Thursday, November 28, 2019

Legion; Resurrected Chapter 2


Michael stood on the doorway to the chamber that he was to step in. He had changed his suit into the toga wrapped around him. It was the attire they all wore when not in uniform. He had taken the walk through the city. It was his home for eons, living among his brethren, never having to worry there. He only took leave of the city when he was assigned to battle the ones called the Fallen. It was a short battle but it broke the oath of brotherhood among the brethren since the betrayal of Adam and Eve. The city of Eden was never the same since then; the rift had not healed. The Fallen numbering about seven hundred brothers and sisters were all named, defeated or hunted till then by the others. The Fallen were led by Brother Lucifer with the influence of six others, they managed to convince more of the others to join. It was not hard to convince them for they were already outside of Eden then. The ones who joined the Fallen were then already in the other dimension. It was the command of HER to go there and interact.
“Go to them. They are promising to evolve to become better.”
The brethren had descended by the few in the earlier stage, and then more joined in. Maybe it was a mistake or a wrong vision of the destiny, the brethren assimilated into the other dimension, and soon a new outlook appeared. The ones who were there refused to return to Eden.
And a reckoning was called.
Michael led the army to bring them back.
Michael won the battle but he did not win the war.
The Fallen were defeated but the few had evaded the hunt.
Of those, Lucifer was one.
Some of the Seraphs were stationed in that dimension to hunt them.

The Diner
“Well, hello.” The one who stepped through the Diner door was an elderly lady. She was slouching in her stride, dressed in the pink gingham dress with flats and the wide-brimmed hat on her head. She had in her left hand the dark umbrella. Bob went forth from the counter to assist the lady but she waved him off with the umbrella.
“Son. I can walk my way to the restroom without you peeking at me.” Bob was embarrassed by the lady's outright remarks. He stopped in his steps and stood there like the kid caught with the hand in the cookie jar. He could hear Percy sniggering at the grill, and probably Charlie’s baby kicking at the uterus.
“Thank you, son. I will need coffee when I am done. Black and no sugar. Leave it at the table.” The elderly lady smiled at Bob before she ventured on. Bob put on a weak smile and looked for volunteers to do the task but none was there. Charlie was busy serving the couple then, and Percy was himself, at the grill. He then poured the coffee and took it to a vacant table. He then decided to check on Jeep. It was his excuse to leave the Diner.
Charlie saw Bob leaving by the side door when she served the couple with their food. She saw the elderly lady had stepped into the restroom. She then felt her need too; the baby was always kicking and that caused her the need to urinate. She looked to the younger lady and saw her seated there unmoving. She shifted her look to the young man. He was looking outside at the gas pump. She looked outside and saw the cars there. There was another car there; an older model who was rare to see on the route. It carried some western plate and that made it rarer for that gizmo would not have made the journey. Or maybe it was well maintained or a new neighbor in the desert.
“God! I must be mad.” Charlie muttered to herself.
“Pardon me.” Charlie heard the remark by Sandra.
“Did you say something?” Sandra asked again.
“Uh… No. I was just … Never mind.” Charlie replied.
“How’s the baby?”
“Pardon…. You are talking to me now.” Charlie’s insolence stirred up. It had nothing to do with her pregnancy but her usual self.
“You asked about my baby. Well, the baby is fine. I am due in another month.” Charlie thought of the nearest hospital which was two hour’s drive by car. She was thankful for Jeep who stood in for the lying bastard who placed the child inside her.
“Oh, the father…” Sandra placed on her fake smile. She had regretted asking.
“Oh, he is not around.  I think he died that day we fucked.” Charlie was getting into her mood then. “I was not sure which one he was. There were a few.”
With that, Charlie stepped away leaving the couple with the disgust in their expression. Sandra was never the last one with any words. She took her fight towards Howard.
“Why are we here? Because your car had to break down here? Or was it the driver did not have any brains to get a new model.” Sandra lamented on the reason they were there.
Howard looked away from his wife and his meal. He had taken only a bite of it and disliked the taste. It was not the city’s standard or even by its street offering. His mind went back to his predicament. He took the trip because his wife had insisted that their daughter get the best education. It was not to be in Las Vegas but in Arizona.
“And we can sightsee the land.” Sandra continued on. “And family time.”
Howard regretted it already. He wished there were more coyotes he could run over.
“Hey, sweetie. Can I see you?” The elderly lady had taken her seat where the coffee was set. “I am new here.”
It was then Bob returned to the Diner. He had spoken to Jeep on the car. The reply was not good. The radiator was leaking and two belts needed to be replaced. He had none in the spares, and the radiator was out of his scope.
“We got to get the spares from the city. I can drive there….” Jeep looked to the skies. “It’s still three or four hours to dusk.”
“No, Jeep. They can wait. I will call the shop. They can deliver tomorrow. The slickers will pay.” Bob told Jeep. He was not upset with the couple but reckoned he could make some extra dollars.
“Where will they sleep?”
“Heck! They can sleep in the Diner. I don’t care. Now go back to what you were doing.” Bob took the short walk back to the Diner. He wanted to tell the couple the sad news when he saw the elderly lady. The later was calling Charlie.
“What can I do for you, lady?” Charlie still smarting on her mood asked the lady. Bob interrupted the conversation when he called out to Charlie.
“Did you pay the Cable Company?” Bob was motioning to the tele set which was displaying static. He turned to the patrons. “Pardon the reception. It gets cranky at times.”
Charlie turned to the owner. He was not very good at the bill paying and had Charlie pays the bills. It was his way not to be harassed by it. He deplored paying the bills.
“I did but the disc needs replacing. The storm last month wrecked it and if not for Jeep, we would not have survived it.” Charlie replied. They relied on Jeep to do the maintenance. Charlie then felt the hand on her buttock. She turned to look at the person who touched her. It was the elderly lady and Charlie brushed the handoff.
“No hands touching, please. I am not a polecat dancer.” Charlie snapped back.
“Well for one, I think your manners is deplorable.” The elderly lady replied. “And your unborn bastard will die soon.”
That remark caused Charlie to lose her emotions and reacted in a bitter manner.
“Fuck you, bitch.” Charlie snapped back.
“And you will be.” The elderly lady replied with a sneer. She then tossed the coffee in the cup towards Charlie. The hot drink splashed onto the waitress apron.  Bob saw the act and reacted.
“Hey! Back off from my staff.” Bob called out to the elderly lady. He treated his staff like his old mates in the Marines.
“Screw you, Corporal. I will eat you like the bitch here.” The elderly lady stood up and snared at Bob. He was surprised the lady knew his military rank. “You are all going to die.”
With that warning, the elderly lady leaped onto the table with her legs spread out in the squat position. She then jumped from there towards the left wall and clung on it with her limbs. She was like a spider on the wall and her head snapped back to her spine to stare at Charlie.
“You are soon to die.”
Howard reacted in haste and stood up to defend the waitress. It was then the elderly lady landed onto Howard and pushed him to the floor. They crashed onto the table behind and before Howard could defend himself, the elderly lady took a bite at his throat. The elderly lady with her bite tore the flesh there.
“Howard!” Sandra cried out. It was Bob who rushed forward to pull the elderly lady off the man but she was heavy. She lashed out with her arm at Bob, who was thrown back by the force. She then leaped from there to the nearby table and crouched there with her arms between her legs.
“No peeking, dearie.”
Percy manning the grill saw the commotion and reacted. He tossed the cutting knife with his good hand at the elderly lady. The knife bounced off on contact.
“No back thrusting, Percy.” The elderly lady turned to stare at Percy. “You will pay for this.”
The elderly lady poised her body to leap but she was stopped mid-air by the succession of bullets that tore into her flesh. The bullets fired from the automatic rifle penetrated her flesh at the right ribs towards the side of her neck. She fell down writhing on the floor before the second burst of bullets took her predicament to a death still position.
“There will be more.” The voice came from the shooter.

Legion; Resurrected Chapter 1

Legion; Resurrected is loosely based on the movie 'Legion'. 
Legion is a 2010 American apocalyptic fantasy action horror film directed by Scott Stewart and co-written by Stewart and Peter Schink. The cast includes Paul Bettany, Lucas Black, Tyrese Gibson, Adrianne Palicki, Kate Walsh, and Dennis Quaid. A television series called Dominion set 25 years after the end of the film, premiered on the American cable television network Syfy on June 19, 2014.
I gave it a different direction. 

For the readers, this tale can be read as offensive for it may intrude into the realm of the faith like the Crusaders' series I did before. So be caution on that, and just enjoy the tale as it's.

I hope you will enjoy it. 

Book of Michael

The weight of the decision lies within himself as always. He was used to be the mediator on many matters between his brethren and most times, he ended being the decider. That decision he was to make was a hard one. He heard the doorway to his chamber slide open and then the familiar steps heard by him were into the chamber. The chamber was a narrow one with the sleeping berth and the area for personal needs. It does not hold any personal effects that will identify the dweller. Michael had never questioned the bareness of personal needs.
“For HER sake, please do not this. Michael, I love you.” He heard the other who had stepped into his chamber. The new arrival was dressed in the body fitted silvery suit from neck down to the knee-length boots, and the metal red shaded arm gauntlets that were extended to the back of the palm. The suit held a streak of three stripes that was across the chest from the left shoulder to the right waist. It was the rank of the Seraph Leaders of the Supreme Angels; the personal army of the Supreme Leader.
“I plead with you to relent to HER command.” The figure in the suit had the concerned expression with the drawn facial muscles below the red hairline that was swept back to the rear in a ponytail tie design. “Michael, please listen.”
“And I had, Gabriel. I will act on my own.” Michael replied. He removed the cloak that he was bound to wear when in the presence of the Supreme Leader. He had on the same suit like the other but his hairline was the short crew cut with a small palate of hair just above the forehead.
“Michael…” The plea was ignored when Michael removed the metal gauntlets and then handed them to Gabriel. “Take care of Excalibur. It will find you a worthy warrior to wield it.”
“No, Excalibur is yours.” Gabriel refused the metal gauntlets but Michael insisted.
“Excalibur is not mine. It belonged to the Seraph Angels. I am no more of that. I am just Michael.”
“Caution, Michael. If you do this, you will be an outcast. You will be hunted and …. Removed.”
“Like the Fallen. I am aware of that. But I am not the Fallen. I am Freedom now.”

The Diner
The Mojave Desert is an arid rain-shadow desert and with the rain blocked by the range lined up near the ocean made the place one of the driest land pieces; it received less than two inches of rain annually. It’s the home habitat to the Joshua Trees, belonging to the genus Yucca species. It was situated on the western coasts of the northern American continent that was between California and Utah. On the stretch from the sandy coasts of California to down south towards Utah, a lonely diner gas entity stood as the lighting beacon for a stopover meal or rest.
“Charlie, are you ready with the order?” The owner of Paradise Falls Diner on the edge of Mojave Desert called out from behind the counter. His name was Bob Hanson; an ex-marine who had used his pension funds to buy the desolated diner in the desert. He was with his son, Jeep there to help him operate the auto repair next to the diner. Bob was in his fifty years of age while his trim body was inlaid with the body fats then aided by the chain-smoking and bad food. He had taken his son to the Diner after his ex-wife died having taken care of young Jeep to the teens. He had operated the Diner with Jeep for over five years then overcoming many obstacles from bad food served to bad customers like bikers and dealers. He had them removed with any means and even buried two of them in the desert. It was tough out there, and he had his old army pal, Percy to help in the cooking. Percy was in the marines with him but the guy spent his time cooking than at the front line. He lost his left hand in a bad kitchen fire but that did not stop him from doing better food. Jeep was hustling and jacking on the cars since the age of twelve until Bob returned to his life. He grabbed the kid and parked them at the Diner.
“Coming, Bob.” Charlie was the waitress who joined them at the Diner after she was ditched by her boyfriend there two months ago. The lady was with an unborn child, and without any money or home.  Bob had left his wife than with the same predicament before he returned to the front lines. He had his sympathy plastered to his heart, and he chose life over money. He had her placed in the small caravan behind the Diner, while the men slept in the Diner.
“Well, hurry up. We aren’t got all day.” Bob cussed at the lady. He was actually glad inside. For once after some unfulfilling weeks, he got more than a couple of patrons, and that includes the auto-repair too. Charlie was talking to the couple who was going to spending big bucks in his Diner and Auto-repair. The couple’s saloon was in the care of Jeep for some faulty repairs while they filled their body with his greasy cooking.
“Two sets of the Supreme Burger with coffee, and one strawberry shake for the younger lady,” Charlie repeated the order list. She was a blonde; bimbo type they had her ranked, with the curves to fill out the dark French waitress attire except she had to adjustment for her bulging tummy. She was eight months to her pregnancy and the baby was active in her.
“Yes, that will fine.” The male in the couple replied. He was a brunette in his forties and dressed in the three-piece the suit, himself perspiring in the heat then. The air condition was working but the man was concerned about the issue on hand then.  When Charlie stepped away from the table, the man named Howard Stain looked over the shoulder of his wife, Sandra towards their estranged daughter, Audrey. He was the Financial Analyst by profession and having his own office in Las Vegas. He handed millions for many clients but there was one weakness in his life, and that was his wife, Sandra. And his daughter, Audrey.
“Howard, can you check on the car?” Sandra Stain was a tall lady with the qualities of a socialite who was more at home at garden parties or the evening grandeur with the who’s who of the community. She has dressed in her maroon shade satin sequin knee-length dress and the ring of pearls lined her cleavage coupled with matching pearly high heels. Her age had not caught onto her for she looked as if she was still in her thirties with the layers of makeup and powder. She was a brunette unlike her daughter who was red; the mother probably had her hair done up. The daughter was into the Gothic looks with the heavy makeup and double ponytail, and the leather attire of jacket and short skirt with a garish looking blouse beneath, and high steps laced shoes that added two inches to her height.
“Howard, I asked if you can check on the car?” The wife nagged him. He looked past the window to the auto repair shop and saw his car had its bonnet opened with the young man leaned inside. He was concerned for the car of his was a seven series German make they called it the Beemer there and the parts inside were not any bolts and nuts. He had the car for over seven years, maintained by his mechanic who works on such models. It was a fine car and if not for the coyote they ran over, his car won’t be in the auto repair.
“Hey, boss. Is my car ready?” Howard called out to the owner of the Diner. He drove the car thereafter the accident twenty miles back when he heard the car engine rasping and the temperature was not right.
“Let me check, Sir.” The owner replied and stepped to the back.
“Told you to change the car.” Sandra nagged in the car. She had asked him for several months than when she saw the Smith’s having changed theirs to one of those fancier cars. He would but the funds in the family were for his retirement. He did not bargain on a spendthrift wife and a delirious daughter who thinks the world survived on LSD and heroin.
Howard ignored the lady and looked to the other occupants in the Diner. He had seen the waitress; she looked like a bimbo who had opened her legs once too many times. He saw the owner with the cigarette attached to the lips and the cook who had seen better days with the grill; no offense meant but the colored guy looked like he ate more than he cooked. He believed himself as no racist but he drew the line when it comes to colored races. He disliked them since young where he lived, they are not allowed to come near. If anyone of them was seen in the neighborhood, the police will come and take them away. He never mixed with them at college or at work, he was selective with the clients. After all, money ruled his friendship. He saw another one of those colored at the other end near his daughter. Now that irks him but Audrey cared not. She was in her own world.
Audrey Stain waited for the milkshake before she popped in the high-up pill with her drink. She saw the other guy looking at her. He was a colored man in his late twenties, dressed in the blue faded denim and t-shirt with the words; I am Black. She doubted he was a cop; who will hang out there in the middle of nowhere? But he looked good. Despite her upbringing, she had her own life to live for. She was never into academics but she survived High School. She insisted on doing it at the public one compared to the one suggested by her mother. She told her mother to shaft it when the other explained about prestige and honor. She was not into that but needed to be with the friends who understand her needs. She took the uppers and downers with them and even went both ways with whoever was there. It matters not what they are colored as long as they are in her league. She was for the population.
‘Screw society’ was her way of living.
“You want to eat or watch the coyotes?” Kyle seated there at the other end looked up at the waitress. He smiled revealing his set of white teeth, the only thing white on him. He swore he looked like an African among the negroes with his dark shade and facial bone structure. He was the real thing with the curled hair and dressed like one too. He had on the faded denim inherited from his dad when the later wore that in the cotton fields.
“Son, we have not moved on. We are still doing the fields like our granddaddies and theirs before it.” Kyle ‘s father was not a smart man; born during the Depression, and worked with his parents on the fields, sent to the war, and returned to the same task. He even had Kyle with another worker but Kyle was impatient to the needs of his own. He left the fields to venture westwards but ended up in the war in the Middle East. He returned after two tours and went to hibernate with a lady in Chicago where his newborn son was living with grandparent after the mother died at childbirth. He had left the lady months before she was to give birth to his son; he was moonlighting in jobs down the coast and up from Mexico to where he was. He found himself with God and then a changed man. He was saving his money to bring it home to his son. He was to go to Las Vegas for one tour of works and then home to Chicago. He stopped by there for his meal and some gas. His car was outside next to the pickup which had the logo of the Diner. He saw the Beemer in the Auto Repair.
“Mister, you eating or meditating?” Kyle heard the sarcastic remark.
“I will have the apple pie and coffee please,” Kyle ordered his meal. The waitress walked off with her protruding butt elongated by the pregnancy. He could not resist moving his sight towards the young chick. He had seen her eyeing him. He was not into white chicks but out there, he was not picky. He had not had any sex for some weeks; the working hours were tedious and the sleep overruled his amorous needs. He stared at the young chick with a once over her body; she was good looking, leggy and her boobs were perky. She must have been in her teens and that turned him off. He was not into the old young fuck syndrome. He looked towards the waitress who was collecting his food and saw she was more into his preference. They are more matured and knew what to do in a fuck. It was then he heard the doorbell rang.

Tweet...tweet.... 28/11... I am not on a break

Life at the later stages of the journey can be really fun, and draggy ( pardon the pun ) or sizzling hot. I was looking at a lady the evening before, admiring her looks ( admit to that stare of mine ) and she approached me.

"Uncle ( that's being polite to 'DOM' ), are you staring at me? Don't think you are being rude?"

Wow! I was in the pub and besides guzzling beers, and braying with your pals, you looked around. I ain't like seated on my throne of Games, watching my pee taking its own trajectory. So, I nodded to her.

"I was looking at the ladies here who may be suitable for my daughter in law. I guess you are for the interview? There is a treasure vault on the deal." Didn't tell her we Men all carried millions in us.

"Nope, I am married." She left me seated alone. My pals laughed at me. I looked at them and said.

"At least, I got attention from a lady compared to you losers." I did not buy the next round of beers though. Losers are petty in drawings from their pockets. And I lost a potential daughter in law.

It was my rare breaks' outing then. I am not a pub drinker but the occasional drop-by guests. I hardly drink except for social events and that was moderate. In my series of drinking bouts, I was only drunk twice. I remember it well, for my pal was negotiating with the lady on the street for an early morning discount.

I am careful with my consumption for I try not to overdrink and wake up on the pavement or over a dead blonde lady. Pardon my misgivings, but my readings of Perry Mason's novels strengthen my concerns ( pun intended ).

Another thing was I used my training as an Accountant to remembered details of the events hence if I am questioned, I can still say I did not touch your thigh. 'It was Henry, he is the lewd guy'. It helped me on one occasion when the lady staff confronted me the next morning.

I should have said; 'did I make you feel nice' but at the sober age then, I replied 'nope. It was not me. Ask Henry' Henry was always drunk and I knew I was safe if he ever testifies in court.

One time at the office when we were planning an outing, we had to co-share the rooms. The ladies said if there were not enough rooms, they won't mind to share it with me. Henry congratulated me but the reply the ladies said was more plain-fully painful.

"We trust him for he won't change beds in the night." Wow! I felt hurt. I wanted to ask 'would you?" but I was too hurt.

Talking about lewd, I was hit by the email that said 'I saw you watching porn'. So pay up with Bit-Coins. Wow! I was taken aback by the accusations. I wanted to reply to the hacker in the following lines.

1. I was watching porn for CNN was without interesting news besides impeachment.
2. I was watching porn on teens from the 70's image which made them about my age at current times.
3. Was it your mother I saw then at the image? I am sorry but she looked nicer then.
4. Bit-Coins? Sorry, I don't have any. I am as poor as the field mice when the grains are taken up by the locusts. That's why I watched free porn.
5. Masturbating? Geez, was it what I was doing? I thought it was the itch in my pants then. Anyway, if it was, it may be stimulating my prostate glands. Try that, its recommended by doctors for elderly folks.
6. Care to borrow my dildo? I have no use for since I bought it.

Reminded me of the article I read of the 87 years old man receiving the same email. I will suggest them to get a life that is more fun than watching over what others are doing.

Or qualify the ladies at the pub as a daughter in law? Now, you can see the common link to the issue.

Oaky, back to my tales.

No, I am not taking a break. It's just I am completing my current tale at 35K words but I needed to wrap the ending. And its getting lengthy as I write. But I will get it done this week.

Chapter One is up today. And no lewd stuff there.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Murder One Deep Heat Finale


“What other girls? You can’t put the fault of every girl killed on me. I …. No, I meant Henry was incapacitated there was none by us. He was the only one with the issue. He disliked our mother. It was his way to show his anger at her. She never cuddled us like the foster parents. He felt the anger and mutilated the chest. It was his payback.”

“Why the violent sexual intrusion?”

“Henry was sodomized at one of the foster homes. He was inserted with the combs or bottles by the lady there. He did not complain until much later. Then it was too late for we had moved on. The Police did investigate but later I had the records removed. It was to protect Henry. I thought it was but I was wrong. I created a monster.”

“You sound all innocent now, Nigel Selby. You are no better yourself. You ran an empire based on illegal activities. You transacted in human traffic….” I told him what I knew.

“I did for it was the way to stay up there. Alice’s father handed me his empire, and I …. Added to it. I drew a line on the young. I never do drugs. The human I traffic was adults from the poorer countries. I may be a crime lord, but I never do them young.”

“And Henry did,” I added to his guilt.

“Yes, he did and paid the price inflicted by you. He is tormented in his dreams now.” Nigel sighed. “Maybe it was better this way. If he had been to prison, he would need to be protected more than now.”

“Who else is involved?” I needed the network down.

“Sidney and Shawn. You may not know this but your father had been doing this for years. He sent you away to protect you perhaps or not to let you see what was happening. Your aunt stayed far but he did not expect you to be gay. He wanted a masculine …. Son.”

“Give me proof, Nigel. I won’t take hearsay for evidence.”

“Okay, Shawn killed those current girls. He killed Connie Layton from what I heard. He killed the niece. He killed the girls after Henry was incapacitated. Just like he killed Maud and Stella to pin the pressure on me.”

“Shawn told me that you are moving in on his turf. You are backing the Irish and Latinos.” I laid it out towards him.

“The Irish and Latinos are independents. They are not my allies. And the war was not theirs’ to start. It was Sidney muscling in. He used other excuses to start it.”

“Give me proof, Nigel. I won’t take ….”

“I know. Hearsay is not what you want and yet you dragged me here.” I realized the park was getting darker. It was time to leave.

“I have none left, Inspector except for my reputation. Investigate that yourself.” Nigel took off after he spoke. I weighed the option and took leave too.

I was off the case for the Dumpster but not on Connie Layton and her niece. I called in the Section. I brief them on the findings. I want the low down on Nigel Selby, Sidney Madden and Shawn Michael. I want their background and also their possible link to Connie Layton.

“Ma’am, Sidney Madden was shot dead in the church. It just came over the radio channels.” I heard Madge. That means Shawn was the replacement leader. I wanted to cry out in sadness for my father but the major part of me told otherwise. Sidney deserved to die for the things he did. Even Nigel’s confession however hearsay was known to me as the truth. Damn pieces are all crumbling around me then. I picked up my bag and took leave of the Station. I stepped out to my car and drove. I dialed Tabitha to give her more instruction and it was then I turned around the corner, I saw the bitch who snuck into my bed and left with my gun. She was dressed in an overcoat and waved me down with her gloved left hand.  I pulled over and she got it without hesitation. I was not prepared for another person to step in. It was Shawn.

“Hello, Bernice.” It was my name mentioned once more. I was ready to do anything if something were to happen. “I am Alice Cohen or you may know me as Alice Selby. We fucked before.”

That was a punch below the belt. I took my foot off the accelerator. I turned to look at her. I had seen Shawn seated behind.

“Hello, Shawn.” I drove out and took it to the streets. Alice started off first.

“I know Nigel spoke to you. You saved his ass at that time and he felt obliged towards you. I also know about you. Who you are and your estranged family?”

“I am here today to tell you that the case is finally closed. Nigel Selby will come forth as a witness as we speak. He will see the new Inspector on the task on the murder of the City Dumpster Killer. He will provide the evidence then. Henry has a bad habit; he keeps a sample of the dead girl’s blood samples. He stored them like a trophy in his room. The case will be closed and you will be free of it.”

“I doubt Nigel will sell off his brother. He loves them.” I added my doubt.

“Nigel does but he is not a Cohen. I am the true blood. I have the leverage that he cannot reveal to the Press. He was sodomized then before you reached him. I have the Polaroid print. I showed him and made him an obedient pet like what he is.”

“You are turning Nigel in or release the photo to the public. Alice, you are a bitch.”

“Are we not all the same breed? We are all the same on the exterior; cold and hard until we get down to the acts then we released our real selves. We are all the needy in the flesh, our surrender then marked our real self. Are you real, Inspector in that working suit or when you are with me in bed? Like you, I held an exterior self as Alice Selby but behind that, I am Alice Cohen, the bitch who called the shots there. I planned the rise of Nigel Selby and brought him down when I wanted it. I also control Shawn Michael here and his ascent to replace Sidney Madden.”

“Was the turf war a mockery of events,” I asked Alice.

“Yes, it was. Anyone who displeases me will, in turn, be punished and not only them but their loved one too.” Alice added on. “Like Connie Layton. Her death and her niece are my reprisal. Shawn killed the two of them. He is a good lad to have around.”

“Alice, stop talking to her. Let us finish her off now.” Shawn called out from behind while leaning forward. He was off-balance on the seat and I took advantage. I hit the accelerator and jumped the lights. It was a risk and it worked. The truck slammed into my car on the side, and Shawn Michael was thrown to the other side of the car. The impact of the truck also threw the car into a tight spin before it impacted the rear of another car. We were sandwiched in between a truck and the car. I did the unthinkable then. I pulled out the gun I had and shot Shawn in the head and then shot Alice in the face. Both were bleeding from the impact but I ended their lives. I then tossed the gun on the flooring before I called for help.


“Inspector, we are holding in custody under us here in the hospital.” I heard the doctor who had treated me twice for injuries incurred in the crash of the cars. She was a lovely lady and I doubt she was anyone’s bitch.

“You are lucky to alive today. The other two did not make it.” I knew the doctor did not tell how they died but I can guess. I was later interviewed by Internal Affairs and I gave them my statement.

“Alice Cohen pulled a gun on me. She had shot Shawn in the rear seat before I struggled with her. It was then the car was hit and the rest was blurred.” I stuck to my statement. Soon after my medical discharge, I was questioned several times. There was no evidence I shot anyone. There were no prints on the gun, and Alice was wearing gloves. The bullet that killed Shawn Michael came from the gun. There was another gun at the rear seat believed to be Michael’s and confirmed by the prints found. There was blood on all three of us and any residue of gunplay was compromised. However, the recorded transcript from my phone that was running then in my car soon after Alice and Shawn boarded my car held evidence that I was to be killed. That saved my ass in the inquiry. I was discharged with no charges and given a commendation. I was made Detective Chief Inspector.

Nigel Selby withdrew his statements and claimed that he was misled by his enemies to convict his own brother then still in a coma. He became the man he wanted to be. His reign was only three weeks before he was discovered dead by overdose. It was attributed to his depression over his wife’s death. The new Man to take over was a Cohen.
Steve Selby was seen lying in the park pond and the official statement was that he died from the vicious attack by mugger or muggers. The Police Chief swore to ‘get rid of the trash before his re-election’.

Sidney’s turf was preserved and ran by the new group called the Bitches. They operated their own chain of underground clubs.

Ian married Tabitha that year. Ian was made Inspector.

Grant left the force to become a farmer.

Madge had another grandchild.

The dumpsters were not filled with dead bodies but trash soon after.

I bought a new bike. It was a green Kawasaki Ninja 750CC.

Murder One; Deep Heat Chapter Thirteen


“Sidney needs to see me. He needs to come clean. I got enough dirt to put Nigel Selby away.” I told Shawn when we met at the café. The other looked at his cup of coffee. He had taken my call after my attempts. He finally agreed to meet when I told him I can stop the war.

“Why should I trust you?” That was the first time Shawn had thrown an accusation at me.

“Because I am his …. Son.” I replied.

“I will speak to him,” Shawn replied and then got up. He looked out towards the glass window to the outside. He then rushed at me to pull me down. The shots came through the window and hit the serving counter and some tables. Some innocent patrons were injured by it but I was saved by the veteran of the war. We rolled under the table and then heard the screams. I pushed the man off me. It was intrusive on my personal self.

“Stay down!” Shawn had a gun in his left hand. He was crouched up and looking to the outside. There I was the Police Officer and a Senior one being protected by a civilian. I rolled off to the side and crouched up. I assisted the nearest wounded. It was a fatal wound and I can’t hear the sirens yet.

“Get emergency services!” I shouted. I remembered I have a phone. It was on speed dial the Station number. I could barely press the number. My fingers were numb to the touch. I finally did it and the phone rang. That was what it did. No one picked my call. I tossed the phone away. I looked for Shawn but he had left.

I was told to take leave after they took my statement. I was told them I was having coffee with a new acquaintance named Shawn. Three persons died that day and another one in the intensive care unit. I was lucky.

A new Senior officer replaced me in my Section. His name was Stephen Mitchell. I do not know him but he took command fast. He had Ian on the task of the shooting and Tabitha on research while Grant was to collect more evidence.

I called Shawn.

He did not pick my call.

I called Sidney.

He won’t pick up.

I decided then to pick up the pieces.

The call came through by the burner.

“Inspector, your gun is in your unit.” I went back and searched. It was there in the drawer along with panties left by my bitch. I picked up the panties and called Tabitha.

“I am coming in with evidence. Please have them checked. And I want it fast.”

“Which case should I logged in, Ma’am?” Tabitha was careful with her works.

“The Dumpster Case. The new one.”

“Ma’am…. “I had hung up. And turned off the phone. The phone signal was a mole in our life. It transmitted our location to its master=. I needed to off the grid. I have few to trust in.

“I trust you would pick up the line.” I stood in the park at dusk looking at the people leaving it. It was an ideal place within the hour when the park regained itself with the silent trees and the bushes not kicked at, or the brick paths are not stomped on, and even the birds returned to roost. It was the safe two hours before the muggers appeared and await the innocent passer-by or the disguised copper. They may be convicted at the Night Court or packed off with a caution.

“And thanks for the return of the gun. Did you photograph it with the prints?” I looked at the man who gave me the gun some years back. I saved his ass from some goons and he rewarded me with it.

“I trust you have a reason to call me, Inspector. I am a busy man.” I looked at the man dressed in the expensive jogging suit trying to blend in. The man held expensive taste and was his style not to be underdressed.

“Between the closing hours and dinner time, I would believe your work out are at the gym and not here. I had to bring you here to unnerve you. You are a confident man, Mr Selby. Or shall I call you Nigel.”

“You are irritating me, Inspector. I owed you my life…” Nigel replied,

“Life, Nigel. I saved your ass. They were going to sodomize you.” I brought up the incident. “The Selby that was going to be fucked. That won’t do it well for your reputation.”

Nigel cringed on being place into that incident. He was kidnapped from the gym with his guards bundled into the storage room. He was blindfolded and shipped to the dark park. He was bound with tapes on his limbs. He was struggling when they pulled his pants down. He fought hard and they laughed. It was then I happened to do my part of as the copper in disguise on patrol. I saw the two men holding the blindfolded man down. Another was naked waist down and held a camera. I sounded my identity and rushed at them. They took off and left me with the blindfolded man. The camera was found. It was a Polaroid. I released the blindfolded man and offered him assistance. He was brought into the Station but the report was never found. I find later was the package with the gun and the thank you note. The note was signed ‘The Man’.
“So, what do you want?” Nigel asked me.

“The murders? Who’s the one?” Nigel shook his head.

“It was not …. I meant to say I did not sanction it. I have done many bad things but never to the younger girls. It was not my style. I killed adults but I left the young ones.”

“Like yours? Your parents were killed when all three of you were young. The moved all three of you to foster and among the three, you were the smartest. You went to college and then the upgoing career. You left because of your brothers.”

“Henry was a brat who became a monster. He rode with bikers and then done many nasty kinds of stuff. He was banished from the club. You knew of that and defended him in court. You won, and then took him into your care. That firm was soon to be named Cohen, Adam, and Associates. On Fifth Street from Cohen & Selby.”

“Your wife, Alice Adam Cohen is the Senior Partner there too. Her picture was hardly seen. She maintained a low profile. I could have bumped into her and wouldn’t know she is Alice Cohen but she is a rare breed. A royal one in terms of wealth and power.”

“Your wife was the daughter of Daniel Cohen of the Hangman Group. The Group consists of Judges, Enforcement and Politicians.” I knew all this from Madge’s folders. I saw Alice’s younger photo and she looked like a Princess. Madge had the reports copied by the photocopier before they were sealed. She kept them in the basement sealed with oilskin covers. She was meticulous in her works too. Tabitha was taught by me from her teachings.

“Yes, I did. But Henry was unable to change. I covered the cases when I could until the Dumpster case. It was blown up by the Press with the assistance of my enemies. I tried to block the investigation. You were brought for one reason. You are Sidney’s son.”

“Sidney?” I was thrown off my track.

“Yes, Sidney and his new son, Shawn. They knew of the murders. The second was their lady. He pimped them young nowadays. I brought in Maud to watch you but she was turned. She was working for Sidney. Guess where she got the guns. She was fed by Shawn and was fragging her.”

“I don’t believe you. You are trying to frame me on Sidney’s involvement.”

“Well, I could be but would I have told Maud to leave the evidence in your unit. The panties were the victims. One of them was Sidney’s girl.” Nigel smiled. “I am a lawyer by profession. I know how evidence can be placed. The twins were Sidney’s idea of a bad joke on my club, Gemini.”

“Was Maud assisting the murder?” I was referring to my night encounter.

“Not all the time. Sometimes it was Stella. They were all in love with Henry. He doesn’t fuck them but kept them with him like harpies to Dracula. They do his command and even partake in the sex acts but not the killings. It was all Henry’s work. He hated our mother. He used to break the Barbie dolls and shaft the pencil into their bodies when he was done with them. I thought he was over it but he grew into it. He was missing for a while and where he was, he has done the same but maybe the bodies were never found.”

“Or never collated?” I replied. I read the reports collected by Madge. It went back several years and into some remote places.

“Yes, he traveled with his bike with Maud and Stella. They were never long in one place.”

“Why killed Maud?” I changed the subject matter. “And Stella?”

“I did not kill her. Your officers did it and were not my call. It was Sidney’s. Stella was killed by Sidney too. He planned the crash to blame it on me.”

“Why Steve assaulted me?”

“Steve did it because you made Henry’ a vegetable. It was understood but you should be appreciative. I restraint them several times. It was a scene of opportunity when he saw you there at the club. Thanks to Ian, I saved you. He called and in turn, I called the goons off but your hero arrived to save you.”

“Very much a coincidence,” I replied.

“It was but you can check with my goon. His name is Smith Becknell. His phone record had my number on that night, not answered.”

“The other girls? The younger ones? Connie Layton?”

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Murder One; Deep Heat Chapter Twelve


I faced Shawn at the café where we last met. I have left the room and changed to my working clothes. I arrived in my official car. I was aware of being followed. It was another car and I had taken down the number. Shawn was waiting for me.

I told him everything.

“You are …. I don’t have the word for it,” Shawn told me in the face

“Mad? Pathetic? Or was it the edge of stupidity? Was it wrong for me to do my work? Or was the sex the wrong ingredient to the recipe?” Shawn did not reply. Honestly then I wanted him to hold me but we were a table apart.
“I will speak to Sidney.” Shawn finally gave me his advice. I shook my head.

“Sidney is involved. Directly or indirectly. I am not sure. I do know Nigel Selby could be too.” I looked at Shawn. “Are you too?”

“Bernice, how could you? I think I have to leave.” Shawn was to stand up but I stopped him. I apologized to him.
“You came into prominence when all this began. I have my suspicion in you but …”

“And you are wrong. I have been with your father for a long time. When I was posted overseas, he was in communications with me. When I came back for my leave, he took me in. I did not like the works then but he explained to me the need for it. The community needed us. We are like the military in the conflict areas.”

“Enough the flattery. Sidney is a monster himself with his empire of goons. He has a finger in every pie that crosses his turf. The only difference was he attended church and helped at the charities. His goons are the poor boys and girls of the turf. His offer of assistance was repaid with their obedience. His ladies ply their asses for his sake. I left because of that.”

“Yes, we are but we are giving them better offers. Sidney also build homes and places of recreation. You can’t do without the goons for they are needed to protect the turf. The ladies were in the oldest profession acts but it was voluntary. And for everyone in it, three more were in school. Some even graduated as professionals.  Like myself, and I came back to help.”

“The mini kingdom in the bigger kingdom. I salute all of you.” I cried out with the sarcasm tone.

“Yes and no. It's not a kingdom. It’s a home within the home.”

Connie Layton was found. Her body was in the dumpster and her body mutilated. I could read the Press headlines; “You are not safe anymore. There will be no restriction on age.”

I drove back to the Station and saw it was mobbed by angry people. I detoured and drove to the crime scene and it was the same. I drove off and called Tabitha. I knew all the answers but not the car that rammed into mine. I was at the lights and it turned green, I accelerated and was hit by the ongoing car. I was thrown off by the impact of my seat towards the door. The car crashed into my rear door when I was picking up speed. It may have saved my life but I had the experienced the feeling of being tossed in the car unlike a bike, I would have ended up on the track of an ongoing vehicle. I would be dead then but I was not.

“Ma’am. Are you awake?” I did flutter my eyelids but it was because I was walking up and attracting butterflies. I was sent to the wards and kept under observations. They were expecting me to cry out in panic but actually, I was in control of my fear. I have been riding for some years and at the top speed, I had crashed several times. My worse injury was head trauma and the long scar at the back of my left thigh. That was why when I wore a dress, I underlaid it with the dark stockings.

“How many more murders?” I asked Tabitha who was by my bedside.

“One more and the case has been taken over by another Station.” I felt the pain in my chest. I then told Tabitha to do a check for me.

“I was tailed. Check the traffic cams.” Tabitha reported back. “The car did jump the light intentionally.

“I did. I was the notion that it was rare to hit by another car that manner unless you were targeted. The car did jump the light intentionally. She was trailing you for the last few days.”


“She was Stella Adam.” Maud Adam’s sister.  “She died in the crash. We thought it was her until Forensics found that she was dead before the crash. A few hours before that. We believed whoever drove the car had the pedal down with a cane or something like that.”

“And we found Betty Layton’s body. She is dead like the others. Only it’s not our case anymore.”

I checked out the next day and was offered a new car. I took that to see Shawn.

“Did you have me tailed?” I shot off my mouth.

“Why would I? I have my issues here. Sidney is fighting back. There were some altercations. Some got hurt.” Shawn looked to be without any sleep then. I had to ask about Sidney.

“He is fine. We got him covered.”

“Who is the other side? Selby?” Shawn nodded.

“And the other groups. The Irish and the Latinos. It’s an open turf war on Sidney.” I heard of those other groups. They are not big like Sidney but the opportunity was there. I left once more disappointed.

“Ma’am, I want my case back.” I looked at the Station Commander. I was not asking but pleading, And I got the expected reply. I walked out of the place like when I did when the Principal kicked me from the office and then from school.
I was on my own until the call came by.

“Inspector, I know you are dying to take back the case but don’t forget I got your gun.” I was to reply with profanities but the caller hung up and it was a burner phone. I was one that likes to be threatened. I decided to fight back.

Like Sidney.

I went to look for Madge.

“Stella’s dead,” I told Madge. “So was Connie Layton. Betty Layton. Any names familiar to you?” I asked Madge. I was with her at the playground with her grandkid on the swing a distance away. Madge had served longer than me.
“I got another for you. They are moving into Sidney’s.” Madge knew my father and what he does. ‘The Selby leading it. Tell me if you know anything.”

“Not for me but them.” I motioned to the kids in the playground. “They don’t deserve to be in this. Not if we can stop it.”
“I …. will help.” Madge muttered. “It went way back.”

“Can you come to the Station?” I asked her. ‘I don’t have a recorder.”

“I can’t and won’t. The whole place is being informed. Trust no one.” Madge then told me to follow her back to the house. We brought the kid back. I offered protection but she declined. She told me she has her own. I knew what she meant. Madge was not only a sharpshooter she was also loaded with guns in her house like Maud.

“These are mine. I bought them off the market.” The market was an illegal one. “I need to protect myself. They are everywhere.”

Then she told me the part of the tale I did not know. I then got evidence to open back old cases and probable obstruction of justice.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...