Sunday, November 27, 2022

Dante VII Canto XXIV Scene I

 Canto XXIV

Sixth Terrace; Mind stream

Scene I

“He held a shadow.” One among the group said to the others. “He is not like us.”

Dante felt uncomfortable to be surrounded by the other souls; emancipated and dirty. He had the experience in Canto III when he was surrounded by ex-Communicates. It was Stefan who came to his aid.

“They are curious. They have been here for so long and you are the only one meeting with a shadow.” Stefan said. “There are words that a prophet is among us, he who walks in the shadow and held a shadow to his own. Are you that one, Dante?”

It was a surprise question that stunned Dante, and he was overtaken by Virgil who replied for him.

“He is no. There were others we met who held their own shadow.” Virgil explained. “It’s the --- mysterious ways of God.”

“Yes, I am blessed to be with Virgil. He has been my guide and ---- companion for my journey here.” Dante added in. He then shifted the subject. “Who have you met? You had made it from Hell to here.”

“I met some of the old souls and even members of the squad. The previous squad though. One you may know for he was a poet too.” Stefan called out a name. “Bona of Lucca.”

Dante knew one named Bona Da Lucca. He was once a good friend who shared the love for poetry with Dante in the teaching academy before he resigned and was not heard of.

“Dante Alighieri, you old fox. La Vita Nuova--- My new life.” Dante turned to look at the one who spoke of the ‘little book’ he had treasured from the original poet, Dante Alighieri. The little book was the reminiscence of his desire towards Beatrice whom he had known since the age of nine.

“Weep, lovers, since Love weeps,—hearkening what cause makes him wail: Love hears ladies invoking pity, showing bitter grief outwardly by the eyes; because villain Death has set his cruel working upon a noble heart, ruining that which in a noble lady is to be praised in the world, apart from honor. Hear how much Love did her honoring; for I saw him lamenting in very person over the dead seemly image: and often he gazed towards heaven, wherein was already settled the noble soul who had been a lady of such gladsome semblance.” The figure standing there apart from the others; gaunt-looking and draped in the old frock had his voice raised and clear to quote the passage depicting the depth of the poetry there. (

“You ---” Dante was without words, but the one who stood there was his closest and best of mates; Bonagiunta da Lucca. “I have not heard from you since you ---”

“Left the Academy? Yes, I was ---- busy with other matters. I heard you left and joined the volunteers.” Bona stepped up to Dante and offered his arms to hug the other. It was a virtual hug but then, Bona felt the hard form of Dante.

“You are with more flesh than when last we met? Are you ----dead?”

“I am ---- yes, dead. How else will I turn up here?” Dante smiled. “And you are ----dead. We are all dead.”

“I won’t be asked how long you are here but it’s nice to meet you--- finally. Did you meet Beatrice?” Bona had met Beatrice. He once told Dante, that Beatrice was not his for she was above him. Dante had shaken his head.

“I came here to look for her ---”

“Yes, the ladies who have the intelligence of love, You told me from the Little Book you cherish. Alas, we the Men are fools. I did caution you on that.

“I was told that she is ---dead. I had to know.” Dante almost broke up in his words. “I ---”

“Dante is not the time ---” Virgil had cut in but Bocca ignored the other.

“It’s fine, brother. Let us speak at the side. “Gentucca have a message for you.”

The name Gentucca sprung a surprise inside Dante’s mind. He heard of the name but he was not to place it. He moved Bocca to the side and listened.

“Gentucca---- Do you recall, Dante?” Bocca whispered to Dante. “It’s the code word to open the lock.”

“Gentucca---- La Vita Nuova--- My new life---- I---” Dante’s mind was reeling into his memories. It was there but avoided his recall of them. He had flashes of his moments with Beatrice and then more of other scenes that he will describe as loving and there were the ones where he was not the same person; he was a killer.

“I ---” Dante struggled with his thoughts. “I ---"

“Dante, we are not who we are,” Bocca whispered to Dante. “You are not who you think you are. We are not in ----”

“Purgatory ----- I am ---know. But how did you know?”

‘I will answer that later. You are Dante sent by the command. Beatrice was the ---- person to be sought out. I was here earlier than you. I was captured and tortured, but I escaped. I am looking to escape. You may be next.”

“You knew? But how?” Dante was baffled by the words spoken to him. “What is ---- Gentucca? Who am I?”

“We are in a virtual prison. We are --- in a state of deep hypnosis--- Trust no one, not even that other construct.” Bocca told Dante. “Gentucca is the key to unlocking your mind. It will clear your mind. We are ---”

It was then the harpies appeared from the skies to swoop up the group. There were many of them and swooped down like vultures. Virgil rushed towards Dante.

“Run, Poet. We are being attacked.” Virgil called on Dante.

“Defend ---” Dante called on Virgil to defend against the harpies but Virgil was past listening and ran on. They ran but Bocca and others; the emancipated some stood there frozen in fear but some ran but was unable to flee. They stood there terrified except for Stefan and Bocca, who fought harpies with their limbs.

“Fight them! They are --- “Bocca called out but to no avail. He turned to Dante and called out.

“Flee, Dante. Remember --- Gentucca---- Don’t stray.” Bocca called out to Dante before he was carted to the skies by the harpies. Dante stopped to look and saw the unforgettable sight of the harpies converging on Bocca, to tear the other of his limbs.

“Bocca!” Dante screamed in pain but he saw Stefan escape the punishment and was flown away.

“Run’, Poet. We are to hide.” Virgil prompted Dante. They fled on with the screams of the souls left behind to their fate. They ran for a long distance and then came upon a new sight.

The Tree was unlike the previous one for it was upside down with its leaves and fruits hanging below over a sunken hole which the tree was rooted to the side of the hole. There were souls there laying flat on their chest reaching for the fruits but it was far below.

“Let me hold you.” One soul told the other but there was nothing to grab on. The ones that reached out too far, maybe slipped and fall into the hole. The screams of the fallen ones could be heard till there was nothing to hear. That did not stop the others from trying but some did give up and sat at the side weeping. They had to move on for the new ones will arrive and did the same. The ones who left went back to their wandering in Purgatory.

Dante approached the tree and peeked at the ones there. He then approached the ones leaving.

“We need to get the fruits to make it past the last terrace ahead. It was foretold that it was the passage there by the others who made it.” One who sat there told Dante.

“Who told you of this tale?” Dante was to ask.

“We don’t know. It was passed on by the others heard from others.”

“Miscreants!’ Dante muttered and then returned to Virgil’s side who had approached the hole.

“They think they will get to the end of Purgatory if they can eat the fruits. The last tree we met was a contraption to trap the souls. And this one looked the same.” Dante told Virgil. ‘Tell me what you saw.”

“I scanned the Tree and it's another contraption. The hole is a funnel that will lead them back to the lower levels or Hell. I lost the trace.” Virgil explained to Dante. That prompted Dante to approach the ones by the tree.

“Move yourself back! That is not a tree. It’s a trap to send you back to ---- Hell.”


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