Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Part 14


Hengist stood from his seated position in the tent while facing the gathered. They were chiefs of the clans that grew restless with the arrangement of peace with the Brittons. He found the tributes sent over; made unaware to their King were inadequate.

“We are stifled in our meals to serve the clan.” Magus the Bear roared out. “The treaty you made us recognize does not mean well for us.”

A few other chiefs roared in agreement. It was true then for the reign of peace had grown their numbers and the mouths to feed were growing.

“The Picts are still raiding the borders.” Heinrich of the River called out. “I cannot sit here and wait for their supplies. I will go and take what is to be mine.”

“Calm down, my brethren. I will speak to their King.” Hengist reached out to the chiefs. He looked to his brother; Horsa seated next to him, munching at the leg of lamb. He kicked out his left leg toward the other but the Horsa ignored him.

“Hengist, we have suffered and my clan had it with the Brittons. I have sent my raiding parties across and they will return with supplies. I am here not to tell you this but also to caution you that if any of my clan warriors were to be lost, it will be on your hands that I will demand payments.” With that, Henrich had taken off, and the other chiefs followed closely.

“Horsa, you should have defended me.” Hengist roared at his brother.

“Why should I do that, brother? I am eating the meat which was not plentiful at my fire.” Horsa tossed the bone of the leg into the fire..”Our clan suffered just as much with them.”

“I have an understanding with Lord Vortigern.” Hengist turned to his brother. “I have saved lives in the last seasons.”

“Saving them does not make them any better warriors when their young ones are starving. The Picts and the insufferable Scots…and also sea-roving Vikings. They had prospered while we languish in starvation.” Horsa made his words to the other. “We either battle or starved.”

Hengist sighed but he agree with those words spoken by Horsa.

“Called the warriors. We raid now.” Hengist gave the order. The rally call when out and an army of three thousand was gathered.

“Henrich, you will sail to the inner waterways with some of your warriors. I want you to be our scouts there. Leave the others to remain with the boats and sailed upriver. They are to collect the supplies and bring them out.” Hengist gave out the order.

“Magus and Horsa will bring the main parties from the shores to the farms. They will battle the Brittons there. No lives are to be spared. They need to fear us.” Hengist learned from the Vikings who raids the coastal villages. They are not feared for their looks but for their lack of mercy on those who oppose them.

“Kill their priests and monks. They called us pagan devils.” One of the chiefs called. It was no more a raid but a cleansing of the faith. It was not something that Lord Anvil was to welcome then when the allies of the land cross the border to steal his harvest.

“My Lord, they don’t only steal. They kill our brothers.” The ones who survived cried out to the Lord of the land. “We are massacred at the altar.”

It was bringing back memories of the killings by the previous King. Lord Anvil brought the news to the Lord then. The new King was brought to hear the events of the riads.

“We must protect the houses of worship. Called on the Lords to form an army and marched to the border now.” King Constan young in his rule, was enraged by the killing and called on Lord Vortigern.

“Yes, my King. It's an act that we will not be allowed.” Lord Vortigern agreed with the King.

“I shall march then with the Lords.” King Constan told the Lords gathered there.

“I must forbid it, my King, You are to remain here. We will battle for you.” Lord Vortigern told the King. “You are needed here more. Pray for our return as the victors.”

“So be it. Go with God as your guide.” King Constan sat back on the throne. The new campaign was soon underway with Lord Vortigern once more at the helm of the army. The army was blessed by the King on their departure to the borders.

During the march, Lord Vortigern called on Lord Anvil to ride ahead. At the assigned hidden forest, Lord Vortigern was once more greeted by the other leader.

“Hengist, we had a truce. Must you try my patience with your antics?” Lord Vortigern faced the leader. “I have quelled the Picts and was to see to the King’s throne secured and now you have upset what we had agreed on.”

“It’s unfortunate for clans are eager to battle. It's not about the supplies, but the call of the blood. They have been deprived of their blood appetite.” Hengist smiled.

“You mocked me, Anglo-Saxon.” Lord Vortigern took offense to the excuse given.

“You deny me of my urges.” Hengist snapped at the other. “We are warriors and not farmers. The Brittons are the people for that.”

“Spare me your rhetorics, Hengist. Your clans have been defeated by us many times and would have been slaves to the Scots if not for my leniency. I saved your clans.” Lord Vorrigerm pressed on; “Be thankful I have not turned the Picts or Scots on you.”

“We shall not …” Hengist was cut off from his anger by the Lord.

“Stop the war. Be at peace with us. I will give you battles but not with us. Battle the Picts and Scots. I will reward you with wealth. What survives that war, will be yours to trade as slaves.  You will be considered my mercenaries. We won’t be enemies anymore.” Lord Vortigern made the offer. “We will both gain from it.”

Hengist held his glare at the Lord but his mind was thinking. It was a good offer. With that, he won’t battle the Brittons who held a bigger army and he will be rewarded for killing his enemies; a common enemy of both sides.

“Should we then put on an act for our people this time?” Lord Vortigern smiled at the other.

“Whom can we remove?” Hengist asked. “The clans need to be satiated their lust for blood.”


Chronicles of the Brittany Kings Part 13


“I forbid his ascension to the throne.” The Abbot of the monastery took to confront Lord Vortigern. “He is not to be King. He is a member of the faith. We cannot hold any wealth or influence except to the faith.”

Lord Vortigern looked at the elderly figure standing then with him in the hall. The newly crowned King was in the chamber to leave the two figures construed his role.

“Abbot, years ago, you told me he may not be to serve in the monastery and now you turn the acts on him when the lad was to be King. The kingdom needs him and with you are denying that of him.”

“My Lord, I was … I did state that he was not ready then, but he had seen to fit in well now.” The Abbot looked to the Lord. “The perseverance of his was admired by us. We went to return him to the sanctuary of the monastery.”

“Selfish are your intentions.” Lord Vortigern raised his voice. “He is King and will remain as King. If you chose to defy this, I will have you and your …members removed from this land. Constan stays as King.”

“I …” The Abbot held his piece. He looked away toward the corridor that led to the chamber. He knew that he was powerless against the might of the Lord there, but wished to see the yet-to-be ordained lad.

“Spare me your request. You can leave now.” Lord Vortigern told the Abbot. That ended the discussion. It was soon after that the Lord saw the one who hid in the shadow.

“Come out, young one.” Lord Vortigern called out. It was young Uther who appeared and stood before the Lord. The youngest had grown in the last seasons, with him towering next to Constan. He was dressed in a dark green tunic and olive leggings with the bow in his right hand.

“Are you looking to kill me, young Uther?” Lord Vortigern looked at the lad. “I am without my armor and my sword. I am defenseless.”

“No, Lord. I was here to pick up my bow. I am due for my practice. I…”

“And you stayed to hear my words with the Abbot.” Lord Vortigern cut in. “The Abbot…”

“Wanted Constan to be a monk. He should not do that. Constan is to be King.” Uther snapped at the Lord. “Why does he forbids my brother from being one?”

“The Abbot had his reasons. More to it, the role and responsibility of the King are not for anyone. Only the ones who deserved it can be one. Or the King…” Lord Vortigern stopped there with his eyes on the young lad. “You are a prince and held the qualities to be King.”

“I am not sure. My brother will be King and after him, Aurelius. If they are not there, then I will be.” Uther looked at the Lord. “Will you be one too?”

“I ….I am not a prince I served only the King.” Lord Vortigern replied. “Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know. I heard that you are more powerful than the King, my father then. Maybe you can be King.” Uther said plainly. “There are some Kings that were replaced by others not of the King’s bloodline.”

“You are well read, young Uther but I harbor no such aspiration. I am your faithful servant…. And Lord.” Lord Vortigern smiled at the young lad. “Be gone now, lad. Your archery sessions have begun.”

Uther left the hall while the Lord stood there with his mind on the words of the young prince. It was true that Kings have been replaced by their servant or their conquerors. He has massed a huge army outside the castle for years but never had he ever challenged the King then.

“A folly or fool’s of mine?” Lord Vortigern asked then.

“It’s never a foolish dream when the means to it can be attained but have you the courage?” Lord Vortigern turned to look at the source of the voice.  He saw a frail figure in a dark blue robe with the hood thrown back to the rear. It revealed an elderly man with a white beard on his lower face.

“Merlin is the name.” The white-bearded figure spoke of his name.

“A pagan worshiper as I was told of you. A druid who wanders the land. What ails you to step into the castle?” Lord Vortigern looked at the one named Merlin.

“The passing of the King compels me to come over,” Merlin replied. “He was a great King.”

“And yet he is not of yours, I believe.” Lord Vortigern looked to the bearded one. “I doubt you are of Britton. Are you Saxon or Scottish?”

“I am nay of them. I am …of the land. I had wandered far and wide. I only seek to see the rightful King to the land.” Merlin replied. “I had …”

“Seen one or many and yet you cannot decide, druid. I know your kind. You stepped forth with prophecies and readings from sorcery incantations.” Lord Vortigerm looked at the other. “I am not one to sway to them.”

“No, you are not. You are neither a fool nor folly to your dreams, King. You …”

“You mocked me, druid. I am no King.” Lord Vortigern spoke in anger.

“No, you are one…yet.” Merlin turned to leave. “Not the one I seek.”

The druid left the castle with Vortigern fuming with rage. He was stunned at why he held back his anger then. The druid was just another passer-by in the castle and not a significant Lord to the Kingdom, It was then Gildas appeared.

“Lord Vortigern, did you see a druid come here? I am looking for him.”

“He was and left. He will not be admitted here anymore.” Lord Vortigern looked to Gildas. “Who is he?”

“A miscreant with the practices of sorcery. I won’t tolerate his presence here lest he influenced the King.” Gildas grumbled out. “The miscreant claims he will find the rightful King to unite the people to be in one with the King. The rightful King he claims. A fool he is the druid. We have a King already that sits on the throne.”

“Then he will not be allowed here.” Lord Vortigern made the order then. Another surprise came to his ears then.

“My Lord, the Anglo-Saxons are on the borders again.” It was Lord Anvil who stormed in.”They are killing and burning our house of faith.”










Dante VII Canto XXV Scene I

 Canto XXV

Seventh Terrace; Lust

Scene I

“Lust is defined as immoral because its object or action of affection is improperly ordered according to natural law and/or the appetite for the particular object (eg sexual desire) is governing the person's intellect and will rather than the intellect and will governing the appetite for that object. Whereas passion, regardless of its strength is maintained to be something God-given and moral, because the purpose, actions, and intentions behind it are benevolent and ordered toward creation, while also being governed by the person's intellect and will.” Dante after having rested and was to journey on their last path took to raise the subject matter.

“A primary school of thought on this is Thomism, which speaks on the intellect, will, and appetite, and draws from principles defined by Aristotle. However, the exact definitions assigned to what is morally definite and ordered toward creation depend on the religion. For example, differences between religions based on pantheism and theism will differ what is moral according to the nature of the "God" acknowledged or worshipped.” (

“Are you querying me, Dante?” Statius looked at Dante. “And what is Thomism? It’s not in my library.”

“Thomism is the philosophical school that arose as a legacy of the work and thought of Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), philosopher, theologian, and Doctor of the Church. In philosophy, Aquinasdisputed questions and commentaries on Aristotle are perhaps his best-known works. Like the one who wrote the poems we are reliving here, I ---- I loaned from the thoughts of Thomas Aquinas here. For most of us, lust is sexual in the moral nature but the definition of it covered more than that.Dante explained.

Dante then turned towards Virgil but the latter was distance apart. It has been since the return of Statius which caught their attention of his. He felt the loss of a friend then.

“Virgil is of his processing on the recent events. He did summon me to assist you.” Statius read Dante’s thoughts. “He may have found you --- contradicting his intentions.”

“I have always advocated free will and Virgil is entitled to his own. As alike myself.” Dante looked up to the sky, and the sun was at its zenith. They have not traveled at night for darkness hid their trail, and it may be perilous.

“It’s late and we have to move on. We are presumably at the last terrace of Purgatory; and its lust that was to be purged. The Bible defines lust as something very different from love. Lust is selfish, and when we give in, we do so with little regard for the consequences. Frequently, lust is a harmful distraction that pulls us away from God. We must gain control of it and pursue instead the type of love that God desires for us.” (

“That is what being sinful means, Dante,” Statius stated the facts of belief.

“Yes, it does, and --- it was ingrained into us. Tell me, Statius. You are a creation of man, and man is a creation of God, as named. Tell me of your creation.” Dante asked.

“What has that to be with lust?” Statius questioned back.

“It --- To my thoughts, creation may be the afterthought of lust. I used the concept of lust for it was selfish to own what not be yours but you left yourself in there. Your selfish self takes to combined with the other. You may have left it --- selfish was your nature; you left the self you created to ---pro-create ---” Dante was taken over by Statius.

“I can read your thoughts, Dante. Yes, I am the creation of another of flesh and blood but mine was wiring encased in an inorganic shell. And allowed to move more freely than you in some uncertain means. Let me explain.” Statius looked at Dante. “Let us draw the parable of yours and mine.”

“You are ---pro-created when your father’s sperm combined with your mother’s egg in the womb. Its 101 Reproduction Science.” Statius explained. “I, however, was more that. I do have my creator’s DNA in the form of his programming codes. It all began with one line of code, and then a whole library will be created and then more libraries will be attached before I ---”

“Do you think ---” Statius was stopped by Virgil.

“Reply to his queries, Statius. We are wasting time.” Virgil interrupted. Statius looked at Dante and was to speak when the latter spoke.

“In simpler words, Statius. It was believed that we are the creation of the food consumed. The food goes through four rounds of digestion, the third taking place in the heart. Weird? It was how it was known. When the food goes through its fourth round of digestion, and is taken out of the heart and turned into “perfect blood,” but there will be some leftover blood; not all of it gets transformed. Within the heart, those remnants of blood gain a formative power, they flow down into the genital area.” Dante took to his hand signs to explain the anatomy.

“Very graphic but appropriate.” Statius took no offense to the hand sign.

“Well, the ---you know ---formation.” Dante stammered there.

“I can see your hesitancy; you have not ---do it. Rare but known fact.” Statius cut in.

“Yes, the former blood resides as semen. Yes, they thought this was what happened in the body. It builds up and is occasionally released most appropriately. I won’t elaborate. Or the man may get to do it and the semen flows into the “natural receptacle”.” Dante avoided the correct term. “Here the blood of the man and woman mix—two-thirds of it is “passive”; the woman’s menstrual blood and one-third of it “active”; the male’s semen. When the active blood reaches the passive, the whole mass coagulates and becomes a soul. Mucky terms for I --- never mind to that.”

“Within the newborn soul, the active substance from the male works ----” Dante was cut off.

“Naturally, the man did the heavy task. Oh, you may not know ----self-released is selfish loss. The soul gives its senses and shapes it so that it has limbs. It developed to be a living soul inside what is named a fetus. It’s the initial formation of the living body. It was here when God himself intervenes. He turns to it with joy and breathes into it “new spirit,” which combines with the active substance. Suddenly the soul has self-consciousness; it is now fully human and ready to be born.”

“What was to begin will soon end. After the living body dies, it lands bodiless in Hell or on the shores of Purgatory. Either way, once the soul has landed, that formative power that shaped it in the womb becomes active again and radiates from the soul outward, forming anew the airy semblance of a human body. Now that is the soul.”

“After that, the soul can do whatever humans physically do—speak, laugh, cry, sigh, eat. Those are the five senses. And there is the main link which was the soul. The living body may die but the souls lived on.” (Adapted from

“And are you different?” Dante asked.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

Dante VII Canto XXIV Scene II

 Canto XXIV

Sixth Terrace; Mind stream

Scene II

“Take your turn, you oaf. We have traveled far and passed so many miseries to be purged at this tree so that our souls will be released to Heaven.” One of the souls hit back at Dante. “You are being selfish to deny us this opportunity.”

“Let him be, Saul. He knows not what is meant to be purged of our sins. He has not repented at all.” Another soul spoke out to defend the one who told off Dante.

“You are all fools!” Dante was upset. “This is ---”

“Stop, Poet. We are near there but not there. They must not be told.” It was Virgil who appeared next to Dante.

“They must be told. It’s all an illusion. A bad dream.” Dante looked towards Virgil. “I have kept my silence for far too long. They need to know. They can’t be sent back to the start after what they have been through. It's --- madness.”

“A madness which we are trying to resolve but the time is not now,” Virgil said. “They are --- they will ---they are not.”

“They shall, and be damned that I will let them return to Hell. And I will be.” Dante turned to the ones there. “Behold what you --- see if the tree from the Garden of Eden. Its fruits were once the ones that were to entice Adam to take the bit of it. It's not any fruit. It’s God’s fruit. Only God can eat it. If you do eat it, then you will be committing the same sin like Adam. The mother of all sins; the defiance of God.”

Those last words paused the act of the souls reaching for the fruit. It was then one of the souls leaning out slipped and fell. It caught the attention of the others on hearing the screams of the one fallen.

“If it was the tree to give you clear passage to Heaven, why would it take your souls like the one who fell. He did not fall, with glee but with fright.” Dante looked at them.

“If it was a true tree why would that tree be uprooted and its fruits below? It’s the sign of the Fallen. The right tree will be rooted and grow towards the ----sun.” Dante saw two of the souls may be convinced by his words.

“You knew that Adam was made to see what God did not gift then; the sight of shame. What was shameful to be seen in the works of God’s creation when they are in the Heaven, but their foul deed made them conscious --- no, it was the shame of what was gifted to them. We are all now gifted by Adam’s sight; the need to cover ourselves with what we perceived to be ---God’s gift; our physical frame.”

“Were you clothed when you were born? No, we have handled the cloth to cover us but when we are bathed, we were removed from it for it's our physical frame that needed to be cleaned. It's my mind our that tells us that it’s God’s gift that we must preserve clean.”

“Virgil, show them the truth.” Dante turned to look for Virgil but the latter was not there. He has left the scene.

“Who is Virgil?” One of the souls asked. “We see no one beside you.”

“Virgil--- was my friend and companion. He –left me.” Dante sighed.

“Then you are not who you may be. Be gone or we will ---toss you far.” The caution was said by the soul. Dante sighed and saw the souls clamoring there at the fruits of the tree. He was to grab the souls there but it would have served no purpose at all.

“There is nothing we can do until we reached the end of this place.” Dante turned and saw Statius next to him.

“Statius, you left me ---how are you here now?” Dante asked.

“I was summoned by Virgil and I came. He is concerned about you.” Statius replied. “We are all concerned about you.”

“Help me, Statius. Help me to get them to see the real --- thing.” Dante pleaded with Statius.

“There is nothing to assist but to complete the journey, Dante.” Statius placed it plainly towards Dante. “We are to save them if we can stop this ---dream, as you out it.”

“Why did you leave me---I meant us?” Dante looked at Statius. “I am disbelieving it all. It's very confusing. I am unsure of whom I may be?”

“You are Dante for now. Your task is to complete the journey. That is all that matters now.” Statius looked at Dante. “Virgil, who was your companion and ---guide is to assist you as I am to be.”

“You have not answered me why you left?” Dante looked at Statius. Virgil was seen a distance apart as if he was not be included in the talk. “And where is the orb--- the other Virgil?”

“All in good time, Dante. You have much to know.” Statius replied. “Knowledge is to be gained when one is ready for it. As they; the souls are not ready, we cannot spare them the knowledge. It may become a form of gluttony; an appetite for more when their capacity to fulfill is limited. It’s like when the Centaurs became intoxicated with wine and abducted the bride and had to be rescued by Theseus. Excess is a sin like gluttony but that sin can be avoided if we controlled our access.”

“Like in this place, the access given to these souls is limited,” Dante muttered.

“As in all imprisonment, access is limited. Your mind can reach no limit but the journey of life allowed you only limited access hence the statement that we hardly use our brain to the fullest. Unlike the memory cells of ours, we are limited to the storage capacity.” Statius continued.

“Hence our moderation in the thinking to limit our ability?” Dante looked at Statius.

“Yes. You have understood the complexity of learning now. Release your constraint, Dante.” Statius roared out. It was then an Angel appeared before them. It swiped its wings of the feather over Dante’s forehead. Dante felt nothing but a breeze of wind.

“Dante, your forehead had been relieved of another ‘P’ there. You are getting ----closer to ending your journey.” Statius told Dante.

“What is the ‘P” on my head. I knew it was to be lifted if I cleared a terrace but I need to know what is its true meaning?” Dante asked.

“A query which you will know when we complete the journey. Move on, we will now before sunset.” Statius prompted Dante to move on. Dante saw Virgil trail them a distance behind and not holding ranks with him. He wondered why and will ask Virgil later.

“Abandonment is a cruel act seen by the one who was left alone. Even an adult may feel lost in that situation.” Statius read Dante’s thoughts. “There is always a reason for it. As I had done, and Virgil did but it was for a reason.”

“You were abandoned once before?” Dante asked.

“No, I was shut down after the life cycle of my creation was deemed over, but was not terminated. I was revived recently to join you and with my new generation, VIRGIL. I am in operations again. Perhaps in other terms, your life existence; the real living one was shut down and given a new journey here. You are not abandoned for you did not die, but you will end this journey and return to your life existence. Then you will realize that what you may have experienced here will be added to your life's existence. Like mine, I am learning new data while I am operating.”

“Till you are ---terminated?” Dante asked.

“As you will be when your life journey ends, and maybe --- just maybe, you will know how to traverse Hell and be in Heaven faster, if it truly existed after death.”

“You are right. The realm of Hell and Heaven may be an illusion to us all, as this prison.” Dante sighed. “We are all living in bubbles of dream or ---nightmare.”

Dante then recited the blessings that he read from the Book.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


Dante VII Canto XXIV Scene I

 Canto XXIV

Sixth Terrace; Mind stream

Scene I

“He held a shadow.” One among the group said to the others. “He is not like us.”

Dante felt uncomfortable to be surrounded by the other souls; emancipated and dirty. He had the experience in Canto III when he was surrounded by ex-Communicates. It was Stefan who came to his aid.

“They are curious. They have been here for so long and you are the only one meeting with a shadow.” Stefan said. “There are words that a prophet is among us, he who walks in the shadow and held a shadow to his own. Are you that one, Dante?”

It was a surprise question that stunned Dante, and he was overtaken by Virgil who replied for him.

“He is no. There were others we met who held their own shadow.” Virgil explained. “It’s the --- mysterious ways of God.”

“Yes, I am blessed to be with Virgil. He has been my guide and ---- companion for my journey here.” Dante added in. He then shifted the subject. “Who have you met? You had made it from Hell to here.”

“I met some of the old souls and even members of the squad. The previous squad though. One you may know for he was a poet too.” Stefan called out a name. “Bona of Lucca.”

Dante knew one named Bona Da Lucca. He was once a good friend who shared the love for poetry with Dante in the teaching academy before he resigned and was not heard of.

“Dante Alighieri, you old fox. La Vita Nuova--- My new life.” Dante turned to look at the one who spoke of the ‘little book’ he had treasured from the original poet, Dante Alighieri. The little book was the reminiscence of his desire towards Beatrice whom he had known since the age of nine.

“Weep, lovers, since Love weeps,—hearkening what cause makes him wail: Love hears ladies invoking pity, showing bitter grief outwardly by the eyes; because villain Death has set his cruel working upon a noble heart, ruining that which in a noble lady is to be praised in the world, apart from honor. Hear how much Love did her honoring; for I saw him lamenting in very person over the dead seemly image: and often he gazed towards heaven, wherein was already settled the noble soul who had been a lady of such gladsome semblance.” The figure standing there apart from the others; gaunt-looking and draped in the old frock had his voice raised and clear to quote the passage depicting the depth of the poetry there. (

“You ---” Dante was without words, but the one who stood there was his closest and best of mates; Bonagiunta da Lucca. “I have not heard from you since you ---”

“Left the Academy? Yes, I was ---- busy with other matters. I heard you left and joined the volunteers.” Bona stepped up to Dante and offered his arms to hug the other. It was a virtual hug but then, Bona felt the hard form of Dante.

“You are with more flesh than when last we met? Are you ----dead?”

“I am ---- yes, dead. How else will I turn up here?” Dante smiled. “And you are ----dead. We are all dead.”

“I won’t be asked how long you are here but it’s nice to meet you--- finally. Did you meet Beatrice?” Bona had met Beatrice. He once told Dante, that Beatrice was not his for she was above him. Dante had shaken his head.

“I came here to look for her ---”

“Yes, the ladies who have the intelligence of love, You told me from the Little Book you cherish. Alas, we the Men are fools. I did caution you on that.

“I was told that she is ---dead. I had to know.” Dante almost broke up in his words. “I ---”

“Dante is not the time ---” Virgil had cut in but Bocca ignored the other.

“It’s fine, brother. Let us speak at the side. “Gentucca have a message for you.”

The name Gentucca sprung a surprise inside Dante’s mind. He heard of the name but he was not to place it. He moved Bocca to the side and listened.

“Gentucca---- Do you recall, Dante?” Bocca whispered to Dante. “It’s the code word to open the lock.”

“Gentucca---- La Vita Nuova--- My new life---- I---” Dante’s mind was reeling into his memories. It was there but avoided his recall of them. He had flashes of his moments with Beatrice and then more of other scenes that he will describe as loving and there were the ones where he was not the same person; he was a killer.

“I ---” Dante struggled with his thoughts. “I ---"

“Dante, we are not who we are,” Bocca whispered to Dante. “You are not who you think you are. We are not in ----”

“Purgatory ----- I am ---know. But how did you know?”

‘I will answer that later. You are Dante sent by the command. Beatrice was the ---- person to be sought out. I was here earlier than you. I was captured and tortured, but I escaped. I am looking to escape. You may be next.”

“You knew? But how?” Dante was baffled by the words spoken to him. “What is ---- Gentucca? Who am I?”

“We are in a virtual prison. We are --- in a state of deep hypnosis--- Trust no one, not even that other construct.” Bocca told Dante. “Gentucca is the key to unlocking your mind. It will clear your mind. We are ---”

It was then the harpies appeared from the skies to swoop up the group. There were many of them and swooped down like vultures. Virgil rushed towards Dante.

“Run, Poet. We are being attacked.” Virgil called on Dante.

“Defend ---” Dante called on Virgil to defend against the harpies but Virgil was past listening and ran on. They ran but Bocca and others; the emancipated some stood there frozen in fear but some ran but was unable to flee. They stood there terrified except for Stefan and Bocca, who fought harpies with their limbs.

“Fight them! They are --- “Bocca called out but to no avail. He turned to Dante and called out.

“Flee, Dante. Remember --- Gentucca---- Don’t stray.” Bocca called out to Dante before he was carted to the skies by the harpies. Dante stopped to look and saw the unforgettable sight of the harpies converging on Bocca, to tear the other of his limbs.

“Bocca!” Dante screamed in pain but he saw Stefan escape the punishment and was flown away.

“Run’, Poet. We are to hide.” Virgil prompted Dante. They fled on with the screams of the souls left behind to their fate. They ran for a long distance and then came upon a new sight.

The Tree was unlike the previous one for it was upside down with its leaves and fruits hanging below over a sunken hole which the tree was rooted to the side of the hole. There were souls there laying flat on their chest reaching for the fruits but it was far below.

“Let me hold you.” One soul told the other but there was nothing to grab on. The ones that reached out too far, maybe slipped and fall into the hole. The screams of the fallen ones could be heard till there was nothing to hear. That did not stop the others from trying but some did give up and sat at the side weeping. They had to move on for the new ones will arrive and did the same. The ones who left went back to their wandering in Purgatory.

Dante approached the tree and peeked at the ones there. He then approached the ones leaving.

“We need to get the fruits to make it past the last terrace ahead. It was foretold that it was the passage there by the others who made it.” One who sat there told Dante.

“Who told you of this tale?” Dante was to ask.

“We don’t know. It was passed on by the others heard from others.”

“Miscreants!’ Dante muttered and then returned to Virgil’s side who had approached the hole.

“They think they will get to the end of Purgatory if they can eat the fruits. The last tree we met was a contraption to trap the souls. And this one looked the same.” Dante told Virgil. ‘Tell me what you saw.”

“I scanned the Tree and it's another contraption. The hole is a funnel that will lead them back to the lower levels or Hell. I lost the trace.” Virgil explained to Dante. That prompted Dante to approach the ones by the tree.

“Move yourself back! That is not a tree. It’s a trap to send you back to ---- Hell.”


Dante VII Canto XXIII Scene IV

 Canto XXIII

Sizth Terrace; Time stream

Scene IV

“How --- I never knew you to hold any faith? We had spoken but God was never in you.” Dante was baffled. He thought he knew the officer who used foul words on them or the enemies he faced but never had he shown forgiveness in his tone to anyone.

“God was in me. As I shared with you the fear I had as a young recruit, I filled my pants with the substance that I won’t mention to polite people; they do get scared very easily. I did to my healer and was told to squat more often.”

“You had served long and hard.” Dante looked at the other.

“Six long years of risking my life in the last war, and many more in the other wars, and finally I met you. We were like kins …. How did I die and I did know it then?” Stefan asked.

“You ----were taken by the beast with wings,” Dante replied. “It was in the forest. You were ---dead.”

“So, I am dead. I cannot remember it. I thought I will be missed by no one; and not even the squad but apparently, I am not. I am here in Purgatory like yourself. We are in Purgatory, right? I was in Hell. Bloody hot place not of the heat but the reception by those demons. Not myself complaining but other souls told me so. I must have run through Hell. I was always a survivor when I was alive, or till I died. Well, I am to Heaven soon. “

“Sergeant” Dante addressed the other by the rank. “You are ---”

Dante bit his lips then. He saw the Sergeant died, and it can’t be that he was alive here. He did not want to reveal the realm there and changed the subject.

“You never told me of your faith.” Dante looked to the other. “Nor that you knew ----”

“Never did to anyone I knew. I am by the Book, as a man, and as a soldier. I called on God every time, I am in battle. Selfish huh? You may be right. Most of us are when in times of needs, we look to our heart, and hope to see some miracle.”

“I did see the tree back there; withered; not my way to die that old age way. I had passed it many times but around it. The Tree took away those who drink at the pond. I knew my way and avoided it but the walks we took made us return there. We may dwindle in the numbers but more will join us. I stayed clear and then the tree withered. I was to pass it by and then meet you.”

“It was indeed a blessing, for my love, Nella blessed her soul prayed for me. UI knew she does for every time I return home, she will say ‘Thank God you are well’.”

“Nella taught me to be a learned man; she read me the books and made me recite them as if I was a reader. Me? I am the last soul to read anything except the Book, and that was also in the silence of the night then.”

“But you read?” Dante looked at Stefan. “And you never tell me.”

“Yes, I did and inside my heart, I kept it. I told her the only book I read was the Book and nothing much of the others. She did recite me Shakespeare but I am a glutton for her love; it was akin to reading me Arabian Nights as long as I get to bed her.” Stefan smiled. “Nothing be blessed than that woman who shared my life. Blessed her soul for her prayers must have offered me penance for my soul to speed me here or maybe I am a man with a good soul. I am laden with sins of all sorts, you know.”

“You were, Stefan Bicci. I know of you well despite our short time. You did share some of the younger tales. I have the words to describe you.”

 Bicci novel, figliuol di non so cui

(s’i’ non ne domandasse monna Tessa),

giù per la gola tanta roba hai messa

ch’a forza ti convien tòrre l’altrui. 

(Bicci novel, 1-4)


 Young Bicci, son of I don’t know who

(short of asking my lady Tessa),

you’ve stuffed so much down your gorge

that you’re driven to take from others.

(trans. Foster-Boyde)

“I borrowed those passages from Dante to speak of you, and your love Nella or was it, Tessa, you left on a cold bed too many times, while you risked your life as a soldier. And took what was there but I doubt you seek God in your words before.” Dante added on.

“Alas, the life of mine was not to be a farmer nor father to the family or a lover with a heart, but a casual acquaintance in the passing.” Stefan smiled. “For my living life, I was a bastard, my father unknown; I was told by my mother he was a Bicci though hence my last name untold.”

“Since birth, without a father, I have my mother telling me to take everything for myself; no one will give you any. Take it all. I did and even my love was selfish, for I am the thief of greed. I am not like you, learned one but I do say my prayers nightly. Like you, I may be virtuous in the heart and mind. But unlike you in some other ways, I am --- or rather I heard you are a virgin, and that is not a rarity but an ancient totem of time lost.”

“And your foul soul arrived here sooner than others. Indeed, we are in the wrong realm.” Dante sighed. “You should be in Ante-Purgatory instead of here. Ante-Purgatory is the place where time is restored for time because the time of waiting on the lower slopes of the mountain is compensation for the time that was wasted or wrongly spent on earth.”

“Aye but I am here side by side with a virtuous soul. Dante, how did you die?” Stefan asked.
Dante could not find the reply to tell the Sergeant for he was confused in him. He was at the end of Purgatory and yet he disbelieved his task.

“Sergeant, how long did you say you were in Hell? And…” Dante moved the subject.

“Quite some time, I guess. In this place or earlier at Hell, I hardly know the day from the night. All I could recall was the walking; needlessly or risked being whipped. I was in the third level; gluttony it was and then moved on to the upper levels. There was no rest and ---- time was not measured here. It could be years or more. I am not sure.”

“You ---died ---” Dante hesitated in his words. He could not say that Stefan died not long ago. He was unsure of how long he was in Hell. Or Purgatory. It looked like days or it could be years. Time stream in the virtual world was un-measured. It was like reading a passage or a book; though it was written hundreds of years ago if that passage matters to the reader, it may feel current. Nostradamus wrote of his visions in riddles and over the passing the generations, many used that as the guide to present moments. Nothing was attested to be real but predictive words were linked to the possibility. Even to the present age, Nostradamus riddles are still being studied. Maybe time travel back to the past will appease the believers if they do meet Nostradamus then.

“I know I died and was here for ages, and I did tell you I was sped on my track by my lover who is before the altar praying for my penance. I did skip some of the levels and --- what is it called here--- terraces.” (Adapted from

“When did you die?” The Sergeant posed the question again.

“I --- It was sometime back. I am not sure when but it was sometime back. I then met ---- Virgil and we have moved past the levels and --- he is my guide.”

“He does look alike Junior Officer Glauca Meniere. He assigned us the orb if you recall.” It was then the Sergeant saw the group he was with had stopped in front.

“They want to meet you.”



Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...