Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Hotel California II

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (Such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (Any time of year)
You can find it here

I got the room there. It was a gesture of exchanging the good old value currencies. I pushed the money across and the staff opened the door. Housekeeping has the master key to the rooms. That will save me waiting at the lobby.

It was a standard hotel room below the four stars grade. There was a bed; there was always a bed in the hotel room. It was to sleep in for most and fucked by the many, but I could not imagine if anyone jumped on it. The frame of the bed had changed. It used to be held up by four stands but then they made the bed frame like a box. The weight was distributed around, and I can guess you can jump on it. The mattress was reinforced with springs and the soft padding to prevent you from feeling those springs. Well, I did tell myself if it’s good to hump on you can bloody well jump.

Every hotel room had the dresser that acts for every other missing piece of furniture. There may be one other it will have the chair. It won’t be comfortable but whoever comes to the room to sit. And you can’t hump on the chair. It will break under the pressure. You could do it in the bathroom. The hotels with the lower stars won’t have a tub or the sauna. Have you ever found yourself fucking in one of those? It narrows or rounded to stretch or even have someone lay prone over you in those spaces. I prefer to pee into it. It got a bigger area to drain some peed. They replaced it with the shower. That was functional and you go at it upright. Or bent over. Doesn’t matter, it worked there.

Don’t forget the wide mirror there. It was the cinematic screen but the action was whoever in the shower. I won’t recommend looking at it. You might be horrified by the sight; it’s not every moment we get to see ourselves full frontal. I know there was the other mirror in the bedroom but that was for the dressing.

Well, the hotel room had it all and more. The mirror was over the ceiling; well that was new to me.
I did not have to wait long. I was seated at the chair.

“Oh, darling. You could wait till we are in.” They stepped in. They were still smooching. The door was kicked shut like the way I would but mine needed to be latched. Here in the hotel, they locked automatically.

Then she saw me.

“Jimmy?” She pulled away from the other. The other turned and saw me. It was another lady. It was always a man but I was not prepared of the other. She was dressed in the dark overcoat. She was a brunette and was about her height. I don’t know and did not want to know how she looked like beneath. I was furious.

“Joni, tell your friend to leave.” I voiced out calmly.


“Hey, I paid for the room.” The lady glared at me.

“You can get a refund at the reception. Now fuck off before I ….. raped you in the arse.” There was still calmness in my voice. I was straining to control it. The lady left and I was alone with my wife.
My missus for over twenty years.

My lover who shared my bed for that long. We were both virgins when we took the vow.

The lady who opened her legs to give birth to my two boys.

The ones I contributed to my sperms. Well, then I thought I was. Maybe I had.

“Jimmy, I can ….. “

“Sit down, Joni. On the bed. I have no other chairs for you.” I crossed my legs then. She sat down and kept her legs closed. She was dressed in the green overcoat and beneath it the light green dress that I bought her last Christmas. She was wearing the shoes she bought to match it. And the yellow scarf. She even got her hair tinged with some green streaks. It was crazy that a lady at her age needed to do that. We were all greying and I left mine there. I wanted to look my age.
“How long has it been?” I asked. “The ….”

“Soon after Ben went to college.” That was a year ago. “I was lonely. And you were at odds on the role of a father and a husband.”

“Was it sex then? And why her?” I felt as if my balls were yanked off.

“It was then, and then the feeling of being wanted. I knew her two months ago.” I only learned of the hotel rendezvous only two weeks. Joni was at her ‘class’ on Wednesday and Friday evenings. And sometimes on Saturdays. I was away on Monday, Thursday, and Sunday I was with my mother. She was staying at the Retirement Home. We visited her to say hello. Then I knew I hardly see Joni at all. If I ever did, was to peek at her in the morning or late night when she was dressing up. She was very much her beauty; the children's births did not outdo her look. She was always concerned about her looks. I was coaxed into that too. I attend the gym thrice weekly in the morning before work, and eat my greens for lunch.

Fucks? We have them but in the later, we missed them citing ‘tired and can we do it later’. I was distracted too. We had a few, perfunctory. And then it was the sleep. That was not a rarity but I felt good to sleep was few then.

“Funny you will ask me why?” Joni hit back. “You were not there when I needed you. You were working or playing balls with the other boys. You hardly played with your own.”

“They are grown. And they played those computer games. I could not get them into the green fields and fresh air. Not that recycled air in their room.” I argued back.

“Yeah, that’s right. You could not bond with them anymore. Field games are over but there was other stuff. Do you know Ben has a girlfriend? He was fucking her in our bed. I questioned him. And he told me it was annoyed us. You more especially. He hated you for not being there. He is screwing you.”

“No! I was not …” I sighed. “I have tried. No, I am still trying. Does that give you permission to fuck a woman? Could you at least fuck a man? Choose anyone. I do have friends, man they are. With pricks. Why can’t you choose one of them? John, Jack or even Stevie. He always tells he loved you too.”

“I could and I did. I had three lovers before Madge. They were all men. One was nineteen like Ben. They only wanted my body. Not my soul. Did you?” 

I laughed at her words. Then I had to ask.

“Was it because we are all selfish?”

“Yes, Madge was accommodating. She has the breasts for me to nestle on like when I did as a young girl. She knew where I wanted to be touched. She knew how to hold me, and when to get the rhythm going. It was no wham bang ma’am routine.”

“You were lifeless. I tried to be with you. I … “

“I know you tried it hard. I did too. You think the surprise nightie and the tight vests with my nipples out were for me. It was all done for you.” I remember them well. It was five years ago. The times when we still fuck weekly.

“What happened, Jimmy?”

“No, I am asking the questions here. You tell me …. What happened?”

“I am a woman with needs. And I found it outside. Did you not find yours too?” 

I did not answer her. I left her in the hotel room by herself. I walked out and took it to the lobby. I walked to the Reception. I was given a room number. I went up and knocked on the door. It was opened and I went in. She walked before me. She was into the garters and corsets.

“You are late.” I heard my mistress. I took off my clothes. I had on the rubber ball gag in my mouth. I lay down on the bed faced down. There were no words exchanged between us. She was paid to hurt me. She was good at it.

I was bad.

That’s why I came to the Hotel. It was the meeting place for sinners. We called it the Hotel Cali. When we are there, we are like the many men in the history annals.

Caligula the Mad Emperor of Rome.

Rasputin the Mad Priest.

They were all into the sexual acts.

So was I.

Was it? History will tell. I am just another blimp in that record.

"Relax," said the night man
"We are programmed to receive
You can check-out any time you like
But you can never leave!"

 Lyrics extracted from the song ‘Hotel California’.

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