Monday, April 2, 2018

The Opera House Chapter 50 tho 54 ( The End )


Lenier stepped onto the back stage dressed in the dark cloak and mask, making his way past the workers who were too busy to recognize him then. He made his way to the curtain and looked out. He saw Lenier had summoned the others who were donning their cloaks and mask to walk down the aisles among the seated guests. He counted nine of them in the back area leaving three others he assumed was at the private boxes. The moment to act was then.

Lenier leaned forward to step out when he heard the call.

“Nobody moves. I am here to take control of the House.” It was Jean Balerius and he had jumped the cue to appear. He was upset the man had acted without him. He was to do the act and then announced the new leader ut he was to retain control. Jean was to be the puppet under his control but the other have acted on his own.

“Secure the House.” Jean was then armed with the pistol he found. He saw the officers approaching him and took action. He opened fire at the nearest one wounding the officer before he grabbed the guest there at the seat. It was a lady who there with her husband. He pulled the lady up and held her in front of him.

“Anyone approaching me or my men will have this lady’s death on their conscience.” Jean threatened them. “Now stay calm and remained in your seat.”

With that, Jean took off for the private boxes. He needed some creditable hostages. He saw his way blocked by the Chief Inspector.

“Step aside, Inspector. No lives need to be hurt today.” Jean did not wait for a reply and pushed on past the Inspector. He reached the upper level and told his two men there to get the Mayor, and anyone of important. “Do not hesitate to drag them out. Kill anyone who tries to stop you.”

It was then Jean saw Raoul stepping out with Christine. He stared at her and then at the younger man. He was armed.

“Take her back to the box. No one will get hurt.” Jean looked at Christine. “I won’t hurt you.”

Armand who was back stage saw the hostage situation and ran to the office where he saw Firmin standing there holding the collection box. They had the same intention.

“Release the box to me. I can get away through the catacomb.” Armand looked to Firmin. “We can still make it. Buy another shipment.”

“No, you will not be with me.” Firmin displayed the pistol he held on his right hand. “I will take the collection. It will be my payment for killing you.”

Firmin fired the pistol but Armand had stepped away, and then he ran out of the office. The shot rang through the House and stunned most of the people there. One of them was Mrs Valerian who was still in the catacombs. She rushed out and bumped into Emil who was rushing the other direction. Although she had saved the child one, but she was not use to his sight. She screamed when she saw him and then ran the other way into the catacombs. Emil was stunned by her screams and then he gave chase to find her. She was not familiar with the catacombs and could get hurt.

“Marius, I heard a gunshot.” Martin seated on the small wagon voiced out to his brother. “Do we stay or go?”

Marius heard the shot too and shared his brother’s concern. They were paid to transport items but the gunshot was unnerving.

“Maybe it’s part of the play. Let us wait.” Marius replied. And it was then, he heard the screams and then from the dark ends of the catacombs, a figure was seen rushing at him. He was to call out when Martin fired first with his blunderbuss. The roar of the shot was more terrifying than the shot but it brought down the figure. Marius jumped off his seat and approached the figure. It was a lady, and she was dead with the shot leaving her chest bloodied. He looked back at his brother and was to reprimanded him for his hasty action when he was attacked from the back. He was thrown back by the act, and then felt the strong hands battering the back of his head. He was slammed to the flooring by whoever there. Martin saw his brother went down and there was the figure battering the head. His blunderbuss was without any shots but he rushed at the attacker sing the gun there as a club. He swung hard on the attacker on the head but missed it to hit on the left shoulder.

Emil rolled off in pain but the years of abuse and hard work have given him much strength to take on the pain. He crouched up and looked at his attacker. The other saw the hideous form of Emil and stepped back. He thought then he had seen a demon that struck from the catacombs. He raised the blunderbuss then to swing the gun but the other had rushed at him with the arms reaching out. Both of them clashed and then fell backwards to the flooring but the attacker was raving mad with the arms battering at Martin. He tried to defend himself but the strength of the other was stronger. His gun was grabbed and discarded before his face was battered with punches. He could not fight back and was losing his consciousness when he heard the shot.

Marius had recovered and his bloodied eyes blurring his sight, he reached for the gun on his waist. He took the shot aimed at the attacker who was battering his brother. His shot was wild but it hit the attacker who had then rolled off his brother. He aimed again but his strength was laxing off him and he fell to his knees. Meantime, Emil who was shot at the left shoulder, had then rushed at Marius. He was further enraged and like the wild creatures he once associated at the circus, he lashed out. He leapt onto the kneeling figure and toppled the figure back before his body slammed the head hard onto the flooring. It was deadly for Marius never recovered from it when the blow cracked his scalp. Emil followed on with more punches and blood was then splattered across the floor. He stopped suddenly and turned to look at the other figure.
“No…” Martin then still on the flooring was moaning out when he saw the demon form looking at him. He knew he was going to be next to die. It was not what they had planned. It was to be a simple task of delivering the shipment.
So was everyone then at the House with their earlier thoughts of fun crashed by the Phantoms intrusion.


“Do not …” Chief Inspector was to tell his officers when he heard the loud gunshot. It was not in the Hall but behind the stage. He shuddered at the sound for it was loud. It also brought out the figure of Armand who had rushed out from the back stage, screaming that Firmin had taken the collection. It was creating a chaos then for some guests had reacted in panic and then took to rush out. He saw some young men rushed at the guarding Phantoms at the aisle.

“Madness….” The Chief Inspector called out. “Stop them now.”

It was then his officers rushed to do their duties but the commotion was spreading among the guests and Phantoms. There were fights and more gunshots with some victims crying out in pain. The Chief Inspector moved to stop the chaos when he saw another threat forthcoming.

“Kill them all!” The voice of Trevor was heard from above. “Kill them for Coligny. Kill!”

The group of six that was led by Trevor added to the chaos with them drawing out guns to shoot at anyone they see. Trevor was doing the same from the box above. The Chief Inspector drew his own service gun and aimed at Trevor. He fired and hit the mad man there but it did not stop the chaos. Guests were rushing for the entrances or fighting anyone they could lay their hands on. Above at the private boxes, the infuriated Colonel drew his sword. He turned to leave when Lorraine intervened.

“Step aside, bitch. I will kill your lover today.” The Colonel grabbed the lady by the arm with his left hand and pushed her away. He stepped out and looked for the box where he last saw Raoul. The later was standing at the doorway and saw the Colonel.

“deChagny, I am here to kill you.” The Colonel levelled the sword at Raoul who had then drew his own gun. “Let us see who is more deadlier tonight.”

Raoul was to fire the gun when the saw he Colonel staggered forward with the stunned expression. The officer fell to his knees and behind him was Lorraine. She held the dagger in her right hand which was then covered in blood. She had kept the dagger in her purse for her own protection. Or in that case, from the Colonel.

“I had to….He was …killing me.” Lorraine uttered out. “I had …”

Lorraine did not get to tell Raoul before she was rushed from the rear by the panicked guests. They pushed their way through and stepping over the dying Colonel who was on the flooring. Raoul was to rush to her when Christine appeared on his side. She pulled him back into the box, and then told him, that they have to leave. She knew of the back stairs to go the basement.

“I have searched for my mother but she is not around. I think she has gone into the catacombs. From there we can escape.” Christine did not wait for the reply and led Raoul out. He followed her but hesitated at the doorway. He saw then Lorraine who had recovered but she was hurt from the stampede. He pulled away and rushed to her. He helped her up and told her to follow him. He looked towards Christine who was at the end of the corridor. He was to move when he saw his brother then. The other was then holding the walking cane.

“Raoul…” The Comte called out to his brother.

“Phillipe! You gone too far.” Raoul replied in anger. “Did you organize this?”

Phillipe looked at the other with disbelief. He was unsure of what had happened. He had done his part on the shipment and was to enjoy the play. He was to reply when he saw the new threat. It was Trevor holding two guns in his hands to the rear of Raoul. He pointed his cane at his brother but it was Lorraine who saved his brother’s life. The lady shielded the ex-lover probably saved hiis life twice that night. Trevor fired his guns and the bullets tore into the lady’s chest. She fell to her knees before Raoul could grab her arms. The later lowered her to the flooring while Trevor was struggling to reload his guns. He was not an expert at it and fumbled with the reloading. It was then Raoul reached his own gun. He aimed and shot Trevor in the face. The later fell backwards without a sound. Raoul held his ex-lover but she was dead. He grief for her passing and then looked towards the direction at Christine. She was not there.

“Damn!’ Damned it was then for another diversion occurred.

The Chandelier fell down from the ceiling. The huge eight layers of a hundred and eighty candles went crashing down, and a huge flame was then burning from the mini cannisters attached to it. It was the trap set by Emil before when he serviced the chandelier. He was the one who released the chandelier then, and watched his works from above. He was hurt but the pain was nothing compared to his grief of losing Christine. He moved onto his next traps. He had laid them in preparation for tonight.

“No Christine, no play.”

The burning on the stage soon spread to the curtains and the chaos spread. All the patrons and guests with the armed men were drawn to escape with their lives. The Chief Inspector stood there looking at the flaming curtains and cursed at the mess he was in. His main concern was the distinguished guests like the Mayor. So was Lenier who had stood at the far corner but his guest was one hideous creature. He looked up to the ceiling. He knew that only one person could had released that chandelier.

“Emil! I am coming for you.”


Carlotta stood on the back stage watching the carnage that was happening then. The curtains were burning and part of the stage was also blazing with the staff there trying to prevent the fire from spreading. She looked down to the galleries and saw the guests were leaving. She was distraught then for that play was her returning act to reign as Diva. If she failed here there would be no more roles for her. She caught the Conductor who passing by her.

“Monsieur Conductor, assemble the symphony. We sing Faust now. Act Two Scene III. I will sing the lines of all the singers. Follow my cue to the notes” The Diva pushed the Conductor to do his task. She then took a deep breath and stepped out. She looked to the departing guests and raised her voice at them.

“Guests….Guests, I asked for your attention.” The Diva stood there with her bosom heaving and her arms spread out before her. “I asked you listen to me.”

“Do listen to me.” The Diva voiced roared above the fights and the rush. The guests and the so named Legion stopped to look at her. There was then a gradual drop in the noise and pushing although the curtains were still burning crackling behind the stage. The staff have smoother the fire on the stage and was then standing looking at the Diva.

“The Phantom beckons us. The Phantom wants to hear its name. We will give is its wishes.”

The symphony then half attended but it was complete for the play. The music began and the Diva sang. She did all the lines as if she was several actors.

( Pardon! ) Carlotta strolled to the center stage and then took a bow showing much of her cleavage. She straightened up and stood with her back upright before she turned to look back at the other imaginary actor. She then played the other part with the wave of her right hand.

( Hein! ... ) Carlotta gave the impression of being surprised to see the Devil then. She took a step back and then waved her left hand

( Parmi vous, de grâce,
Permettez-moi de prendre place! ) Carlotta took step forth and did bow. She then turned to the guestsrethe g ( ( Que votre ami d'abord achève sa chanson!
Moi, je vous en promets plusieurs de ma façon. ) Carlotta winked at guests who had then stopped leaving and took to her performance. They smiled at her impression of the Devil then. Carlotta waved her right hand and sang the next line.

WAGNER / Carlotta
( Une seule suffit, pourvu quelle soit bonne! ) The Diva stepped back and shrugged her shoulders as if she was not taken in by the Devil’s words.

( Je ferai de mon mieux – ) The Diva in her role as the Devil threw her head back while she structs her bosom out. ( Pour n'ennuyer personne! )

MÉPHISTOPHÉLÈS / Carlotta signaled the symphony to follow her lead while she sang the upbeat of the lyrics.
( Le veau d'or est toujours debout!
On encense
Sa puissance,
D'un bout du monde à l'autre bout!
Pour fêter l'infâme idole
Roi et peuples confondus,
Au bruit sombre des écus,
Dansent une ronde folle
Autour de son piédestal!…
Et Satan conduit le bal! )
To the Diva surprise then three ladies stepped from the back stage and gave their lines of the chorus to hail the Devil.

CHÅ’UR / The three ladies
(.  Et Satan conduit le bal! )

The guests then forgotten their earlier plight had then joined in the chorus before Carlotta turned to along the ladies. The Diva was stunned by the image when she turned to look at it. For once her voice was stuck inside her but soon she was to made more frightened when a hideous figure ran onto the stage.

“It’s the Phantom.”

“No, it’s the Devil himself."

It was Emil standing there with his right hand holding his left shoulder where the blood was seen. He looked at the Diva and then to the guests. He could see then in their eyes was that he was the Phantom.


Lenier glimpse of the monster that he had helped then was an appalling sight. He had climbed into the catacombs and made his way to the supposedly hideout of the lad. He had told the lad that he was never to step into the hideout where he hid the Legion items but then he was wrong.

The lad had not listened.

The lad had become a monster as he was assumed then

The lad had killed someone.

It was upon the hideout he saw the monster held the one person that was endeared to him too.

Madame Jean Valerius lies here dead.

All bloody and dead with her blood on the monster chest.

“You monster!” Lenier rushed at Emil and they collapsed to the rear. He pushed Emil away from the dead lady and then looked at the other.

“Do you know she was the one who helped you before? She was the three person who really cared. And yet you have her killed?” Lenier lashed out with his legs at the fallen lad. “You do not deserve this kindness.”

Lenier then saw the scepter that was laid there by Jean. In his anger, he grabbed it and swung it at Emil but the later had grabbed it with both arms. The lad tried to speak but the words came out in gabble. Lenier raised his right leg and kicked at the lad on the groin. Emil fell down clutching his groin and the older man swung the scepter once more. Emil moved to look at Lenier and it was then the scepter struck his left shoulder and tore the flesh there. Emil rolled to the side crying out in pain. He had not forgotten the pain he had endured at the circus and then he took off on a run.

“Come back here, monster.” Lenier was in rage then and followed close behind with his right hand holding the scepter. Emil in pain took to the sanctuary that he knew; the roof but the way he ran was crowded by people. Some he had seen but there were strangers. There were also the ones in uniforms. Those reminded him of the circus performers who had once or more times tortured him. He got afraid and ran on without looking and soon found himself on the stage. There was the lady he loathed.

“It’s the Phantom.”

“No, it’s the Devil himself."

Emil heard those callings. He was given names and he does not liked it. He screamed out at them.

“I…Am Emil..” Emil made his name known but by then, Lenier had appeared on the other end of the stage.

“Monster! I will kill you.” Lenier shouted out. The man with scepter rushed at Emil but he was stopped by the Chief Inspector who grabbed him by the right arm.

“Desist, monsieur. We will …” Chief Inspector words were cut off when he was shot in the back. The shot came from Trevor from the private box.

“Dead to them all!” Trevor in his madness called but no one came to his call. He was instead shot by Raoul who was in the next private box. The shot killed Trevor when the bullet blew his left half of the head. The two shots have stunned the guests and everyone there except one who was wounded. Emil stood up and stared at the guests there. He was hurt and above all, he was angry. He was called names and beaten. He will not have that repeat on his body. He will kill them all.

“MÉPHISTOPHÉLÈS …” Emil turned to look at the voice who had called him the Devil himself. It was the Diva. She must had thought he was the Devil. Before he could speak, the fire from the curtains have spread to the ceiling and there were trails of the oil that Emil have left. The fire flared out onto the walkways where Emil spent most of his time. The raging fire triggered off the chaos among the guests once more. Emil stood there watching the fire spread to the roof and sections of it fell down. The raining debris prompted everyone to rush for the exit except the few on the stage.

“Your works, monster.” Lenier called out while he lowered the wounded Chief Inspector. “I will kill you.”

“No!” That voice came from another who approached Emil. It was Christine. She had joined him there. “You cannot kill him.”

“No, my child. Step away.” It was Madame Giry who had appeared then from the back stage. “He is …”

“I am Emil.” The wounded lad spoke out. “I ….love her.”

Words that would have bought smiles on that day was to bring forth woes for them.

“No! Monster does not love anyone.” That voice was Raoul who had appeared next to Lenier. He had his gun drawn out, and Christine rushed to protect Emil.

“Raoul, he is a ….boy.” Christine looked to her lover. “You…”

“Of which is the bigger monster, my brother? You or him?” The Comte appeared behind Christine. “I think this one.”
Comte de Chagny kicked at Emil on the back to topple him forward. He then grabbed Christine and held her from rushing towards Emil.

“No…. The voice of the Chief Inspector called out before he could speak in pain. “There is no Phantom. I…”

“Yes, Chief Inspector. There are none. The one we have now is the monster. No, he should be called the Beast.” The Comte held hard onto Christine and then glared at the Viscomte. “Like the one who had marked my family in shame. 
A whore to another.”

Raoul stared in disbelief at the accusing brother. The one he was to trap that day was then uttering condemnation upon him. He looked to the Diva who had stood there in between the two brothers. She was in rage to be called a whore by the other.

“De Chagny, you are a shame to your family.” The Diva was fuming with rage. “In my heart and eyes, you are MÉPHISTOPHÉLÈS.”


Firmin who was in hiding fearing to leave earlier with collection box saw the standoff on the stage. He was adamant of leaving then with the House burning. He thought of his way out and leaving the blame onto Armand. It does not matter much then if he were to fail in killing Armand for the collection box may secured his future. He stepped out of the prop box and then leaned for the collection box. It was then he felt the presence of another behind him. He looked back and saw Armand with the dagger levelled at his back.

“Leavmg so soon, my friend?” Armand smiled at the other. “We have not yet begun….”

It was then Armand heard the voice of the Diva.

“In my heart and eyes, you are MÉPHISTOPHÉLÈS.” Armand looked to the stage and saw the Diva accusing the Comte. It was the distraction needed by Firmin to charge at the other and they both collapsed onto the stage. It was the distraction needed then for Emil to crouch up and rushed at the Diva.

“MÉPHISTOPHÉLÈS!” The syllable came out from the rage of Email when his hands reached for the Diva’s throat. 

The sudden move by Emil was then taken up by the Viscomte who drew his gun and shot his brother in the face. The blood splattered onto Christine who had then released the scream that covered the hall. She broke free of the dead man clutches and ran towards the Viscomte.

“Stop this madness!” The Chief Inspector then was a spectator to the killings and fights called out but he was not prepared for the next act that will terrorized them. Part of the ceiling came down from where the chandelier used to hang and shattered on the flooring. The ones at the stage looked upwards and saw the most frightening sight then.

It was the image of the Phantom.

No, it was really the Phantom.

“I am the Phantom.” It was a figure dressed in the cloak and with the mask.

It was Jean then holding the dead body of his love.

“I stand to tell you all tonight the Phantom have returned with vengeance. You have killed my love and for that I will take all of you down.”.

Jean dropped his lover’s body to the flooring with its hard landing. He then held up the barrel of gunpowder he discovered from the props hidden parts. He had lighted up the wick on the barrel.

“Hail the Phantom. We have returned.”

Firmin gasped out in fear for that was one of the barrels he had hidden away He watched in fear at the burning wick. It was not what he had planned. Armand saw the barrel and then towards Firmin. He will have his kill tonight. He picked up the dropped dagger and stabbed the other in the heart. A deed to be done before his death.
Emil was so focused on the death of the Devil that he did not looked up. He saw in his hands was the Phantom who had plagued his reborn mother. He will have her dead so that she will not be there to stop Christine. So was Christine who held hard onto Raoul for she knew then despite all the troubles, he was the one that matters. Raoul held onto his lover while this hand trembled from taking the shot. He had shot the gun on instinct to protect Christine. Or was it to stop the Comte.

“No!” The Chief Inspector drew his own gun. He fired at the direction of Jean but he was aiming at the barrel. The shot went wide and hit the other on the elbow causing the barrel of gun powder to be dropped. It did not drop down but fell along the narrow walkway on the ceiling paths and then exploded to the rear of the hall. The explosion tore through the walls there and ceiling to collapse onto the private boxes bring those down before the fire ignited once more into it ferocity. The curtains and cloth cover there caught fire and soon the place was a raging fireplace.

It was then Jean jumped to his death from above to join his lover but the most alarming sight then was the fire had created an image of the Phantom on the burning curtains and wooden private boxes. The pieces were shattered by the explosion but somehow from that, a fierce image appeared there.

“The Phantom….” The Chief Inspector muttered out. “Would it curse now rest?”

It was the stage staff who shook those on the stage to the reality of the situation. Their exits at the hall were blocked but the stage staff took them through the rear exits.

Christine stood there with her arms holding Roaul’s right elbow watching the Opera Hall then raging in flames after their escape. The hall also rumbled from several explosions which stopped anyone from trying to stop the fire. She saw the Chief Inspector shaken form the ordeal but he was organizing the scene with his officers. Armand was seen in the custody of the officers but Emil was not there. She wondered where was the young lad that she had hardly met. 

So was her mother.

Unknown to Christine, Madame Giry was some distance away holding the lad she once saved form the pains and beatings. She had pulled him away through the back stage to the catacombs. There she had directed him to the carts that was seen there. She had taken him away by the catacombs. She took him to the docks and then tended to his wounds by the dark warehouse. She broke the locks there and brought him in to look at the wounds. It was not fatal but Emil needed some medicine. Emil looked at her and then spoke.

“Did …Christine…”

“Christine is fine. You need to go away to somewhere safe. I will send you soon but now you must ….”

“No….mother….. I don’t want to go away. I have enough of running. ….I want to be the …”

“Hush, my child. I will….” Madame Giry calmed him, but he struggled off her arms and then stood up.

“I will not leave…..her.” Emil called out in anger. “I…need to ….”

His loud voice had attracted the attention of the several guards at the warehouse. They came running armed with their cudgels and daggers. What they saw then when their watch lamps shone on was a monster covered in blood standing over a helpless lady. It was all they needed to know then and the rage overtook them.

“It’s the Devil!”

“Yes, the Phantom from the Opera…”

Words of anger spoken and the blows were deadly. Madame Giry tried to stop the killing but she was held back for her safety. Emil was then on the flooring covered with fatal wounds before he breathe his last words.

“Diva, I love her.”


It was months later when the Chief Inspector found himself standing there at the burnt down Opera House. No one had offered to rebuilt it and it was for the better of all. He had then tendered his retirement as the Chief Inspector but the event of that night still remained in his mind. Armand was released from custody for there was no evidence of the so-called murder because Firmin body was never discovered. Many people’s bodies were never discovered but some of the survivors found new discoveries.

“Chief Inspector, can I join you?” The voice belonged to the new Comte de Chagny. The Inspector looked to the young man there before he nodded.

“Called me Buquet. I have ….retired.” Raoul laughed at the reply.

“To me, you are still the Chief Inspector. Why are you here?”

“I am leaving Paris and came to say my goodbye.” Buquet replied. “We all have…”

“Phantoms here? I do have mine.” The new Comte de Chagny added on. “I am however bounded by my …heritage.”

“Oui, tell me how is Christine?” Buquet moved the subject.

“Christine left for the new continent with her mother soon after. She is reliving her new fame as Diva there.” Raoul replied. “She could not live here anymore. Not with all the phantoms in this place.”

“Oui! I can understand.” Buquet nodded and then excused himself. He made his way to the docks and there he checked out the liner that will take him away. He reached for the letter that he had received some weeks back.

“Monsieur Buquet, I have no other request of you for your visit to see us but to bring me the remains of my Emil. With your influence, you can arrange it. Yours sincerely, Madame Giry.”

Buquet did as requested but it was not bones that he was to bring. He had retrieved a part of the burnt Phantom Mask. Emil’s body was never found and many assumed it was thrown into the sea to be consumed by the fishes. There was nothing Buquet could do then. However, he was going to enjoy his retirement with the beautiful music and endearing voice of the newly discovered Diva. In his mind then, he was listening to the lyrics of Faust.



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