Monday, September 15, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.28

Act Three Scene 3 Part 1

The harbour had not much to offered at the shops, but there was some scenic spot with one that was particular view of the bay. It was by the fast works of Emilia who did the correct inquiries. The scenic place was at the top of the cliff where a lovely pavilion was erected. Emilia had arrived with Desdemona as her chaperon. Cassio was there waiting at the later morning. They sat down at the pavilion.

Cassio looked to the bay and smiled. The wind was just a breeze then with the storm having gone on further inland. He looked at the seagulls with the beauty in the flight. They are out in force to capture their fishes which had swam close to the surface for the gleaming sunlight. It would had been a beautiful day, but in his mind was a burden to be unloaded. He was in need of one's assistances but she was late.

"I hoped she would not fail me." Cassio muttered to himself. Then he heard the sweet voice of the lady that he was waiting.

"Cassio, its sad that you were demoted." Desdemona told the Centurion. She was direct as he had known her on the journey. She would not hesitate to bring on any subject and argued her way with it. Othello had several times walked away from his wife' wits.

"I was, my lady." Cassio bowed to her. He remembered her well, from the journey where he took to care more for their convenience and safety while their loves only cared for the coming battle then. He had made extra runs to their chambers and sent over the fresh produce that would heal their sea sickness. Once Desdemona had told him that he cared more for them than their own loved ones. His reply was more courteous and kind; 'I served to assist the ones whose beauties are more than those I had served.'

"Pray sit with me and unload your burden of worries." Desdemona motioned to Cassio to sit by her side at the Pavilion. She then turned to Emilia.

"Emilia, please attend to my needs at the Tavern. I have left my purse in the drawer at the room."

"I wish to declined, my Lady. It would improper for you to be alone with the ..... Centurion." Emilia pleaded with Desdemona. "Its not ...."

"Please, Emilia." Desdemona held out for Cassio' hand. "This is Cassio. We were with him on the ship. He can be trusted like our own love."

"But he is not our love. He is a Centurion and above all, another man in the realm of Man." Emilia looked to the other.

"I apologize, Centurion. But we are the ladies of Rome, there is a need to maintain our rank." Emilia bowed to him. Cassio pulled his hand back and stepped back.

"I understand. I am a Legionnaire. We lived by respecting ranks." Cassio looked to Desdemona. "I think your lady in waiting is well advised."

"Don't be balmy, Cassio." Desdemona blasted back. "I was a Senate brat. I had known all the ranks and protocol. I also known Cassio. He was no other men I had met; they are all predictable, and obnoxious at times. But since I have lived with them, I feel safe around them. So don't be alarmed when I said I can be alone with Cassio. He is just another man."

"Desdemona...." But the lady in waiting was ignored when Desdemona took back the hand of the Centurion to pulled him to the cliff.

"Emilia, you have a task to be done. So be off before I yell my head at you." Desdemona told the other. She stopped at the edge of the cliff and looked at the bay. Cassio felt uneasy and pulled his hand back.

"Lady Desdemona, please follow Emilia back. I would see you later." Cassio tried to reason with the lady with her lady in waiting still standing there.

"Cassio, do we talk or I shall go on my walk?" Desdemona continued her look at the bay and then closed her eyes. She stepped forth to the far edge. Cassio immediately reacted in case she fall over, but he found her holding her stand. She whispered back to him.

"I am fine. So stand back or we would fall together." Desdemona smiled. Then she asked.

"Is she gone?"

"Yes, she had left." Cassio told her. He was standing two steps behind her. Emilia had gone back to the tavern.

"So tell me the whole event." Desdemona stood there. Cassio relate the whole events from the evening to dawn. He told her everything, that he could remember.

"You are a poor fool." Desdemona whispered back. She opened her eyes and then turned to look at Cassio. She held out her hand towards him. He took it and pulled her back.

"Thank you." Desdemona replied. "I may had fallen if you did grabbed me. My legs were frozen then."

Desdemona fell into his arms which he held her. He held her tight. It felt good, the warmth and comforting. She then pulled away and walked to the pavilion. She sat there and looked out to the bay.

"I would speak to him. He would listen to me. If not, I would make him. I had some experienced in that." Desdemona laughed. She then looked at him who had taken the seat on the ledge of the pavilion.

"You do not believed in me?" Desdemona smiled at the Centurion. "Well, for you. I would try. Do you want to why?"

Cassio shook his head.

"Because I like to win over man. Walk with me down to the harbour. I feel safer with you." 

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