Tuesday, March 8, 2016

TTO Episode 9.1

Episode 9
The Book of Natria
I picked myself up from the debris that was from the wall collapse. I was lucky to have two troopers shield me from the main explosion. I looked at the others and saw my acquisition have escaped. I called on the troopers to search the tunnels while the others in the other caverns to converged there. I can’t have another failure in my hand. It will be seen as a sign of weakness by the Grand Order. I then took pace to the exit and soon emerged to outside of the temple. I looked at the surrounding forested hills. There were no reports of the escapees.
“Darth Natria, the five masters are here.” The trooper addressed me on the arrival of the masters. I looked towards the five figures standing there. I singled out the one who was named as the spokesman.
“You spoke to the one named Edo.” I glared at the old man.
“I did and told her the message you asked me to say.” I had communicated with the masters that if they were to meet Edo they were to speak of her destiny. I wanted her to feel the pressure of being the one. “It was brief for she collapsed in silence then.”
I was taken aback by that. I had expected Edo to query the older men but her sudden silence was of concern to me.
“Did you do anything to her?” I queried the old men. They shook their head.
“Maybe there was something that we do not know or controlled made her fall.” The old man replied. “The words of the Grand Master were never all revealing until its past.”
I knew of the words of the Grand Master Seldon. I will be a fool not to know of it being the second most powerful one in the galaxies. We all knew that the Grand Master had written down his notes into three volumes; the thousand years, the hundred years and the last ten years. It was also named the Foundation of the New Order.
Grand Order Illium had the notes searched in the last hundred years but the Grecian masters were not revealing its location. Instead they have spoken of it in parables despite the torture and pain they undergone. Soon after then, they were replaced with the other five masters who were more willing to speak. The new masters spoke of the words, and the last of the ten years was never told.
“We do not know.” The new masters have replied when we were nearing the next ten years of the notes. “All we knew that it was the last notes of Grand Master Seldon. There were rumours that only the last one will know of its contents.”
The rumours of the last One soon concerned the Grand Order. He began his search and soon sought the last one. My master, the Grand Order thinks the last one may be Edo Harashi being the last of the Harashi and the surviving member of the House that served the Order of Balance. Maybe she is the one, or was the last one not her but one other. The Grand Order had been known to be wrong.
In the last hundred years Grand Order Illium had foretold that the Dark Order will rule the galaxies. That was true that we were the masters of the galaxies in the last hundred years but among us as the masters, many of us died defending it from the rebellions and then those who resisted us formed the Resistance. If we are truly the masters, then we need not defend our rights for all should be our obligated to us. The Grand Order had explained then to me.
“The words of the Grand Master Seldon rang true that we will be masters but he had flaws in his vision. Just as he had flawed there, his words of the hundred years was also not all true. We only ruled for three quarters of the hundred years with the wars on the first quarter on those who did not agreed to our ruling. We defeated them in their numbers but not in their spirit. They have retreated and tended to their revival for the last three quarters of the hundred years.” Grand Master Illium had commented. “In the next ten years that was the final chapters of the Grand Master Seldon words, perhaps it will be the period for us to annihilate all that was of the Resistance and make us all the true masters of the galaxies. Hold that thought, my apprentice for the galaxies may be yours then.”
I held those words close to me until the Grand Order told me of the One once more.
“Darth Natria, I sensed the emergence of another who may be the One. You are my appointed apprentice to seek her.” The Grand Order had told me and sent me on the tasks that to find Edo Harashi. I had queried back.
“How there be One when I was told that I am the one in the galaxies?”
“Apprentice, I never said you were the One. I only said the galaxies may be yours. The new revelation only came to me recently. I may be wrong once more but I will not let it slip by me. I want Edo Harashi here as my final apprentice. I will have her trained in the Dark Order and then you will decide with her on being the last One in the Order. The defeated ones will remain as the apprentice like Zita Corleone and Anatoly Petrich.”
I did not queried then of Renair for I was not aware of her existence then. I knew then there will not be anyone levelled with me to be the One.
“Darth Natria, we have reports on the sighting of the others.” The trooper reported back. “They are in pursuit on the hill to our left.”
I looked to the hill and saw the Stinger there in flight. There may be a chance that I will continue our fight again. I turned to move to the transporter of my own when I saw them.
Darth Asoka and his apprentice. Both of them wore the same gown design.
“You have failed once more, Darth Natria. Those are the words of the Grand Order and our master.” Darth Asoka said. “I have brought reinforcements to the hunt.”
From the skies, five trooper transporters were descending. Once the transporters landed, the rear ramp was lowered and the troopers descended. The troopers were accompanied with the rollout of the rectangle shaped vehicle on four wheels. Those vehicles were named as the Trekkers. The Trekker was a three seat armoured vehicle measuring ten feet in width and fifteen in length with a set of double mini cannons mounted on the front. It resembled a box like shape but once the vehicle was activate for operation, the side of the Trekker will opened out to reveal a set of four mechanical limbs. The limbs will extend out to form a twenty feet high and then the wheels will retract to show the two toed bottom tracks. At the bottom of the box like hull, a swivel turret with the double mini cannons could be seen.
There were five Trekkers then and they moved into the hills joined by twenty hover bikers.
“You may remain with us to observe our hunt for the one named Edo Harashi.” Darth Asoka then looked at the five old men. “For the five of you, I have assigned you a premature demise.”
Without a word, Darth Rain rushed forth with the drawn ‘sai’ in her hands. The ‘sai’ resembled a trident but it’s a smaller model. The middle or main shaft is about a foot in length and round in design while the two side shafts are only a sixth in length compared to the main shaft. The handle of the ‘sai’ is behind the three pronged shafts and measured about half a foot in length. The ‘sai’ is normally gripped with the index finger pressed against the handle with the thumb hooked around the end of the shafts and the handle. The other three fingers on the hand are wrapped around the bottom side shaft near the handle.
Darth Rain thrust the handle of the right handed ‘sai’ at the nearest old man in the forehead. The force of her thrust was assisted by the momentum of her rush and it posed a deadly force on the unprotected old man. He fell back with his brain ruptured inside the head from the blunt weapon attack. Darth Rain had followed up with a swing on both her hands she had gripped the ‘sai’ for the elbow thrust. Both elbow shot out and then her lower arms swung out wide.  The centre shaft of the ‘sai’ thrust out like an arrow into two of the old men in the chest. She did not stop there when she changed her grip to that of the hammer grip and then thrust forth the weapons in both hands into the chest of the last masters.

The five masters collapsed before she walked away.

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