Saturday, March 21, 2020

Deep Heat Chapter 17


I crouched down beneath the window. The Armed Responses was a sixteen team and they have split into two; eight in the front and the others at the rear.  I was armed with my PPK which was like a peashooter against those armored vests. Ian was with the Glock; official issued but Tabitha was unarmed. I called Derrick but he was silent.

“Fuck!” I cursed at Derrick. As he had said, I was on a need to know. And then I don’t know any reinforcement was on the way.

“I called the Station and they told me Armed Responses had responded.” Ian called out. “Are they legit?”

“They are legit but whom do they serve?” I replied. “We have to find more guns.”

I looked at Karen then handcuffed to the fireplace. I know Armed Responses will hold back for we held her. I got Michael with us.

“Ian, Search the place. She must have some weapons stashed here.” I called out to Ian. The house phone rang. I picked it up.

“This is Matriarch Cohen. Who am I talking to?”

“This is DCI Bernice Madden. Karen is unavailable now.”

“You are aware that you are surrounded by armed men with the authority to shoot.”

“Yes, they are authorized but I wondered who commanded them now.” I hung up and then the phone rang again. It was the Chief Constable himself.

“DCI Bernice, this is Chief Constable Carter. I am minutes away and I want you to stand down.”

“God bless I am hearing from you. Are you in bed with the Cohen, Chief?”

“Stand down, DCI.” That irked the Chief Constable. “You are out of line.”

“Carter, I heard your conversation with Cohen’s at the estate. Had Kellie served his dues and you took him out?”

“DCI, I have never heard of such preposterous assumptions. You will stand down or I will call in the needed force.”

“Fuck you, Carter. DCI Bernice out.” I then heard him sanctioned the intrusion.

“They are coming in.” I called out. 

“Hey DCI. We got guns.” Ian called out. They were 20 gauge shotguns used for fuck seasons. He found three in the cupboard and threw over the box of ammo. The shotgun held five shots per load. They are scattered load and that makes them effective at about thirty yards but they covered a wide area. The only fucking issue was the long barrel. I raised it to my shoulder and fired the first shot which shattered the window panes. Then the second shot which took the Armed Response Officer in the chest. He went down next to his colleague who got caught by the scattered pellets. They may be wearing armored vests but there were unprotected areas.

“Officer down!” I heard the call and ducked down in time for the salvo that came at me. I laid down on the flooring sideways with the shotgun facing the doorway. True to my expectations they came in.

“Armed ….” I fired first at the first officer who stepped in. And then followed up with another shot at the window to deter any entry there. Ian was covering the rear and he had his target marked on the kitchen window. He fired without hesitation at the officer in the helmet and visor. He was protecting his wife. Then he fired at the next officer at the kitchen door.

“Retreat!” I heard the call and the officers were stepping back. I know that they are regrouping. If the situation gets bad like then, the next move was a direct attack. That means the smoke and flash grenades to come first followed by the charge in with guns blazing.

“Ian, move upstairs.” I grabbed Karen and moved up. She tried to shout but I pushed the butt of the shotgun into her face. She went down holding her bloodied nose but was compliant with my push. Ian had gone up with Tabitha and the second salvo came on. The grenades were tossed in but we were in the clear. There was a lull of a few seconds and then Armed Responses rushed in.

“Armed ….” They made too much noise with their procedures. I fired two rounds at the officers there in their back before I ran up. They ran up the stairs to catch me but Ian was at the flooring with the shotgun aimed at the appearing heads. He took down the first officer in the back of the helmet and the second one in the chest. I was on the end and shot at the third officer in the chest.

“Fall back!’ I heard the call. They had to re-do their approach. When I was reloading, I saw the smoke grenade. I kicked it down the stairs and waited. I knew they are going to deploy the deadly measures now and it would be bad.

“Hold, your fire. We have a child here.” I shouted. That may buy me time. Then the sound of the helicopter was heard overhead.

“This is the Home Defence. Stand down or be shot.” The warning came. I smiled for the cavalry were here. Then the phone rang a minute or so later.

“Hello, DCI. You got it easy off today. I will push for reprisals.” It was the Matriarch herself. In minutes later, I heard the siren and more officers arrived. The Armed Responses Squad was recalled with protest and more uniformed arrived. The Chief Constable was seen there and he approached the house.

“Arrest them all for the murder of Police Officers and the Judge.” Chief Constable Carter called out.

“I think not, Carter.” It was the Commissioner of Police Winslow. He was with Derrick. He had arrived in the helicopter.

“Carter, I would suggest you stand down.” Police Commissioner Winslow looked at the Chief Constable. “It may allow you your pension instead of a cell block.”

I looked outside and saw the place was gathered with military officers. Ian was holding his wife then for comfort.

“The Witness Protection Team on my selection will escort you back to the Station.” The Police Commissioner looked at the Chief Constable. “You may remove your hat now.”

“As for you, Missus Karen Keighley. You will be taken into custody and held for the murder of the judge. We have evidence recorded here.”

“I want my lawyer.” The lady demanded.

“In due time.” The Police Commissioner replied to her. He then looked at me. “It It was a wise move to call me when you could not get Derrick. Unfortunately, he was busy then.”

“Yes, I was at the estate and had seen some stirring activities there.” Derrick told me. “Daniel Cohen is with his mother too. They are surrounded for now but we have no order to go in. The Minister will not have signed an unwarranted raid on the place. We need evidence.”

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