Sunday, November 10, 2019

Murder One; Part Two Chapter 8

Murder One

Part Two

Deep Payback


My return to the Section was met by the request of transfer by James to another Station. His reason cited was family relocation and distance. I wanted to call him in but then changed my mind. I signed his request and the next thing I knew was I have a replacement.

Ian Darren.

“Why come back?” I looked at Ian. “You left because …”

“I left because I was having to do my part-time course in criminal psychology. I have done my first year and taking a break. It's recorded in the folder.” Ian defended himself. “I want to come back to assist.”

I bit my tongue on that. I was not sure why Ian wanted back but he was good, well not with his works but he was the muscle man. He was one you need when you faced some goons. And more to it, he was or rather Tabitha was affectionate towards him although she was married with one kid. I am no motherly figure to concern myself on that but with Grant showing non-commitment, I had wished he transferred out.

“Okay, I will take you back but one condition. You stay in line.” I cautioned him. Soon, the Section was in the briefing.

“Great works, team. We got accolades for the Dumpster Case.” The cheering and clapping then sounded. “Well, we have other cases to work on. Tabitha?”

“Yes, Ma’am. A new one, or rather an old one. Young girl missing. Aged Fifteen. Went to get a snack and never return. They found some blood at the bus stop near the shop that belonged to her. Chief thinks it related to a number of missing person cases and dragged us into it. The Mayor is screaming for justice.”

“Ma’am. It's a Missing person area. Why us?” Grant finally spoke up.

“We don’t choose our cases. Not when it involved the Chief. I say we do it.” I defended the Chief. After all, he was the big boss of the bosses. “Tabitha, you go with… Grant to talk to the family. I will do the other checks. Ian, do be good. I need you to check the folders for similar girls of the same age group.”

“I know the drill, Ma’am.” Ian sounded displeased but I was pissed. I was sent off to do something that may not be related to my Section. That could only mean one thing; displeasure but whose? Was it the Chief of the Station Commander? Or someone with influence. I need to find out. I am no one’s bitch to call when needed. I was my own bitch.

I was also not happy about Maud’s murder. That was how I termed it. They could have wounded her but six shots into the head were murder. I may not prove that but I will find the finger behind the triggermen.

“Father, I am sorry I missed the last Home’s Charity.” I went to the Church and met the Father who was dispensing the hand-me-down items to the needy. “I may have some items I could give away.”

“Maybe next round. Sidney is waiting for you.” The man told me. “And Bernice, tell him that I do appreciate both of you stays for prayer. He is a lost lamb like you.”

I gave the man a smile that could mean either way but I left it to God to make the judgment. My seat at Purgatory was reserved for eternity. I saw Sidney that time with the served tea set and he added in a new person there.

“Son, meet my other…. Son.” Sidney did hesitate then, but I was giving the hulking frame with my trained eye. He was slightly shorter than me but where I was to hold boobs, he held his taut and firm with muscles. He was well dressed in the turtleneck and jacket with the corduroy pants suitable attire to come to church anytime. He had one the crew cut and smelled of ex-military from the way he stood behind Sidney.

“Shawn has returned from active duty and discharged with honor. He is my protégé to take on the turf. He’s …” I cut short the introduction and offered my right hand. It was taken and I told him my background.

“I am the offspring of Sidney’s bitch and I am a Police Officer.” I thought the last words will raise me higher in the rank within Sidney’s realm as if he was the Devil himself.

“I know. The name is Shawn Michael. I was just back from the Middle East.” Shawn states his credentials. “Sidney had taken me off the street and pushed me through college before I joined the Army. I was Captain before I was discharged.”

“Logistics? I am sorry. Slipped off the tongue.” I was mean then. I thought with his education, he will be an officer material but the non-combatant part was my sarcastic approach.

“No, Ma’am. I was in the Armoured.” He replied to me. And addressed me as Ma’am. Heck, I may be older in the aging form, but I was still young by age.

“Enough on the intro. Bernice.” The old man had addressed me by my name. He has a new Son then. “I heard of the killing of the suspect in the Dumpster case. So, the street is once more …. Safe to walk by. I also heard that Henry Selby's case was withdrawn. I have a piece of new advice to forward towards you. Stay off the turf. I meant mine.”

“Why, Sidney? Did I ruffle some asses here?” I snapped back. “I am …”

“Bernice, I can’t protect you all the time. Not even here. And neither could that badge of yours. So, stay clear and do the other stuff. And don’t see me here. Not ever.”

It was the brush off I had not felt for years. Not since the day when I was sent off to my Aunt. I wanted to reply but Shawn gave me the signal to back off. I was enraged to be told but maybe some senses told to do so. I left in a huff back to my car. On the windscreen was the note.

“Sister, I will call you.” I don’t know who left the message. There were a lot of people there at the church.

Another call through. It was Tabitha.

“Ma’am, we got a new case.”

“Missing persons? Passed it on.” I was abrupt towards my reply.

“No, the missing girl is dead. Its our case now.”  Then it was my real-life passion. I drove off. I arrived at the crime scene. It was an abandoned unit. One of those where the units are too delicate to maintain and was to be torn down for new structures. A sign of our time then; the invalid and old are soon to be removed. I went past the uniforms and saw Grant. He looked green in the face. He told me the body was found upstairs. It was an old building and it was four levels up. I looked at him.

“The stairs are secured. We have been trooping by the dozen since.” I took his words and mounted the stairs.

“Victim was discovered by some teens here to hang out.” Tabitha briefed me. Ian was next to her and giving her the concerned look. I hate lovey birds more so when they are at work in the same Section.  “They panicked and called the uniform. We were then called in after Forensics id the victim. She is the missing person.”

I looked at the body. She was laid face up with the limbs spread and was naked. Her breasts were mutilated and so was her private orifice.

“It looks like the same M.O. Our killer is back. She was left in the dumpster.”

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