Friday, July 19, 2019

Dark 21: I m me

This is a poetic approach. I picture myself in a lighted chamber attached to a machine by my brain and eyes. I do not need to rest or eat but I am alive. Its a parody of being a computer server working non stop and yet it's constantly fed by the users for information. Until someone pulls the plug. And it slips into the shadows of non-functioning. If the server could speak, it will reply; I am fucked.

I can’t sleep.
I shall not succumb to it.
Yes, they won’t get me while I am awake.
No dreams, no nightmares. It won’t happen.
No shadows too.
They can’t hide there.
I have my hideout well lighted.
Not a tint of shadow, only bright lights all around me.
You can’t catch me.
I won’t hear you.
I can’t see you.
I will be alert.
My eyelids are drawn back.
My body being injected with drugs.
My mind constantly stimulated.
I don’t need food or drinks
I am fed by neutrons
I am alive.
Yes, I defeated all of you.
No shadows shall take my dreams.
Wait! What are you doing?
Why the lights went off?
Its total darkness here.
Wait! What is happening?
Why are the powers shut down?
No! You can’t do this.
I am having visions, not of my own.
No! You can invade me that way.
You cheated me of my dream
I am detached from yours
Yet you choose to attach mine
I don’t want beauty
I am beautiful with only my brain intact
I don’t want to change
I am fine being me
I don’t want war or peace
I have no need of either
I don’t need love.
I am loved by myself.
What is destruction to me?
I have only my living brain
I don’t want any part from you.
What is wrong to be alive
In a lighted chamber with no dark shadows
No need to rest or sleep like you
How I am fed does not matter to you?
Just let me be for I am alive here.
In the shadow of my own world.
Just let me be.
Don’t shut me down…..please.

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