The dimly
lighted drink establishment was a relief from the harsh weather of the Frontier
Planets V planet. The Frontier Planets are a ring of rocks that was sizeable to
house the rogues and discards of the Federation of Planets. The planets were of
no economic values but they were bearable for the inhabitants provided much
information on the others in the Federation of Planets. There were fifty of
such hellholes that fringed the outer borders of the galaxies. On FP V as it
was recognized then, I had taken my refuge there in the harsh moon surface
among the discards.
I was dressed in
the multilayer shaded coat with the frayed edges above my tunic and tight pants
tucked into the soft leather knee covered boots. I have no hood over my head
but a wide brimmed fleeced headgear that sloped to cover half my face. I wore a
cowl over my upper jaw that hid my look. My sickles were stored in the hard
skinned bag slung across the chest. My
visible weapon was the three feet half-moon with the long inside bejewelled
handle that resembled a large sized cleaver. It was actually a double scimitar
when I detached the joint handle where the hilt is inlaid on the blade. It was
a weapon favoured by the crude Klinks of the Dark Systems. I was in the Red
Dwarf; a drinking establishment that served the range of condiments from the
The Red Dwarf
was a mud caked one and half structure among the many similar designs in the
small settlement next to the unmarked space port. The space port was managed by
the rag tag crew that somehow managed to coax the rogues there to pay them for
the landing rights. The drinking establishment ground level was packed with the
patrons that had thronged the two long tables adjacent to the longer drink
counter. The tables seated ten each on the long benches while the drink counter
may hold twelve. One both sides of the establishment were the build tables
against the wall with standing spaces. There the patrons could see the wall
mounted consoles for their luck based investments.
I was standing
at the far right end of the drink counter nursing my concoction of the dark red
fruits in the fermented juice. It had the little wriggly worms that swirled in
it to keep the drink intoxicated. I picked the spot for it allowed me to view
the entire establishment for any unwanted patrons and also the above mezzanine
level where there are three round tables for the affluent to negotiate their
deals. I had watched the three Ryino there negotiate his terms with the single Monscrats
and the later was getting the cream off the wares. The others in the tables on
the ground levels were a mix of sorts from the Grecians to the Elves. The last
you could make out with their curved out lower jaw and pointed ears. That was
not all for their clothing was almost indistinguishable from their skin shade
hence making them looked unclothed except for the tingly patch of darker shade
at the groin. Their sense of clothing ignored for the Elves were formidable
foes with their mini darts fired from their hand sized weapon.
The roar from
the mezzanine spelled the failure of yet the negotiation. The Monscrats was
then thrown over the railings there onto the ground level. The Ryino’s were
brash brutes with less tolerance for subtle approach. The Monscrats fall was
unfortunate on the triple eyes Gornish; another brute in the moods although the
Gornish frame spelled of tall reed like figure with the fish bulge eyes. The Gornish drew out the dagger like energy
blade and threw it upwards. The dagger blade flew up with its path directed by
the third eye of the Gornish. The dagger veered past the flooring and then
railings to stab into the leading Ryino’s horn. It then withdrew and did four
more stabs in the face before it returned to the Gornish. The wounded Ryino
roared out in pain and the other two leaped off the mezzanine flooring. They
did not land on the table but ended on the drink counter. The counter somehow
withstood the huge frames with its sturdy design. The two Ryino swung the
powered short handled hammer at the Gornish. The combined force of both hammers
threw the Gornish to the walls.
“Krik!” The companions of the Gornish
screeched out. The equally stringy looking figure differed from the Gornish
with the elongated upper limbs with the claws. The Mantose have the unique
protruded head like a tipped over jar on the neck. They also have have the
deadly stings on the upper limbs at the Ryinos. The stings were of no effect on
the thick hide of the Ryino but a stray sting had hit the Quetron rounded
frame. The Quetron unique frame with a round shape and the head occupied half
the shape slipped off the pedestal and twirled towards the Mantose. It hit the
Mantose like a Toberian storm. By then
more of the others have got into the fight but I sat back waiting for the
It came then
from the right.
The Mantose
bounty hunter had tried to use the fight as a diversion to attack me. It had
struck out with the right elongated limb aimed at my left shoulder. It was an
immobilizing attack on my nervous system. I stepped back and with my left hand
I swung the Klink blade into the Mantose limb. The sharp blade severed the limb
and the Mantose withdrew. The Mantose was no alone. The two Ryinos were in the
same team. They swung the hammers at me. I deflected the hammer attack with the
detached Klink blade. I then retreated to defend further. The roar of the heavy
blaster stopped the fight.
“Stack it, you
miscreants.” The Red Dwarf owner had taken control of the situation with the
heavy triple barrel rifle. “Drink up or pack it.”
The patrons
returned to their drinks and talks while the wounded Mantose was dragged out by
the two Ryinos. I was not giving up. I pursued the trio to the outside. I
cornered them at the alley.
“Tell me where
is Darth Asoka?” I asked. One of the Ryino rushed at me to have the front horn
removed with a clean cut. “Talk or lose more than that.”
Soon I was to
The House of
Mitoushi was named.
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