Sunday, September 7, 2014

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 2.1

Part 2

The inventor


The origins of the assassins dated back to around 1080, when a local lord in the Middle East, named Hassan-I Sabbah led a number of people to become his followers. They were the founding members of the Order of Assassins. It was said that the Lord Sabbah used that Order for his personal and political gains, and also to exact vengeance on the enemies. It was believed that Lord Sabbah that had his followers trained hard in all the arts that was needed for their survival but he also needed from them undue loyalty to the tasks. He was said to have induced to them hallucinating drugs. The followers were drugged to show them the paradise that awaits them, and only the Lord himself could lead them there. That was the presumption and was never substantiated with facts.

The works of the assassination was kept in the dark, but it was soon developed by others under the guise as killing works. These kills may not be physical in form, but its end would affect the physical being of the victim or the ones closest to the victim. In the years to unfold, the modes of kill became more refined like character assassination, or planned coup of takeover, but the mean was still the same; the removal of the victim from the scene. The payment of the so called killers was expensive due to its stealth nature it could only sanctioned by the rich and influential.

In the inner Chamber of the Islands Kingdom, Chancellor Baine held court with a few trusted associates of his. The Chancellor dressed in the casual three piece suit made from the woolen materials while his feet are tucked into a set of fine dancing shoes. He held his glare on the six associates seated there on the long table.

“Gentlemen, I hoped that this matter deserved my attention.” Chancellor Baine was in a Ball with his wife, to celebrate the anniversary of their twentieth year in marriage. He was doing the lindy hop with his wife when he saw the steward signaling him.

“Lord Tannen had an attempt on his life.” Exchequer Thomas Stane spoke up as he was the one who called for the meeting. He was still in his official robe over his striped business suit.”I believed it was called for by the King himself.”
The others looked away in concerned stares, and the Chancellor spoke up once again.

“Why was he not stopped? Where are our Enforcers?” The Islands Kingdom had an organization of trained officers in the role of defending the realm from such acts.

“I was not advised.” Personal Secretary Marilyn Forbes voiced out her ignorance. She was dressed in her evening gown complete with the corset to uphold whatever flesh she could push out. The public had named her the balloon for obvious reason. “I have attached over ten staff to cover all his personal movements, and yet this may have eluded them.”

“So the King had another to assist him. A shadow House perhaps lurks with him. They may have consisted of his own trusted associates than those of us who were appointed to him by the public.” The Chancellor slammed his fist on the table. “Find that shadow House and remove them.”

“My…” The Exchequer held back his word, and then corrected himself. “My Prince, we do not know who did the employment but the assassin was caught.”

“Then proceed there yourself and find out who his masters were. I want them removed too.” Chancellor looked to the Exchequer. “Lord Tannen was placed there with my blessing. He was my plant with the United Continents. His plan is now under threat if the King sent someone to kill him.”

“You organized Lord Tannen to go there? But why didn’t you tell us? What plans were you planning on?” The Exchequer raised his questions. Chancellor held up his hand.

“Leave now.” The Chancellor dismissed them all. While they paraded out, he sat there on the high back seat and reflected on the meeting. He was in deep thoughts when he heard the feminine voice above him. He looked up and saw the figure descended from the corner of the ceiling. She was dressed in the red shades that lined her dark leather uniform. She landed on her feet in a half crouched pose.

“Lady Lilith pays her respect to the Prince.” The lady assassin remained there waiting for her Master to instruct her.

“Your report was right, but Lord Tannen deserved to die. How was it that he could escape the act of the Devil’s Own?” The newly revealed Prince spoke up. “I had stopped you from warning him, and yet he escaped. Who is this Devil’s Own?”

“Kassius …” Lady Lilith was to tell the name when she was interrupted.

“Your lover? Perhaps you warned him.” The Prince reminded her of a tryst she once had with Kassius when he just begun his tasks. They had met and in those two weeks, the sparks went off but once Lilith had done the tasks they went off separate ways.

“I had checked. Kassius was taken when he slipped in the ducting. He was not the best, but he had the tendency to.... succeed.” Lilith sighed. “That surprised all of us.”

“Kassius failed. So they have him there. Is he dead?” The Prince asked. Lilith did not reply, but the Prince had known the reply.

“I will send the Exchequer to tell him to hold the prisoner.” The Prince spoke out. “Meanwhile, I want the Devil’s Own to pay the price of hitting one of my own. They had been a pain for too long.”

“You mean removed them?” Lilith asked back.

“I will get the Princes to act on it.” The Prince looked to the crouched lady. “You may assist.”

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