Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Part 13


“I forbid his ascension to the throne.” The Abbot of the monastery took to confront Lord Vortigern. “He is not to be King. He is a member of the faith. We cannot hold any wealth or influence except to the faith.”

Lord Vortigern looked at the elderly figure standing then with him in the hall. The newly crowned King was in the chamber to leave the two figures construed his role.

“Abbot, years ago, you told me he may not be to serve in the monastery and now you turn the acts on him when the lad was to be King. The kingdom needs him and with you are denying that of him.”

“My Lord, I was … I did state that he was not ready then, but he had seen to fit in well now.” The Abbot looked to the Lord. “The perseverance of his was admired by us. We went to return him to the sanctuary of the monastery.”

“Selfish are your intentions.” Lord Vortigern raised his voice. “He is King and will remain as King. If you chose to defy this, I will have you and your …members removed from this land. Constan stays as King.”

“I …” The Abbot held his piece. He looked away toward the corridor that led to the chamber. He knew that he was powerless against the might of the Lord there, but wished to see the yet-to-be ordained lad.

“Spare me your request. You can leave now.” Lord Vortigern told the Abbot. That ended the discussion. It was soon after that the Lord saw the one who hid in the shadow.

“Come out, young one.” Lord Vortigern called out. It was young Uther who appeared and stood before the Lord. The youngest had grown in the last seasons, with him towering next to Constan. He was dressed in a dark green tunic and olive leggings with the bow in his right hand.

“Are you looking to kill me, young Uther?” Lord Vortigern looked at the lad. “I am without my armor and my sword. I am defenseless.”

“No, Lord. I was here to pick up my bow. I am due for my practice. I…”

“And you stayed to hear my words with the Abbot.” Lord Vortigern cut in. “The Abbot…”

“Wanted Constan to be a monk. He should not do that. Constan is to be King.” Uther snapped at the Lord. “Why does he forbids my brother from being one?”

“The Abbot had his reasons. More to it, the role and responsibility of the King are not for anyone. Only the ones who deserved it can be one. Or the King…” Lord Vortigern stopped there with his eyes on the young lad. “You are a prince and held the qualities to be King.”

“I am not sure. My brother will be King and after him, Aurelius. If they are not there, then I will be.” Uther looked at the Lord. “Will you be one too?”

“I ….I am not a prince I served only the King.” Lord Vortigern replied. “Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know. I heard that you are more powerful than the King, my father then. Maybe you can be King.” Uther said plainly. “There are some Kings that were replaced by others not of the King’s bloodline.”

“You are well read, young Uther but I harbor no such aspiration. I am your faithful servant…. And Lord.” Lord Vortigern smiled at the young lad. “Be gone now, lad. Your archery sessions have begun.”

Uther left the hall while the Lord stood there with his mind on the words of the young prince. It was true that Kings have been replaced by their servant or their conquerors. He has massed a huge army outside the castle for years but never had he ever challenged the King then.

“A folly or fool’s of mine?” Lord Vortigern asked then.

“It’s never a foolish dream when the means to it can be attained but have you the courage?” Lord Vortigern turned to look at the source of the voice.  He saw a frail figure in a dark blue robe with the hood thrown back to the rear. It revealed an elderly man with a white beard on his lower face.

“Merlin is the name.” The white-bearded figure spoke of his name.

“A pagan worshiper as I was told of you. A druid who wanders the land. What ails you to step into the castle?” Lord Vortigern looked at the one named Merlin.

“The passing of the King compels me to come over,” Merlin replied. “He was a great King.”

“And yet he is not of yours, I believe.” Lord Vortigern looked to the bearded one. “I doubt you are of Britton. Are you Saxon or Scottish?”

“I am nay of them. I am …of the land. I had wandered far and wide. I only seek to see the rightful King to the land.” Merlin replied. “I had …”

“Seen one or many and yet you cannot decide, druid. I know your kind. You stepped forth with prophecies and readings from sorcery incantations.” Lord Vortigerm looked at the other. “I am not one to sway to them.”

“No, you are not. You are neither a fool nor folly to your dreams, King. You …”

“You mocked me, druid. I am no King.” Lord Vortigern spoke in anger.

“No, you are one…yet.” Merlin turned to leave. “Not the one I seek.”

The druid left the castle with Vortigern fuming with rage. He was stunned at why he held back his anger then. The druid was just another passer-by in the castle and not a significant Lord to the Kingdom, It was then Gildas appeared.

“Lord Vortigern, did you see a druid come here? I am looking for him.”

“He was and left. He will not be admitted here anymore.” Lord Vortigern looked to Gildas. “Who is he?”

“A miscreant with the practices of sorcery. I won’t tolerate his presence here lest he influenced the King.” Gildas grumbled out. “The miscreant claims he will find the rightful King to unite the people to be in one with the King. The rightful King he claims. A fool he is the druid. We have a King already that sits on the throne.”

“Then he will not be allowed here.” Lord Vortigern made the order then. Another surprise came to his ears then.

“My Lord, the Anglo-Saxons are on the borders again.” It was Lord Anvil who stormed in.”They are killing and burning our house of faith.”










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