Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Murder One; Chapter Two Part Nine


The results came back the same as the other murders. I dropped the folder and looked at Tabitha. She stood there like a schoolgirl in the Principal Office.

“Ma’am, the Press is having a field day at the lobby. They are saying you did not catch the killer but pinned it on Maud Adams. The Station Commander is taking the flak as we speak.”

And it will be on me soon enough. I decided to leave and took the back exit. I bumped into Ian who was taking a smoking break. I ignored him and took it to the car. Soon, I was at the bike shop. I tried the Honda NC750 and found it tame for my liking. I saw a Y2K MTT golden yellow and feel in love with it. The owner traded it in when he could not keep up with the payments. It was sweet but I will be humping both my asses to pay for that. I settled for the naked bike; Aprilia Shiver 900. And it was a trade-in model. It was in black with the metal frame in the red shade. I got me a new dark jacket double-breasted and waist tight with a set of red knee-high strapped high boots. That time, I parked the bike in the Station and used my car for my official works. I was soon wolf-whistled by the ladies and envied by the men.

“I don’t give a fuck how you looked good on the bike, but I want to look good for the Chief.” I heard the Station Commander. I sent the team out and it has been three days since I visited Sidney. And no new murders turn up yet. That was making everyone jittery.

I got the call that day but it was not expected.

“Bernice, can we talk?” I heard Shawn. We agree to meet at the dis-used amusement center. It was dark when I arrived after dusk. The gates were pried open and the guard was missing. I had taken my bike there and rode towards the Horror House. It was more horrifying with gargoyle figurine hanging over the door looking more ghoulish. The left eye was hanging out with the wire dangling and there was a clown face stuffed into the chest. The inside may be worse but my meeting was outside the House. I waited outside as per instruction.

“Hello, Bernice.” I saw Shawn stood out of the shadows. He was dressed in denim and if he was without the obtrusive penis, I would have dated him.

“I have to let you know. Sidney is in trouble. The others are moving into his turf. His girls are being harassed and one was beaten up badly.”

“I thought you are the new Boss,” I added in with sarcasm.

“I may be but I am new to the task. Sidney still runs it and had called for the meets. He held no leverage on them so it was a failure. More to it, Sidney is dying.” The last bit was a shocker. I disliked my father for he abandoned me to my aunt. It was fine for I needed a mother but my aunt was not any typical aunt. She was a dope dealer and above all, she was a dyke. She made me into one like her. I had to admit I adopted that life but I went straight. I went to Law school; flunked my finals and joined the Police. I crawled my way up, ignoring the sexual overtures and ‘bend over’ promotions. I worked hard and won my promotions. I was so tough that they put me to Violent Crimes.

“Sidney can’t hold it together. He called me to help but I am no turf master.”

“Who are they?” I asked Shawn.

“I don’t have all the names. I do have two; Nigel Selby and Thomas Harley.” I knew those names; one was the Devil and the other an Angel. I decided to toss him some meats.

“Do you know of the killing? The new City Dumpster Killer.” Shawn's reply was blank. Just like my intention with him. I knew then the best approach was to relook at the earlier clues.

The music at the Virgo was loud. The louder was that its new and the Ram had closed after the last killing. Someone leaked out that killing was connected to the Ram Club. I walked in with a different set of clothes; the blue jumpsuit with the jacket and beret. I guessed I was hiding my other-self. I saw the bitches there; all six and my replacement looked ugly. I was being picky; pardon the pun but the shorter lady in the mini looked as if she was shrunk with the clothes in the wash. Connie saw me seated at the bar and walked over.

“Buy you a drink?” I declined her offer and displayed my vodka lime. She also offered me to join them but I declined. I told her I was having company.

“Suits you. I also need to tell you this between bitches. Steve Selby is looking for you.”

“If you do see him, tell him I don’t blow jobs. He can lick my ass though.” I then walked away. I was looking around for familiar faces. Maybe even Ian but I was being petty there. I did see however was the bitch that was with Maud. The other was dressed in the halter and tight shorts but she also carried a knapsack. I approached her and she saw me. She turned and ran to the rear. I followed on, and I did my training on the tracks with the boots. It was the girl scout in me to be prepared at all times. Which was why I don’t carry condoms. I don’t need them.

The lady went out the back and into the alley. I disliked alleys but she was a suspect. I went there and saw her running towards the end of the block. I observed the alley for details; dark corners and two dumpsters there. The ground was with potholes and bags of rubbish. I gave chase and soon caught up with her. It was the knapsack I grabbed and yanked her backward. I sat astride her chest and gave her a solid fist into the left side of the face.

“Don’t fight me. I am a Police Officer.” I told her.

“Does it warrant the physical altercation, Inspector?” I heard the voice and looked up. The alley was not in darkness but there was a lamp poles distance apart. It loaned some lights in the alley. It was the pressure of the public to light the alleys and the works were rushed up, especially where the clubs were situated. A pre-requisite for the licensing. There were three figures, all-male and dressed in a business suit. I recognized one of them. It was Henry Selby and he was standing before me.

“I am not Henry. He is my twin. I am Steven. Or Steve Selby to your database.” The one named Steve Selby smiled. I could see the evil smile in the twilight condition there. “I have been looking for you, Inspector. And finally, we get to meet.”

“What do you want?” I asked. I also accessed my position. I was vulnerable there and without my badge and back up, I was in trouble.

“Well, I heard you are also a dyke. You must have missed something from us.” Steve smiled. “Perhaps we can do a number on you to recall that.”

I had retreated off the lady and looked at the menacing trio.

“Steve, I am the Police Officer. You could be charged with grievous conduct.”

“Grievous conducts? I doubt a gang bang will count as one. It is near the club and you were dressed like a slut.” Steve laughed. “You could end up like Henry. They won’t know and you will have vivid memories of it.”
My ass was on the line then.

I took my fighting stance but I have forgotten the bitch. She kicked me on the left knee from her prone position. I went down on the hurt knee and saw Stave approaching me. I staggered back and dropped on my butt. It was a wrong position to assume in and panic was stepping in. I crawled back on my haunches while the trio advanced on me. The one on the right grabbed my left hand and pulled hard while my right hand was kicked at the elbow by the other guy. Steve moved in and landed a solid kick into my face. I fell backward and felt my legs dragged. I kick out instinctively but missed. I was turned to the front and then someone sat down on my spine. I felt my hair pulled to the rear and I screamed. My neck was stretched to the back and it hurt. I felt the top sleeves of my jumpsuit was torn and pulled off. I knew the inevitable fear of mine was going to unfold. I lashed out with my arms but I was restrained.

“Don’t fight me, Inspector. I can be accommodating.” The man had leaned down to my head to speak. I struggled but it was useless.

“Let get her naked.” I felt my jumpsuit being torn at the pants and I screamed. I felt Steve had lifted himself up and was prepared for the worse. I tried to turn my body but I was still held down. My suit was pulled down to my knees. I screamed out louder.

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