Thursday, March 31, 2016

LLM Part I Chapter 2


The town street was deserted by dusk then and all the windows were shuttered with the doors latched. The so named six person committee had housed themselves inside the Sheriff Office with their rifles kept close to their hands. The other shops including the hotel had closed their doors but the owner of the hotel had left a side door for the late guests. He did not wait on the guests but he left praying paraphilia alongside a rifle. For whatever good it was to do the hotel owner was not keen to find out for he was barricaded inside his own room with the rifle by his bedside.

The native stood blended into the shadow of the alley by the grocery store. He was still in his earlier clothing but he held a tomahawk in his right hand and on his waist belt was the bone dagger given to him by his father and his father before then.  It was a family heirloom for over generations. He also had a slung bag across his chest. He reached for his loose long hair with his left hand to sweep it back from the forehead. He shuffled his legs from the cold that was creeping up his legs. He may had used to the change in the weather but the tickling was too high on his thighs.

“Tonto, I can feel it.” The native looked across the other side.

“Kemo-Sabe, if one is on the hunt they remain silent.” Tonto reprimanded the other. “And for one named as the Lone Ranger, you are a mystery man for the lonely part.”

The one named Kemo-Sabe smiled behind his white Stetson. He has his respect for the other; they have known each other in the most suppressed manner. Frankly, they started off with a heated engagement which was a topic for another night. He flexed his white shirt that he had donned earlier while his hands rested on the twin guns on his gun belt. His thumbs were tensed on the cock pull on the guns. He glanced down his frame to his dark pants tucked into the high cowboy boots. He did not feel lack of protection for his body was etched with a series of magical incantations. It was also another topic for another night. The hour then was late and the weather was not conducive too. The wait was over then when the dark shadows moved. It was on the rooftop and it was moving fast. Kemo-Sabe felt his inkling moved on the chest. The incantations reacted to the demon there and it was striking out on his chest.

Kemo-Sabe stepped out of the shadow and then proceeded to the designated spot at the edge of the town. It was agreed that the place to fight was among the dead and buried. Tonto had then tucked the tomahawk and proceeded to climb the side of the shop. He emerged on the roof and then scanned it for the demon. There it was on the rooftop of the bank then. It had moved across the length of five shops in seconds.

There was no voice needed to communicate with the demon.

“Stop, demon!” Tonto reached out with the mental thoughts at the crouching demon. It looked up and showed its white washed facial expression with the fangs protruding from the lips. That was not any demons that he had served notice on but that one was known to be deadly. The demon was dressed in cowboy dressing with ‘chaps’ that protect the legs from the riding chaffing on the saddle. The demon hat was slung over the neck to the back and it was a Stetson. The demon leaped forward at Tonto but the later was ready. He jumped off the roof and then ran to the shop rear. He turned to look for he wanted the demon to follow. It did and soon they were on the ground towards the cemetery. It was a short run tangent to the shops and then to open shrubs land before they reached the cemetery.

“Hiyo Demon!” Kemo-Sabe called out from the edge of the cemetery where he had waited for the demon. Tonto stood next to the associate of his. The demon stopped there before it pulled up to its full height. Besides it stove hat and dark suit, the demon had on a gun belt with a gun in the holster. It held also what may appeared to be a walking stick with the heavy leaded knob.

“Or is it Mr Hotel. I never got introduced to your name.”Kemo-Sabe smiled at figure he had met daily for the last days. 

“Are you doing a late deposit at the Bank?”

“I believed that will be something he need not reply. You will be the Lone Ranger I presume.” A voice came from the other side of the roof. “Your face mask is well known.” Kemo-Sabe smiled behind his half face mask that covered the upper side of his face. It was shaded dark and there were the slots for the eyes. The mask was another of the incantations inked on it which allowed the wearer to see the unseen by the normal eyes. Kemo-Sabe looked over and what will appear to be six figures with their rifles cocked there but he saw the additional aura of the floating demonic waves above their heads.

“I am James Stoner, ex-Mason and then founder of Stonecast.” The figure stepped forward. He was a huge man with a heavy paunch at the belly from his relaxing ten years as the rich founder of the town or the extra feeds on the victims.

“These are my friends.” The other five were all exemplary inhabitants of the town from the grocer to the banker. Well, they did not look like any exemplary figurehead. Maybe it was the dark shadows for they all have white washed expression and fangs out of their mouth.

“Blood drinkers.” Tonto had to define their preference in a premature acknowledgement.

“A badly placed name for us. We preferred to be named as Vampires. We held more respect among the people in the main continent.” Mr. Stoner leveled his rifle at the native. It was then the ring was seen on the index finger of the man. It showed a design of an inverted cross. “Even the gypsy held us with more respect.”

“This is the New Frontier. We don’t welcome Vampires. You have a bad appetite and we don’t relish the recipe of blood and more blood.” Kemo-Sabe snapped back but it was Tonto who initiated the end of the conversation. The native rushed forth before he tossed his tomahawk. It started off the fight.

The weapon did not move in a straight line but was in an arc. It was aimed at the group of six but it swung in a tangent move towards the hotelier instead. The later shrieked out when the tomahawk snapped the head off the neck. It surprised the group of six which were later more surprised when they were attack by the one named Kemo-Sabe. The later had called on the allies of the magical properties.

“Come forth the traps of Ysir.” From the extended arms of Kemo-Sabe, a dark streak of shadow pulled out from the inkling on both wrists toward the group of six. The streak of Ysir changed its shade to red when it hit the group of six. The single streak split up into a series of streaks of multi shades with each streak took hold on each of the six. The shades entwined like weeds over the six locking their limbs. With the six subdued, Kemo-Sabe approached them.

“You can struggle but with each exertion the trap will tighten more.” Kemo-Sabe told the six. “It’s not something which you had sampled in the main continent.”

“What do you want?” Mr. Stoner flashed out with his fangs displayed. “We were only keen on your money. It was for the Foundation….”

“Of which I am not contributing.” Kemo-Sabe refused the withdrawal. “And I liked to change bank. And town. But do tell me more of the Foundation.”

“The Foundation is not yours to know.” With that Mr. Stoner reached for the rifle but Kemo-Sabe had moved on his weapon.

“Bring forth the blade of Lion of Richard.” The request was made and the new streak of shades that snaked out like the scimitar from the scabbard. The magical scimitar flared upwards and then swung across in a deadly blow at the group of six. The scimitar cut across them without a drop of blood but the group of six shrieked out in pain. The blood soon spurted when the heads rolled off the necks.

“That wraps things here.” Kemo-Sabe gave the final command while grabbing the shovel nearby. Tonto gave out the sigh and then picked up the other shovel. They then proceeded to pull the dead bodies into the dugout to bury them together. The native then performed the death passing rites before he poured in the lime and then shoveled the soil over the bodies. The lime will speed up the decomposition and hasten the decay. 

Monday, March 28, 2016

LLM Part 1 Chapter 1

Part I


The Stonecast Town was named by the mason who founded the place when he accidentally discovered the rail tracks were passing the land of his. He bought the neighboring pieces and then cleared the valley of the trees to make the logs. He started off with the lumber yard and then expanded with the store and then the saloon. The last was needed for the cowboys were herding their cattle past the valley to the market place in the bigger town on the plains. The town grew from the few shops on a single street to fifty more on an expanded six streets in five years. The farms soon appeared and the local township had then a local sheriff to maintain the law and order. That growth stopped for over a year since even with the local law officer suffering no results, and the officer left the job. The town founders then formed a committee of enforcers but the town was suffering from a drain of inhabitants. The town was renamed the Stone Throw by then when the population dwindled to half its inhabitants.

“I can throw in the morning meals if you choose to extend for three more nights.” The hotelier had on his best smile while his right hand was pulling at the bowtie on the neck. He had on his best suit daily since the numbers on his hotel guests were dwindling. He was handling the guest that had booked in for one week then. The guest was a fine gentleman with a finer taste in the suit. It appeared to be handmade and the Stetson hat angled at the side gave him a handsome look.

“I doubt so.” The guest replied with a twitch to his upper limps where his pencil moustache gave out the masculine streak to the expression. “My cattle are passed here since last night. I …”

“I am sorry for your loss of the …I heard three of the cows.” The hotelier gave out his best of “I am sincerely sorry’ expression.

“Yes, it was but with a thousand of them I am sure I could spare a few. My bank account won’t feel the shortage.” The guest smiled back at the hotelier but the later smile had slumped into a slight frown.

“Thank you, Mr Smith.” The hotelier stepped back while reaching for the walking cane with the leaded cane top. “I do appreciate your stay here. I will have your charges taken care in the morning.”

“Good day, Mr Smith.” The hotelier then moved to the office behind the reception counter. Mr Smith then turned to move back up to the best suite in the hotel. He was paying good money for the best. It was the best of the better rooms with the wide bed and dresser with a deep bath tub. He had rejected the Mexican maid for the extra services although he tipped her well. The guest closed the door and then proceeded to remove the suede jacket before he removed his sweaty shirt. His upper body was a marvel to look at with the inkling of the tattoos over it. It was not any typical motifs but intricate designs of unknown origins.

“Kemo-sabe, am I to stay here for forever like being dead inside the ground? Or perhaps I am to find a spot to ink more on you?” Mr Smith looked towards the spot next to the bed. The figure was a bronzed hunk with bare chest and the bead chest plate.

“You could sleep on the bed. I did tell you the right side by the window.”

“Kemo-sabe, I can’t sleep there. I may ruin my posture and you won’t allow me to wear my moccasins on it.” The Native American rose up from the flooring. He then reached for the hand sewn blanket and slung it across the room onto the chair there. Mr Smith had then removed his shirt.

“Well, hang onto your pants I am sure the demons will be here.” The one named Mr Smith was named as Kemo-Sabe by the Native American. The man then reached for the towel to wipe the sweat off his chest. The tattoos on the body were swirling then as if it was alive.

“That made my day.” The Native American stepped to the door. He opened it and looked outside. “Can I go outside? I need to you know release myself. It’s the beans I guess.”

Without a word, the native sneaked off and leaving the tattooed guest alone. The figure alone in the room then reached for a fresh shirt from his duffle case. He saw then the gun belt that held his double guns with the twenty five holders for cartridges. The holster was held in place by an elongated slot sewn to the belt. The holsters were angled slightly forward for a faster draw. The holsters were hung low on the belt tab. He reached for it and held one of the cartridges there. It was not a typical cartridge for those were made from silver. It was the only material that will wound or kill the demons. Silver was considered a pure metal and demons when in ingested with it will react to it like poison. Whatever it may be, it kills demons.

“Shucks! Don’t tell me you are not dressed yet?” The native had appeared in the room then. “I am hungry.”

“Soon but I need to use the privy.” The tattooed man picked up the sweaty shirt. “I hope you did not dirty it.”
Me, Kemo-Sabe? You might want to check it out. I was not even near it at all. I have my own spot with the coyotes.”

LLM Part 1 Chapter Zero

Part I: The Dawn of the Legend

Jimmy Loong
Feb 20th 2016


The young lady was transfixed by the movement of the paddles at the stern of the boat. She had been from the coastal towns and it was her first trip inland. She stood far from the splashing water although she had seen the high waves on the beaches but there was nothing compared to the churning of the paddles. She was mesmerized by the water being dragged out of the river and then it was thrown to the rear. Her hands twitching from the long inactivity made her reached out with both hands to rub it.

“Are you feeling fine?” The younger lady reacted to the touch on her left shoulder. She looked to the side and saw the older lady which was one head higher than her. The older lady who was the mother dressed in the tight gown with the stitched bodice and the wide skirting that was formed with the hoop inside. The younger lady turned to her mother and hugged the older lady. When she was hugging the mother, she saw the group of well-dressed men at the portside. There were six of them there with the stove hats and tailored fitted suits. They were waiting for the steamer to dock at the jetty. 

It was not the men she was curious about but the long crate that was guarded by the six men. It was a long rectangle wooden box but there were special clasps on the sides to hold it the cover firm. There were also the layers of tar coated on it. She knew of that when her father had told her of it. He was curious too for on coasts the tar was used to coat the ship hull. One of the men looked over at her. The expression on the face was grim and the eyes were piercing into the young lady.

“Mother, can we leave now?” The younger lady tugged at the lapels of the older lady to move away. The duo then stepped away and proceeded to the cover of the upper hulls where the cabins were located. When the duo stepped into the covered cabins area, a tall figure stepped out. The figure was a man with a stove hat and tailored suit had stepped aside for the two ladies. He did a curtsy bow towards them and then proceeded to the group of man. One of the six men then nodded to the new arrival. He motioned to the jetty where the steamer was docking.

“Is the wagon ready?” The newly arrived man enquired. He had seen the wagon was there on the jetty as per the instructions but he was keen to leave the jetty area. He saw the fishes were surfacing on the river as if there were a mass poisoning or sacrifice. He then placed his right hand on the wooden crate. It was secured but he could feel the vibrations from inside. He then looked up at the dipping sun on the river tree lines horizon. It was another hour to dusk and that reinforced his confidence that he could handle the situation if needed.

The crate was soon transferred to the wagon which took off with an escort of the six stove pipe men. Their destination was the train station heading for the inner lands of Arizona.

The Prince was at a new home.

The Lone Lawman who hunts

A new adventure of the Lone Ranger and his sidekick Tonto.

At 40 chapters, I just got to admit the 'plains of the West' have lots of offering. Here to the first three parts.

Done it in one month.....all 40 notches on my belt.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Tweet..tweet...25/03.... TTO Part 1 to be continued

Actually I wrote one third of TTO2 already and then stopped. I wanted to get new insight into TTO.

How did TTO started?

I was watching an extension of some extended tale on the war in the outer space where light sabers were involved. I stepped out with a mixed review in my mind but it was still a 'good show'. I loved the Princess but she was not given the proper scenes in the movie. Hence on my drive home ( I dearly forgotten the 'star-berry' ice cream treat then... ) I was playing the new approach to the tale and came out with TTO. During my write with dreadful desire to eat star-berry ice cream ( I had to replace with coffee then ) and grew the tale concocted during the drive. At the half way mark, I decided to extend to TTO2.

Why did I stopped at part of TTO?

I was re-reading passages and then stopped. I then ended up reading Clive Barker  new book from the library. It was past midnight and with my mind swarming with the horrifying plots ( and a full bladder then ), I had my new thoughts then standing up. Soon I was  'pissing' into a new tale.

What new tale?

I did it into three parts, at mid of Feb, and now in the closing chapters of the last part. Total words about 60K+ and will close at 40 chapters.

Probably be more for I liked the characters and the plots.


I will return to TTO2 to complete the Part 2, and maybe Part 3. I have some ideas in my mind on the trio in the TTO world. It will be more dark in the later chapters. And sexy.

For now till the dark skies swarmed us with gigantic spaceships, may we for once learn to live in peace before we get served as ala carte on the Menu.

TTO Episode 12.3 ( End of Part 1 )


“I am Dark Angel of the Order.” I spoke out for the first time that night. “I am to kill you.”
With that, I spread out its upper limbs out. With the extended blades, the dark figure looked like a swooping eagle.
“The Dark Angel of the Order? Darth Natria, I am surprise at your new designation as the Dark Angel.” Darth Asoka smiled. “I do wish you had come at me earlier. The others lacked the experience that could hold my interest. The last one had died in my arms although I sent her with the memories of the passionate echoes of satisfaction.”
“You are a bastard! She was my sister.” I screamed out in anger. I moved forward in a series of dance moves like that of the kabuki dancer with the big steps. With each move, I swung my body with the blades swinging as if slashing. The short distance was covered in ten big steps when the right arm blade sliced at him. Darth Asoka had twisted his body aside to evade the slash but he was not prepared for the left handed blade. The left arm blade went down on the other at the right shoulder. The blade cut in deep across the neck towards the left side of the chest and cut the arteries to the heart.
Darth Asoka was not dead when the left handed blade reached the left ribs.
I was not prepared for the victim who stepped back dragging the blade out. In the ancient texts, all humans have a soul. When that person dies, the soul leaves the body to an intermediate dimension to await the proper funeral rites so that it may join the ancestors. That was for the deceased who had died normally from illness or age. If one dies in a sudden or violent manner, then the soul may strayed in the inter dimension as the yurei. The yurei may be appeased with the correct rituals but not all have that. The yurei may remain as there with cruel intentions.
Yurei!” I cried out and then drew out the blade. The later, Darth Asoka lashed out with the right arm. His staff flashed out the foot long energize blade on the top and struck on my right blade.  With that Darth Asoka left hand reached for the staff and used both his arms strength to push my blade down.
I cried out in pain when my knees touched the ground. I felt my soul was pulled from my body by the force of the Secret Order. It was reputed that the Secret Order possessed the inner influence of the Dark Order. I must fight it to win.
For my sister.
With my concentrated effort, I pushed out with the blade and then rolled away.
“Darth Natria, you are a fool if you think I will stand here in the real person alone against you.” Darth Asoka called out. “I am just the clone standing in for the real me.”
Darth Asoka then staggered in his feet and the left ribs spurted out blood. It was then when the guards arrived and another that resembled the Darth stood there among them.
“Darth Natria, you are to surrender for the offences under the Dark Order.” The newly arrived Darth Natria announced. “If you choose to fight, then prepare to die.”

Twenty rifles were aimed at me. I took them by surprise when I tossed the two flash grenades. I then rushed to the glass covered on the wall. The rifles fired at me when I crashed through it. I was outside of the structure and seconds away from being splattered on the flooring below. I spread my arms and the parachute flapped out. I swooned downwards and then I felt the pain. The pain soon deserted me and then I blacked out. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

TTO Episode 12.2

The dimly lighted drink establishment was a relief from the harsh weather of the Frontier Planets V planet. The Frontier Planets are a ring of rocks that was sizeable to house the rogues and discards of the Federation of Planets. The planets were of no economic values but they were bearable for the inhabitants provided much information on the others in the Federation of Planets. There were fifty of such hellholes that fringed the outer borders of the galaxies. On FP V as it was recognized then, I had taken my refuge there in the harsh moon surface among the discards.
I was dressed in the multilayer shaded coat with the frayed edges above my tunic and tight pants tucked into the soft leather knee covered boots. I have no hood over my head but a wide brimmed fleeced headgear that sloped to cover half my face. I wore a cowl over my upper jaw that hid my look. My sickles were stored in the hard skinned bag slung across the chest.  My visible weapon was the three feet half-moon with the long inside bejewelled handle that resembled a large sized cleaver. It was actually a double scimitar when I detached the joint handle where the hilt is inlaid on the blade. It was a weapon favoured by the crude Klinks of the Dark Systems. I was in the Red Dwarf; a drinking establishment that served the range of condiments from the galaxies.
The Red Dwarf was a mud caked one and half structure among the many similar designs in the small settlement next to the unmarked space port. The space port was managed by the rag tag crew that somehow managed to coax the rogues there to pay them for the landing rights. The drinking establishment ground level was packed with the patrons that had thronged the two long tables adjacent to the longer drink counter. The tables seated ten each on the long benches while the drink counter may hold twelve. One both sides of the establishment were the build tables against the wall with standing spaces. There the patrons could see the wall mounted consoles for their luck based investments.
I was standing at the far right end of the drink counter nursing my concoction of the dark red fruits in the fermented juice. It had the little wriggly worms that swirled in it to keep the drink intoxicated. I picked the spot for it allowed me to view the entire establishment for any unwanted patrons and also the above mezzanine level where there are three round tables for the affluent to negotiate their deals. I had watched the three Ryino there negotiate his terms with the single Monscrats and the later was getting the cream off the wares. The others in the tables on the ground levels were a mix of sorts from the Grecians to the Elves. The last you could make out with their curved out lower jaw and pointed ears. That was not all for their clothing was almost indistinguishable from their skin shade hence making them looked unclothed except for the tingly patch of darker shade at the groin. Their sense of clothing ignored for the Elves were formidable foes with their mini darts fired from their hand sized weapon.
The roar from the mezzanine spelled the failure of yet the negotiation. The Monscrats was then thrown over the railings there onto the ground level. The Ryino’s were brash brutes with less tolerance for subtle approach. The Monscrats fall was unfortunate on the triple eyes Gornish; another brute in the moods although the Gornish frame spelled of tall reed like figure with the fish bulge eyes.  The Gornish drew out the dagger like energy blade and threw it upwards. The dagger blade flew up with its path directed by the third eye of the Gornish. The dagger veered past the flooring and then railings to stab into the leading Ryino’s horn. It then withdrew and did four more stabs in the face before it returned to the Gornish. The wounded Ryino roared out in pain and the other two leaped off the mezzanine flooring. They did not land on the table but ended on the drink counter. The counter somehow withstood the huge frames with its sturdy design. The two Ryino swung the powered short handled hammer at the Gornish. The combined force of both hammers threw the Gornish to the walls.
Krik!” The companions of the Gornish screeched out. The equally stringy looking figure differed from the Gornish with the elongated upper limbs with the claws. The Mantose have the unique protruded head like a tipped over jar on the neck. They also have have the deadly stings on the upper limbs at the Ryinos. The stings were of no effect on the thick hide of the Ryino but a stray sting had hit the Quetron rounded frame. The Quetron unique frame with a round shape and the head occupied half the shape slipped off the pedestal and twirled towards the Mantose. It hit the Mantose like a Toberian storm.  By then more of the others have got into the fight but I sat back waiting for the attack.
It came then from the right.
The Mantose bounty hunter had tried to use the fight as a diversion to attack me. It had struck out with the right elongated limb aimed at my left shoulder. It was an immobilizing attack on my nervous system. I stepped back and with my left hand I swung the Klink blade into the Mantose limb. The sharp blade severed the limb and the Mantose withdrew. The Mantose was no alone. The two Ryinos were in the same team. They swung the hammers at me. I deflected the hammer attack with the detached Klink blade. I then retreated to defend further. The roar of the heavy blaster stopped the fight.
“Stack it, you miscreants.” The Red Dwarf owner had taken control of the situation with the heavy triple barrel rifle. “Drink up or pack it.”
The patrons returned to their drinks and talks while the wounded Mantose was dragged out by the two Ryinos. I was not giving up. I pursued the trio to the outside. I cornered them at the alley.
“Tell me where is Darth Asoka?” I asked. One of the Ryino rushed at me to have the front horn removed with a clean cut. “Talk or lose more than that.”
Soon I was to know.
The House of Mitoushi was named.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

TTO Episode 12.1

Episode 12
The Book of Natria
“Darth Natria, you failed me once more.” I stood there on the high slope over looking at the valley where the troopers were firing the ground burrowing missiles. The unit was affixed on the missile launchers. The missiles directed upwards will soar to about a hundred feet before it dipped down towards the surface. The front of the missile held a number of mini warheads which will fired on the surface to create a deep narrow hole of twenty feet before the main warhead explode into the ground creating a large crater of over fifty feet in diameter and a depth of a hundred feet. When the explosive exposed a cavern, the troopers will fire the second missile into the cavern and thus creating a major collapse of the ground. The troopers will rappel in and move on into the tunnels there. There will be sporadic shootouts but we then in the control. The troopers have been reinforced with more of their numbers from the cruisers. I saw a trooper mounted the shoulder fired missile and fired it into the tunnel. The explosion rocked the surface then there was silence.

“Move in!” The trooper leader called out for the troopers to move in. “No prisoners!”

That was the war we fought in.

I saw a Resistance fighter was dragged out by the trooper. The fighter was wounded in the chest and dropped on the ground. The trooper leader approached the wounded fighter. He looked at the lying figure and then levelled his rifle to shoot.

“No prisoners!” That command was repeated.

“Darth Natria, do you hear me?” The roar from the voice of Grand Order Illium reached deep into my ears. I looked at the hologram of the other by the fallen tree trunk. “I am truly disappointed by your recurring failures.”

I bowed my head to the Grand Order hologram. It drew a snicker from Darth Asoka who was nearby with his apprentice. 
The Grand Order then looked towards the other two.

“You…” The voice was drowned out by the drone of the Stingers soaring in the pursuit of the fleeing Resistance crafts. I recalled then when we were out on the slopes with the escapee on the ground. Edo Harashi was defeated but we have to argue on the capture. The Resistance had acquired our Stingers and tried to blend in. We knew of the ruse and have the pilot given their codes of identification. Any Stinger pilot which responded with the wrong code will be considered as hostile. During the battle, three Stingers have failed to authenticate and were pursued. The drone of the Resistance Stingers drowned our argument then and before we could react the Stinger fired on us. They were aiming for the troopers there. I jumped aside to avoid the shots behind the fallen trunks. The others also did the same.

“Edo?” I pushed myself up to look for her. I saw her being dragged by the feet. I was surprised at the two smaller frame figures that were doing the full grown man sized effort. I rushed out but the demure half sized on the right pulled a blaster on me. I rolled to the side to avoid the shot. I crouched up and saw Edo Harashi had been dragged away.

“Stingers, I want a scan here.” I called the pilots. I looked to the sky and saw the squadron of Stingers diving to the slopes. Then I heard the call from the frigate.

“Squadron V, I want you to re-join the others. The pursuit of the transporter is more imminent.” It was then I saw the first transporter that soared to the skies. It was pursue by the Stingers. The pilots of ten Stingers roared for the kill. It would have been a fast kill but I have to confess it was a kill then I was not expecting. The transporter displayed its weapon capability. The side of the hull opened up to display the rack of sixteen missiles. The missiles were fired off in series of launch.

I saw the Stingers broke formation but five of them exploded in mid-air. The remaining missiles pursued the other Stingers and another three Stingers dived in flames. It was depressing and I went to the nearby bike. I rode hard to the trooper transporter. I had the pilot took on a fast launch. I saw the transporter soared above the skies. It was not going for the escape but instead it turned towards the frigate. The frigate was cordoned by a squadron of Stingers but that did not deter the transporter to launch the second array of missiles The second array of sixteen missiles were intercepted by the Stingers but the transporter did not planned for the two cruisers at the outer orbit. The cruiser phaser cannons fired by both cruisers hit the transporter. It was then I saw two more transporters on separate tracks to escape. The frigate turned to pursue the second transporter which was headed on the left while the third transporter swerved to the right. It was in a collision with the cruiser in orbit there. I sensed something was wrong then but I could not place it. The third transporter took some shots from the cruiser’s defence cannons before it exploded. The explosion was intense with the release of more missiles in random direction. It was a planned attack with the loaded explosives on the transporter. The cruiser took some hits but it was still operational. It was then I saw the Hawken Predator jumped in light-space during the commotions.

“Darth Natria, do you hear me?” My thoughts were broken by the same roar from the Grand Order. I looked to the hologram and listened to the ramblings. It was the last statement made that sent the shivers up my spine.

“Darth Rain had also failed both in her role and performance. You will punish her, Darth Asoka.”

“No….” I screamed out. It was not part of my training as the Darth but the emotions of mine broke through all the layers of training as one. I grabbed the sickles in my hands and rushed at Darth Asoka.

“Stop!” Darth Rain had stood there with her ‘sai’ blocking my swinging sickles. I looked into the face beneath the hood and saw the teary eyes. It was my sister I saw then. I lowered my sickles and retreated.

“I will not let another figure harm my master.” Darth Rain spoke out. “I have failed and it’s his right to rectify my weakness.” 

I looked at her and then turned my back. I heard the Grand Order’ command but I ignored the hologram. I walked away towards the hover bike. I mounted it and rode off leaving the scene.

Monday, March 21, 2016

TTO Episode 11.2


“Unhand me, you fake.” I cried out while stepping back from Grecio. When his hand touched my hip, I felt the artificial feel on it He was not of an implant but of the full construct like myself. I soon my movements were constructed with the arrival of three Technicians. They were not of organic but construct like myself. They were similar in designs and their construct mechanism was well hidden. I saw even the perspiration droplets looked real on the surface of their forehead.

“Doctor Shiong was not the only one researching the life form construct. It was the works of the Grecian masters for generations.” Grecio explained. “The masters took to the tasks when they realized the Grecian were diminishing in numbers. Due to the pacifist approach, the Grecian had to appear nonchalant even under threat of death. The other was the construct was suitable for the tunnelling works and also in storing the notes of the Masters.”

“You were one of us but Doctor Shiong asked for you to be his assistant. He took you away for his own research. We know of your fourth rule in the program. The masters have also programmed us which were how we are involved in the Resistance. Our intuition told us that the right move was to be in the Resistance.”

“Fourth Law of Robotic; if the human is deemed to be dangerous to others, then that human may be harmed if all other means of restraint have failed.” I recited the Law to Grecio. “How could that apply to you?”

“Our masters have been killed in the conduct of the Order.” Grecio replied. “In our logic, we could invoke the Fourth Law.”

“No, you are going against the core function on the Law.” I argued. “I did mine to protect my …mistress. I have terminated them for they were a threat to her. How could …”

I stopped then. It was illogical for me to argue on such frivolous statement. I was supposed to be a construct with my speech based on logic and here I was defending myself without any logic understanding on the issue. I looked at my hands. It was angled out in a way that resembled that of a tensed form in the organic. I unclenched my fingers and looked at Grecio.

“Yes,DN-501. Your programming had shifted your logic approach to that of the emotional functions.” Grecio smiled. 

“We are more advanced to yours.”

“No…” I lashed out with my right arm but Grecio have stepped back. I found myself held by the others and then a stun gadget was pressed onto my spine. I felt my circuitries then shut down.

“Fuck….” I slipped into the darkness but my sensors were still intact. I do not have vision and vocal but the audible was still intact. I heard myself loaded into a container that was tight with my body bent to the dimension. I heard then the loading onto a cargo hold and secured tightly. From then it was a long wait while listening to the non-relevant communications around me. My audible levels needed to be enhanced when I felt more loads were added to the area. Soon I was unable to pick up any discerning noise until the noise of the engine thruster was ignited. I felt the lift off and then then sudden turns and changes in direction. There were a couple of times when I felt the vibrations of the impact on the craft hull. Soon the comforting sound of the hyper-light flow was felt.

I was save for the moment.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

TTO Episode 11.1

Episode 11
The Book of Daniel
“The long-range TnR LR missile replacement for the oler FoP Model III missile last produced fifty years ago by Distrom. The TnR LR is an autonomous marked and deployed missile, unlike the medium range version in which the targeting beam has to be directed onto the target until impact. The long-range TnR LR can be ground launched or air launched. The system uses thermal sensors in the mast-mounted sight and in the missile.” The Technician stooped over the console was explaining to me the specification of the missile. “Multi target identification is used. The gunner selects the target on a display screen and the target is locked-on before launch using highly automated fire control. The system’s infrared electro-optic sight also provides thermal capability and all conditions.”
The TnR LR use thrust vector control for high agility in flight and precision targeting. The operating range is given as five miles, but the range is extendible to 7 miles. Salvo firing provides a firing rate of up to four missiles in eight seconds. The system is equipped with a tandem shaped charge warhead for high lethality against modern reactive armour. A proximity charge detonates at an optimum distance from the target.” The technician proceeded to carry the missile to attach it on the rack. “The dimensions of the missile are approximately length five feet by a body diameter of eight inches. The missile weighs 29 lbs.”
“She is a bitch to carry on.” The technician heaved the unit with the hoist and then fastened it there on the rack. “I called her the Terror. She can rip apart any Stinger.” 
I was to ask if the part that ripped the Stinger included the fins. They looked ‘thorny’ for the push.
I pushed on towards the tank with the long cannon barrel. They modified the cannon into a tanker turret before mounting it onto the vehicle with the double tracks. I saw the extra mounting to absorb the repercussion of the blast of the cannon. I leaned over to see how they construct the mechanism there. I was always intrigued by the designs that man could create. Doctor Shiong had once said; that man could only reached higher than their own perceived limits.
“May I speak to you in private?” I turned to look at Grecio. “You found the notes. The one with the image of the small hand scale. On the right side of the scale was the same eye and ……”
“Grecio, you made your point. We will talk.” I let him pull me to the side cavern. I found the others were there.
“I invited them to hear this out for all three of you have a task to perform for the ten years.” Grecio looked towards me. “First we explore the reason for the Grand Master’s notes.”
“Grand Master Seldon did not foresee the Thousand Years or the Hundred Years. He worked out the figures using the new thinking concept of mind awareness and predictive analysis based on historical events. He was after all the master and inventor of the Grand Unity Theory that gave us the concept of the Thousand Years. He did not foreseen the period of peace among the galaxies but a period of reconciliations. They have been at war for over the last thousand years, with some having been annihilated in those conflicts. The Cresian have been wiped out and so were a dozen others. The conflicts were taking its toll on the others. Even the Grecian who had sworn off fighting had resorted to stealth activities. There were occasions when the Grecian invited others to fight their colonists. It was disturbing then for there was a missing balance in the Order.”
“The Order that once reign in the galaxies before it went missing. The masters of the Order were not seen for some time then and then imbalance of the Order appeared. The Light and Dark Side surfaced and the conflicts spread. There was no right or wrong, only the Light and Dark. Grand Master then sounded out the words of the Thousand Years, and his influence sway them all. They saw the fatalities among them and concurred that peace shall prevail for then. It was a thousand years of peace but beneath the surface, the conflicts had not ended.”
“They were not reported in the communications, but the events were all true. The High Council Lords of Quetron that went missing during their flight to Quety III. The cause was blamed on the rogue pirates of the Frontier Planets. The unexplained disaster on Monscrats when the island of Mons sank with the death of thousands. The Grecian uprising against the migrant of Turin. And many more.”
“It was the works of the Light or the Dark but the Lords hid the truth from the others. For the sake of a thousand years, we prevailed. And then the Hundred Years began. It was planned by the Dark Order when they killed Lord Xilnex a hundred and five years before then. The Dark Order saw the dwindling number in the Light and moved in with their assassinations. Lord Xilex was executed by then the Lord Illium.”
“The Dark Order led by the Monscrat Lord then challenged the others at the end of the Thousand Years. The Monscrats held the largest contingent of troopers and fleet. No one was to challenge them …No, there were the Mountries which were executed among the few who had resisted.”
“Grand Master Seldon predicted the Hundred Years of Dark Order. He knew that for the galaxies to recognize the horror of the Dark, they must live it. He had planned that in that period, the independence of the galaxies will grow. It was from there the Resistance was formed by the most unlikely group; us.”
“I am the student of Grand Master Seldon. I formed the first Resistance group. Our first task was to hide the notes.” Grecio looked at me. “The last notes on the Ten Years were stored away. The one you held was doctored to mislead.”
“The last One is however true.” Grecio sid. “But there may be a few of the One. Not One can be the balance of the Order.”
“We are confused, Grecio.” Edo voiced out. “And why are you looking at Daniel?”
“Daniel found the notes and read it. He kept the last notes to himself for he thought he was the One.” Grecio told them. “He killed Grecia.”
Grecio opened his right palm to reveal the small holographic unit. The unit then projected the image of me striking at Grecia. I stumbled back on the surge in my circuitry and my arms strung up to strike at the oppressive Grecian. 
“The three of you have your own to prove.” Grecio sounded out. “You will be tasked to seek the truth on yourself. It was tasked by the Grand Master that only three will turn the events of the Ten Years. How the event will turn out depends on the three.”
“Grecio, you mentioned the third notes.” I removed the notes from my coat. “You have this switched.”
“I had foreseen the need to do so when the notes may sway the mind.” Grecio replied. “Even for a construct like you. We hold not much time. You will leave this planet and then continue on your own tasks. Your learning will determine the next events.”
“Edo Harashi, you will take the Sweeping Eagle to a destination to be disclosed on flight. You will be escorted by Kuzuka. There will be Federation interventions on your escape. Once you are cleared of the threat then only do you opened your hidden message.”
“Kuzuka Mitoushi, you will take the Sweeping Eagle another destination after you have dropped Edo. Again your message will be shown when you are cleared. Michaly and Tonta will be your companions from there.”
“DN-501, you will be delivered by these constructs to the other side of Grecia IV.” Grecio pointed to the two constructs what were earlier loading the transporter. They were of the crude design with the four limbs and tracks for movement. “There your transport will await you and so will there be a set of instructions.”
On those last words, I heard the noise of the explosions that resonated through the tunnels. I saw then Kuzuka had rushed to the Sweeping Craft. The technicians were still loading the craft. I looked for Edo but she was not there. I scanned the cavern which by then were flurries of activities with the battle ongoing above. The noise level in the confined cavern was loud but my concern then again was Edo. I saw her leaving with the missile launcher. Trust her not to follow orders. I was to chase after her when the Grecian stood there intervening my move.

“DN-501, you are to leave now.” With that, he placed his right hand on my right hip and depressed the hidden switch to shut me down. 

TTO Episode 10.3

The troopers have me secured with the cables while both the Darths’ faced each other. Darth Rain had retrieved her weapons and stood aside.
“Edo Harashi was my responsibility.” Darth Natria had placed her claim to me. “You are ..”
“I am given the task after you failed. I will then claim her as mine.” Darth Asoka took to offence to her claim. “My apprentice can add to my claim.”
“Darth Natria, you have the responsibility for Edo…” The blow that came from Darth Asoka was so powerful that the apprentice was thrown back a distance. Darth Asoka had used the handle of the energy staff to hit the apprentice.
“Betrayal!” Darth Asoka then lunged at the apprentice with the energy staff but Darth Natria had intervened. She stood between the two with the sickle levelled at the other.
“You will not hurt her.” Darth Natria defended the younger apprentice. “You can have Edo Harashi. I want Darth Rain as my apprentice.”
“That will not happen.” Darth Asoka glared to his apprentice. “She is mine and mine alone.”
I then heard the battle above us when the Stingers were engaged by their own markings. I counted twenty Stingers but there was confusion in the battle when some of those were from the Resistance. I saw one blew into flames when hit by the cannons. Then I saw the Sweeping Eagle which flew into the battle and destroyed two Stingers. I was to cheer them when I was hit from the back.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

TTO Episode 10.2

I jumped on the missile launcher rear when it went past me. I ignored the call from Grecio and Daniel was seen chasing the vehicle I was on. The vehicle exit onto the surface and I have my first view of the devastated slopes. It was burning in some places but the rest was all burnt out woods with the trampling Federation army of vehicles and troopers. Overheads were the Stingers. I counted about twenty of them picking the targets unmarked by the earlier bombings. The missile launcher stopped then and the countdown began. The launcher rack moved into position aimed at the sky. I jumped down to move far. The first array of two missiles went up into the sky. They went up and then it was on the tail of two Stingers. Those launchers may be ancient but the missiles were not. The missiles sped towards the Stinger in split second and then exploded. I wanted to yell victory with them but the troopers were onto me then. I still have my rifle and fired at them. The second array of missiles went up before the trooper shoulder fired missile took the armoured vehicle apart. I was tossed by the explosion and landed on my face.
“I will surrender while I have the will to do so.” I looked up and saw Darth Rain. I have seen her profile in the Enforcer’s files. There she was with her hands holding the ‘sai’. I lashed out with the right leg towards her legs but she stepped back. She went into a crouch with the right leg bended and the left leg shifted back. I had regained my balance and stood up.
“Darth Rain, I am unarmed.” I showed my hands after dropping the rifle. The troopers have formed ring around us and any attempt on the rifle will be fatal. “Would you me the honour of fighting me without the weapons?”
Darth Rain hesitated and then holstered the ‘sai’. She stood up straight up and then moved her right leg back with a slight bent to the back while her left arm was up to cover the chest. Her right arm had then moved to the back. It was a change in the style of the Mistral Movement Style. I had used it to fight with Darth Natria when I wield the dagger.
“That’s the Mistral Movement….” My words were cut off by the sudden kick that came from Darth Rain’s right leg. I blocked that with the left arm while retreating. She followed on with a left hand jab at my chest which I deflected with the inner block. My instinct told me to fight back and I did. I moved my body with the right leg at her left knee. She retreated before my leg contacted her knee. I stood there and stared at her.
“You will face me.” I turned to face the other. It was Darth Asoka. He stood there with his three feet long red fusion energy staff appeared in the right hand. “However, I will not battle you without a weapon.”
Darth Asoka looked at Darth Rain.
“Pass her your weapons. You are not worthy it.” Darth Rain took the ‘sai’ out of her holsters and tossed it over.
“Pick it up, Edo Harashi.” Darth Asoka hit the nerve there when he addressed me in name. “It’s Renair’ choice and may suit you.”
I stooped down to pick it up. The weapon weighed fine in my hands. I looked at the handle on my right hand and noticed it was bounded with the thin strips of the Thesian Tuger skin. It lent grip on the handle. Suddenly I felt the energy vibes onto me and retreated. Darth Asoka had struck without warning with his energy blade. It was not one but two edged on the two feet length hilt. He swung it like in full circle with his hands towards me. I backed up further and then took on the fighting stance of the Mistral Movement once again. The energy blade came at me and it was deflected by the ‘sai’ on my right hand while my left handed ‘sai’ shot out to lock onto the handle. The side blade of the ‘sai’ locked the handle at its edge and I twisted my left hand to pry it off the other. He saw the move and rolled the handle in his hands to dislodge my lock. I twisted my wrist and used the thumb on the handle to push the ‘sai’ downwards. The force of my thumb was strengthened by the wrist made the move but he had pulled the blade back. I had to withdraw my ‘sai’ for fear of getting it caught in the energy blade.
Darth Asoka counterattack with the sideward swing of the energy double blade at me which I blocked with the right handed ‘sai’ and I countered with the twist of my body to deliver the left leg from the rear at the other’s left shin. I kicked him hard and he lost his balance. I followed through with full body turned and delivered the downwards round right leg kick into his back. He fell forward but rolled to a distance and avoided my thrust of the ‘sai’ I rushed forth on the unbalanced foe but he was assisted by his apprentice.
Hai!”Darth Rain jump kicked at me from the right side. I had to block her kick with my right forearm and was pushed back by the force of the kick. She landed near me and chopped down with the right arm. I blocked her chop with the left elbow and then swung the roundhouse kick at her. She stooped forward and I missed her.  She did a double jab with both hands on my exposed right ribs. I fell backward with the pain on the ribs.
“Waki ni ido..” Darth Asoka commanded his apprentice. “Anata wa rippana monode wanaidesu”.
I saw Darth Rain clenched her fists in shame when she was asked to withdraw. Her master had said she was unworthy. That was a personal insult when spoke in public. I stood upright and drew in deep breaths to counter the pain on my ribs. I then took on the advance Mistral Movement stance with both arms bent at the elbow covering the chest. The ‘sai’ was gripped in the ice pick style with the blades facing to the sides.
Darth Asoka came at me with the energy blade and at the last moment, he dislodged the lock on it. The two feet length handle split in the middle to be a twin set of blades. He swung the blade with both his hands at me. I was unprepared for that and backed off. He came at me hard with ferocity in the approach. I deflected but it was not enough. The right blade cut my left forearm. I staggered backwards and then took on my fighting stance once more. The forearm ached but I must fight on. I did not see that coming but the blow was hard to knock me off my feet. I looked up to see the other Darth holding the sickle at my throat.
It was Darth Natria.
“You are to surrender now.” Darth Natria stepped over me.
“Darth Natria, she is mine.” Darth Asoka approached us. “I will not have you take her from me when it’s myself who had her defeated.” 

A peek into my mind.... the new tale

  I duly apologize for the late postings. I was busy with many other matters and when I was not, I was typing...... not my letter of resigna...