Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 31


Vortimer forced his way pushing aside the chamber’s door to enter Vortigern’s chamber. He stormed in looking for the Lord and found himself facing the lady instead.

“How dare you?” Rowena was half-dressed after having taken her bath. Her upper body was exposed then and took covers with her right arm.

“I am improper now.” Rowena glared at the other. Vortimer would have apologized for his rudeness but at that moment besides being in rage in his emotions, he knew himself to be the King.

“This is my castle, harlot. No one tells me where,” Vortimer stared at the lady. He felt the urge of his loins then for Rowena was half the age of the Lord who wedded her. “And when am I to step in.”

“Where is Vortigern?” Vortimer stood there staring at the lady.

“He is at the yard outside with servants,” Rowena replied. “Mayu I dress now, my King?”

“Uh, yes. You may. Do not shame yourself by displaying your body.” Vortimer replied but he did not move away. Rowena saw him standing there and ignoring his stares, she continued her dressing. She took her time covering her shoulders and then pulling the sleeves to cover her arms. She then adjusted the bodice to cover her bosom and then turned to the King.

“Do assist me in binding the laces there.” Rowena turned her back to Vortimer. “I am without my servant here.”

No one could challenge the wants of the nymph when the loins pursued the mind on the matter. Vortimer mesmerized by the beauty stepped forth and with his clumsy finger, he held the laces. The material was soft then felt by his callous skin, and it was the intoxicating smell of the lady fresh from her bath that enticed his mind.

“Not too tight, my King.” Rowena voiced out then. “I do have to breathe.”

“I am sorry”, Vortimer apologized to the lady.

“Do you get to do this before?” Rowena asked casually. “Perhaps your mother or lover?”

Vortimer fiddling stops then. He had hardly met his mother who was a servant to one of the Lords. She never dressed in front of him. He had also never undressed any ladies in his youth, for he was busy claiming his right as the son and then the kingdom.

“Have you loved any lady?” The question stung at Vortimer’s ears. He stepped back and excused himself. Rowena stood there with her bodice half done but to her, her mind was done.

“Young Vortimer, you will be mine,” Rowena muttered to herself. “Or die by mine.”

It was then Vortigern arrived and saw Rowena standing there with her laces still undone. He approached her and asked.

“Was the bastard of mine here?” Vortigern took to the laces which he deftly secured for Rowena.

“He was looking for you.” Rowena stepped to the dresser to adjust her hair.

“He passed me in the corridor without a word.” Vortigern saw the bathtub. “Did he harm you?”

“Harm me? Was I ravished by him? I doubt it for I am still dressed.” Rowena looked at the man she had seduced. “Do you take me a harlot who will disrobe for any man?”.

“I did not…” Vortigern tried to explain his words, but the lady had taken on the lead.

“Perhaps you could show me how a man disrobes a lady?” Vortigern was left with no option then.

As for the confused Vortimer, he had wandered to his chamber. He saw the lady servants attending to his bath. They had filled the bathtub with the scents.

“My King, your bath is almost ready. Once the water is hot, we will add to the bathtub to heat it up.” The ladies stood there. “May we assist you?”

“No, there is no such need. I am fine by myself.” Vortimer dismissed the ladies. They left and were met by the monk who was stepping in.

“Vixens, all of them, I can’t stand them,” Gildas spoke out with his grumpy tone.  

“What ails you, Gildas?

“Nothing that will disrupt your works, my King. Those vixens eye you for their place as Queen. Harlots they are, for they think their legs spread will entice you.” The monk arranged the scrolls that needed his attention as King.

Vortimer took his seat and grabbed the goblet to quell his parched throat.

“What ails you, my King?” Gildas asked.

“I am… do tell, Gildas. What is… never mind. Do leave me now. I need to rest.” Vortimer dismissed the monk. He sat there with his mind on the ladies. None enticed him as the lady who was with Vortigern.

“Why her?” Vortimer asked. He was confused. Since his budding youth, he had found it difficult to address the needs of his body. He had spent his days with the other warriors in training and thereafter in battles. There were occasions when the men will take to the sessions of drinking and whoring but somehow Vortimer stopped at the latter. He had abstained from that and asked a priest once.

“Abdication is not a vice, my son. There are many things to do in life that are worthy.” Vortimer took it to heart.

“Let me be at peace.” Vortimer sighed but his mind reeled back to when the lady he had seen in a new light. He then approached the bathtub and sat in the cold water. It worked most times for him.

“I must be King.” Vortimer focuses on his vision. “Nothing else matters except that duty.”

Upon having done her duty, Rowena rolled over before she sat up. She pulled at her clothes; her lover was ever impatient and she did not mind it. She was told from a young age, the men will wield the sword to thrust while the womenfolk held the shield to take the blows.

“If you learn well how to shield yourself, you won’t be hurt.” Rowena was not hurt by her union with a man twice her age, for she knew that she held him in her grasp. She turned to look at her lover.

“Tell me of Vortimer?” In her mind, were the ways she could grasp the younger man to her needs.



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