Monday, September 8, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 2 Part 1.27

Act Three Scene 2 Part 1

Iago had stood by the harbour, and looked at the waves. He still remembered the journey, the turn of the waves, and the vomiting. He saw the rotation of guards and the Centurions sharing notes. Everyone knew something but they are not looking at the Praefectus. He knew they are looking for Cassio but he had gone to hiding somewhere. Maybe to work up his courage to speak to Desdemona. He was still watching the legionnaires when the Legatus approached him from the rear.

"Good day, Iago. Have you seen Cassio?" Iago was startled by the Legatus and then got agitated by the mention of the name. Iago shook his head.

"I felt bad. He was our friend. And a good centurion." Legatus stood by the other and looked at his men. "I had to impressed the Aides. Montana whispers to the Governor could reached the Emperor, and it would be embarrassing for us. We need to get him back to our side."

"Perhaps we shall invite the tribesmen to raid this town and then we would be seen as victor once more." Iago replied.

"A good thought, Iago, but it won't work here. Montana would know that we planned it. We need something better. However, I praised my man. Cassio had done a good work on the man."

Iago stifle the laughter, but he let it out when he saw Legatus smile.

"Yes, he was a good man." Iago supported the other. "He did had a good right arm."

"Well, left or right. We owed Montana an apologize. I would start on it before we find Cassio. Have a squad of the legionnaires to escort him back to his home. Make it a grand affair so he would feel proud and above forgiving to us. And add on the case of gold. We could spared some from the loot we took from the tribesmen." Othello told the other.

"Okay, I would like to do that." Iago replied. He was to moved out when Othello gave him the next command.

"I would be in the valley with the other cohort." Othello told Iago. "His war is far from over."

Prologue 17

Othello climb the hill and then down the valley. The place was cleared of the dead and piled into the pyre that was several in the valley. During his walk, he met the Centurion on duty and was briefed on the update.

"We cleared the wounded with the women and children as you ordered. The others are either on the pyre or in that pens." The Centurion briefed him.

"Good, but did you checked the names I asked." Othello asked.

"Yes, Legatus. I left them in the separate holding."

Othello nodded and walked to the tent. He then asked for the prisoners to be brought to him. There were four of them, and senior warriors of the tribesmen. Othello offered them to be seated and dismissed the guards.

"Please be calm."Othello told them. He then placed the amulet that was on his neck for a long time.

"Tell me what you knew."

None spoke for a while until one of the four stood up. He bowed to Othello.

"Hail, the son of Gessikrik. If you raise the standard again, the tribes would marched again." 

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