Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The OPERA HOUSE Chapter 47 to 49


Firmin picked up the glass containing the cognac. It was French and not Haitian. He had to declare his affinity to the French wine but to maintain his disguise with Armand, he had to side step his affinity. The wine was twice distilled in copper stills and aged two years in the oak barrels.

“Celebrating so early?” Firmin turned to look at his partner who had just stepped into the office at the House. “Our House is brimming with dignitaries and the rich. I wished I could just tell them of our cause…”

“You will not do that.” Firmin cautioned his partner. “There are enemies out there which we have not …known yet.”

Armand looked at the other and smiled. He took up the other glass that was on the table and poured himself a drink.

“I wondered sometimes Firmin if you are real. I meant if you are really for the cause. I have seen you giving me disbeliefs in your ….mind.” Armand looked to the other. “I recalled the day we were asked to work together. You were the one with the arrangement to the funds, and me I was the arms dealer. I was sold then that you believed in our cause but I have my doubts. It was in London last when I saw you meet someone that I was unsure then. I got my memories sorted and recalled he was one of the groups that opposed us.”

Firmin recalled then the first meeting he had with one named Clive Matthew. It was short and direct.

“Firmin, I want you to work with Armand here on the acquisition of certain shipments.” Clive was direct. He had to be being the leader in the group that arrange the financing. Unknown to Armand, Clive was snared by the team and offered a deal to get out. His betrayal was to be rewarded with a new identity and a long stay at the Bahamas. He left soon after and was not heard of. Until that moment.

“The one with Clive, yes, it was so …. Binding.” Firmin replied. “I wondered why you asked. Whom did I meet at London that…”

“Clive.” Armand dropped it then. Firmin recalled he met Clive then who was thinking of asking for more money. It was supposed to be a clandestine meet but it seemed that he was sloppy.

“You were not mistaken. Clive was there. He returned to the Group.”

“He returned? He was branded a traitor and you should kill him.”

“Killing is not my ….skill. I leave it to the …” The reply from Armand placed Firmin on the wrong footing.

“Trading in arms was only one of my skills. I am also a killer.” Armand revealed his other skill. “The group tells me whom I am to kill. And your name had appeared.”

Firmin looked at the other hard in the eyes before he lowered the glass. Armand had done the same but he refilled his glass.

“I will be direct. You are marked but I will give you a second chance. Be honest to me and I will spare your life.” Armand was serious. So was Firmin.

“Then kill me but wait till the show is over. Can we agree to that?” Firmin glared at that other. “Should we?”

Armand did not stop the man leaving. He was not sure why he gave that opportunity to Firmin. He was prepared then to kill with his dagger inside his left sleeve but something stopped him. He was not sure then. He felt someone stopped him. But there was no one there.

Maybe a Phantom did.

“Jean Balerius, you looked fine in the uniform.” Jean Valerian had donned the cloak and the mask when he wore as member of the Phantom. He looked at Lenier who was addressing him.

“I see you are having reminiscent of the past. Well, forget the nostalgia. The Legion is going to assemble today. And a new leader will be appointed…..” Lenier was cut off by the pianist.

“The new leader? What happened to the …. Where is Jaga ….Ivan is he dead?”

Lenier nodded. He then told Jean the news.

“I did not know Coligny was Jaga Ivan. He did look similar but I ….no, he did not ever tell me.” Jean asked irritated. “I was ….”

“You were the pianist then. You were Jean Valerian, and not Belarius. You were living…”

“My life in exile and never did I ever …Why did Coligny tell me then?” Jean pulled the mask off. “I never would have expected to wear this.”

“Well, you may be one. I am nominating you as the new leader. I have called the members here. We numbered about  twelve and we will act on my ….no I meant your call. We will announce our return. The Legion revive today. The intermission to Act Two of the play.”

“You must be mad. I am…” Jean shook his head.

“No, Jean Belarius. You will be the new leader. We do not mourn our losses. We only rejoice in our gains.”

Rejoicing was what Debierne doing then. He was elated that the Diva was doing her last minutes preparation. He stood at the box booked by him. He had not stood in the private boxes for some time. Ever since he bought the House, he had sold the boxes there for the exorbitant prices and for many nights they were filled to the brim. As most successful tales, there were also failures. He felt then when the boxes were not filled and the decision to sell. He was elated then when he saw the boxes were once more filled that night.
“The Opera coming around. I hope the Phantom does too. The House was not complete without it.”


The Comte viewed the boxes that he could sight. He identified the patrons. They were all notable names. There was the Mayor with his wife, the Senior Diplomat from London, the exiled tyrant from the South American and among others. He was looking for Raoul and he was not to be found. He was adamant that Christine was with him. He will catch her in the other arms, and then he will kill them both.

“No one takes my love.” The Comte muttered out. “Not even my brother.”

“Ah, there you are.” The Comte looked to his rear. He saw Lorraine standing there. “Can I come in?”

Lorraine was not alone but with the fiancé of her’. The Colonel stepped in to the front of Lorraine.

“I came because she wanted to see the play. I knew that she wanted to come to see her previous lover.” The Colonel turned to look at the lady. “Was it Raoul his name?”

It came with a back handed slap on the lady left cheek. Lorraine fell against the wall there but her tears did not flow. She was her father’s daughter; tough and vengeful. She glared at the man who was her fiancé not by choice of love but of survival. She will bide her time to gain her vengeance later. For now, she will endure

“I will allow you to see him but soon after, you will remain mine and mine alone.” The Colonel glared at the Comte. “Comte de Chagny, you will bear witness to this. And she betrayed me, God alone won’t protect her from me.”

“Colonel, here in the Opera House, there is one other who surpassed God in the influence and power. The ….”

“The Phantom? I heard tales that it’s here. I have the power to defeat it.” The Colonel revealed the ceremony sword on his belt waist. “I have coated it with silver and with it the Phantom will cease to exist.”

The Comte was to react with violence but the untimely intervention of the Chief Inspector avoided that.

“Pardon the intrusion.” The Chief Inspector saw the lady leaning on the wall. He reached out to help her but the uniformed officer had beaten him to it. The Inspector saw the red welt on the cheek and questioned it.

“I knocked myself against the wall.” Lorraine replied and then allowed herself to cling to her fiancé. “I am always clumsy.”

“Deeply regretted, Madame. I am in the same …May I say train.” The Chief Inspector laughed. “I am checking on the guests. The play is about to start. And I have many more guests to look out for. Rejoice please.”

When the Chief Inspector left the box, the Comte glared at the Colonel. 

“Perhaps later after the play, we can work on restoring our honour.” The Colonel clicked his feet before he led his fiancé to their own box. The Comte turned to look towards the stage where the play was to take place. He saw then Armand talking to a staff near it. He recalled then his conversation with Firmin. It made sense then the promise made by Firmin. He wanted to regain the influence the de Chagny in Paris and that was one way. When his father died, he had tried to do that but the shift of power had moved. He had consented to the request and with it came his personal case. It was his father’s and handed to him. The case contained the gun that was his father’s. He just needed the chance to get close to the man to shoot him.

“I want the shipment ready to move to the catacombs during the recess between Act One and Two. Do it as if you are moving the props.” Armand gave his instructions. He then saw the new faces at the back stage. “Who are those new workers? I don’t recall hiring any.”

“They are new. Some of ours did not turn up and I had to get replacement. Lenier cleared them to work here.”

Armand heard the other. He was upset that he was not consulted. There was no time to discuss that and he left it as such. He saw then Firmin approaching him.

“Firmin, tell me are we not the grandest Opera House in Paris tonight?” Armand gloated over the number of patrons that came that evening.

“It’s one of a lifetime opportunity, Armand. I live for this moment.” Firmin smiled. It was for most of them, including Jean Valerian. He had donned the mask and cloak to be the Phantom. He turned to look at his lover. She was seated there at the corner with hands held together in prayer.

“If you are praying, my love. Pray for me please. This is my lifetime recital. It will be remembered by many.”

Trevor had plans with Coligny. They were to travel far but with his death, there was nothing to look for. He was not the lover of the man but the confidante. He knew of Coligny’s past when he was a leader of the Legion. There were little secrets when both shared the same bed. Coligny did not stop being the leader of the Legion. He created a new Legion in Paris but they remained hidden unless called. It was a small unit of members. He was to call on them for their duty to him then as the new leader. He met them; the six members in the private box. Outside of the box, they were members of society and held some influence.

“Monsieur Trevor, you are the new leader now. We will find the killer that took our leader’s life.” That came from the uniformed officer of the Surete. “I am checking with my other officers but I cannot arouse the suspicion of the Chief Inspector.”

“I asked not for you here to find the killer of Coligny. I wanted you here to protect me. Whoever killed our past leader may come for me?” Trevor smiled. “I am not afraid of dying but I reckoned whoever kill our past leader will come for me next. I am placing myself as a target. When the killer moved on me, all of you will moved on him.”

Trevor turned to the near wall. He moved the panel there and revealed the arms that were stored there.

“Armed yourselves. You need them to kill the killer.”

Allons donc! ...
Prenant la coupe restée sur la table
Et maintenant,
Maître, c'est moi qui te convie
A vider cette coupe où fume en bouillonnant
Non plus la mort, non plus le poison; mais la vie!

prenant la coupe
A toi, à toi, à toi,
Fantôme adorable et charmant!

Il vide la coupe et se trouve métamorphosé en jeune et élégant seigneur. La vision disparait.


Je la reverrai?

Sans doute.



C'est bien!

We are set!
He takes the beaker from the table.
And now, Master, I myself invite you
To drain this vessel
In which smokes and bubbles
No longer Death, no longer poison, but life!

seizing the beaker
To you, divine and bewitching vision!
He drains the beaker and is at once changed into a young and elegant lord. The vision vanishes.


Shall I see her again?

No doubt you will.


This very day!

Very well!

Away, then!

Pleasure will be mine/yours,
So will young mistresses, etc.

The audience applauded the of Act One. The Diva was divine in her singing despite the shaky dancing by the ladies; maybe they were out of sync for their coach was missing and the stand in was not influencing then. The orchestra was better despite the conductor amending for the missing pianist. The applauding did not cease until all the actors have left the stage. The workers ran on stage for the props behind the screen. Armand was irritable with the workings then from the props to the ticketing. Nothing was right to him but he stepped around whenever he saw Firmin. He was not ready for the confrontation.

Armand saw the potted plants then at the walls. He did not expect to have potted plants and worse it was placed in the walking paths. He told the worker near him to remove it but Firmin intervened.

“Do not move the plant. Be on your way.” Firmin looked to Armand. “I brought those plants here. So leave them there. I am still part owner.”

Armand was not taking it easy. He glared back at Firmin.

“And what may have you growing there? Some more guns or money?” Firmin heard the other and replied in hard words.

“Do not go near it. I warn you.” Firmin told him. “We have agreed that we will only kill each other after the play.”

“Monsieur Firmin. Monsieur Armand.” The voice distracted the two gentlemen. It was the voice of authority. “A splendid show.”

“And I hoped it will last to the end.” Firmin replied to the Chief Inspector. “Pardon me, Inspector but I am needed in another meeting.”

Firmin stepped away leaving Armand to handle the Inspector but the later was evasive in making another excuse. Soon then the Inspector was left alone and he was not offended; only curious to the happenings then. In facts there was none to work out his concern. Not even the appearance of Raoul deChagny in a separate box from the usual family box. The Diva was doing fine and the other guests were all entertained. He was still looking for the missing fugitive and had assumed the person had left the House.

What could possibly go wrong when he had so many officers in the House?

The Chief Inspector was wrong.

The commotion came soon then.

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