Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Deep Heat Chapter 20 Finale


A the week it took me to recover and when I did, Derrick gave me the brief.

“We have not traced the Matriarch yet. The Hangman Group have all been apprehended or in the process.” Two notable politicians have absconded and were issue Red Notice by Interpol.

“Daniel Cohen is in custody and defended by a panel of lawyers. We have enough evidence piled against him and he is willing to negotiate if he gets off lightly.” I disliked the system for that but it was one way to get them off the streets.

“Daniel had turned in more figures and we solved the human trafficking ring involving the Cohen. Their estate held a prison below ground connected by the tunnels. We found the holding cells and evidence of the ladies there. We also knew the buyers and gangs involved including Sidney’s group and the Selby. We are hunting them down wherever they are.” Derrick smiled. “DCI, you brought several closures to many people who have lost their loved ones.”

I was glad it was over and went back to my comfortable spot in the Station. When I was checking my stuff, I came across a note.

“We aren’t finished with you yet. We embarrassed your medical bitch but we will get your arse next.” It was written on the Station Memo paper. So my fight isn’t over just yet.

My the phone rang then. It was Tabitha.

“DCI Bernice, you need to come to his address. Ian’s in trouble. Be there tomorrow at 1000hrs.No others or we will die.” She hung up on me. It was in the countryside and by coincidence near the place where I put up before when I met Patty. It was the Patriarch turf under the control of the Cohen. I think some quick thinking and then called some old contacts.

I arrived at the designated spot on the scrambler. It was an abandoned farm storage structure with the discarded farming pieces of machinery and vehicles. It smelled of bird drippings and I saw discarded bullet casings. I reckoned it was used by gangs for illegal transactions. There was the mezzanine floor where the office was there but then when I saw it, it looked discarded like the pieces of machinery. There was a clearing area below it. I saw Ian and Tabitha there on the raised platform. Ian was worked over badly with the bruises on him. Tabitha was not harmed though. I counted four officers there on the flooring next to the stairs leading to the platform.

“Armed Responses?” I asked.

“Well, we aren’t CID or Narcotics. Yes, we are and you will pay for the loss of our friends.” The four officers were in uniform and had on their armored vest but no helmets. They had their faces covered with the ski mask. They held the extended baton and the Glock 17 each.

“Your the team was compromised.” I told them off. “I was cleared by the Commissioner.”

“Yes, we were compromised then but we volunteer to it. Chief Constable told us to do it. We have our payouts. It was worth more than our regular take home.” One of the four officers hit back at me. “With him gone, we are back to our regular pays.”

“Too bad.” The voice came from the left side. I turned to look and saw it was the Matriarch herself. “Take them down.”
Four simultaneous shots rang off and the four officers were on the floor. I reached for my PPK which was still carried on my waist. The shot hit the flooring a few feet away.

“Foolish of you, DCI. My shooter is as good as yours last week. She is trained by the best and has not failed me.” The lady then smiled. “You may know her as Patty.”

Patty then stepped from the hidden spot at the machinery. She was dressed in army fatigue and armed with an automatic rifle. It was an M16A4; the fourth generation of the M16 rifle series. She held the cold expression that I have seen in the killers.

“Hello, Patty. I can see that you have progressed well without me.” I smiled at the lady I met before as hotel staff and then a killer with a rifle.

“Hello, DCI. It was my cover. I am part of Cohen’s group.” With that, the whole place was filled with scores of heavy powerful bikes with various creeds of riders from Latino to the darker facial and the Asian ones. I counted like about thirty riders there. They were armed with handguns.

“So, your courier teams are here.” I voiced out. “Are they the …”

Patty cut me off.

“Meet the Patriarch.” It was then I saw the young man in the plaster cast on the left leg and right arm was wheeled in on the quad wheeler. I believed him to be Simon Cohen. He was armed with a semi-automatic like Patty.

“You got my Dad killed. I will have my revenge.” Simon Cohen was direct and forceful. He raised the rifle at me and it was then the shot came. Simon died with a bullet in his heart. The place was soon to be crash by armored vehicles with military markings. There were a total of ten such vehicles with the 50 caliber machine guns on the top turret. More military personnel appeared from behind the armored vehicles.

“Don’t do anything stupid. They are the SAS and they will cut you down before you could reach your gun.” I called out. “Surrender now or prepared to be killed.”

“The heck…” Matriarch Cohen reached for the gun held by one of the riders. She was shot in the head.

“Thank you, bitch.” I muttered to myself. I saw the riders raised their arms to surrender.

Simon Cohen himself lowered his rifle. It then happened so fast when Patty rushed to the nearest bike and pushed the rider off. She mounted it and roared off. I shouted to the SAS to hold their fire.

“She is mine.” I mounted the scrambler and took off after her. Patty was riding the Honda CMX500 Rebel All Black in shade. It held a forty horsepower and could reach the top speed of a hundred but that was on the straight. That bike was great for the riders who were moving up the power but we were in the countryside with narrow stretches and sharp turnings. The lady was good despite her innocent look and she took the bike to its strength. She picked up on the straights and slowed on the turns.

The straights are not many there and with my scrambler, I was on the off-track to catch her. I pounded the bike over the uneven terrain, and even jumped some ditches and landed on the front wheel. I was at my peak which was channeled by anger then. Patty rode hard and fast until I was riding parallel to her on the trail. She saw me on the field and reached for her rifle. It was a wrong move for she was releasing control on the bike. I had my PPK out and shot at the front wheel of the Honda. I got it at the rims and then the tire got busted. The bike skidded and went down on its side. Patty was flung high and landed on the side. I stopped my bike next to her and saw she was dead.

“You should have taken precaution with the helmet on.” I told her the basic condition of riding.


I stood at the Police Commissioner’s office while he told me of the closure to the case.

“We got the whole Cohen wrapped up. It was good work from you, DCI.”

“Can I take the week off? I am fucked.” I took my week off. The Police Commissioner was not pleased with my attitude.
I called my new bitch but she went silent. I sent her gifts and flowers but she did not call back. I decided to go for a vacation alone and it was to the beach in the warm country of Jamaica.

I booked me a chalet and rested my legs. Well, I was having it raised to shoulder level. It was a good pick but there was no love in a one-night stand.

“Hey, you are blocking my sun.” I was getting my tan and someone blocked my sunlight. I lowered my dark glasses and saw the figure standing there.

“You could have sent one more gift and I would have replied.” I knew the voice. It was my bitch and she held a strap-on with her bikini attire. “You want to ride with me?”

“I do only above 500cc.” I replied. “I need the horsepower.”

“This is more than seven and it holds well for the long rides.” I could not agree more with my bitch. After an extended ride, and when it was the morning I got a message call from Derrick.

“DCI, you are recalled. Marvey Luther was killed two nights ago. It coincided with the escape of Simon Cohen then. He may have left the country. We are tracking him and will need you back to look at this.” I heard the message and was looking at the barrel of the gun held by Simon Cohen. I placed the phone down and looked at the man who had done more harm to my life than my father ever did.

“Stop staring at my boobs.” I told Simon. He smiled and that was the last thing he did before my bitch charged at him. She slammed into him and he was pushed to the glass patio door. She followed on grabbing Simon’s legs and tossed him over. I rushed over and saw Simon lying dead on the cement flooring five floors below.

“I hate voyeur.” My bitch told me. “Especially if they stared at both our tits.” She was taking the shower when Simon stepped in.

“Hey, I am flat up here. So he was probably eyeing yours.”

“Fuck you.” That was the invite I wanted from my bitch. Whatever was outcome later, I hope that ended the Cohen saga.

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