Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tweet tweet 19/10 Hello again

Hello again.

I have been silent here on the chat for some time. Events have moved on and age has caught up with me. I told one of my good friends; I looked like an aging ape that is also on the brink of extinction. Perhaps not really an ape; they are huge in comparison to my frame, and it was an ungodly reflection on the bathroom mirror when I thought of this ghastly reminder. I may be more of a baboon frame but I deserted that reference for there are some these breeds are famed for their red rear ends and I don't think I have one. I could have but I am not into the selfie stuff.

Somehow I am still around, typing and thinking of creative tales albeit less frequent given the pace of life with works and personal responsibility to myself and dependents to keep them smiling.

Wow! That read like my first passage in my Will Testament. I do wonder if that will bring the smile into my next of kins, but heck, I won't be overly concerned over that. I lost some friends; at my age, you could afford to lose some relatives. After all, we never choose them. They choose me like 'Look, he is your uncle.. and I go huh?... and she replied the old man still have it.... and I screamed what happened to me..... Kinda settled me down when I recalled the night fever drives, the nappy changes the wake me up late night milk feedings .... God, I thank you when you withheld the libido at my age category. It's okay, God. We can afford the payments for the task or at best, we just re-visit our pubes era .... I am sorry, God. I did not know she was your .... in-law. She did look nicer then.

The passing of age can be rather sudden and it brought sadness to my mind. It's not that I have not heard the song 'Don't cry Joni' before; well I did once. She got married and I hoped that she is miserable with a litter of kids and a boring lover. That felt good since I said it.

Reminded me of MC Hammer song, 

And I barred the song 'To all the girls I loved before' in my listening. It was not her that did it to me. It was myself for I hardly had any girls later that I could say 'I love you truly'. Well, much later anyway, I have one and she is still at my side. I swore and went on my knees for her. If it's today, I will request for a forklift to raise me up. My knees are wobbly at best. So no more proposals to any other ladies. They could go down on me while I hummed; "House of the Rising Sun". If there was any left...told ya but keep on the task after all the journey begins with the first ....effort.

As I was saying, the drum rollers are my generation now. We are the drummers in the front row. I did try sneak to the rear to play the trumpet but heck with four of them in the line-up, I can just blow 'Daisy Mae', well she was no licking good gal from Kentucky, and nobody will hear me from my weak sound ( was it the whoosing sound of the river current I can hear? You must be daft for I heard was the sound of a tired mare saying 'ain't I lucky to have Luke from the retirement pasture'. ( you must have known Lucky Luke from TV. Oops that his dog. )

Yup, life needs to go on. I was never a follower of the mass with my own individuality, I have paved my own journey. My wife asked me what would I do if I have nothing on a lazy afternoon. I told her a 'quickie'. Her reply sounded like this with my deaf ears towards her for years, well it did sound like here.

"A quickie? My God! With you I would need a rousing ovation before we come to that but I think I will settle for a nap which was less stressful." God, I loved that woman. Her suggestion was my desire; a good nap and no one to nag into the ears.

There were some quickies in my tales, and I hoped you enjoyed them. I knew of late the themes were grim but I am exploring my writing skills. I hoped it was better, if not for worse,

And to the many years ahead, I will be here. If I am not, the tales will be.


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