Sunday, March 13, 2016

TTO Episode 9.4

“Hee haw!” Trooper leader  Januck pulled the steering handle on his cannon carrier on the double track. “Did you see the tank blow up?”
The trooper leader was in a jubilant mode after the troopers reinforced from the frigate took the fight to the Resistance fighters. The additional troopers were given additional weapons including the small cannon mounted on the double tracks. It was manned by four troopers with the automated energy bolts loader. He was the leader of the cannon troopers with a complement of five cannons. They have sighted the Resistance fighters which had retreated there into the left slope. The cannons responded on the press of trigger.
The cannon on the left but in the hands of the experienced commander, he adjusted for the pull. It was then the crews got shot. The Resistance fighters have regrouped and making a last ditch there to escape. They crawled out of the hole in the ground.
“Defend yourself.” Trooper leader Januck called the warning. Another dive crews went down before his men drew their rifles. He looked around for the support squad of twenty troopers but they must have rushed ahead for the fight. He looked to his own men which had sought cover behind the cannon carriers. He raised his rifle to fire back but there was too many of them but relief was on the way. I saw the Darth leading the troopers. There were more than many to assist my small numbers.
Many is only numbers in the count but on that day, we have seen many numbers changed. I rushed at the fighters ahead of the troopers. I deflected the shots with my sickles. There were five fighters.
I reached the first and my right sickle removed the head. I tossed my second sickle out in an arc and dropped two more fighters. I was then among the last two fighters and lashed out with my left kick to deflect the rifle barrel aimed at me. I twisted my body to lash with the right arm. I jabbed the fighter there with the extended fingers into the face and then grabbed it to use as leverage to swing my body and hit the last fighter. The fighter went down and the troopers have moved in to control the area.
“Trooper leader Januck, Fifth Squad.” The tall square shoulder figure in the yellow flight suit saluted before me. I could read his facial expression for he had remove his flight helmet. I gave him the once over from his clean shaven top to the flight boots. I saw his side arm in the holster in front of his groin for the cross draw favoured by some although it was unauthorised. They claimed that with the sidearm in front, it was easier to draw.
“You will follow me, Commander.” I gave the order, and then marched on with the ten troopers’ squad. We were headed for the top side of the slope where the troopers have discovered an entry point inside. The ramp at the entry point was damaged and it dim lighted inside. I halted there while the other troopers there regrouped with mine.
“We saw them go in.” The trooper leader there briefed me. “The lady was with them.”
I was to move when I heard the fighting on the slope nearby. 

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