Saturday, November 23, 2019

Murder One Deep Heat Finale


“What other girls? You can’t put the fault of every girl killed on me. I …. No, I meant Henry was incapacitated there was none by us. He was the only one with the issue. He disliked our mother. It was his way to show his anger at her. She never cuddled us like the foster parents. He felt the anger and mutilated the chest. It was his payback.”

“Why the violent sexual intrusion?”

“Henry was sodomized at one of the foster homes. He was inserted with the combs or bottles by the lady there. He did not complain until much later. Then it was too late for we had moved on. The Police did investigate but later I had the records removed. It was to protect Henry. I thought it was but I was wrong. I created a monster.”

“You sound all innocent now, Nigel Selby. You are no better yourself. You ran an empire based on illegal activities. You transacted in human traffic….” I told him what I knew.

“I did for it was the way to stay up there. Alice’s father handed me his empire, and I …. Added to it. I drew a line on the young. I never do drugs. The human I traffic was adults from the poorer countries. I may be a crime lord, but I never do them young.”

“And Henry did,” I added to his guilt.

“Yes, he did and paid the price inflicted by you. He is tormented in his dreams now.” Nigel sighed. “Maybe it was better this way. If he had been to prison, he would need to be protected more than now.”

“Who else is involved?” I needed the network down.

“Sidney and Shawn. You may not know this but your father had been doing this for years. He sent you away to protect you perhaps or not to let you see what was happening. Your aunt stayed far but he did not expect you to be gay. He wanted a masculine …. Son.”

“Give me proof, Nigel. I won’t take hearsay for evidence.”

“Okay, Shawn killed those current girls. He killed Connie Layton from what I heard. He killed the niece. He killed the girls after Henry was incapacitated. Just like he killed Maud and Stella to pin the pressure on me.”

“Shawn told me that you are moving in on his turf. You are backing the Irish and Latinos.” I laid it out towards him.

“The Irish and Latinos are independents. They are not my allies. And the war was not theirs’ to start. It was Sidney muscling in. He used other excuses to start it.”

“Give me proof, Nigel. I won’t take ….”

“I know. Hearsay is not what you want and yet you dragged me here.” I realized the park was getting darker. It was time to leave.

“I have none left, Inspector except for my reputation. Investigate that yourself.” Nigel took off after he spoke. I weighed the option and took leave too.

I was off the case for the Dumpster but not on Connie Layton and her niece. I called in the Section. I brief them on the findings. I want the low down on Nigel Selby, Sidney Madden and Shawn Michael. I want their background and also their possible link to Connie Layton.

“Ma’am, Sidney Madden was shot dead in the church. It just came over the radio channels.” I heard Madge. That means Shawn was the replacement leader. I wanted to cry out in sadness for my father but the major part of me told otherwise. Sidney deserved to die for the things he did. Even Nigel’s confession however hearsay was known to me as the truth. Damn pieces are all crumbling around me then. I picked up my bag and took leave of the Station. I stepped out to my car and drove. I dialed Tabitha to give her more instruction and it was then I turned around the corner, I saw the bitch who snuck into my bed and left with my gun. She was dressed in an overcoat and waved me down with her gloved left hand.  I pulled over and she got it without hesitation. I was not prepared for another person to step in. It was Shawn.

“Hello, Bernice.” It was my name mentioned once more. I was ready to do anything if something were to happen. “I am Alice Cohen or you may know me as Alice Selby. We fucked before.”

That was a punch below the belt. I took my foot off the accelerator. I turned to look at her. I had seen Shawn seated behind.

“Hello, Shawn.” I drove out and took it to the streets. Alice started off first.

“I know Nigel spoke to you. You saved his ass at that time and he felt obliged towards you. I also know about you. Who you are and your estranged family?”

“I am here today to tell you that the case is finally closed. Nigel Selby will come forth as a witness as we speak. He will see the new Inspector on the task on the murder of the City Dumpster Killer. He will provide the evidence then. Henry has a bad habit; he keeps a sample of the dead girl’s blood samples. He stored them like a trophy in his room. The case will be closed and you will be free of it.”

“I doubt Nigel will sell off his brother. He loves them.” I added my doubt.

“Nigel does but he is not a Cohen. I am the true blood. I have the leverage that he cannot reveal to the Press. He was sodomized then before you reached him. I have the Polaroid print. I showed him and made him an obedient pet like what he is.”

“You are turning Nigel in or release the photo to the public. Alice, you are a bitch.”

“Are we not all the same breed? We are all the same on the exterior; cold and hard until we get down to the acts then we released our real selves. We are all the needy in the flesh, our surrender then marked our real self. Are you real, Inspector in that working suit or when you are with me in bed? Like you, I held an exterior self as Alice Selby but behind that, I am Alice Cohen, the bitch who called the shots there. I planned the rise of Nigel Selby and brought him down when I wanted it. I also control Shawn Michael here and his ascent to replace Sidney Madden.”

“Was the turf war a mockery of events,” I asked Alice.

“Yes, it was. Anyone who displeases me will, in turn, be punished and not only them but their loved one too.” Alice added on. “Like Connie Layton. Her death and her niece are my reprisal. Shawn killed the two of them. He is a good lad to have around.”

“Alice, stop talking to her. Let us finish her off now.” Shawn called out from behind while leaning forward. He was off-balance on the seat and I took advantage. I hit the accelerator and jumped the lights. It was a risk and it worked. The truck slammed into my car on the side, and Shawn Michael was thrown to the other side of the car. The impact of the truck also threw the car into a tight spin before it impacted the rear of another car. We were sandwiched in between a truck and the car. I did the unthinkable then. I pulled out the gun I had and shot Shawn in the head and then shot Alice in the face. Both were bleeding from the impact but I ended their lives. I then tossed the gun on the flooring before I called for help.


“Inspector, we are holding in custody under us here in the hospital.” I heard the doctor who had treated me twice for injuries incurred in the crash of the cars. She was a lovely lady and I doubt she was anyone’s bitch.

“You are lucky to alive today. The other two did not make it.” I knew the doctor did not tell how they died but I can guess. I was later interviewed by Internal Affairs and I gave them my statement.

“Alice Cohen pulled a gun on me. She had shot Shawn in the rear seat before I struggled with her. It was then the car was hit and the rest was blurred.” I stuck to my statement. Soon after my medical discharge, I was questioned several times. There was no evidence I shot anyone. There were no prints on the gun, and Alice was wearing gloves. The bullet that killed Shawn Michael came from the gun. There was another gun at the rear seat believed to be Michael’s and confirmed by the prints found. There was blood on all three of us and any residue of gunplay was compromised. However, the recorded transcript from my phone that was running then in my car soon after Alice and Shawn boarded my car held evidence that I was to be killed. That saved my ass in the inquiry. I was discharged with no charges and given a commendation. I was made Detective Chief Inspector.

Nigel Selby withdrew his statements and claimed that he was misled by his enemies to convict his own brother then still in a coma. He became the man he wanted to be. His reign was only three weeks before he was discovered dead by overdose. It was attributed to his depression over his wife’s death. The new Man to take over was a Cohen.
Steve Selby was seen lying in the park pond and the official statement was that he died from the vicious attack by mugger or muggers. The Police Chief swore to ‘get rid of the trash before his re-election’.

Sidney’s turf was preserved and ran by the new group called the Bitches. They operated their own chain of underground clubs.

Ian married Tabitha that year. Ian was made Inspector.

Grant left the force to become a farmer.

Madge had another grandchild.

The dumpsters were not filled with dead bodies but trash soon after.

I bought a new bike. It was a green Kawasaki Ninja 750CC.

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