Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tweet...tweet 29/10... picking up from the songs

Don't cry, Joni
Hotel California

Among the many songs' I grew up with. I was no singer material; I sang tow lines for the choir selection at eight years old and was told to return to class soon after. I just croaked when I should hold the vocals. Maybe if they asked me to play the Frog in The Princess and Frog, I might do better but in an all boy's school, I will take a 'monsoon rain' check. 

What's a monsoon rain? Its a combination of the storm with ye mother in law playing God on the clouds. That was how heavy the raindrops and the shrieking thunderstorm. I won't elaborate on the lightning; they blazed like firestorms.

Okay, back to the songs.

I started off with JONI and ME; And I did not select the name JIMMY from the song. It was my fav and I liked it. Much later, I married a lady named AMY and not JONI or TONI or OMG ( She was OMG but I was struck down like MOG or Mudded On Ground. Yup, her beau then was bigger than me. No, I did not peek. It was his chest I was looking at from eye level I sang MJ's lines; I am not a fighter. I am a lover. Struck out at the Second Base... flat on my face and they ruled me out. I should had known it was not baseball I was playing but cricket. You don't run in like a mad hare after tossing the bat. Anyway, I was tossed out of the team.

That straighthen out, let us get back to the songs.

I sang; psst.... can we all swear to maintain the peace in my life... of whatever years I may have... Fine, we all have an understanding.... As I was saying I sang that song a few times. It was sobbing moments then. LIke when I samg "TELL LAURA ..... I loved HER." I woke my neighbor. Her dog was named LAURA. It did not stop me then until they branded this lady tampon; LAURIE. I stopped singing that song.

I have also sung OH, CAROL. I love you. Well, it worked until AMY gave me a funny grin. ( Have you read MAD magazines and the guy always smiling there on the cover. That was her imitation of it. )

One of my relatives ( Last I recalled that word still appeared in the Webster Dictionary unless they changed the alternative definition as 'marred person identified by bloody link of relations', married a lady named CAROL. Jugs, it tasted like sour milk in my throat after that. Pardon me, blokes. That's the decent bit of it. As in French, Cela ne devrait pas être dit ici ( It should not be said here. ) I hear thee, Mama. I will sit in the corner. No, Mama. I won't stare below.

At some stage of my life, I was into SEX PISTOLS ( betcha that brought back many memories to those who were my age group), POLICE, NIRVANA, LED ZEPPELIN. I could go on but soon after a while, I had to get my ears cleaned of wax I had stuffed in. Those were the days when the broomstick could be the imitation electric guitar. I drew the line though to wear my mum's bra on my forehead.

Well, I mellowed and ended listening to ANNE MURRAY and ELIZABETH NEWTON JOHN and others. With the dash of BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, and QUEEN in between. Bloody dinna understand the lyrics but heck I could cover the dance hall with my solo like JOHN TRAVOLTA in Saturday Night Fever. The lady singers were to croon with the girls then, but the others were when I got sidestepped. I think the correct terminology was being jilted.

Anyway back to the two songs I did the tales; five in the series of each song. It just came to me naturally ( hold the accolades, I will take fivers and pounds please ) and the fingers swooned over the keyboard. The tales unfold before me. I tried to vary the contents to add varieties toward it. I know the tendency to do the LGBT ( IO do have other contents but someone highlighted to me on this ) but two factors weighed in on them; sex sells, and LGBT was the unique approach. It's a taboo subject to almost half the world we live in, and more than half have seen it on their TV sets or through the internet.

I end my piece with another song I used to sing.

Que será, será
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours to see
Que será, será
What will be, will be

And pardon the CAPSLOCK on above. It was my definitive way of saying THANK YOU to them who shaped my thoughts on the growing years. 


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