Monday, March 7, 2016

TTO Episode 8.4

We survived.
Tonta had pulled the lever that activated the inflatables below the transporter hull. We hit the surging river and soon got caught up in the currents. The vehicle was tossed by the currents as it sailed on the river. The river was wide but since we were still in a cavern; a rather long one the place was all dark except for the lights on the transporter. With the transporter bobbing on the river currents, we found difficulty moving but Michaly then got off the driving seat and rushed to the rear. He either had practice or was naturally good. He reached for the lever to lower the ramp on the rear and then reached for the rolls of cables there. The cables were thick ones and looked heavy for the shorter man.
“You need help?” I asked and knew what was to be done. I had done some works on the pulley and pulling before. Those cables were the same. I climbed down from the turret and grabbed the large trident hook on the cable. I looked out of the open rear ramp.
“The open space on the river banks will suffice.” Michaly had then tossed the hook out. It was a weak throw or the thrower was weak. It did not reach the river banks but my throw was more firm. It landed on the river bank and took hold when the trident snapped out wide to form a grip there. The trident was the same type used by mountaineers to secure camp base on steep slopes or in the strong winds. The cables unrolled out and soon it held taut with the other end of the cable held hard on the inner side of the transporter. Everyone was thrown off their feet but I grabbed the other hook back from the river. I tossed it over to get another grip on the river banks. With both hooks in grip, the transporter stopped moving.
“Tonta, did you get the pulley to pull the cable?” Michaly looked to the other. The expression on Tonta told us he did not prepare anything. I then took command and told everyone to pull at the cables. We pulled and heaved until the transporter had hit the river banks. I jumped off to secure it more firmly and then the others followed suit. Edo then confronted the two Grecians.
“I am Michaly Bruin and he is my kin. We are from the Resistance.” Michaly smiled. “We were told to expect your arrival for some time. We have planned the escape routes. Kuzuka met us and told us of your arrival. It took me some time to arrange the extra help.”
“Besides Tonta and myself, the others were mostly fighters. You know those who carry the rifles and shoot. Unlike us, we are the planners. We are skilled in the tasks of physical machinations. The armoured transporter and the tunnels was part of our planning. We also had you followed and with our training, I guess we done a rather good task.” Michaly continued on. He then looked at his other kin and they laughed.
“Now we will take you to meet the Resistance leader in Grecia IV.” Michaly smiled. “Dinna worry, we are ready for them there. It will be a blast.”

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