Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Folk Tales 10; Golilocks

Golilocks homestay with Three Bears  ....
Now life in the city can be quite exasperating and stressful, especially if you have four walls, one door, plus two windows..... oh, they called it an apartment in downtown. Now this is a typical scene of a normal family with both parents working and one kid to be minded. So the parents one day looked at the child and said; ‘she need to know life outside of the city’.
So fine they packed her off to a outdoor camp with three hundred kids of her age, and ten coaches of which five are elderly folks. And its located in the wildness and far from any convenience shop. The first thing the kids are told of, in the cities you get muggers and serial killers; here you get bears and cougars which does about the same except they mauled you first before they devoured you partially, leaving the rest for the balance of the community to scavenger on. And they replay this documentary on wild animals carnage instead of cartoons. By then, you probably had terrified 90.9% of the kids, and the balance probably not; as they are deaf by the walkman they used to hear on.
But there is always one in every group; the maverick. And in this group her name is Golilocks.
Golilocks is a tough kid, holder of the martial arts darker belts, and reads horror novels when kids was reading fairy tales.
So guess what? Golilocks on her first outing to the forest trail, decided to divert off on her own. She sneaked off from the back and hid behind the tree while the pack moved on, skipped over some bushes, crawled on her front through the poison ivy shrubs, and swam the rapids. It helped as she studied the terrain before she enrolled. But no GPS tells her of hunger pangs and tired limbs, which is what she is having now. But luck has its way to her. Golilocks came across a cottage in the middle of the forest. It a unique house, as its got three doors, one placed over the other like the ones where your pet can crawl through at night. These one must be small, medium and large frames. So was the window sizes lined a row.
As curiousity called on her architect interest, Golilocks ventured in. To her dismay, she had never seen such poor design of interior decorations; all items comes in SML. This is absurd as its a waste of space and duplication spells monotony. But she spied some food left in the fridge. There were three fridges with different food contents, but she tried them all leaving half eaten portions. When she had her fill, she took on the task of redecorating the place with her acquired taste. Its not too bad, as she managed to split the unit into SML cache. She reckon the inhabitants will prefer their own private spaces in that manner. As she was tired, she slept on the small couch which fitted her frame.
Now the owners of the cottages came back from their honey excursion trip; and its the Bear family of Pop, Mom and Son. They went in in turn with Son, Mom and Pop so the door won’t slammed on the other. To their dismay, they found their home raided by some creature who has arranged the furniture in the wrong order, and also eaten their food. They called it dis-harmonic intrusion into one’s life. And then later they heard the Son screeching that there is a lady in his bed.
‘Now, Son. We are distressed by this, so don’t add on your fantasy notion in the mess. Pop, you need to talk to your Son more’, said Mom but the kid was frantic.
So the parents went to their son’s bed and saw Golilocks sleeping there. ‘I knew it was a blonde who did this. Wake her up, and asked her to leave our house. We can’t have her here as it will spoil our reputation.’ So Pop reached for Golilocks and tried to wake her up. She did and screamed at the top of her voice, causing the three bears to run out of the house. Unknown to them, the authorities was there and on seeing the rampaging trio and screams, they shot down the bears.
And so Golilocks was rescued and sent back to the camp. And the Counsellors reminded the kids of the danger of the forest again.
( If one is at someone’s home, don’t take it for yours as you could create mayhem. Just sit still and smile. Or better act dumb. )

MALE TALES Issue 1.077; Surviving your own

Issue 1.077: surviving your own .....
My first time moving out of my home comfort zone to be on my own was when I enrolled to college. Let me relate to you some experience then.
Here I am late teens and all dressed up in t-shirt and jeans, holding the piece of paper that says ‘you are in on the condition you pay your fees first ‘.  And guess what, I am the last batch to be approved aka means others did not registered so I am the filler.
How do I know?
Its only two days to Orientation or ‘Welcome to the College Day’. Gee, I made it before they closed the gate. Anyway, I was standing by the staircase which is the only place devoid of moving traffic and cluster of people in the Hall. And the guard came up to me and said; ‘move away’. I replied; ‘huh?’ and he pointed up. I guess he meant I was a voyuer. I am not, so I moved to the far corner to wait for my number and making sure there is a ceiling over me, and no windows besides me. So I guess I am safe from being re-classified on my first hour in college.
Okay, I signed, I paid and given a silly design shirt to wear plus ‘please make your way to the main hall’.... it was the canteen actually with rows of benches. So I proceeded like a trail of cattles to the abatoir... sorry, main hall. There I sat and met some guys who are like me; newbies. We shook hands and exchanged greetings and forgotten their names by the next hour.
It was the usual repertoire by the Staff and then we were ursher off by the class assigned. There I got tropping off with thirty others all looking like innocent lambs. The first thing they showed us were the toilets locations; essential in times of need. And then the canteen; equally important, and we proceed on a tour de look of the college. Luckily then, it was not that big, only a couple of hectares wide. And guess what we adjouned for lunch, and the senior ( he is the chappies who took us around ) says the food outside is better than the ones in the canteen. But that means walking across those hectares and coming back for the afternoon session, I guess not. Honestly, food in the canteen was not too bad; for one who is eating it first time, but after spending three years there, I can agreed with the senior.
After all the tour de look, it was a scamble for accomodations; and its on your own. Here I am running to the notice board and going down the list available. I am maybe the one of more than a thousand newbies looking at probably one hundred available rooms. Its frantic and crazy, and who cares about being molested then. But I was saved by an old friend who was studying there, and we bump into each other, he introduced me to who and who and I found my room, three miles away by bus, cramped three in a room, and shared by all nine of us in the same house, but wow.... its coed...I mean three guys and six ladies.
And so the college life starts... studies and mixing with new friends including ladies, and exchanging names, and envy those who drives to the college, even though its a rundown mini.
But guess what?
I met my first real love then. And college days ain’t that bad after that.
And all this happened in one week of college...... and I spend over a hundred fifty weeks there.... gee, that is long... but its more enjoyable when you have someone to share with.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

MALE TALES Issue 1.076; a short tale

Issue 1.076: A shot tale.....
Once upon a time, there was a mouse named Adam who came to visit some other mice from a neighbouring field. As he was young, they paired him to another mouse, named Eve. So Adam and Eve decided to get hitched as in plan their own litter of young mices.
So it was they took off  to a new field, and we will skip the details of their foray.
Much later, Adam and Eve were rather contented and behold, they have some mice to run around them. And one day, came mama of Eve, she is one big mouse with very concerns for her offspring. So she came onto this new field and she examined every nook and hook of the field.
So Adam went up to her and asked; ‘Excuse me, ‘mum’. What ya looking for?’
‘I m making sure the field is clean and safe from any predators to harm my Eve.’ Her roving eyes was onto every crack and notches, even the broken off stalk of the wheatgrass stem was reduced to pulp before Adam’s eyes. With the twitches of his whiskers, Adam ran back to the comfortable little hole he build for Eve. There he sought Eve’s advice on the mother’s over caring attitude.
‘Oh, she is like that. She is ever worried I get snared by a cat or a snake, or fall into the trenches. But since I met you, I have been more free to do what I want.’
‘Yup, I know, and you came back with some scars and bruises too..... but together we fixed them all back to good.’ As such was the level of care and love Adam gives to Eve.
And kaboom....the mother of Eve pops into the hole and asked; ‘bruises, and cuts....how can this be? Do you not care for her? You miserable mouse for a mouse.’
Now Adam was taken aback and as he is the man of the hole, he defended his actions. Well, two heads on collision course can only lead to more headache. And it did.
Now the mother stands guard over Eve, while Adam has to contend with the straw bed he just made. And eventually, the mother decided that she has more than one mouse to concern over, she left, but not without a telling off; ‘I will be back..’
And so Adam and Eve continue their life ever looking out across the field for the next apperance of the mother.
So what did we learn here?
For the newly weds; it pays to stay far away when you are married and if need be make sure the plane does not reached there before you removed the bandages.
For the ones who will be mother in law; avoid visiting them, let them come to you. That way you need not worried about the bandages.
For me, I need is a good night sleep now, after the plane has taken off to the skies. Good nite, mum.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Folk Tales 9; Emperor's New Look

Emperor’s New Look ....
It was a long fought war, and finally the deserving side won the war, and the old King was sent off to retirement in the far district so he cannot be seen for a long time. Its fair in any war which the loser gets lost for good. So the new guy was appointed as the Emperor, as he felt the name King will identified him with the previous King. So he was crowned as Emperor New.
So began my new story.
Now Emperor New came from the common people, as he was previously a farmer with about two acres of land, that he toiled for the last twenty years. He inherited the land from his father who did from his father, and so on. You could say they are the owner of the land by farming rights, but the land legally belong to the King and the King’s King before that. That was the trigger which made our farmer to become a rebel and now Emperor. From a roof leaking cottage, he now housed himself in a big castle with fifty rooms.But Emperor New is not used to everybody stopping to bow when he walked past by. As it was the nature before of the ex-farmer to do so when he met nobles, he also bow in respect to them. And it takes time for the habit to break, so everytime he bowed back, the nobles blowed lower to show more respect, and at times its quite cumbersome as they may end up bowing several times each time. So one day, Emperor New sat down and contemplate his current situation. He is tired of the bowing and having people to address him as ‘Your excellency.....’. He find himself lonely and he does not have the freedom he used to have. Once he went gardening, and the whole ensemble of nobles followed suit in the garden, causing issues as there was more nobles than the flowers to be tended.
Now the Emperor favourite adviser was the tailor who measured all his clothes. The tailor confer with the Emperor when he is sewing. Today, the tailor listened to the Emperor mumbling about his current predicament and would like to be accepted as one of them. When the Emperor mentioned; ‘....... I want to be seen like them’, the tailor stopped sewing and smiled. ‘I know what to do, Your Excellency. If you followed my advise, I would had the best clothes for you that will make the people see you in their own eyes as one of them.’ The Emperor was estatic that his problem will be over soon, so he asked the tailor what does he need; ‘new apartment, with built in jaz or a penthouse with a view of the harbour?’. But the tailor said what he needed was here, and now he needed was a pair of scissors. The tailor went to work immediately.
When the Emperor was ready, the people was called to view the Emperor new dressing as it will show he is no difference from the people. Emperor New paraded down the street in his new ‘clothes’ and he drew their attention form the people. They all whispered; ‘he looks like me’ or ‘he does not look any different from Albert’ and the reply’ how would you know, you are not his wife’. Or ‘I say...he does looked good looking’. Some ladies fell from the shock of seeing the simple looks of the Emperor but that was acceptable in any celebrity events.
One kid just walked out of the crowd and walked next to the Emperor. That was when his mum called him to come back. She also said; ‘if you want to walk outside, at least wear some clothes’. The Emperor replied back; ‘its okay. He is only telling all of you, regardless of any position, we are all the same underneath all the clothes and name. So there is nothing to hide as we are the same inside.’
From that day, nobody bowed to the Emperor, nor looked at him as different. And the Emperor New can now talk to freely with his people with no encumbrances. You can tell in the tavern he is dressed in his silky robes while they all wear worn out tunics. But they shared the same jug of wine and the coarse bread. Guess, a clothes can make an apperance, but his appetite would be the same when he is hungry. Food is still food no matter how its served, just as our body does not differ much from the other except in some instances we shall not dwell on it for today.
( The true person is underneath all the layers of clothes and ranks; be that person and others will see you in a correct light. )

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Folk Tales 8; Davi and Goliath

Davi and Goliath....
One day during a hard fought battle in a long drawn out war, two generals of both sides decided to end the war with a single combat match. So they met in the battlefield with their truce flags in hand.
‘General Max, we decided a single combat match to end the war’, said the General of the Blue Army.
‘Aye, General Min, we agreed. Too many has died in the battle and we gain nothing from it’, said the General of the Red Army.
‘So how should we start this combat?’ asked General Max. And so the negotiations took place, carried on over the days and nights as they cannot agreed to one single combat match rules and regulation. Accusations and defamatory statements are made but neither will yield to the other. And of course, the meals were served in accordance to one’s request, or they would had died of thirst or starvation. Finally they agreed. So they went back to their own lines and to select their champion. On the Red lines, General Min spoke to his weary men who are lying on the ground, in dire thirst and hunger, while holding onto their shields and lances.
‘I have confer with the General Max of the Blue Army, that we will decide this war, by fighting one last battle. That battle will be a single combat fight to the dead. Whoever win, will be the winner of this war. Their will be only one match and we need to find a champion.’ So the men sat down to discuss and like their General; they could not agreed to a champion. Even fights broke up among them to select the best of the best. Sadly, some died in the fights and still no champion was found; the so called last champion died from his wounds before they can declared him champion. The scene was the same on the Blue lines, fights for the coveted position also occurred.
Finally, the weary soldiers on Red Line sat down and decided to pull straws to decide the champion. But the question was where do you find straws in the heap of amour and swords. Even a blade of grass was considered a miracle in the making. But someone did, he took it from the horses bales and distributed the straws. But that did not suffice as they could not determine which to used; long or short, and everytime someone declared he;s got it, someone accused him of cheating. And finally, General Min sighed in defeat and walked over to the Blue lines, and he saw his counterpart also walking to him, in the same mode of drawn down shoulders. They met at the truce point and sat down for a drink.
‘I declared myself to lose this war, as my men cannot decide a champion at all.’, said General Min as he reached for his sword to hand over to the other General. To his surprised, General Max told him the same of his men. So the two Generals looked at each other and said in unision;’ Shall we just called it off as a no win or lose situation. Then we can all go home. I am tired of fighting for any cause.’
So they shook hands and threw their swords and amour. Before they part, General Max asked his counterpart;’ Can I have your name please?’
‘Its Min Davi, as my dad thinks I am too small as a kid. What’s yours?’
‘Its Max Goliath,as my dad thinks I am too big as a kid. But today, neither of us is small or big, we are equal. We just learned to live together for peace. Something which we will need to teach our men that big or small, we are still men in this world. And we should not looked to be a champion of all, when all are champions in their own way. We shall learn to live as equal.’
So a new war began; a war against inequality and not about ego.
( In our everyday life, most men stand equal at shoulder level, but their feet rest on different levels of the ground. )

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Folk Tales 7; Dark Swan

Dark Swan ....
In a far far land of some far distance ( considering the earth is round, then that distance will be much nearer as we would had almost circumvent the earth radius but we only looked at from one view, so its okay. ), there lived a flock of swans. Among those lovely juicy meaty creatures of the ‘ducky’ family was the Von Host. A fine breed of the finest breeds with selected matching of the specimens, well, two of them carried on the tradition; they breed.
So our story begans.
The offspring of the new generation called the ‘would be squadron’ ( Dad was particular to refer them as the next pilots ) of lovely swans; elegant and yet swift in the movements. Some one remarked that the ‘Host’ are like ballet dancers; they can swirl and twirl you off your seat without you realising it. Now this new ‘squadron’ actually consist of six young ‘uns who followed their mother in her patrols. But Mama have a tough time with the ‘number six’ as she is always out of formation. You see the issue with ‘number six’ is she is totally different from her siblings. For one, she is a lady in the making, while those are young bucaneers. ‘Number six’ also insisted to be referred to by her name, which is Elise, but everyone called her names like Dark Swan. They dislike her as she is different from them. Elise read while they played, Elise contemplate her action while they let action speaks for themselves. And Elise has an IQ of 300 while her brothers hovered at 70 and below. But poor Elise tried to fit in with the family, and but her intelligence overrides her intention. Once she was following the pack on their routine patrol., she refused to proceed beyond a certain spot. Mama asked her ‘why do you not proceed, number six?’
‘I am not number six; I am Elise your daughter. And if I am not mistaken, the water current in that section has changed due to the errosion of the banks from last night downpour. And given the amount of rain that fell, we are looking at the erosion factor of 10 centimetres off the soil, and this could had resulted in the current flow to increased by an increased rate of 3 factor, with possible undercurrents that has not yet been measured. So its advisable we let the river settle its flow rate before we ventured into that area.’
Well, she was send back to the reefs and the squadron had their first notch on the reef. Number Two did a nose dive and did not surfaced. That was only one of the situation which alarmed her parents, as they find more issues of her to contend with. But poor Elise also find herself being ostracised by the rest and she was left to swim by herself. Like any creature, she craves for company. She see them swans fly in formation and they looked so beautiful. She looked herself in the water and see only her reflection. She looks the same but why does she feel left out. She consulted an old swan swimming by the pond. ‘How do I fit into the main stream of swans?’
‘Well, you could joined me if you feel lonely.’ That puzzled Elise, so she asked the old swan,’ why are you alone here?’
‘Well, no one wanted to be with me. Like you, I am also being ostracised but they see themselves by their own feathers. They reject us for being unique. So I find my own company in the pond with the fishes and others. Would like you like to join me or ostracised me too? 
So Elise joined her new friend but she never learned to ostracised anyone who wants to be with her, swan’s or not.
( Beneath our skin, we are all the same except some of us think better than the rest. So there is no reason to live them out of our life. We should learn to think with them. )

MALE TALES Issue 1.075; Real issue shows

Issue 1.075: Real-issue shows....
Ever come across the shows they termed as ‘reality shows’; the ones where you see the participants showed their medal of courage or determination, for the chance to win some lottery money.
Or the ones where you get to shed your life stories and they reward you with the possibility of your wish to see the lost ones, but do the 90% of the show first.
Or just to appear on TV for coverage to show you needed help in your current state of life like losing your weight..
Or be pecked on, and at times humiliated on the screen, by others without knowing. Everyone who watches the show knew but not you; for you dinna have a TV set there.
The ones which puked me off are the ones which draws on our emotions.
Its like thermometer gauge, the higher the emotions, the more elated the viewers feel......ahhhh....
Did ya see that? But do we see behind the ‘real’ scenes?
The reality of these people potrayed here for the millions who are sitting on their couch and munching potato crisps. Okay, some will reached for the box of tissues and blow their nose or wipe their lips, but do they feel the pain and agony of the person on the show.
'Yes, I do' said someone.
'Yes, I do' said the person next to the one who said it earlier.
If yes, they all do, why are they sitting there watching TV, and not go out there to moved someone’s life problems. You don’t need to sit and reflect on someone who is suffering in agony twelve hours by flight distance, when you can sort out the person twelve seconds across the room or twelve steps to the neighbour’s door.
You can;t do it becoq you do not know the person? Nor did he asked you, so you can’t asked him if he needs help.
Let me relate to you another story.
When you planned your next holiday to a place you never been before; you might not see the people you knew there; taste the exotic food; and not even know where the toilet is, or how to asked in the local tonque.
Try this for a change.
Do your destination in the most remote areas of the world, where people are known to live in poverty, and education is not a luxury; its non-existent and toilets are where you can find convenient; and guess what you meet some those crews of the reality shows, and you might also get into the screen they called a viewer. There are over 50% of the world still having this issue.
Perhaps you can come back and tell the other folks on the couch what reality is really like.
So excuse me, I got to feed the goat to feed the family so that it will grow and one day when the goat is ready, its milk will sustain a family of five kids.
Till then, shut off the TV and see the real world. And dinna worry, the seats on those flights are not fully booked and there are no peak seasons. And yes, they do fly there safely.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Folk Tales 6; Kinderalla

Kinderalla ....
It was one day in time, there was a young lady who has come of age to be independent of her immediate family, made so by the presence of her step mother and step sisters’, she found the need to get her own life outside. You can’t helped it when you are living in a two room apartment with an equally snoring father who also sleepwalks at night. But this poor lady, was consigned to do household works as her sisters took care of her father in case he falls off the balcony on the 29th floor.
This young lady name is Kinderalla, and she is one unlucky girl for sure; she gets to scrub floors and washes the dirty laundry. Its made worse  by the gossip she can hear of the neighbours who talks of her father antics. But poor Kinderalla was ever sane to all the insanity around her, although she kept rats for pet; I am sure she had them vaccinated.
Now one day, there was party to be held at the pool, and its was hosted by the local celebrity, whose charms earn him reputable names. Actually it was the father who paid for the party as he hoped his son will find a bride among the elites here. Now the party was the next best thing to happened since the BBQ which burned down the gazebo. So all the young ladies was estatic and that includes Kinderalla’s. But poor Kinderalla, had nothing to be estatic about. Her favourite dress was riddled with holes courtesy of Cousin Rat-Attack. So she sat there while her step sisters paraded in their costumes, to flaunt their assets. Now Kinderalla was not altogether lost, as she has a ‘Godfather’ named Marlon at Suite B on Block MF. He used to say ‘I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuseso she went to him for help. She bought him cigars from Sicily. He told his ladies, ‘you get her ready to be the next model or I model you myself.’
So they did, a silky pink dress ( the pigs will go oink oink over ) with matching shoes, and a pink convertible that can fit into the lift to take her to the pool on ground floor. They even had the pool filled  with pinkies flowers and lifted the party to a pinky level. Her entrance to the party was unbelievable; 48 piece orchestra and pink carpets rolled out. But before she stepped out of the pink convertible, her Godfather said ‘don’t leave before midnight. I got a surprise for you’.
Now the host was charmed by the Pink Lady, and he forgot there are seven colors in the rainbow.  So the young couple danced and chat the whole evening. But just before the stroke of midnight, too much ‘pink lady’ drinks needed Kinderalla to be excused. So she excused herself, pry herself off the arms of the host, ran to the bathroom at her apartment in time ( she was particular on her choice ). But she left her right shoe behind. True enough at the stroke of midnight, the place was lighted up with fireworks and the message ‘you complete me...’. But there was no completion. Kinderalla left before she can complete the party.
And poor charming man who held her right shoe thought she was a dream like the fireworks; dazzle for a while and left with emptiness. So he retired to be a shoemaker.
And Kinderalla took on her usual works and rear more cats to eat the rats.
As for Marlon, I heard he left for the movies.
As for the apartment, echoes of ‘Kinderalla’ can still be heard.....
( In life, opportunity are few and when they come, grabbed it and hold tight. Sometimes to do so, you need to forego some personal things like your preferences in life. Nothing is ever complete unless you learn to adapt. )

MALE TALES Issue 1.074: Rocky...

Issue 1.074: Rocky Tale....
Once upon a time, there was a rocky hill towering over the land. They called the place ‘Rocky’. As it was so big, it can be seen for miles. You got lost, you looked out at the horizon and you see ‘Rocky’; that’s the way home. As it was so big, many of the inhabitants of the land came to it for shelter and at times, to stand in its shadow as its ‘Rocky’.
One day, “Rocky’ saw some people at the foot of the hill. The people started to work on the base of the hill, taking away pieces of the rock.
‘Hey, you guys. Why are you taking my rocks away?’ asked Rocky.
‘No, we are not taking your rocks. We are just examining them, and we will come back with them soon.’
So they took more slabs and soon a cave was formed. Then they dug in the cave and moved to the core by tunneling. There they took more ‘rocks’.
‘Hey guys. You completed your sampling of me? I can feel you reaching my core, and that concerns me.’
‘Yup, we almost done. You are a fine specimen, and we appreciate your cooperation.’ So the people starts to packed and was about to leave.
‘Hey guys, you forgot to give me back my rocks?’ But the people heard it not. So the tunnel in the base became weak as no one took any notice of it or repaired it. So it eventually collapsed. And with it the side of the hill also do the same. And as the side felled, the other side also fell due to the uneven weight distribution.
And ‘Rocky’ was gone. So were the people, and soon the surrounding inhabitants. No one refer to ‘Rocky’ for the way home. But ‘Rocky’ was now totally gone. It slowly build its way up again, and grew from a mound to the small plateau and then became a hill. And guess what, the inhabitants came back. But there was something not right. ‘Rocky’ was not the same hill they knew. And it refused to let anyone near it, or dig it. So one day, one grass went up to ‘Rocky’ and asked; ‘Rocky, you okay? We wanna come back but you won’t let us? Are you holding back for some reason?’
‘Nope, I am not. I am just still me, although I changed my looks.’
‘So why can’t we live together again?’
‘We can’t, grass. When I was here before, I took all of you as family. And when I was in trouble, none of you told me. Even when I fell, none of you helped me. When I was building up again, you did not helped me too. And now I am back on my feet, you asked me why?’
‘But we did but you did not listen. You let those people drilled you. Me and the other cousins’ grass; we held you by our roots but you shook us off with your boulder. Ma Tree also tried, but you moved your rocks over her roots, so she died in vain. Uncle Goat tried to climb to tell you but you made it steep for him to climb. So as a family we did. But you ignored us. When you fell, so did we, but we kept your rocks around us so you can grow back. As you grew so did we. We never let you go away at all.’
So ‘Rocky’ realised his arrogance and then reunited with his family, and this time, he looked out for them too. And no one can hurt that hill again or its inhabitants. But he made sure they all speak at all times, good or bad. And they named the place; ‘Family’.  

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Folk Tales 5; Beuty and the Beast

Grrrr.......  or is it yip yip....

Beuty and the Beast....
There in a small town was a young lady, whose spectacles rims are as thick as the one dollar coin in my hand, for without it; she is blind as a bat. But her looks was no beauty either but plain as that of the plains in any place. But they named her Beuty for her love in romance books was so great, that her head was always in the clouds.
Across this same town was a big mansion which used to house a great family, with the traditions to the town that can lined a pavement length in the town, but the decades of wastage and scandals destroyed that name, and now stands there is a lonely structure with an equally lonely creature who stayed there as the Beast, for his beastly nature comes out to roam the town after dark. Where the angels fears to tread, the beast sits in its shadow and basked in it.
Tonight, Beuty looked at the silent street in anxiety for the Beast as she has done for many nights. She is in love with the man they branded as the Beast. But they see not the inner self of the Beast, who is a charming man with a passion for night rides on his bike as its the only time, there are no traffic to stopped him. But he also harbours a passionate love for the lady with the spectacles for she sees what is in him and not of his assumed looks.
Unknown to the young lovers, there dwell a devil in the disguise of man; a true beast of perverted desires whose charms are unrivalled by any but only rejected by Beuty as she sees him for himself. She fears him,and he loathes the Beast for diverting his prey’s attention. So he planned the demise of the Beast with his words and accusations with some town folks. Tonight they lie low to catch the love struck couple for the misdeeds construe within their own minds.
The young couple was caught and headed for the town square where a jury was lined up to judged them. The jury was a set of normal folks with the view of justice is the guilty need to be prove innocence. Soon the hecklers takes place as they scorn at the Beast who they claim is a descendant of the underworld. Then the justified folks joined in with their view on the justified reason for the guilty couple. Last not to be excluded are the elites who spoke on the the imbalance of the couple as if they can see beyond their nose. And the verdict was given. The Beast has defiled Beuty and deserved to be punished.
But wait, Beuty has this to say before the punishment; ‘I have loved to the point of madness, that which is called madness, that which to me is the only sensible way to love *. Now you see my madness but do you see yourself. Are you all within your senses or are you all without one.’ But the maddening crowd holds no pleas and reduce the Beast to a pulp on the square, and they left for their homes having done a deed deemed good. But still standing there is the man whose perverted form of justice gloats at his accomplishment. He turns to walked away as he see no more of the beauty in her, but a broken lady holding her dying man. Unfortunately for him, he did not see the oncoming late bus which passed by here at midnight. If only he stayed up late most nights or asked Beast, he may be walking again tomorrow.
As for Beuty and the Beast, love has a magical quality; its heal with time. And soon the couple was whole again, and they carried on their madness in love in another town. Its after all a sensible thing to do considering this town rejected them.
( There are many times we are blind to the things we do, as we see them only on the surface and ignored the real reason for it to exist; we just did not see deep or wide enough. Its takes real patience to see the real side of things. )
* ( Francoise Sagan, playwright and novelist. 1935-2004 )

Friday, August 19, 2011

Folk Tales 4; Alldin

Alldin and his forty pots ....
Alldin lived in a land far in the region and as it was far, we could not remember the name of the place. But we knew Alldin well, as his story was spoken by many and remembered by most.
Oops! We were misled; that was ALLADIN story and this is of Alldin. So this other story was never told.
Now Alldin like Alladin lived in the desert city and he was a good kid. His father operates a wine shop and he helps regularly. Now the wine shop was essentially like a meeting place for anyone and someone, and everyone; so poor Alldin is always working. One day, his mum who never left the kitchen, spoke to him of his need to find his own destiny aka marry a wife. So Alldin thought hard and harder for ways to find a wife in his life given the fact that he hardly leaves the shop. But his wish came through. He was to deliver the wine for the richest man in the city, and this has to de done now. The order was for forty pots of the finest wine, and it must be filled to the brim or they will reject the whole load. So Alldin prepared his loads and even loaded in an extra two pots to cover any spillage. You see, Alldin was smart and business wise he is smarter.
So he sets off for the richest man house, but he has to travel across some bad lands. But Alldin was not afraid as he is a master of the fighting arts. He can tackle anytime ten man without a sweat. But this time on his journey, he encountered forty thieves, so he decide the odds was too great, so he gave up his forty pots of wines. But he was not going to give up, as he followed the thieves to their hideout. It was a cave with a mechanical doorway operated with some winches and chains, and the needed password key to open it. So Alldin waited his turn and did the same. It opened and Alldin saw the guards who opened it; there are only nine, so he took them down with no sweat. Now his next task to recover the wine but he found that the wines were all consumed by the thieves.
So by mathematical odds, he is outnumbered and short of wine to deliver. Its a failed delivery with penalty clauses. That adds to major losses. So he thought hard on how to recover his cost and do a turnaround. And he got the answer. He first tied up the forty thieves one by one and tortured them for their hidden treasures. He was led to it and he filled them forty pots up with the gold and silver. Then he led the convoy of captured thieves with his gold and silver back to the city. For his effort he got the largest reward for his capture of so many thieves. And plus the gold and silver he became the next richest man. And his business expanded that he can buy a Djinn to carry out his wishes.
But someone told him, ‘psst.... your story does not sound right. You must adhered to the correct story lines or we may lose the theme of the story.’
So Alldin gave up his riches, rescued the thieves and dismissed the Djinn. He then re-enacted his steps again from the cave. But they changed the password and the door is now electronic with biometric access code. So he can’t get in and he was caught by the authorities for rescuing the thieves. He was however rescued by the thieves and became the 41st Thief.
He also found the Djinn imprisoned in the lamp, but the Djinn felt betrayal from his previous master decided to stay in as a sign of protest.
So in the end, Alldin lived a miserable life watching Alladin and Jasmine lived happily.
( It does not pay to let others dictate your destiny, just lived yours as you do. Its your life after all. )

MALE TALES Issue 1.073; Personal Journey

Issue 1.073: Personal Journey ....
I once read that Micheangelo or was it Da Vinci would actually paint over their finished pieces of art, as there was not enough canvas to paint on or he may find inspiration to change the painting once over.  
So you might get a painting within another.
Just like me now, as a writer ( self claimed.... hahaha... ) I am never satisfied with my drafted works; I go back and amend the words and passages, hoping to make it better. Or worse.  But lately, I told myself, hold the rein as that piece is ‘finito’; shall let it be. And go on with the next unfinished story, so you can join the missing threads together. So I had to curb my fingers from editing the edited and move on.
Just like in life, we cannot go back and fixed the missing threads or missing sections, we just moved on and rectify from there.
But if I could, like in Quantum Leap ( the TV series ), gee, I got a long list of ‘what if.... ‘ but I can;t really do all of that.
As the saying goes, altering the past will not improve the future, but we can make amends to the present to rectify the past, so that in the future we do not need to be concern on  it. But not all the past can be amended and we just had to leave it as it is, to there by itself.
I made many decisions in my lifetime, sometimes against the will of others and sometimes with consent, but the outcome of those decisions are not as per planning; and I accepted those results.
My only thought here is we do as our heart and mind tells you, and do away with any influence by others, but take in advice for consideration. The journey is determined by your own decision, and your own responsibility.
After all life is too short to have double takes..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Folk Tales 3; Ratpunzel

Ratpunzel ....
You seen rats in your place? They are a lovely creature if you learn to appreciate it from a artistic view like you would of a falcon. They have a a thick fur on them;  normally dark grey as it allows them to blend in with the dark corners. They have these whiskers which allowed them to smell stuff they need for their diet. And the marvelous part of them is the long tail. Its sleek like a long whip wield by Catswoman, except she is feline and not mousey. Okay, rats are known to be bring diseases as they moved in dirty areas, squirelling through damp pipes or tunnels, and they carry one too many wrong occupants on their fur. So do dogs and cats, but we considered them domesticated so its okay.
So here is my story of a rat named Ratpunzel.
Mama was a good mother, and wife; she gave birth to a litter of them youg pinkish young un’s. She nurtured them well and kept them safe in this dark recess of the house. Pa died in a trap some days back, so Mama had to double up her effort. And she did it; escaping man traps and cats; ugly black ones with white spots. On the day she saw her litter grew to a age where they can leave the litter, she saw one particular one. It was Ratpunzel; this rascally rat has the most beautiful tail, all straight and long. Mama was touched by her beauty, and she kept Ratpunzel at the litter. To her, this darling rat was her treasure to be looked at and held in the limelights of fame. She was teaching the little kiddo some nifty steps to start off her basic dance moves. And so Ratpunzel lived in the same place called the litter for sometime, with her Mama always there; feeding and taking care of her. She even comb the tail with the finest silky cloth so it will gleam in the dark shadow. And one day, poor Mama missed her cue to run across the room, and was devoured by the black cat with white spots. Urghh... it was an ugly scene to describe.
But poor Ratpunzel knew not of it, as she had not left the litter since birth, and there was no scraps of newsprint to read. So she got hungry and she called out to Mama. It was by coincidence on that day, a prime dashing rat of the best breed of descent was strolling by. His nose picked up the scent of the new rat on the block. And he heard the sweet pleading voice of Ratpunzel for food. Dash; thats his name immediately rushed to the nearest food cache ( there were a few those days ), and he retrieve the biggest cheese he could find. Dash brought it to the litter but he found a small entrance to go in. And he was not that nimble or small to crawl through. So he called out to the hungry rat inside; ‘My name is Dash. I have cheese here; the finest in the house. How can I pass this to you?’
‘I will lowered my tail and you leave it on it. Then I will slowly bring it in. And thank you.’ Sweet words to said in the moment of help, and so Dash did as he was told; pieces after pieces he leave on the long tail that wind it back to the little through the small gap in the wall. Now this went on for sometime, Dash will come and said; ‘unwind your tail, and I will feed you’. Ratpunzel will do so, and the feeding went on. Okay, love was in the tunnel too. One day, Dash was getting impatience so he brought the ‘Tunnel Rats’. ‘Break it down so I can see my Ratpunzel’. And they did; these boys are good and old plaster came off like paper maiche. And for the first time dash saw his love. She was beautiful with her long sleek tail, but she was alarmed. Dash is past his prime and wobbling on his hind legs. You see, when Dash first heard of Ratpunzel, he was just about to clear prime last moments, and you know time flows. But Dash was not to give up and he went on his nose saying; ‘if looks matters, would I had stayed so long? I did peek at you through the gap, and I saw how fat you were but I still love you.’
And so looks were cast aside and love prevail. And Dash never looked beyond the tail, and Rat of her cheese as long they are stale.
( If look counts, there would be abundance of unmarried man and woman. Thankfully love is blind. )

Folk Tales 2; Trial of Robin

Let us re-looked at the legend....

Trial of Robin  ....
It was a bleak day that morning when they led the criminal to be executed at the execution centre. It was bleak as the weather was cold and gloomy with heavy overcast skies. Even the surfaces were coated with a wet layer of moisture from the morning mist, and some areas of less than six inches above the ground level, we shall not speculate on its contents. On the side of the street, lined up like the bed of flowers found commonly in the country cottages are the common folks which makes the underprivileged crowd; they were all standing looking glum with their unwashed bodies and exposed barefooted limbs. Some wore feathered coverings which are now coated with mud. A mongrel was seen running up and down the street braking at the crowd, but unheeded by them for she was looking for her puppies lost in the standing crowd.
On the other end, there on the high platforms are the aristocrats looking splendid in their silky feathers and even languish themselves in the heavy splashes of colors and aroma. I know the smell at the town centre can be overbearing and today is no exception. Even the feline company was pampered with morsels of meat served by willing slaves who ran like mices.
But what called them to this place on this morning.
There are here not to rejoice at the coming of the flamboyant Sheriff or the selfish King of theirs, whose self proclaimation in place from the rightful throne person.
They are here to salute a bright young robin whose named was on everyone’s lips.
Soon the doomed convict arrived and the name of his given by his fame was called louder.
‘Robin! Robin! We love ya!’
Now that is a good cheer for a convict who robbed from the rich and fed the poor. If not for the selfish act of this convict, the common population would not had tasted the full grained wheat in their mouth. They would had just stopped their recipe at the ground produce or leftover unwashed wheats. If not for the  unselfish act of the convict, the rats would had taken their fill from the crowd and scrawny vultures would picked their bones for marrows.
It was in the trial, the words of the defence attorney rang with utmost clarity and meaning that touched even the goose who was tending to its flock; ‘Robin was no thief, for the acts are for the common folks. Robin took the things from the rich without their permission but Robin did it out of true compassion and love for the fulfilment of the common folks. Tell me, among all of you creatures who sits on the platform; did you ever performed such noble acts before? Or is it below your rank to served the common folks? They did not despiced you of your rank, they asked is your recognition of theirs in your salvation. You needed them to filled your tables with food and yet you scorned them for the fact they needed to fed to bring the food on your table’.
Even the attorney who represented Robin never saw the deadly blow that came. And now Robin is to be executed for the deeds, which the ruling one said so in the delivery of the execution; ‘Noble are your cause, but the deed was foul in deliverance, so hence the punishment is to be deserving of it.’ No plea was recorded of Robin except of two syllable; ‘chirp chirp’ as Robin Hood has its head wrung by the Lion and devoured.
( Such is the rule of the jungle, you are at the mercy of the higher echelons of the animal ranks. )

Monday, August 15, 2011

Folk Tales 1: Hare and the Turtle

One day out in the wildness, there was a hare who will race with any creature he can meet. His ambition in life is to win the races, and he was never defeated. So one day he met a turtle trudging down the path walking ever slow that even the ants overtook him. So the hare hopped up to the turtle and said; ‘hello, do I know you from somewhere?’
‘Excuse me, for one I dinna know who you are, and number two, that is the worst pickup line I ever heard. And lastly, I am a MALE, and you ain’t ma type.’ That was one bad tude’ turtle; can’t blame him, as he just spend three weeks walking to his mate’s home, and she just left for vacation last week. So you know how irrate he is when the postman was also another ‘hare’ in the brown suit.
‘Anyway, howdy. I am called ‘Harry’ the Hare. I am the fastest hare in the wilderness.’ Now that mighty nice of Harry to introduced himself.
‘Okay, I apologies. The last creature I wanted to meet was another hare, but I am pleased to meet you, Harry. My name is Today, as everyday for me is still today. At my speed of life anyway.’
‘Ain’t that funny, my nickname is Yesterday, because by the time you realised I am gone, its already one day gone’ replied the Harry.
‘I wished so too....’ mumbled Today the Turtle.
‘You said something.... Nevermind, I wished to win this race with you. So shall we start?’ Now by the time Harry completes his statement; he had the starting line drawn, the audience lined up at the sides, and the Armadillo to start off the race.
‘I don’t jump into a race on the first meeting, but I will try carry out your wish.’ That was what Today said, but incidentally, he crossed the starting line so the race was on. Harry the hare went speeding off while Today is still trying to move his hind legs to the starting race. Eventually, Harry came to a big tree and stopped to rest. He can see the finish line just over yonder but on looking back, he can’t see Today the Turtle. So Harry decided to rest and eventually he slept. Now all this time, Today the Turtle is still at the starting line; okay he made it pass the line and is now on the track. So he turned to the audience and said; ‘you guys may want to go home. I may take a long time to finish the race.’ But one creature named the Fox came out,.
‘Today, we wished you will win, for that we make you win this race.’ So before even Today can replied to that, he found himself hoisted onto the fox’s back and he was carried off. But due to the weight of the turtle, some other creatures helped too, including some ants. ( the chicropacter office was overloaded that week ), but they finally got Today at the finish line. Meanwhile, Harry woke up and saw Today at the finish line. He ran his last strength, and as he was about to cross the finish line; he fell and broke his hind legs. Now Today the Turtle saw him fall, so he turned to faced his opponent. He slowly pushed the hare across the finish line, much to the dismay of the audience.
‘Why?’ asked the Fox from the First Aid stretcher.
‘Well, he needed the win more than myself. He even broke his legs to make it here. So I assisted him in this wish. As for you all, I assisted all of you to cheat at the race, as that was you wished to do. To me, all I wished for was to go home and I am nearer now. So we all got our wishes.
Just as mine, for you to read my tale. Thank you.

MALE TALES Issue 1.072; Sound the alarm

I am concerned on this.... and it does not mean I am marrying another one; can;t afford that too, but this is distressing.....males are more than females in the population....


I must take care not to defeat my worthy female opponent in the next game of chess, or she may just send her five possible suitors on me for revenge.... more like using me as the chesternut in the game of knocks... talk about unfair advantage....

Sunday, August 14, 2011

MALE TALES Issue 1.071; Parenthood pain

Ever wonder how your parents feel when you are in pain.... before you answer me, asked them.

I knew mine, and many a times when I was a parent too, I wished I knew earlier what the pain does.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

MALE TALES Issue 1.069; Men never listen

Actually we do....sometimes.... but there is this adventurous nature in us that still dwells in us since young....


Tally Ho....

Sunday, August 7, 2011

MALE TALES Issue 1.068; 4D...

No, I am not referring to the gambling game of 4 Digits Draw..... but the movie entertainment latest fad...

Read my thoughts...


When you do finish the tale, please offer me a good chicropacter ( Male please . )

To my new reader from France...

Bienvenue sur mon blog, et peut vous avez apprécié la lecture de mes histoires, et ne revenir. Vous ne pouvez jamais dire ce que je peut faire par la suite .... hahaha ...

Merci beau comp.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

MALE TALES Issue 1.067; Cheap Thrill

There was a time when the best news to read was the one's who gives you cheap thrill.... and we had one those days called New Thrill. It lasted for a few years and soon faded as the thrill went to other media....

But here's to Cheap Thrill as we called it then.


Monday, August 1, 2011

MALE TALES Issue 1.065; In joy and pain

When we took the vow to be together, we also pledge to share a lot of things, including our life events.

Just like a budding rose tree, it will grow beautiful flowers with care and love from the tender care of the gardener, but one day, it will wither and dropped its petals. But given care and love, it will grow more flowers. But there are times, it may need more than water, its needed some added nutrition.

Some of us see the flower but not the tree which grew it. Some of us see the only the growing days and shun from the withering days. Like the above, we forget when we planted the seed for this tree, we are committed to it in joy and pain. Just as its beautify the garden, we need to care for it when it cannot.

I give you my experience in the pledge of joy and pain.


Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...