Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dark 22: Justification to the end

“My! Was it dramatic for the whole Assembly to be present today? All I did was obliterate them.” Admiral X0876GH stood before the Assembly in the Great Hall of Justice.
The Admiral dressed in his formal attire of the Mao’ designed collar red tunic and dark pants. The pips on the shoulder flap were four stars which denote his ranking of Admiral. He had served the Kingdom of Unity for over three decades rising from the rank of Lieutenant to his current rank which he held for three years. He was in charge of the 3rd Fleet at the Troy System; a newly discovered galaxy with over thirty-five planets. Since the discovery of the system, they have encountered over twenty intelligent species.
“Admiral X0876GH, you will address this Assembly with the accord that it deserved and not your own manner of sarcasm here.” The Chairperson of the Assembly, Madame High Council Torres Belka retorted the Admiral. She was smaller in the frame but the heavy robe she wore as the Chairperson lends credence to her image as the lead alongside the crimson red robe with the cone designed headgear adorned with the phoenix flume. She was seated with eight others who were similarly dressed but they held no phoenix flume on their headgear.
“Yes, Madame High Council” Admiral X0876GH smiled at the lady who was chairing the Assembly. The Assembly was a formidable gathering of the selected Council Members to address issues of great inconvenience to the Kingdom of Unity. They held the authority to summon any officers of the Great Kingdom of Unity from charges of treasons to mass slaughters of the species under the patronage of the Great Kingdom of Unity.
“Admiral, you are to be told of the charges by the Prosecutor now.” The Chairperson announced in the Assembly which was a closed-door session with only a few selected audiences seated on the left side of the Hall, while the huge screen was on the right with the members of the Prosecution and Defence. On that day there were a dozen members of the Councillors and Fleet Officers present.
“There is no such necessity, Madame High Council.” Admiral X0876GHvoiced out. “I will present the charges and my defence for it.”
“You are aware that you are acting on your own, and whatever you may say could perjury you.” Madame High Council cautioned the Admiral.
“My! Are you concerned for me, Madame High Council? I am after all only your son with my unknown father.” Admiral X0876GHreplied. “I am …”
“You will remain silent on that matter I …” Madame High Council replied sternly but the Admiral cut in.
“Hold your anger, Mother. I know my rights and when to silence my disclosure.” The Admiral replied. “However, I shall shift our focus to the charges in which I am to present now.”
“I, Admiral X0876GH is accused of the mass slaughter of nine species among the inhabitants at the Troy System. I stand not guilty of that. In my defence, they asked for it. They are … in the words of the old great leaders; different from us and they cannot be classified as species to be included into our Kingdom of Unity. It’s a mockery of our values here.”
The audiences in the Hall sighed at the words that the Admiral had stated. The principle of the Kingdom of Unity was to unite all the species or civilisation without interference to their culture and development of their kind. The Kingdom of Unity has within themselves over ten species from twelve systems. Their strength was diversity in their governance. They have survived for over four hundred years with that directive.
“We united with these ten species on one common attribute. Their physical attributes are similar to ourselves. They have four limbs like us, and a head with the brain. Their outlooks may be different but they looked like humanoids. In our view, they are humanoids. We need to assimilate with those that resembled ourselves. We cannot assimilate with the ones that are different.”
A level of the silence was in the Hall. Of the eight Council Members, five were from different species but they could remain seated on the same chairs with their peers. They are what may be termed as we stand equal at the head level but our feet may rest on different levels below us.
“Correct me if I am wrong, Madame High Council. The ten species and some sat here with you, are they not what I had described. These species do they not have facials like you and me, limbs that resembled arms and legs, and they do think like us. Or they won’t be seated here.”
“How many have we obliterated in the cleansing process to retain our ‘humanity’? Ironically, we were all the same before. I, yourself, and even some of us then; we were all the same. Born from the wombs of our mother and raised from young to the age of adult. We were different by the frame we were to grow in but we had some inherent qualities. We had colours from our pigments. We had different bone structures. But above it all, we were all humanoids.”
“In the call of humanity or was its good breeding? New conception came into meanings then. Crude terms were formed; racism, or superior breed. We battled those that were different by the physical looks. We killed them as they did with us. We euthanised those we are not permitted to kill so that they will perish in time. Our ancient annals told us such actions as the Holocaust and the ethnic cleansing. They were killed for the pigment of their skin or their ancestry.”
“My! Eventually, we won. Ironically soon after, we upheld the concept of unity. Are we really united or inversed with our mind? Probably we were for we were all of the same kind. Two hundred years ago we spread our influence to the other systems. We explored and interact with the species that resembled us. We assisted them in removing the others.”
“Enough, Admiral. That was our principle of the Kingdom of Unity was …... to be with our own species.” Madame High Council replied. “We cannot go against that principle. You, however, obliterated nine species there. They were…”
“Humanoids in the outlook? I did what you said. I removed them for they were doing what we had done. Our influence had infected them. We are …. programmed … to see ourselves in everything or they are nothing to us. We are getting arrogant about our kind. We have become monsters in our mind.”
“Admiral, do you like your current form? Your growth there? You rise to the rank where you hold the command of thousands.” The Madame High Council asked of him.
“I do Madame High Council. I paid for it with two-third of my frame attached with metal contraptions, and yet they are hidden behind layers of cloth so that I can look like a human. They even camouflage my contraption to look at the same colours to my skin.”
“Why can’t I am in a square or round design or encased in some gaseous container.” The Admiral sighed and then spoke out. “My! That will make me a non-humanoid entity. I will be revoked of my existence by the command of your kind. Am I not correct, Madame High Council?”
“Yes, Admiral. You are now judged to be unfit for a humanoid. You will…”
“My! Such harsh and speedy judgement. You have no intention to hear me out. As you have birthed me, you left me to the care of others. You have not shown love to me at all. Who cares? I am just another number to make up the needed inhabitants so that our kind will not perish. Let me conclude it for you today on this date of my submission.”
“The Kingdom of Unity is going to end soon along with your selfish way. When I was in Troy System, I encountered the others and having lived with them for over three years, I was given a new insight into what is a real civilisation. I learned to live with others and we assimilated on many levels.”
A series of hush sounded from the audiences.
“I have taken refuge with them. What you see standing before you are the creation of mine with their assistances. I will take my leave now. But just before I go, I want to inform you that there is a new threat to the Kingdom of Unity. The invaders with more powerful technology are from another system. They have united under a common banner and will be assimilating you into them. They are called My!”

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