Saturday, September 24, 2011

MALE TALES Issue 1.082; Planning 'pour vous'...

Issue 1.082: Planning ‘pour vous’....
I wanted to start the title as Planning for Dummies as in the series of Dummies books, but I shall not insult my readers..... we ain;t no dummies nor bunnies in stockings. So I searched for a word to describe my thoughts and voila! I had it ..... its called pour vous in French or in ‘for you’ in English.
So what is planning? We hear most people says it almost daily, from shopping for groceries and even lingeries ( I am serious here..... ) to complex mathemetical designs.
But do we know what planning do?
Some said we need to to plan for success or failure, or plan to fail or fail to plan.....
but its going to fail, why do we need to plan for it. Honestly, that will be a waste of time, if one plan to fail....... but some may just do that.
I know of one chap who plan to fail his exams so his gf will coach him in the subject. He is a total idiot ( which is what she actually called him. ) as she left him for someone who actually of dumb blonde’s, this one is one dummy teen.
Do we really plan to fail. I mean for example, you want to plan to drown by the seaside, do you wait for the tides to overcome you, or do you plan to lie at where the tides can cover you at high tides or jump into the sea. I dunno, as its takes some effort of planning to do both, for all you know the sea line  could be fall out during low tides and you may had to walked rather far to reach it. Statistically proven, amost all sea drowning are not planned, so don’t even think of planning one.
Back to our issue here, do we plan at all?
One great man once told me, 99% of the people do NOT plan.... thats is good, or we will all be pondering all out lifes.
But 1% do, and only 1% of those who do plan, actually carries out their plan.
And out of the 1% who carries out their plan, only 1% actually succeed in it. Or completes it.
So statistically speaking, its 1% of 1%, of 1% which is very small in number.
How do we know if you actually plan your life?
I give you a simple example, I tested on a young teen about to come out to work. We drove down the street, and I asked him; ‘Do you know that 1% of the people on this street earns 99% of the money here? So do you want to the in the 1% or joined the rest of 99%?’
His answer was expected as it came out within three seconds of the ending of my question. We all know the answer, and I almost knocked down a man crossing the street. Luckily I planned my attention to look for earrant pedestrians although technically we would like to reduce them to pulp for endangering good careful driver of cars.
In case for those of who did not know his answer, he went with the majority.
I can’t failed him, as he was ( technically he was then ) in the 99% group. But some years later, I saw him slowly crawling out of that group into the 1% but he has yet to hit the balance 1% of 1%.
Time will tell if he does. Its called a desire to plan for plans. You see the 1% of the 1% of us, have this desire ( if I may used the term ) to plan although we know it may fail but we hang onto the thin thread of possible success.
That make us hold onto the concept of hope more than others.
And for the mass, we do ponder over a cup of coffee or the pint of half mug complete or not to, that was on our mind then. But heck if I am paying for it, I will complete it.

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