Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Deep Heat Chapter 18


I tossed the files across the office. I am back in my office as DCI but my frustration was the amount of evidence which we have on the Hangman Group was inadequate. We hit some notable info on the influential including some officers like the Chief Constable and other officers. They were implicated in corruption and other crimes including extortion and coercion of witnesses. DC McMahon was arrested for conspiracy with the criminals but the ones I wanted to be were still free.
The Cohen was still untouchable.

From the evidence at the Judge’s house and with Janet Foley’s folder, we gathered those evidence to bring in the names. It’s been a week since we cleared the house, and some names have escaped the dragnet but not the gangs. The Latino and Irish with the Asian gangs were at the turf war then. It was a free for all.

It looked like the Cohen have lost the cohesion needed on the gangs.

Daniel Cohen was at the City Hall lamenting the Police actions and citing the cause of it all was the Chief Constable failure. We got the news to Chief Constable who was then in the Protection Witness care, and he turned material witness. We dug up more corrupt officers and public figures like from Councilman to lawyers. As we widen the circle, the evidence piled up but nothing on the main Cohen family.

Just when we thought we were winning, some witnesses were killed or went missing.

Witness Protection was stretched to the maximum and we decided to house the witnesses in a remote secure location which was designed for an army base. The place was manned and patrolled by the Army. It eased the tension but the criminals went for the family members. Even the in-laws were not spared.

“I have to get leverage on the Cohen.” I stared at the team I assembled. I got Ian, and Tabitha. I even got Grant back to assist. Derrick was with me as Special Attaché and so was Red Head.

“Don’t you think you need to relax?” It was Red Head or Sergeant Danielle Harper, ex-SAS and British Military Intelligence, who was applying her handful skills on my sore shoulders. We were at my unit vacated still by Liz and she took over the other side of the bed. She traveled light and wore nothing to bed so I was fine with it. We joined up last week soon after Judge Fabian’s shootout. She was a good massager and I learned from her some nasty moves.

“I would bitch if I could snare in the Cohen family. We got nothing on them, and they triggered off the turf war now. The public is up against us for failing to maintain peace.”

“Then do what you do best. Investigate the cause of it. Find evidence. Start from the zero position.” The bitch told me. “In the Army, when we do recon, we are baseless with our intel but we improvise with what we could get. We work from the ground up and get the info before we report in. It may take days or weeks but it normally pays off.”

I thought hard on the works that had happened since I work on the Dumpster Killer. It was about the killing of some young ladies who were in the wrong places. I then worked from there to the Selby and then Sidney. It then became a serial killer case but there was another case behind it.

The human trafficking.

Then it hit me. Human trafficking was not only of girls but humans that include those who sought refuge here. That means the third party nations. The ones that are Asian, the Latino, and even Eastern European. The best way to smuggle them in was through the gangs.

I knew who I wanted to see.

“Marvey, how are you?” I met Marvey at the Church once more. She was staying there for it was the safe house for her and the gang. They had the street covered and several houses near it were filled with the members. I met the old priest and went into the back. Marvey was in her leathers and seated on the beach chair with the automatic near her.

“DCI Madden, I am surprised that you remember me. Your fame as the one who crippled the Hangman Group was well known to all of us in the turfs. Heck, you might even get a Chinese dinner for free in the Triads turf, or a Braai with the Africans. Here, I could offer you is a hotdog extra-long and juiced with mustard for the spicy feel.”

“Marvey, I am looking for Sidney’s personal items.” I laid it plainly. “He used to have some personal items in the cases.”

“I won’t know. We cleared his stuff out a long time ago. Even his old creaky bed was thrown out.” Marvey replied. “This isn’t the Madden gang no more. It’s the Marvey Butch gang now.” Marvey spread her legs at me. “I won’t tell if you want in.”

“No, Marvey. I don’t so butch. I am fine with my own preference.” I took my way out and met the old priest. I thank him for the care and long service to Sidney.

“Take care of his garden, will ya?” I told the old priest.

“You should look at it. Sidney spent a lot of time there. He has these treasures buried there.” The old priest told me. “He will uproot the ground and replant it every other month. And the mound gets higher.”

I looked at the priest and then smiled. I called into Tabitha for a warrant and Armed Responses. They still hate me for the death of two officers but we have managed to square it with the rogue ones taken out. An hour later, the church was once more under siege and I took command.

“Take them away to detention.” I had Marvey’ gang in cuffs and seized the illegal cache of arms. I then have Forensics dig up the garden. It was not deep. I found the metal case and inside was Sidney’s original folder with a note.
“It aren’t fucking heavy but its deep into them.”

The folder unfolded more things that even the Foley’s one had. It held tapes recordings of meetings and sanctions on murders. Receipts of extortions and more names. It also included in the Selby and Cohen members. It held the list of names that included missing ladies and who bought them. It was a treasure trove of the century.

“Sidney made his amends to society.” The old priest held his hands together in prayer.

What it triggered was the call-in of more names and some were stopped at the airports or by the ports. The Cohen was once more crippled but that time it was a severe break into their criminal activities.

“We are picking up Daniel Cohen at his mansion. Care to join?” Derrick offered me it.

“The Cohen is well holed up with over twenty guards and some members of the Cohen. They are in the main Mansion. We have the place under siege but they got guards at the other smaller units too. We reckoned to breach the one on the right and used their tunnel to go to the main house.”

“Why not just breach the front door?” It was the standard Police method.

“They got snipers and we believed they had it bobby trapped. And they have hostages. The Cohen’s are desperate. We intercepted their communications. They are calling it for reinforcements.”

“I doubt the local gangs are up to it. Not after we held them in their turfs.” I replied to Derrick.

“The Cohen is calling in mercenaries. They have the wealth for it. I heard a group is flying in. Tough nuts and we have the SAS to back us.”

“Don’t we know it all? Do they have nukes too?” I replied with sarcasm. My last night fuck with my bitch was nuking great and made me a nastier bitch.

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