Thursday, May 28, 2015


Sincerely, I apologies for the late postings. I have been working on my personal life and also work and that leaves not much creative time to write. Since my personal tragedy in the family, I have slacked in the last months and even left "Hamlet"; the tale I was writing at half way and then moved onto a new one "The Book of Modred". The later is hovering at 37K words after two ( or three ) weeks but I am not rushing it.

Why the change in my writing to this new tale? It was not because Hamlet was not interesting ( it was to me. ) but I found the readership for Shakespeare re-write are few. I was reading the 'The Hobbit' by JRR Tolkien and decided to word the other. Then again, with the above other concerns, I had to kick myself at times to write. Writing to me should be a fun time and stress release factor besides reading ( though the later makes me sleepy after four pages ). I also enjoyed putting in words my fantasy if I may termed it that. I started off with New Pangaea ( over 320 pages ) as a past time and in between the so named Male Tales. The tale lengthen into a 52 weeks of writing with each week expanded into the tale. Hence the long pages but it was an exploration of the mind. Since then, I have penned many tales ( unpublished ) but they are in storage for now.

Later today, I will release the simple and fun tale I wrote some months back for my daughter (for her final semester presentation in story board submission. She had graduated last month; majoring in Creative Art Illustrator. And then my son went in do the same course but will major in Animation. ). Its the tale of 47 Ducks. Its a teenager tale with adventure in it. Its not serious stuff like Hamlet. It should give me time to shake off the dust off my creative side and move on with newer tales.


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