Friday, May 29, 2015

47 Ducks 1.2


The old Emperor escape was foiled by the four cockerels which have used their claws to hold the old duck down. The duck would have fought off these four cockerels its prime time, but old duck have been too long away from battles.

“Release me, you cocks.” EL Gluck struggle in its captors grasp but the cockerels were younger and stronger. The captors spread their wings to add strength to the hold.

“Give up, old quack.” The shrilled voice sounded in the nesting area. El Gluck looked towards the feathered enemy of his.

“Colonel Saunders.” El Gluck quacked out. “Ain’t you a distance too far from your farm? I hear they fried your kind in oil.”

Rooster Kent ‘Colonel’ Saunders was a prime Bantam with its short and compact body and the prominent breast protruded out as if it was on the marching ground. It also have the large, long wings should be carried at and almost resting on the vulture hocks. Its tail was full and held upright. The monocle glass hung perched on its bill covered left eye. It was one proud rooster and this one held its self higher in esteem for its role in dark operations for the Chicken Lord. It was rumored that Colonel was involved in the massacre at Ducky Farm, causing over three hundred ducks death. The Colonel held a death or alive notice with a reward of one year’s feed, but all the bounty hunters have never come forth to claim it.

“Give up, El Gluck. They are the selected best of breeds.” Colonel Saunders peeved towards the four cockerels. “They are the rare German Langshan. Heavy breed with their extended legs and claws make them formidable warriors. They are experts in the art of Savate.”

Savate also known as French boxing is a renowned art of martial skills with the focus on the body limbs. It originated from the selected farms in the larger continent and soon spread to the other farms in the other continents.

“Please meet the brothers, Baron Schmidt, Schneider, Schulz, and Smith. The last one he thinks he was more Isle bred.” The Colonel sighed. “You may have heard of them as the Four Pillars. They specialized in the ‘fouette’ kick or you may know it as the round house kick.”

The Colonel demonstrated with a poor imitation of it to the Emperor.

“Whoosh and your bill are gone. Let me add to the tale, their father was drowned by you in the pond at Water Trough some seasons back. You could say the chicks are back for your feathers.”

El Gluck shrugged its wings. Those four cockerels were in the Intel folders; they were classified as dangerous and to be removed on sight. It stopped in its struggle and looked to Juliet. The other was safe which made El Gluck questioned the role of Juliet. Colonel Saunders looked to the young duck and clucked.

“Juliet, your day of vengeance is here.” Colonel Saunders looked to the young ducking. Juliet approached the captured old duck. It stooped down and looked into the old duck’s eyes.

“Bill to bill, Emperor.” Juliet quacked out in hissing tone. “You may not remember me but some seasons ago, you ravished my mum. You bastard forced yourself on her when she refused to be consort. She died three seasons ago after she gave us life. All seven of us but they are all dead fighting your regime except me.”

Among the ducks in the clan, there was a splinter group named ‘Roasted’ which opposed the Emperor.

“Your Legionnaires killed them on your order. I escaped to fight you.”

“Who…No, it can’t be.” El Gluck sounded out. “I did not…No, I did it because your mother wanted to kill me. She tried to kill me. She had a baby viper in the nesting.”

“It was no viper. It was an earth worm. No bigger than yours.” Juliet stepped on the old duck’s phallus. “That’s for mum, Father.”

El Gluck shrieked out in pain but it was unable to move. It was then Colonel Saunders gave the command.

“Kill the old duck.” The four cockerels reached with their claws to tear the wings off the old duck before they broke the bill and then severed the vocal chords. It was a gruesome killing by the brothers.

“Here’s to you, Dad. Bottoms up.” Smith the youngest cockerel saluted their dead father while it stood over the dead duck’ carcass lying there with its bottoms up. The others looked at the odd one among them.

“Okay, Zum Whol!” Smith called out again with the brothers joining in. They then looked at the young duck still standing there.

“What about that young one?” Smith asked with the devious look on its bill.

“Smith, it’s foul for us to copulate with the ducks.” Schneider quipped out. “Its best we retreat before the others arrived.”

“She is a captive now.” Smith replied and then switched to German. “Was ist mit euch? Huhn aus ?” ( English translated ‘What's with you guys? Chicken out?’

“Copulate? Please don’t make me gurgled out my worm.” Juliet smacked back towards the cockerels. “The four of you might as well wet your own feathers.”

Colonel Saunders rushed to the young duck and smacked it with the extended wings. Juliet fell to the side and looked at the obese old cock.

“You are one lucky duck. I am not in the mood to kill you except your Emperor.” Colonel Saunders told it off. “You best be gone before the others arrived.”

Juliet got up on her legs and wadded out. She moved to the lake to wash off the dirt off her feathers when she saw the arrival of the guards. She turned to call the chickens.

“The guards are here!” Juliet quacked out and it was then it felt the attack from the duck wing. Juliet fell towards the water before looking at the attacker. It was Casanova. That duck was a member of the elite but Casanova was also its admirer. Casanova was one of the best duck scouts and its role was pointer duck in the pack.

“Casa…How could you?” Juliet quacked out. Casanova landed on the water but its wings were still spread out. It was the traditional skills of the Elites to learn the art of Extended Wings Art. Its handed down martial art form learned by the Grand Masters to protect themselves.

“I am sorry. Why did you alert them?”  Casanova asked. “Those are Chickens.”

It was then Othello and its assembled six duck guards had reached the bush. They saw the dead Emperor with the chickens still standing there.

“My Emperor!’ Othello sighed out. It looked at the five chickens. “You killed my Emperor.”

It was then Colonel Saunders threw the mixture of herds towards the ducks. It was a mixture of oregano, wheat, barley, parsley, thyme and whatever else that was dropped by some flying feathers. When it’s grounded, it formed a deadly musky, pong deadly potion which will burn or itch on contact with the exposed skin.

“Cover your eyes. It’s the H-Bomb.” Othello gave the warning while covering the head with the wings.  The herbs hit the ducks and blinded some of them. It also gave the chicken time to escape. Othello was the first to recover when it’s washed its feathers in the lake. It looked to the departing ducks and then at Juliet.

“Morgan, why are you here?” Othello asked the young duck. Morgan aka Juliet was one of the young ducklings which was seen at the Guards training ground. They are there to admire the young gallant ducks undergoing their routine daily with their feathers striped to the skin. Before Morgan reply, she looked to Casa and then back to Othello.

“It was the Emperor. It tried to …” Morgan feigned a teary look and then looked to Casa. “I refused and then the chickens came. I escaped and shouted to the Emperor that you have arrived.”

Casa looked to the young duck whom it had some desirable intentions. Morgan was always there to preen its feather after training. It nodded and then told the Commander of the outcome.

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