Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Part 14


Hengist stood from his seated position in the tent while facing the gathered. They were chiefs of the clans that grew restless with the arrangement of peace with the Brittons. He found the tributes sent over; made unaware to their King were inadequate.

“We are stifled in our meals to serve the clan.” Magus the Bear roared out. “The treaty you made us recognize does not mean well for us.”

A few other chiefs roared in agreement. It was true then for the reign of peace had grown their numbers and the mouths to feed were growing.

“The Picts are still raiding the borders.” Heinrich of the River called out. “I cannot sit here and wait for their supplies. I will go and take what is to be mine.”

“Calm down, my brethren. I will speak to their King.” Hengist reached out to the chiefs. He looked to his brother; Horsa seated next to him, munching at the leg of lamb. He kicked out his left leg toward the other but the Horsa ignored him.

“Hengist, we have suffered and my clan had it with the Brittons. I have sent my raiding parties across and they will return with supplies. I am here not to tell you this but also to caution you that if any of my clan warriors were to be lost, it will be on your hands that I will demand payments.” With that, Henrich had taken off, and the other chiefs followed closely.

“Horsa, you should have defended me.” Hengist roared at his brother.

“Why should I do that, brother? I am eating the meat which was not plentiful at my fire.” Horsa tossed the bone of the leg into the fire..”Our clan suffered just as much with them.”

“I have an understanding with Lord Vortigern.” Hengist turned to his brother. “I have saved lives in the last seasons.”

“Saving them does not make them any better warriors when their young ones are starving. The Picts and the insufferable Scots…and also sea-roving Vikings. They had prospered while we languish in starvation.” Horsa made his words to the other. “We either battle or starved.”

Hengist sighed but he agree with those words spoken by Horsa.

“Called the warriors. We raid now.” Hengist gave the order. The rally call when out and an army of three thousand was gathered.

“Henrich, you will sail to the inner waterways with some of your warriors. I want you to be our scouts there. Leave the others to remain with the boats and sailed upriver. They are to collect the supplies and bring them out.” Hengist gave out the order.

“Magus and Horsa will bring the main parties from the shores to the farms. They will battle the Brittons there. No lives are to be spared. They need to fear us.” Hengist learned from the Vikings who raids the coastal villages. They are not feared for their looks but for their lack of mercy on those who oppose them.

“Kill their priests and monks. They called us pagan devils.” One of the chiefs called. It was no more a raid but a cleansing of the faith. It was not something that Lord Anvil was to welcome then when the allies of the land cross the border to steal his harvest.

“My Lord, they don’t only steal. They kill our brothers.” The ones who survived cried out to the Lord of the land. “We are massacred at the altar.”

It was bringing back memories of the killings by the previous King. Lord Anvil brought the news to the Lord then. The new King was brought to hear the events of the riads.

“We must protect the houses of worship. Called on the Lords to form an army and marched to the border now.” King Constan young in his rule, was enraged by the killing and called on Lord Vortigern.

“Yes, my King. It's an act that we will not be allowed.” Lord Vortigern agreed with the King.

“I shall march then with the Lords.” King Constan told the Lords gathered there.

“I must forbid it, my King, You are to remain here. We will battle for you.” Lord Vortigern told the King. “You are needed here more. Pray for our return as the victors.”

“So be it. Go with God as your guide.” King Constan sat back on the throne. The new campaign was soon underway with Lord Vortigern once more at the helm of the army. The army was blessed by the King on their departure to the borders.

During the march, Lord Vortigern called on Lord Anvil to ride ahead. At the assigned hidden forest, Lord Vortigern was once more greeted by the other leader.

“Hengist, we had a truce. Must you try my patience with your antics?” Lord Vortigern faced the leader. “I have quelled the Picts and was to see to the King’s throne secured and now you have upset what we had agreed on.”

“It’s unfortunate for clans are eager to battle. It's not about the supplies, but the call of the blood. They have been deprived of their blood appetite.” Hengist smiled.

“You mocked me, Anglo-Saxon.” Lord Vortigern took offense to the excuse given.

“You deny me of my urges.” Hengist snapped at the other. “We are warriors and not farmers. The Brittons are the people for that.”

“Spare me your rhetorics, Hengist. Your clans have been defeated by us many times and would have been slaves to the Scots if not for my leniency. I saved your clans.” Lord Vorrigerm pressed on; “Be thankful I have not turned the Picts or Scots on you.”

“We shall not …” Hengist was cut off from his anger by the Lord.

“Stop the war. Be at peace with us. I will give you battles but not with us. Battle the Picts and Scots. I will reward you with wealth. What survives that war, will be yours to trade as slaves.  You will be considered my mercenaries. We won’t be enemies anymore.” Lord Vortigern made the offer. “We will both gain from it.”

Hengist held his glare at the Lord but his mind was thinking. It was a good offer. With that, he won’t battle the Brittons who held a bigger army and he will be rewarded for killing his enemies; a common enemy of both sides.

“Should we then put on an act for our people this time?” Lord Vortigern smiled at the other.

“Whom can we remove?” Hengist asked. “The clans need to be satiated their lust for blood.”


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