Monday, September 12, 2011

The Circle of the Lords Book 1 Part 1

The saga continues in the next book...


‘What can I do?’ I whispered to him. Tomas pointed at the black wooden case next to the door. I seen the box but I never opened it to look inside, as I felt it was Tomas’s tool. When I did opened it his time, I saw the tools’ I could only shudder at my own thoughts. There was some swords and daggers of the assassin trade. Tomas is an assassin himself, and probably hiding here from his hunters or retiring his trade. Tomas reached for a short sword and passed to me. He then took out the daggers and stash them on his sash around the waist.
He then stood up and looked out the cracks again. This time he jumped back as a sword was plunged through at where he was peeking. The window next to the door was then crashed open by a person who jumped in and armed with daggers. That person who was in the hall, released his daggers at Tomas, catching him at his chest and neck. Tomas was dead before he hit the ground. The assassin got up and looked at me through his partially covered face. His mistake was to tuned his back on me. My sword flew my from my hand into his lower back; severing his ribs to his heart. He turned to face with with his surprised face, which I took out his left eye with my dagger. I got up and had my other daggers in my hands. I waited and the next assassin came to the window sill to look in, and all he could make out was the daggers coming at him to pierce his eyes. He was dead by the time I peek out the window. I could see no one and I don’t they are anymore out there. I went over to see the dead man who was my guardian for some seasons, and he never knew the truth of me. He died protecting another of
his trade. I collected my daggers and leaft a burning hut behind with all the evidence of my stay.

To read on, click on this for the full Part 1.

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