Monday, September 29, 2014

Tweet tweet .....29/09/14

Here I am in the start of a new adventure or soon to start on a new adventure. I done Titus Adrian at 46782 words; mauled ( spare me, I did not ravish her. ) Queen Tamara but old Titus......

Well it will be on the blog soon.

Another teaser....

Titus pointed to the two men beside the so-named Revenge. He had recognized the duo despite their ghastly face mask and horrendous camouflage of dressing. Tamara taken aback by Titus calling her sons by those nicknames but she was more shocked when he spoke on.

“Stab them, or tear them on thy chariot-wheels and then I'll come and be thy waggoner, and whirl along with thee about the globe.” Titus mimicked the action of a person seated on a wagon, or was it Apollo on the chariot.

Provide thee two proper palfreys, black as jet to hale thy vengeful wagon swift away, and find out murderers in their guilty caves.” Titus showed the action of searching the hidden lairs around the burial ground. He popped his head from behind the tombstone.

Titus ran round the tomb as if he was a man servant following the Lord’s carriage.

“And day by day I'll do this heavy task.” Titus stopped in his stride. He then pointed his only useful hand at the two standing behind the Queen.

So thou destroy Rapine and Murder there.” Titus moved his hand across his neck line as if he was removing his own life. The Queen searched her mind to reply and then decided to play by the madness words that Titus had said. ‘Titus was truly mad’. With that enforced in her mind, Tamara prepared her reply. 

Worth my weeks of slaving over it..... Now I am thinking of 

Steam Punk?
Or pure lust?

GIve me a lime on what you like.....I am open for ideas....


Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 3.1

Part 3

The flight


Captain Amos looked into his special view glass; the thirty inch long spy glass mounted on the stand. He was smiling when Kassius met him there on the helm of the Attila. Kassius looked into the direction which the captain was eyeing. He saw the clouds and then glimpse of the darker shades that resembled the dirigibles.

“Are those frigates out there?” Kassius asked.

“Aye, there is an armada on our tail. I counted ten frigates, two dreadnaughts and I am sure I seen the bow of a destroyer.” Captain Amos sounded out. He then turned to the Boatswain.

“Charley secured the deck and open the armory.” Captain Amos barked the order. His First mate had gone below deck to check on the cannons, while the third mate was organizing the sailors.

“Assassin, you are going to witness a history in the marking.” Captain Amos smiled. He saw the Second Mate who was in charge of navigation, had fired the first salvo but it was towards the ground level. Kassius was still confused, but when he looked below the hull he saw the glimpse of approaching dirigibles. Those were not the troopers, but of assorted designs.

“Who are those?” Kassius asked.

“The opposing armada of the Free Traders” The Free Traders was the name adopted by the smugglers and pirates.

“We have our own fleet in wait for this fight since they downed five of the Captains among the traders.” Captain Amos replied. “The Attila was running the gauntlet on these clouds for some days now. We have been the prey for the predators, and they bitten the bait.”

“I don’t understand.” Kassius asked. Irina has joined the duo on the helm.

“Guess what I found in the cargo hold.” Irina was trying to show her latest findings but Kassius wanted to know more of the armadas.

“The United Continents had tightened their patrols, and we lost five Captains who tried to run through the clouds.” Captain Amos explained. “The Attila volunteered to bait them, and with all of you on board had added more spice to the bait.”

“You had used us as a bait to lure them?” Irina shouted out. She was infuriated with the Captain’s idea.

“Bait? No, my dear. Just as the extra morsel to the main piece of meat.” Captain Amos smiled. “Never worry for we are prepared for them.”

It was then the Second Mate came up to the helm and gave his report.

“Captain, we have the fleet ready.” The Second Mate laid out the charts of the sky. “We have us here at these coordinates, with the Mayflower and Hind joining us at nine thousand feet.”

“Good ships, with twelve cannons broadside, and twin on the fore.” Captain Amos relate on the strength of the two ships.

“There will be three more on our portside, coming in as the left flank at eight thousand feet.” The Second Mate continued. “It’s the Berserker, Queen’ S and Stryker”

“Another trio of twelve cannons.” Captain Amos added in. “Who’s on the right flank?”

“We only got the Junkyard, and three more yachts at six thousand feet” The Second Mate reported in. “The others are not here.”

“Why? The Honky Tonk should be there.” Captain Amos moaned out on the loss of that ship.

“It’s the United Continents Armada. You saw the Third Fleet; with the two Dreadnaughts, five Frigates, and one Destroyer at eight thousand feet.” The Second Mate reported in. “But to their rear is the Fourth Fleet; with the same complements at nine thousand feet. Captain, we may be outgunned.”

“Outgunned, we may be but in dire straits we ain’t.” Captain Amos sounded his confidence. “Get the two Eagles primed for flight.”

“Eagles?” Irina was curious to know of the eagles. She had heard of such inventions, but they were shrouded in secrecy that the even the Guild could only guessed what it was.

“Yes, the Eagles were your father contribution to us. We have two in the stern at below deck.” Captain Amos led the way.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 2.9


Kassius flight of freedom from the stronghold of Lord Tannen was cut short by the pursuers. The guards had discovered the death of their Lord, and gave chase. The scouts picked his trail and the faster Frigate dirigibles were sent to pursue him. The triple propeller blades driven ship soon caught up with Kassius on his bike. He saw the twin dirigibles in his rear at a distance of under one mile, and attempted a dive to increase the distance. He soon leveled at a gap of one mile and then swerved to the treetops. He knew the dirigibles were fast in the skies but it would not risk coming too close to the treetops. The shots came down from the machine guns; they needed no aiming but just leveled before shooting.

“Damn!” Kassius cursed at those gunners but he was doing fine with their hazardous shooting. He had anticipated that, and pedaled slower but he kept skimming the treetops. He saw the dirigibles catching up, up in a column. He pedaled up hard and the bike soared up to the sky but that time, it was headed for the bottom of the frigate hull. He was heading for the rear one and below the machine guns. The front frigate rear machine gunners tried to pick him up but he had slipped below their sight. He knew he could not keep paced but was intent to keep up. He looked up for the secured place to grab on. He saw the extended plank jutted out and grabbed it. He held on and let loose of his pedaling. He was surfing below the dirigible.

The dirigibles started descending but Kassius was ready to let go before they land. He was eyeing the landscape for a fast and well covered trail, but they were none. Then the shot came.

A sniper had climbed down, and while hanging on upside down with the legs. The sniper had his rifle leveled and shot at Kassius. The bullet hit the winged bike front. Kassius did not hesitate and let go of the holding to fly off. The bike descended and then leveled below. He pedaled hard while swerving the bike to the right. The sniper kept on shooting at him and that next second shot hit the pedal handle. The handle was blown out of its holding and rendered the bike useless. He jumped and rolled away before he spread his limbs out to level out the falling descent. He found himself descending fast and with the tree tops coming up fast. He curled up his body and rolled with the descent. He impacted on the leaves and past the branches before he hit the larger ones. By then he had lost control of his descent, and his body limbered for the follow up impacts. He finally stopped falling, but his body was stuck between two large branches.

He fell into unconsciousness.

Next he knew he was falling and then landing on the hard ground. He tried to get up but the kick hit him hard on the left ribs. It aggravated the injury there inflicted by the fall. He rolled over from the kick but was given a few more. He squint his eyes to look and saw the troopers. There were three of them, and had decided that he needed more punishment.

“Step on him, Stefan.” The left one told the others. Stefan who was the one on the right stepped forth, and raised his right feet to stomp down. The feet came down, but Kassius have rolled over. In his roll he had swung out his left leg to kick at the one who prompted Stefan to kick. Kassius leg came in contact with the right shin of the trooper and caused him to fall forward. Kassius had then rolled onto his side and used his hands to grab the one who was to stomp him. He pulled hard at both the legs and caused Stefan to fall back. He then curled in his legs and sprang up. He lashed out with a hard jab at the middle trooper in the throat with the right fingers. Once his finger contacted the throat, he pulled back his hand to punch again with the closed fist. The punch cracked the bones and caused the air pipes to collapse. He then turned to Stefan who was half crouched, and slammed the right knee into the face. He half turned his body and did a low kick into the other trooper who was seated on the ground. They may be trained soldiers, but they were not tough ones. The one he kicked when down with a whimpering cry.

Kassius did not hesitate to remove the pistol from the dead middle trooper and shot the other two in the head. With them dead, he felt the bruises from the fall, had then opened up the level of pain into his brain. He keeled over and fell to his knees. He remained that way for a while before he pulled himself up. He looked around and saw no one had come forth to the place. He was not to know that the three were sent down to retrieve his body and kill him if he was alive. The dirigibles had gone on ahead to docked at the nearest port.

Kassius picked up the spare ammo clips and another rifle before he proceeded to walk out of the forest. He had to find a place to rest before contacting the Guild. He had not walked far before he collapsed down on the ground.

Kassius woke up to find himself under some shelter. He looked to his body was covered with herbs and bandages made from scraps of cloths. He then saw the figure approaching him with the basin of water. The figure was dressed in the tunic that was from the Guild.

“Senior Kassius, I am glad you had woken.” The figure set down the basin. He soon picked up the cloth and wet it. “I am Lucas. Master Galeb sent me to look for you.”

“How long was I asleep?” Kassius asked while Lucas assisted in cleaning him of his wounds.

“Over three nights and days. I had dressed the wounds and bruises. You have no broken bones, but some of your ribs are fractured.” Lucas told him.  He then looked at Kassius. “I am a Healer.”

Kassius did not question the other, but rested for another two days before he asked of more on the Guild. Lucas told him nothing that he did not know. He then asked where he was resting then.

“We are near the bay. It’s an old house, and no one occupied it.” Lucas explained. “I had found you in the forest, after having lost you when you escaped. I soon trailed the dirigibles, but the horse I had was no match for speed. When I did catch up, you were fighting them. I rushed to help but soon I saw you falling. I rushed forth but the dirigibles were hovering overhead. When I saw the troopers descended down, I took to my foot to follow. I found you too late but I had you taken away. I managed to get you to the bay and here into this house.”

“Senior Kassius, I have a message from Master Galeb. He said to go to the warehouse at the docks. There he will meet you or in the event of any bad news, you are to find a ship to the Islands Kingdom.” Lucas told him. “He also asked me to pass this to you.”

It was a long narrow rectangle case of about three feet in length. Kassius remembered seeing the case in the possession of Master Galeb. He was told that the sword was once wielded by Attila the Hun. The sword was made from the simple hilt which was crafted from the wood from the Cedar tree, and bound with the cloth fabric from Attila’s tunic before it was secured with the throngs from the Goddess Athena. The blade was crafted from metals extracted from a fallen meteorite and smelted with over thirty six layers before it was sharpened to become the blade. Its length was over two feet with a thickness of less than a quarter of an inch. The sword was also known as the Sword of God or the Sword of Mars.

“Master Galeb said only this could slay the Dark Princes and its servant that guards the Ark.”

Friday, September 26, 2014

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 2.7


Irina crouched onto her knees while leveling the rifle. She was down to her last clip but the fighting was still on. The local residents numbering hundreds came out and fought for the Guild as their own homes were invaded. More dirigible carriers arrived with their loads of troopers. The troopers rappel down from the rope harness, while the defenders fired upon them. The carriers were also dropping explosives from the hull onto the alleys and the defenders positions. Then came the flight sections; riders on the winged bikes, but these were larger and had machine gun mounted on the front of the bike. They numbered about five per squad and there were three squads coming in different directions. They came swooping and laid the fire on the defenders.

“Incoming fire!” Irina gave the warning, but it was needless. The winged bikes squad flew in formation, with two bikes in a row while the last bike hovered above for observation. The machines guns tore into the defenders and ripped everything in its path.  Irina braced herself and looked up to the sky. She aimed her rifle, waiting for the correct timing before she pulled the trigger. The shot went up and hit the rider in the right elbow. It caused the rider to lose control on the bike. The bike collided with the rear rider. Both bikes collided and fell like a stone. They do not explode on impact, but shattered into pieces. The other riders have soared up to avoid the same fate, and were soon out of range of her rifle. She ran towards the next best position to target the other riders, but the troopers on the ground had double folded and were pushing the defenders back.

Then the unexpected happened, with the troopers withdrawing to the rear with flankers covering their retreat. Even the winged riders had disappeared. Irina cringed at the sight. She had learned of such withdrawals mean the invaders would bring in the heavy artilleries. That soon arrived.

It was a huge mechanized contraption; a huge locomotive with mechanized tracks. The locomotive measured fifty feet across on four tracks pulling the five carriages with five cannons mounted on it. On the sides of the carriages were mounted machine guns. The contraption was nicknamed the Juggernaut. It left nothing standing in its route; while the twenty machine guns blew everything living creatures in its path with the cannons leveling the structures or heavily defended positions.

“Juggernaut!’ The warning went out but the wrath of the juggernaut was deadly. The cannons were focusing on the buildings where the defenders were holding their position. The buildings were leveled with the survivors crawling out. Then it was when the machine guns opened up on them, which wiped them of any thoughts of continuing their fights.  The ones which were wounded or near death would soon get rolled over by the tracks.

“Evacuate now!’ Irina shouted out to the defenders. The warning was heeded and started the evacuation. Irina mustered any of the ones who could lead and got them to organize the evacuation.

Then she saw the oncoming war-machine approaching her position. It was firing its guns including the cannon but it was towards the locomotive. It was aiming at the locomotive engine and driver compartment. It was reinforced but the plates were weaker and constant pounding caused it to be rupture; a defective part of the contraption. The shots punctured into the steam engine, causing it to release its water contents. While the water levels were lowered, the engine started to get heated with each pull of its carriage. The contraption slowed to a halt, but its cannons were firing with the machine guns. The war-machine used the rubbles to hide itself from the bombardment. It got hit twice but the shots did only body damage. The war-machine then got its position on the front of the contraption and avoided the cannons. It concentrated all its fire on the steam engine and blew it up.

The war-machine came to a halt when its right tracks fell off but the cannon was still firing. It tore past the engine into the driver compartment and into the carriage. By then Irina had reached the war-machine and ran for the rear hatch. She found it opened; its lock was blasted open. She crawled in and saw the war-machine was manned by her father and some of the recruits.

“Hi, Irina. We captured this on the street and drove over here to fire at the Juggernaut.” Master Galeb smiled. He was the gunner of the cannons while a recruit was loading it. The interior of the war-machine was steamy and the air smelled of oil and cordite. She crawled over and saw the recruit trying to move the war-machine. The other two recruits manning the sponson guns were still firing.

“We are done for, Master.” The loader shook his head. They had cleared the stacks of projectiles.

“Leave then. I will join you soon.” Master Galeb told the recruits but he was not moving himself. Irina then saw his father had more wounds on his body. She ran to him but he held her back.

“Irina, leave with them. I am already dead.” Master Galeb held out his right hand which was covered in blood. He was shot when they captured the war-machine. “Seek Kassius and find Ark. You need to do it to avoid the death of many. The Princes would stop you.”

“Father, you can leave with me.” Irina pleaded but the older man refused again. He then reached into his tunic and withdrew the horn.

“Blow it at dawn at the Gates of the Angels.” Master Galeb told her. “It would show you the trail to the Ark. Now leave. Find Senior Thaddeus. He will know.”

The older man moved his body to reveal the extent of the wounds, and the waist belt of explosives.

“I will be fine.” Master Galeb told her. “Take the ones you could and hold up at the warehouse by the dock.”

Father Galeb then pushed Irina back. She knew that her father final wishes and left the war-machine. Irina did not turn to look when she heard the explosion. She had figured it out was her father’ last act. She was directing the younger recruits into the alleys that will take them to safety. There was not much they could do, but retreat. The Guild base was destroyed but the members of the Guild will rebuild a new one. 

Tweet tweet ....Titus Adrian drained of blood... 26/09

Titus Adrian aka Titus Andronicus at 42,000 words and coming to an end soon; probably at 50,000 words which is my finishing line for any tale.

How was my journey?

It was madness, when the more I write on the tale, I had to go re-write previous paras to bring out the madness in the characters.

There were several characters to build on; Titus Adrian from hero driven to madness for revenge, Queen Tamara; vixen and yet she had her reasons, Aaron; slave and later body guard and lover to the Queen. Always at the sideline but influential. And not forgetting Lavinia; raped and severed of her limbs; who is she and how did she take the pain. The others; Micheal the loyal brother of Titus, and Lucas the eldest son of Titus. And so many more to describe.

It was exhausting to think like them. It was not easy to write on this tale, yet it brought me to type almost daily after the daily work hours.

How did I handle the murders and rape ( Was that what attracted everyone to this play? )?

Well, the first was easy to handle; kill the character in the most vile manner, but the second was the one I pondered on for sometime. Do I get too graphic or making it behind the scenes?In mine, I adhered to that with some details..... I leave it to you to judge the details. I hope I brought out her pain to the readers.

My next passages ( unwritten now ) at the ending now will be her confronting her tormentors. How will that turn out maybe different from the play.

Why again?

Because this is a savage tale. To feel it, I want to bring it out that may shuddered us. Not in the Twilight mode, but the Twilight Zone out feeling.

Till then, let us read on. Darned! I am already feeling to go back and re-write certain passages.....hahahaha

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 2.8


The rendezvous spot was in a farmyard outside the city, but Irina had moved the volunteers to re-direct the recruits and masters to the new one to the warehouse at the docks as instructed by her father. The warehouse was selected as it was in a secluded section of the docks, and Irina reckoned being in the lion’s den was safer than outside it. The place was about three hundred in length and fifty feet across with a height of fifty feet. There was the overhead crane which served the length of the warehouse. The place was used to store the unclaimed or damaged shipments. These were mostly smaller crates and stored on the multilevel racks. The Guild had acquired the warehouse and salvage the unclaimed the crates. Irina had also stored some of her unused inventions there. She often come there and had once told her father that the place would do for a safe house. He had agreed but it was only to be kept between them the knowledge. She had asked but her father refused to acknowledge.

On the farmyard, Irina was concerned with the knowledge that Master Halen had betrayed them. She had send out scouts ahead and confirmed that the farmyard was under observation by the troopers. Not all the recruits were saved as some did slip through the scouts and reached the farmyard. They were captured or killed if they resist.

“Senior Irina, we must help them.” A young recruit asked of her. “Master Galeb would have done it.”

Irina looked to the survivors; they were down to only a handful of them which she had managed to steer clear away. Most of the seniors were dead or captured. The ones that were there were the recruits and the administration staff or observers. There were some which were wounded. Some of them had arrived with no weapons, citing that they to assist in carrying their wounded. She had arranged for them food and drinks from the cache in the warehouse, and sent out scouts to check for troopers movements.

“Senior Irina, I have a sister who could be at the farmyard.” A young recruit voiced her concern but Irina had to ignore her for the sake of the others.

“There are forty of us, with sixteen others of the followers. None of the Masters had arrived yet, and only one other assassin had.” There was one surviving assassin with them but he was wounded in a previous task. He was in the Infirmary and was under medical care. He was one of the earlier ones to be evacuated, but was left at a secured house prior to be re-directed there.

Irina was lost as to what was to be done after they were fed. She had no experiences of leading such tasks. She looked to the wounded assassin but he was incapable of leading. She was to seek for more faces, when she heard the call. 


It was one of the scouts she had posted. The rest on hearing of that started moving to leave. Irina held up her hands and shouted out.

“Stay calm!” Irina raised her voice to assert command. “We need to stay calm.”

“Senior Irina, we must leave before they arrived.” An observer spoke up. She was older than Irina, and had served there when she was deemed unqualified to be an assassin.

“Yes, Martine. We will. But we will do it my way.” Irina told the elder Observer. “There is an exit at the rear of the place. It leads to the pier where we have a few boats. Take as many as you and leave.”

Irina walked to the rear of the warehouse but she stopped several recruits. She needed them to set up some traps for the troopers. She told them to pick at the crates for anything they can use. They went to work with her, stringing up the trip wires and the grenades.

The attack came in an unexpected manner. It was an assassin, not of the Devil’s Own but of the Dark Princes. He had dropped in via the warehouse roof. He rappelled down, and stood there on the flooring. Unlike the Devil’s Own, the assassin was dressed in a soldier uniform but it was all covered in dark camouflage. The face was covered with a face mask that also held a gas filter. The assassin weapons were the twin las-tols, and the rifle on the back with the bandolier of bullets. He unslung the rifle and leveled it at the crates. He was targeting the recruits, and got his first victim in the back of the neck. That shot alerted the others.

Irina heard the shot and rushed to the location. She was still armed with the las-tol, and aimed it at the assassin. The laser missed the assassin who had moved in time to avoid it. The later had leveled the rifle to fire at her. She jumped for cover, but another recruit had walked into the shots.

“Damn you!” Irina took another shot with her las-gun, but the assassin had moved. The assassin was not wasting time and took from his vest belt a number of gas grenades containing the mustard gas with the hands raised. He threw it at Irina, but it was captured in midair by a swinging form.

“Stand down!” The voice came from the newly arrived figure. The figure stepped out, ragged in the torn uniform and had lowered his right hand. The dagger came from the vambrace on the top of his right wrist. It flew across the floor and struck the Princes’ assassin in the heart. The assassin fell to the knees and then laid flat on the face.

 “Kassius?” Irina muttered out. She was surprised to see the Assassin standing there. He looked worn out after his long imprisonment. She rushed into his arms, and held him. The recruits on hearing his name approached the legendary assassin.

“We need to get away.” Kassius spoke up in pained voice. He smiled at them, and got them to follow him to the escape tunnel to the pier. They met up with the others there. Kassius took over the command and directed them to the pier. He gave them direction to the ship that was docked at the bay.

“We are going sailing.” Kassius spoke up. “To the islands. The Islands Kingdom.”

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.24

3.5  Micheal Night Shoot

Micheal had the place selected at a dry river bed. He left the hound carcass there to attract others.

At dusk the Vampire Elites arrived at the river bed. Schindler held back his Vampires. He looked at the river bed, and checked the possible places which the Euro sniper would hide himself. The setting sun offered them some relief, with the blood from the vial protecting them from the sunlight. He was given the order to hunt the sniper which was suspected to the descendant of Moor. He studied the river banks, the land after it, with little cover to offer to any sniper. It was not an ideal location for a sniper but this particular one selected it.

The question was why.

He could not find the sniper so he sent the team off on their hunt.

"Smell him out but we would wait. The darkness would assist us." The four Vampires slipped off into the twilight to seek their opponent. Unknown to them, at four hundred yards, on a boulder near the river bank, Sam had positioned himself with the sniper rifle, and his body smeared with the mud over his body on the top, leaving only his left shoulder and face uncovered, to cover the scent of his body. Micheal was somewhere on the other end, with the same cover and maintaining the cross fire advantage.

"Sam, I got one on the boundary marker." Micheal whispered into the comms, with certain strategic areas marked beforehand. They had the place marked for ambush for some time.

"I got mine on the green line." Sam replied. "Fire at will".

The four Vampires had spread out across the river banks to search for the humans, with their own rifles unslung and ready to shoot. They are the best but they had never fought with the top best snipers. Both shots went out simultaneously and their projectiles held the same explosives head, blew a hole in the head off the Vampires. They had laced the explosives contents with silver dust. The effect was a killing effect on the blood sucking Vampire.

Schindler saw the two Vampires went down and reacted immediately. He leapt up from his crawled position and ran with speed across the river bed towards Sam' position while the other two followed behind. He was fast with his enhanced blood with triple the speed of Man.

"Sam, fire in the  ..." Micheal did not get to finished the line when Schindler triggered the sensor on the river bed, and fired off the seven placed bombs aimed towards his position with a breath of fifty feet in distance. The explosives exploded and with its silver bits mixed with the high explosives acted like a mine, blew itself into the three Vampires from both sides. Their bodies were torn off in chunks before the smoke dispersed. Only two died, but Schindler survived with only his left leg torn off at the thigh. He tried to move but he was unable to. He reached for the blood vial in his jacket but it was shattered by the blast. It was then he saw the raised body of the elusive sniper.

"Father be bless thrice." The projectile with the explosive hit Schindler in the forehead.

Across the plains of the land, Colonel Drak screamed out in pain when he felt the termination of his Vampire Elite. He had felt the killing of the other four but Schindler' one was more personal. He had recruited Schindler from the ranks of the tribe to lead that team. He wanted to send out the second squad when his leader told him off.

"The Moor descendant would have to wait. We are to move to Munich. There we can plan the termination of the Crusaders." The hidden one told him. "It’s the order of the Prophet."

Colonel Drak bowed to his leader but his vengeance was still within him.

"If I may, Colonel. I would like to sent one other to do the task." The hidden one spoke out. "Rouse out the creature. It’s time he served us his gratitude. Send him to Rosenheim. Send Major Norris to lead that attack. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 2.6


Irina picked herself out of the rubbles of the collapsed flooring. She pulled herself up onto the ground, and looked around. There were several fires in the surrounded areas, where the multiple explosions had resulted in it. She saw more sections of the ground had collapsed down into the basement area, and there were those survivors were climbing out. It was a nightmare which could not be described, when the explosion happened. It thundered through the entire basement and caused the disaster on the area. She saw a war-machine that was partially buried by the collapsing structure, and it would remain there. The survivors were reaching it with their weapons, and even one was using the rifle to fire into the open vents to release his anger. She looked around and saw the other war-machines are still working but they are not moving for fear of releasing more explosions. The columns of troops had been hit by the explosions, and were in cover or hauling their wounded to safety. There were small battles going on regardless of the earlier disaster, but the focus was on the wounded then.

Without hesitation, Irina took up the run to the nearest entrance down to the basement. It was another access through the back store but with the recent bombings, it was a huge hole in the ground. She jumped down and landed on her feet, among the rubbles. She made her way to the nearest corridor and searched for survivors. There were some but the most of them were either fatal or were carried out by others. It was all chaos there.

“Irina!” The voice came from the side of her. It was her father and three recruits. “Join me to hold back the troops. We need to buy the wounded time.”

Irina was handed a vest with an array of explosive sticks, and a rifle with a bandolier of bullets. The rifle was a bolt action with a five cartridge clip, and the barrel was over twenty nine inches in length with the menacing twelve inch long bayonet. The effective range of the rifle was five hundred yards. Her father was armed with the same and had climbed up the rubbles to the ground level. He stood there before the rim of the hole.

“There are more troopers coming in.” Master Galeb saw the reinforcements arriving at the edge of the battlefield.

“We need to hold them back.”

The approaching troops were armed with rifles and bayonets. Their rifles were similar to that of the recruits. Master Galeb then saw the machine guns were carried by some and would be mounted at the strategic spots later. Those are the Maxim designed machine guns with the rounded barrels, and the two hundred and fifty rounds canvas belt. The gun was too heavy to carry but needed to be mounted on an axle drawn on two wheels. Each gun required a crew of two; one gunner and the other the loader.

“Spread out and position yourself well. Aimed for the four Maxim guns. They must be taken down immediately.”

The three recruits heard the Master and took to the nearest covers among the rubbles. These are senior recruits and well versed with the rifle capability. The five of them including Irina, laid down on their front and leveled the rifle. They sighted the crews and awaited their approach. They ignored the advancing troopers which were shot at by the other recruits. They counted the distance, and at the distance of over four hundred yards, the five pulled their triggers. They fired without stopping until all the crews were down on the ground unmoving. That attack promoted the other troops to return cover, but they were not sure where the shots came from. Then the assassins took their pick of the exposed troops, causing more of them to seek cover.

A young recruit braved the shots to run for the machine gun. He almost made it but was shot down. It prompted a surge of volunteers who ran across the open field of fire to reach the guns.

“Fools!” Master Galeb shouted out as the recruits were also in their line of fire. “Shoot to cover them.”

The command was passed, and the others added in their cover fire. A recruit managed to make it to a forward machine gun and used it on the troopers. He bought them some time and more recruits surged forwards. The ones that could get near to use the grenades tossed it towards the troopers. Meanwhile Irina have crawled along the rubbles and at every cover she would leveled her rifle for a shot. She made it twice, before she stumbled on one of the recruits. He had bought it; a shot in the face by the look of it. She was to move on when she saw the trooper climbed over the rubble. He was not a typical trooper, but an elite trooper. The trooper had an extra badge on the sleeve; the emblem of the sniping section. She had heard of these elites; they are the equivalent of the assassins.  They are specially trained for covert action.

Irina tried to crawl back to her cover, but her feet slipped. The noise alerted the sniper. He looked over and jumped to cover. Irina dragged her body into the bare cover there and leveled the rifle but the shot came. It missed her by inches. She slumped further in, and peeked over. The second shot which caused her to retract her left foot further in. She estimated the angle of the shot and assessed there was one other sniper. The second sniper was hidden at the other rubble to her west side at a distance of over fifty feet, perhaps further back from the angle of the shot. She then took a run towards a cover at the rear, behind a bigger cover. She reached it with two shots trailing her.

“Irina, are you well?” It was her father’s voice. It also betrayed his position. She had split seconds to act. She leveled her rifle and scan for the shot. It came from the west of her, as she had predicted earlier. She saw the flash and fired on instinct.

“Aargh!” The shot came from where her father was. She looked over and held back her urge to shout. She peeked over and saw her shot had not drawn any blood. She was stuck in between the two snipers and her father caught also in the crossfire. She heard the shot and it came from her father. He was shooting to draw out the snipers. She knew the drill, and leveled her attention at the west side. She caught a glimpse of the sniper. It was all she needed, while she leveled the rifle again. She aimed and waited. Her father gave out two more shots before the sniper tried to return fire. It was the chance she needed. She pulled the trigger and the bullet hit the sniper’ rifle. The sniper reacted by moving to run to the rear, but she was ready for that. She shot him in the rear of the left shoulder, and then the second shot on the head when he reeled back from the shot.

The earlier sniper who had remained hidden, return fire. It was aimed at Master Galeb. The sniper must have assumed the killing shot on the other sniper came from there. The other fired back, and caused the sniper to seek another cover. Irina took the shot when she saw the sniper move. The key hit the sniper on the left knee causing him to fall. The sniper rolled over and leveled the rifle to shoot for cover fire. Irina ignored the oncoming shots and took her second shot. The sniper went down with the shot, but Irina was rushing towards her father.

Master Galeb was holding his left forearm but other than that, he was well.

“Thank you, Irina.” Master Galeb whispered to his daughter. “You must do the next stage. Get the others to safety.”

“Yes, Father. I would but you will follow me. I need you with me.” Irina reached to grab him but the older man declined.

“Irina, I cannot go with you. I am still needed here.” The older man pulled himself up to a sitting position. “The army of the Guild would need a leader.”

With that, Master Galeb asked Irina to pull him up. He stood there, and then pulled the horn from his waist belt. He blew on it and the sound resonated all over the city. From the rubbles and the alleys of that section, scores of the local residents came rushing out. They were armed with assorted rifles, from the antiquated muskets to the repeating rifles. These are the residents of the area which owed their livelihood to the Guild.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.23

3.4  First Strike

Micheal was in the Euro camp when the stragglers came in; Sam was one in the middle among them. Sam parked the vehicle and got up to examine it for damages. Meeky walked towards him and whistled. It’s the only mode, Sam would respond in his current mood.

"Bad one huh?" Micheal stood there using the rifle as a stand. "I estimated near wipe out for the column."

The returning ones were about an hundred of which half were injured.

"They were there and waiting." Sam replied as he looked underneath the vehicle. "The Major was trapped. The hounds got to him."

"Damn! If I can just get my chance with those hounds, I am going to blow their brains out." Sam continued on as he pulled himself up from beneath the vehicle. Meeky then looked at the vehicle and started loading in the previous loads of weapons.

"Hey, what are you doing? We are not pulling out as yet." Sam shouted out when he saw the loading on the back of his vehicle.

"Nope! We are going hounds hunting." Meeky smiled. "The Division needs to fight back and I think I know how."

Later, they were back at the camp looking at the enemy re-build perimeter. The breach was still there but there were dugouts filled with soldiers. Of the six containers, only the last two containers were closed at the side. The missile launchers were stationery there and so were the movable cannon mounted tripods. These were being stored back or undergoing repairs then.

Micheal was doing some mental calculations and then he checked the loads they had brought. Then he dragged out two personal missile launchers and three rapid fire rifle phaser with some explosives heads on the projectiles. He spied using the viewer, and saw the lubricant drums near the containers. He then looked to the other sentries. It was then he saw the officers; a Major by the rank talking to the Colonel. His finger twitched him on viewer when he looked at the Colonel.

Suddenly Micheal felt his instinct being triggered as if he was in danger. The Colonel in his sight turned to stare at him. He had been spotted, at over a thousand feet. Hel dropped the viewer and grabbed the launcher. He fired off the shot without much preparation but based on instinct. He dropped the launcher and grabbed the second one.

The first missile hit the container containing the Mantis mounted cannons. It went up in a large explosive bang, but by then the hounds in their cages were released by their masters. Sam on the side, had his sniper rifle lined up and was firing away. His aims were good, with one hound hit in every three shots on the fleet movement hounds, it was suicidal. The explosive bullet on impact blew their heads off or their torso a large chunk off.

Micheal fired the second missile that hit the lubricant drums and caused another major fierce explosion.

"Micheal, we got to go now." Sam told the other, while he retreated to the vehicle hidden behind. Micheal grabbed the rapid fire phaser rifle and climbed behind. He faced the rear while Sam drove with his pedal down. Three hounds came but Micheal fired with his usual calm self and blew off the three hounds.

"More hounds on the way." Micheal told Sam when he sight three more of the hounds on their rear. He fired off at two hounds, and injured the third one on the front right limb,

"Sam, please pick that one up." Micheal told the older mercenary which the man turned towards the hound. It stopped before it, when Micheal roped the hound by its rear leg, and Sam drove off hauling it behind the vehicle.

"Where are we going?" Sam asked. He knew the why Micheal wanted the hound. It was Micheal’ method of leading the prey to the trap. The other hounds are not taking the trail of blood. Their master had called them back.

Colonel Drak picked up the comms unit and called on the unit in Munich.

"Schindler, I need your team back here now." 

Friday, September 19, 2014

Devils Own ( A Steam Punk and Mystic Tale ) 2.5


Irina saw the later threat, as more dirigibles appeared on the skies. These are low flying ones; designed for patrols and rapid deployment with the personnel load of twelve. These are trained personnel who would act as scouts or saboteurs. She saw them rappelling down from the dirigibles while machine guns provided the needed firing cover. They landed on the ground and ran to the deep cracks made by the laser. The personnel wore gas masks and then dropped down the contents from their bag packs while they ran along the crack.

“Oh no!” Irina mumbled to herself. She knew what those thing that were thrown down. It was mustard gas; the yellow appearance substance with the mustard like smell comprises of carbon, sulfur, chlorine, and hydrogen. The gas when inhaled would kill the tissue inside the nose and throat. They were dropping it in between the gaps in the cracks to inside the basement. She then saw the bigger threat.

It was the war-machine; the rhomboid tank design with the double single tracks that run along the side of the hull. The steam engine exhaust to the rear driven by the 5.0 h/p 6 cylinder valve rolled the machinery at 4 miles per hour. The eight man crews were located in between the tracks; one driver and commander with four gunners and the loaders. The last two crews were mechanics to keep the steam engine running. There were the single barrel cannon on the upper hull; the six pounder cannon with the breech block. Its barrel was shortened compared to the dirigibles model to accommodate the war-machine length. The six pounders had a shell which gives it names, and had an effective range of four thousand yards. On each of the sponson on the hull side were the machine guns which can be moved for the forty five degree coverage. There were four of these giants towering at over nine feet with a length of thirty feet roaring with the steam pipes huffing behind it hull. They nicknamed the war-machine the “Dozer” for its crushing force over the rubbles.

One of the war-machine stopped at the open crack, while it gunned up the engine. It was forcing the front part of the machine to create a burrow towards the basement.  The ground gave way, and the machine went forth while it dived into the basement. While more of the ground gave way, it created a pile of rubble which was formed to be a ramp for the other machines. When the machine reached the basement, its cannon roared out with the projectiles to bring down more of the upper ground, and exposing the basement for the others to access it.

Irina then saw the columns of troops which force marched down the streets, and into the basement through the improvised ramps made from rubbles. It wasn’t an invasion on the area, but an all attack on the Devil’s Own.

There was one contingency build into the basement which only a selected few knew. Irina ran to the location at the far end of the block. The entrance was through the basements. She stepped into the barber shop located at the corner. She ignored the barber seated there on the chair and watching her by the mirror in the front of him. She ran to the rear and reached the stairs that would take her to the basement. The stairs was still intact despite the bombing with its reinforced support. She descended and ran to the metal doorway in the end of the corridor. It was still locked with an intricate locking combination like the vaults. The corridor she was in was empty of any of the recruits or the staff of Devil’s Own. She crouched down to unlock the eight digits combination and had the door opened. She went in and was confronted by a long table console with multiple switches. She cringed when she stood there.

The room was named the Death Wing. There were four of these rooms in the basement areas. The console controlled the series of explosive canisters that could be deployed by the pneumatic driven pipes across the whole basements. The canister had a detonating point on its front which would explode the gun powder in the canister body. It was a trap of last resort in the even the place was to be overrun. She had eight canisters to release and prayed hard that the areas that were to be exploded would collapse the supporting structures and bring down the buildings onto the invading forces. It was designed by a structural engineer who overlooked the entire original basement plan and devised this hideous trap.
Irina could not hesitate then, and reached for the main valve. Once that it opened, it would send the air pressures throughout piping to the eight muzzles where the canisters of explosives are stored. It would trigger off the canister to speed along a designated straight pathway and on impact would release a series of explosions in the basement. The force of the explosion would be like a minor quake in the ground, but it will be effective on the specific structure. It will do the impact in twenty seconds, unless the pathway had been blocked.

“No, Irina.” Irina turned her focus on the man who had stepped in. It was Master Halen. “Don’t do it. You will destroy the blocks.”

Irina looked to the one named Master Halen. She was confused by that request. She was to ask when the blow landed on her face. Master Halen had punched her in the face. She fell down and looked up.

“You cannot do it, Irina.” Master Halen told her. “You would kill of them all. I cannot allow it.”

It was then the ex-Master Mitchell. He had stepped in with his dagger bloodied from the killings.

“What the~” Master Mitchell voiced out. “We were supposed to be alone.”

“Shut up! Kill her now.” Master Halen spoke to the other. “She had seen too much.”

Master Mitchell moved in on the kill, thrusting his dagger at Irina’ chest, but the later had seen it coming. She kicked out with her left foot and then sprang into action. She half turned her body to lash out with the right leg, but it was blocked by Master Halen who had come in to assist. The older Master pushed Irina’ leg away, and then stepped aside.

“You fool!” Master Halen cursed at the ex-Master. “You have been away for too long. Take care of her. I got to stop the others at the other room.”

With that Master Halen rushed out, leaving Mitchell to face the young assassin. Mitchell pulled from within his jacket of his uniform. It was a las-tol; a modified hand shooter which emit a laser. The hand shooter was modified from the bigger cannon, but its power pack was in the rear of the barrel, behind the hand in the form of two mini barrels that had a series of interlocking connections. It fired a laser beam at over a deadly range of twenty feet through the barrel. Each power pack had a capacity of ten shots.

“Goodbye, Irina.” Mitchell pressed the trigger to release the laser, but Irina had rolled aside. The laser hit the wall and created a hole in the wall. Irina had grabbed the dagger in her roll and threw it at the other. The dagger hit the ex-Master in the right lower forearm, and made him dropped the las-tol. She followed through with a drop kick into the ex-Master on the chest. She dropped down and chopped with her right hand at the injured arm. Mitchell screamed out and tried to hit back, but Irina had moved in with a direct knuckle punch into the throat. The blow shattered the lingual bone there and cut into the thyroid muscles. She then contracted her knuckles in to form a fist and rammed it upwards, shattering the jaw. Mitchell went down clutching his throat while Irina retrieved the las-tol.

“See you in Hell, traitor.” Irina aimed the las-gun between the eyes of the other and pulled the trigger. She then turned to the console and pressed the main valve. She could hear the steam air being released into the pipes propelling the explosive cartridges. She got like twenty seconds to get out. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.22

3.3           The Camp

Major Burnside had his men split into three columns; the diversion, the main attack body and the flankers. The distribution was fifty, a hundred and the balance twenty to the flank. Major Burnside led the main attack body while Sergeant Finch led the diversion with Sergeant Mitchum leading the flankers.

The diversion column would attack first from the north side, and then drew back hoping to lead the main enemy towards them. Then the attack column will move in to attack the camp, while the flankers held their position. Their secondary task was to grab as many supplies as they could as their own was low in quantity. Once the main attack column had done their task, they would retreat and the flankers would cover their retreat.

It all looks simple.

Sam was in the diversion column, while he took on a three new mate onto his four wheeler. Among the mercenaries were an old friend; James Gain, who was carrying the rapid phaser rifle with the ammo clip extended to the carriage case he had on his back. The case holds two five hundred charges unit inside it. Sam named his rifle; Sally in honor of his wife who had died in the war. Sam himself was a short man with a square body frame, and was limping on his left leg. That was why he was assigned to the vehicle. Sam had cleared the rear space for the two new phaserners.

The diversion column had twelve vehicles with four or five mercenaries per vehicles as they needed the fast getaway.

The camp was a distance of one mile away from their position with the temporary perimeter enclosed with barbed wires and dugouts with the United Continents troops, while at the rear of it was the command and communications vehicles, with twenty four wheelers like the ones used by Major Norris. There was also twenty of those two wheelers there parked at one designated area. There was the storage area with troops temporary barracks tents lined up five in a row. On the perimeter line were five long containers which were unopened since it arrived.

More of supplies were coming in the later shipments by the channel crossing ships. The United Continents intended to create a forward base there to reinforce their other camps further along the beaches. .

"For the Euro!" Sergeant Finch shouted as he drove his four wheeler with the gunner next to him manning the mounted rotary cannon at the camp. The gunner pressed on the trigger and blasted at the sentries post when they closed up the distance to the perimeters. There were three assigned mercenaries with the shoulder launched missiles launcher who did their work on the perimeter. When the vehicles reached the perimeter line, the others on the rear of the vehicles tossed grenades to leveled more of the sentries.

"We have a breach in the line." Sergeant Finch heard the outcry to informed that they can follow through inside. He saw the twenty feet wide breach and raced towards it.

"Move in and then we would make the run." Sergeant Finch gave the new command as he turned the Four-wheeler into the breach. He drove over the dead sentries and landed on the internal camp behind it, while his gunner was busy shooting at the retreating soldiers at the dugouts. He missed the sight of two of the containers side wall dropping to open up.

Sam saw the wall dropped and brake on his vehicle while his gunners opened up with the rifles. Then he saw the vehicle next to his, went up in flame. It was hit by the double mounted rotary cannons on movable tripods body that moves like the long legged mantis. The gunner sits at the rear of the cannons and manually controlled the cannons. There were three in each container, and then the six units were stepping out on their mechanical limbs with deadly fires from the cannons.

Sam saw Sergeant Finch vehicle was literally tore apart by the hail of projectiles from the rotary cannons. The vehicle took broadside fire from the cannons and toppled over on its side by the impact power.

"Retreat!" Sam hollered out as he turned the wheel of his own vehicle to escape the trap. He saw another five more vehicles getting blasted with enough holes to make it looked like a cheese. Sam drove back out of the breach wired line and headed for the planned route. It seems to work as some of the enemies vehicles were rolling out in pursuit. He picked up the comms to warn the Major but there was only static.

"Darn!" Sam knew then they were jammed in their communications signal. It was everyman for himself then.

Major Burnside saw the aborted attack but his plan did work as about ten four wheelers and ten of the two wheelers vehicles of the enemy roared out to pursue the diversion column. That leave him with some options, but he was concerned on the new threat posed by the tripod mounted double cannons. He had never seen those in action so they must be new developments. But in his mind then was what else was in the other containers.

"Major, we have to move now or lose the advantage." His second aide in command, Lieutenant Stone advised him. Major Burnside acknowledged and the ten of the four wheelers of his column roared out towards the breach. There was an also convoy of five haulers with twenty footers containers who was following suit with the other men inside. Once they cleared the breach, the men in the haulers would attack on foot while some would load the supplies on the containers.

"For the Euro!" Major Burnside told his aide before he motioned to his driver to start the engine. The Major had cradled in this hand the shoulder launched like that was used by Micheal. His team had ten of these and they would be used to deal with the tripod mounted cannons. The main attack team was then on their charge towards the breach, as the shoulder launched missiles went over their heads. The missiles took its toll on the tripods mounted cannons with only one remain standing, but its gunner was dead.

"Move in for the kill!' Major Burnside shouted out in his comms but he did not know it was jammed then. His next surprise was when he saw two more containers side walls were lowered down on the third container. Instead of tripod mounted cannons, these were two units of twenty four mounted mini missiles launchers. The roar of the missiles soon dropped over the mercenaries positions and destroyed all the vehicles.

"Retreat!" Major Burnside dragged himself up and looked to his men. Most of them were dead but there were some like him, wounded and trying to carry on the fight. He then saw the fourth container side walls now being lowered.

"Oh my God," Major Burnside muttered to himself. The fourth container did not hold any mechanical weapons but killers. They were two dozen packs of hounds with remote sensors build into their neck leash. These are the Hounds of Hell commanded by their master who controlled them through the next leash. Their commands were to attack the wounded mercenaries.

"God save my soul...." Major Burnside reached for the phaser on his belt. He would do the death dishonorably than to die with pains when his flesh was torn off.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...