilith had someone there and I sought that as the reason you are here. Well, as you may have seen I found that someone useful and used her to bring you here.”

“You do recall the wild ride on the plains, Lone Ranger. Like your horse trampling on the plains to hunt the elusive outlaw. Well, I pictured you as the outlaw and me as your alter ego.” Beelzebub laughed. “I am playing your role and darned good I was at it.”

“So before I hand you over to the Devil, tell me why the Devil feared you?” Beelzebub asked. “And spare me not a detail.”

“And to whom I was to fear?” The voice came from the far end of the chamber.

It was a tall and graceful figure if one had no other words to describe perfection in the frame. The figure was clad in a tailor-made three-piece suit with the darker shades contrasts with the white shirt and darker tie that was slim in the design. The homburg hid the upper part of the face but the thin line of mustache added weight to the word perfection in the looks.
“My Master, I did not know you are here.” Beelzebub had taken to his feet but his lack of attention on the cloth cover unhanded his modesty then. He realized his exposure and reached for it to cover himself.

“No, Beelzebub. You undermined yourself here for you being smarter than you think. It’s your swing in confidence that will drown your wits.” The one addressed as the Master stepped up to Lance. “I am the Devil as stated by that demon.”
There was contempt in the vocal sound when he addressed Beelzebub. He raised the homburg and revealed his full face. It was the deep sunken eyes with the thick brow that captured the attention then. The cheeks hollowed inside to the narrow chin.

“Master, they are yours to dispose of…” Beelzebub tried to impress the Master then. Lance reached for his guns but he was distracted by the sound of commotion at the doors. The doors came down and in rush a horde of demons with crude weapons. They were led by Quasimodo with fifteen of the demons. They rushed for Beelzebub and the Master with their blind charge. Quasimodo saw the later and halted in his steps but his horde of demons went on.

It was then Lance saw the power of the one named the Devil.

“Fools!” The Devil shouted and then spread out his hands in front of him. He moved his right hand to the rear and displayed the short rifle with the rounded contraption after the trigger. He leveled it with both his hands and fired at the charging horde. The burst of blue flame appeared on it and spread to cover the length. He swung it out in arc with his left hand and the streak of blue flames flashed out at the attacking horde. The first line of seven demons in the forefront fell immediately when in contact with the blue flame. They screamed before falling to their knees and then collapsing on their face. The second line of demons had stopped and then tossed their weapons at the figure which had struck down their friends.

“Insufferable imbeciles!” The Devil swung the rifle once more and this time to the right he swung it towards Quasimodo who had seen the identity of the Devil. The former had retreated and was missed by the Devil. He had then Tonto to the doorway. Lance followed close behind to leave the chamber.

“We must depart. The Master will not pardon me for that mistake. I need yours to save my soul.” Quasimodo quivered in his limbs when he pleaded for a pardon from Lance and Tonto. “We need to find Lucifer for only he could save all of us.”
There was little to argue on then and the duo made their escape with Quasimodo leading the way. They took to the alley but at the end of it were two carriages that resembled those which were used to cart away fugitives with the barred doors at the rear. It was powered by the two horses set at the front. Tonto had stared at the mode of escape and Quasimodo explained.

“Not much of a choice. I rescued those demons from the Holding Pens and with some addictive herbs they are blinded to oblige me.” Quasimodo smiled. “But alas we may have fallen to our imminent death with the foe we have just met. Asmodeus, I bid you farewell.”

“Unhand me from your assistance. You are no ally of mine, demon.” Lance refused to move them but he was soon to change his stand. He saw then the arriving dirigible which Quasimodo shouted a warning.

“They are of not of mine. I recognized the marking. It’s from Lilith  49. She is onto us once more

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Arthur II Chapter 13

The elder Marcellus lady had her tent set up and covered up. She had the tent positioned next to the underbrush. It was convenient for her friends to find her. She was seated cross-legged with the scented candles around her and metal bowl in front of her. She had on her favorite tunic and round her neck was the string of bones. She had placed some powders in five different shades which she was then stirring it with her index fingers in opposite rotation to each other. She was chanting the verses known only to her own family and related ones. It was past the hour of midnight and the nocturnal creatures were out on the prowl. She felt the vibrations on her body. She was delighted then and maintained her chanting. 

It was soon time. 

Her friends appeared then.

The elderly lady removed her fingers from the bowl and then tapped the flooring. With each tap, she dropped the powder shades onto the flooring. It did not form any characters but the scent of the powder mixed soon overcame the other scents. The friends of her’ were three slithering creatures with a dark scaled body and a length of over three feet. Two of them slither up her arms and onto her shoulder. The one on the right slither up to the back of the neck and then raised its head towards the left ear while the left one hung onto the left shoulder and lowered itself into the chest by the heart. The last creature stopped before her and stayed on the flooring. It was poised for the strike from that position and the target was the torso. 

The lady continued her tapping and then stopped. The message was relayed. 

The creatures slither off the same they came.

The lady then raised her arms and stopped the chanting. She then called out. 

“Adele, come on in.” The aide of her from her homeland stepped in. The aide bends down to clear the candles and the bowl. She then swept the flooring of the powder before she opened the flap. The moonlight filtered in past the flaps while the aide lit up the normal night candles. 

“Thank you, Adele. You may bring me my night shift and stored these away.” The elderly lady passed the bone to the aide. “And call my son in. He has waited long enough.” 

“Mother I am here. Are we done?” 

“Yes, we are. The friends of mine will maintain a boundary for us while we build the castle. How goes the castle?”

“There is no castle, Mother. I am building a villa. Like the one, we have at our homeland. I have moved our wealth here to pay for it.” Lucius Marcellus told his mother. “It will hold a barrack for fifty warriors and we will have archers too. I will ….”

“I know you will, Son but who will lead them. I have not heard of a name I can relate to. Do tell me.” The elderly lady asked. “I…” 

“I invited Sir Bernlak….” 

“The Green Knight. I am glad. He will do fine.” The elderly lady recalled the Green Knight or his name Sir Bernlak of Haus. He was not any knight but on the mythical level, he was revealed as one with them. He was considered as a demi-god and yet no one had seen his real face. He was always in his armor. Due to that, he was ostracised but he appeared on both sides. He worked for his own needs. 

“Mother, with him here, we may be …. left alone.” 

“Ostracised? I am used to it.” The elderly lady smiled. 

“Mother, Bernadette was killed ….” 

“She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I have taken care of her daughters. My granddaughters.” The elderly lady reminded her son. “

“And you have named them Heidi, Catlin, and Madeline.” Antonio Marcellus chose to remind his mother. “They were …”
“Insignificant names but the ones I gave them will make them famous. Like their namesake, they will rule the land.” The elderly lady then dismissed her son. She then looked at her aide.

“Attend to me, Adele. I want to rest. No one must disturb me.” 

None will disturb the Marcellus family. They have resettled further back after the attack. They have decided to be neighbors to the Meleagant. Enough distance to be seen but not to visit each other. Antonio Marcellus knew enough of the Meleagant but he also knew that they could be an ally in dire times.

“Antonio.” The man felt the arms around his waist. He leaned back towards the soft bosom of the lady. “Your mother sleeps.” 

“I know Adele. I fear not her but the war that was to come here. I do wonder why we are here at times. We could have moved elsewhere …. To Hispania or Normandy.” Antonio felt the lips of his lover caressed the back of his neck. “I fear.”

“Antonio, do not mention her name. She can hear us. She will protect us.” Adele replied.

“As she did when we were captured. The girls could have been harmed.” Antonio was in anger. “I do not why the mother will ally with her when …”

“Hush, my love. We are in her debt. She removed threat over us many times.” Adele soothed the man. “I knew of her powers. She is powerful.”

“Evil and powerful. She desired Arondight for herself. She cannot be too near it and we are her servants to fetch it.” Antonio replied. “I will get the sword and used it to kill her.”

“We will do it together.” Adele held her lover close to her. 

Another of the lovers was also at it. 

For the lovers, there was no boundary except those set by them. The lips of the lovers caressed each other before one set trailed to the chin and then lingered at the neck, nibbling at the cleft between the neck and the head. The lips trailed from there to the left shoulder leaving a trail of kisses while the prowling hand lowered the dress line to display the left bosom. It was the subject of the other with then lips making gentle pull at the soft flesh till it hovered over the extended part where it will widen over the flesh. 

The moan of the lady was a sweetness to his ear and he took her hand over to him. She felt his hardness beneath the tunic and with his guide; she was caressing it with the coarse cloth that made the tunic. It could have been expectancy or misplaced desire he shuddered and her hand felt the wetness on the clothing. He was spent but was still able. He leaned up to kiss her lips with his body rolling onto her. 

“I have to stop…” Elaine pushed the other off her body. She rolled over and then sat up before adjusting her dress. Gaheris sat up next to her on the grass. They were blocked from the wall by the low rise of the hill. It was their second personal visit then although they have met with many together, and it was getting steamy. She wanted to let her boundaries down but held on. It was not Gaheris in person but the journey had taught her caution and boundaries. 

“Was there …” Gaheris gave out what was his boyish smiles. 

“No, darling. It was just me. I am not ready.” Elaine smiled. “I …”

“No, Elaine. Let me take you to do more than … this.” Gaheris told her. “I will show you the wall, my brothers, and my Centurion. The whole family.”

“Would that be a mistake? I may be.” Elaine was not wrong. She was cautious. Sometimes when we are cautious, we drew boundaries, and then we may make mistakes when we cross the boundary.

“Elaine, you are a noble lady. There is …”

“A noble lady, am I? I have hardly known of you yet we are so … intimate.” Elaine blushed. “I may be no…”

“You are not any wench. Not that I know of any.” Gaheris turned away. “I have been a shy one, unlike Galahad or Gawain. But with you, I felt so much…”

“I think we have gone far enough for now. I do like you, Gaheris.” 

“And I do too. I can talk to your father…”

“Father is pre-occupied for now. We are on new land and he needs to focus on the wealth and well-being of his family.” 

“And I do too. We can live on my coins as Elite.” Gaheris smiled. “I may be promoted to Decurion one day.” 

Elaine turned away. She was more ambitious than her lover. She desired the rank of the Lady and the influence to go with it. She looked back at Gaheris. He is dashing and yet of her age but he lacked the qualities she wanted. She knew her father favored the young Elite but her expectations were higher. 

“I must go, Gaheris. We will meet again.” With that, Elaine took her to leave of the Elite. 

A peek into my mind.... the new tale

  I duly apologize for the late postings. I was busy with many other matters and when I was not, I was typing...... not my letter of resigna...