Monday, January 9, 2023

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Chapter 27


“Drinc heil!” That call resonated into the halls of the castle where King Vortigern soon made his. The King sat there at the long table facing the other Lords who were invited there. Some other guests sat there smiling but wary of their hosts.

“We shall rejoice.” King Vortigern roared raising the goblet. He was a new man with his alliance with the Anglo-Saxons when he wedded the daughter of Hengist.

“To the alliance of both kingdoms.” The King called out. “Our destiny is one now.”

The union of King Vortigern and Rowena of the Anglo-Saxons was to take place covering a season, The custodian of the lady was most accommodating with their rendevous with the King not attending to the official works of the kingdom.

It did not evade the attention of the Lords, who were dismayed that the King was derelict with his duties.. The issue was widely spoken about.

“Should we rejoiced for the King…”  That sentence was intervened by another.

“He is not the King but the King in waiting. The princes will return to claim their throne.”

“Alas, the elusive princes are not seen. Maybe they are dead killed by the barbarians or some other Lords for the convenience ….”

“Treacherous words there.” The spoken was told off but uttered by many. That includes the ordained ones who served the House of God.

“Dear God, the King may have erred in his ways.” Careful were their words for they too fear the wrath of the King in waiting. “The consummation of their union was not in line with the beliefs of the King’s people and yours. We must remain pure to our beliefs.”

Whatever was said or prayed did not deter the lovers from their consummation with their love. The King was smitten by the beauty of his bride, and when filled with drinks into his body, his body was inflamed by her more which was free-flowing in her presence.

King Vortigern called for a gathering to declare his love and intention to make her Queen.

“My King, she is of the pagan worshipper.” King Vortigern was cautioned on that. “You cannot wed her not here nor in the house of ours.”

The King sat there on the throne brooding with his mood while his lover was in his chamber in tears and embarrassment. Hengist stood at one side in rage that the King had seduced his daughter and then refuse to wed her.

“Vortigern, you had taken my daughter against her will. I demand compensation for my child’s innocence.” Hengist looked at the King backed by his bloodline and one named Horsa who was Hengist’s father. “Or war will resume between our two people.”

The Lords of the kingdom on one side braved their words to fight the war, but the King was in denial.

“I am without a Queen, and Rowena is of the lineage that gives her the right to be Queen.” King Vortigern looked at his Lords. “She can be taken to our beliefs.”

The subject became a point of conflict between the two sides, and then the demands were laid before the King.

“I say nay to the dowry here.” Lord Cornell had refused the terms of demand. “She is not a … lady.”

“Careful with your words, Briton. We would make all your womenfolk un-lady to men.” Horsa threatened the other.  That interrupted into more arguments and finally, the terms were met.

“The land at Kent will be given to them to settle.” King Vortigern made the call. “In return, I will wed Rowena and make her my Queen.”

“The land of Kent? What of the castle the Anglo-Saxons built?“ One of the Lords spoke up. “I passed it when I go to pee. Enough are handed to them.”

“Where is Lord Gorangan? He owns Kent.” Lord Cornell called for the Lord who owns that land.

“Lord Gorangan is unwell. He cannot speak here today.” The servants told Lord Cornell.

“I am the King now and no more in waiting.  We are not to wait for the princes. They have neglected their duties and it’s for me to resume those duties.” Vortigern took a firm claim on the throne. “Anyone not in an agreement can voice out now.”

“And it’s mine to say who shall hold what.”

None denied the Vortigern on the made the call. The Lords were dismissed while the King returned to his chamber. He was intervened by Gildas.

“Are you mad, Vortigern? She will not be allowed into the House.”

“It’s King to you, monk. I find your presence tiring in my castle. You must leave now.” The King told the monk. “Your servitude is over.”

“I shall leave, King Vortigern. Beware the vixen you bring to the castle. It will be your downfall.” Gildas took leave of the King who had ignored the parting words of the monk. The King stepped into his chamber and found his lover seated on the bedding. He approached her but she declined his reaching hands.

“Don’t touch me. I am not your lover. I am not wanted by your Lords.” Rowena got up and walked from the King with her back to him.

“Don’t think of that, my love. I am the King and none may deny me of my call.”

“Then do the call for me. Make me Queen.” Rowena turned to look at the King. “Give me the rightful place. I do not want to be called a harlot.”

The words of the crowned King and Queen resonated through the kingdom but none was more disturbing than the annex of Kent to the Anglo-Saxons.

“We have conceded land to the barbarians” The murmurs of the Lords, and its people/. “Have we a King that could not defend us?”

The threat of revolts reached the King then. The priests have deserted him and behind his back, they called him the Pagan King. In fear of the repercussions, the King turned to his ally for strength.

“I can only do so with more of my warriors to be here. With Kent in our name. I will call on more of them to come here. We will uphold your throne, and kingdom.” Hengist committed to the King.

There will always be a champion for the cause.



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