Friday, November 1, 2019

Murder One; Deep Heat Chapter 4 of 7


“Victim was a young lady aged twenty-five.  She was strangled with a rope. Her arms and legs were tied. Her breasts were …. “  Tabitha paused in her words. “Mutilated and so were her private orifices.”

I sighed at the report. I was in the Section area at noon after visiting the Medical Hospital for the wound on my head. I ignored the Doctor’s advice to stay for observation and went over to the Station. The section had taken over the investigation and briefed me.

“How far was the victim of the club?” I asked. I had called into the team to check on the club too.
“Not more than a block away. This time the victim was discarded on the side of the alley.”

“Was there no dumpster?” I asked. All the other victims were left in the dumpster.

“There was no dumpster there. The one that was there was removed the day before to be replaced today.” James replied. I thought of that and assumed the killer or killers did not know that. I have another query.

“Why the escalation in the murder? It was only a day from the last one.” The reports stated that the victims were two or three days apart.

“Maybe the killer or killers decided to escalate it? The Press is having a great time with the coverage.” I nodded towards James. He was the researcher in the team. “The last victims had a gap and this one was an escalation. Or was it unplanned? Perhaps the event unfolded for the killer or killers to act in haste. Hence the missing dumpster?”

“The modus of Operandi was similar.” I quipped in. “But, James. You could be right. Maybe something spooked the killer or killers? Damn! Why can’t we determine by now was it a killer or killers? Where is Forensic on this?”

My agitation was noted by the team and they left me to my tantrums. Even Tabitha who was assisting me stayed away. I flashed through the paper works and signed off the forms which were piling on my table. Soon it was time to go home.

“Long day?” Then my bitch noticed my wound. She rushed over and comforted me but I politely declined. I was tired and above all, hungry. I excused myself to take the shower. I saw my last night outfit in the laundry bin. I covered it with the usual working suit. I came out of the bedroom to see the bitch had taken the liberty of calling in foodservice. We ate in silence and it was then for the first time, I studied my bitch. She was dressed in a short dress, and sneakers. I have seen her without clothes and experienced her orgasm moments but never had I once sat down with her for a chat. Our relationship was sizzling sex the last weeks, with me meeting her at the door and then to bed. Or the living area. Heck! It matters not for we were pawing each other most times. I will leave her in the morning or she leaves before dawn. As I have mentioned, I don’t even know her name.

“Bitch, I…. “I found myself tongue-tied
“It’s from Cheryl. I know we never exchanged names but I knew yours. It's Bernice, right. And you are a police officer.”  My bitch named Cheryl introduced herself. “I am an office staff downtown.”

“Sorry, Cheryl. I should have …” I wanted to apologize then.

“Hey, it’s okay. Since the day we met, I cared not about who you are but how we fucked.” Cheryl was absolutely right. I was into sex. If I had wanted to build a relationship, I would have married one of my ex-lovers and adopted a child. I did not and she did with her own. She was a Doctor.

“We could part today. I am okay.: Cheryl laid it out plain to me. I was not taking that into my mind then. I leaned over and kissed Cheryl on the lips. It sealed our intentions and soon it was just about sex. And when the sex subsided, she laid on my left arm looking at the wonderful poster I had stuck on the ceiling. It was a naked lady with her legs spread out.

“Cheryl, how did you know what I do?” I was curious.

“I saw your uniform.” Cheryl snuggled up. Her huge orbs rested on mine; well it should for I was a flat plain for any plane to land on. Including the Hercules transporter. I remembered then that my official uniform was in the closet. It was worn for rare occasions.

“I was looking for a towel and saw it. There were also your other nine sets of similar suits.” Cheryl lipped her lips to my armpit. “And I saw the handcuffs in the drawers. Are they for real?”

Cheryl got me there. I do have the cuffs there and I did not carry it with me. If I had to use it, I would use the others from the Section.

“What do you do?” Cheryl asked.

“I …. do paper works. Admin stuff, you know.” I lied to her.

“Why then you leave at times when the phone rings?” Cheryl was attentive.

“My super is an arse to spank. He will call me on missing folders or memo. And he is impatient for my reply.” I lied once more. I then changed the subject. “What do you do?”

“Oh, paper stuff. I am the Admin staff in the Audit Firm.” Cheryl replied. “I am still doing my Finals and will one day be an Accountant.”

“Oh, great. What firm?”

“Cohen, Adam, and Associates. On Fifth Street.” Cheryl laughed. “Don’t you dare to come there. I will kill you.”

We both laughed and then I raised the pertinent question.

“How did you end up in clubs like …. Gemini …. Ram?”

“Oh, I was there for the dance and fuck. Heck, we met at the Gemini, didn’t we?” I nodded at her. I laid there waiting.

“I was in a few but some clubs I hardly remember the names.” It was a fair statement. I don’t even remember some I had been to before. “Are there any new ones?”

“I don’t know. I do at some on a few occasions.” I lied more than. Since we met and after Gemini, I only went to the dance club with her twice and the other times, she turned up at my door after the calls. I wanted to press on but she took the initiative with her hands and I lost my urge to question her.

It was dawn and she had left. I freshen up and took the car to work. I was to go to the office but decided to stop by my other home. I saw the bike was there, parked by the bitches. I was tempted to ride it but the call came through. I was needed at the Station.

“Detective Inspector, I have a complaint here on a possible battery and assault complaint on you.” The Station Commander tossed the photo id over. I took a look and smiled.

“Well, it looked like me,” I replied. “Who’s the complainant?”

“It was Mr. Henry Selby.” The Station Commander let that name sink in deep before she continued. “It was in the other town and Sergeant Reilly is served a notice to explain himself before the Chief. And your ass is on the line.”

I was agitated than that Reilly was hauled up for my action. And for worse, the complainant was a Selby. I was to defend myself when the Station Commander cut in.

“Mr. Henry Selby had withdrawn his complaint but the Chief wants your ass to be spanked. I would have agreed but the City Dumpster Ripper is still out there. And your last interaction may be the only direct contact we have with the murderer.”

I recalled then that I have not brief my team on the night I was clubbed. I thank the Station Master with my utmost gratitude and would have licked her ass but she had me shooed off. I got the team and told the details I knew.

“Male, and possibly an accomplice.”

I could not resist it then and asked Tabitha to check on Cheryl at Cohen, Adam, and Associates. On Fifth Street. Cheryl did not return my calls that night. I stayed home to nurse my headache.
And did some studying. After all, research work overtook my desire to self-pleasure.

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