Saturday, April 14, 2018

Team Seen of Heroes III Chapter 10A


Van Helsing stepped into the temple gate and found himself facing the assassin leader standing there. The later motioned to him to follow inside the temple. Once inside he was greeted by the huge chamber with the high ceiling adorned with spiritual writings and drawings of the protective idols.

“You are in sanctuary now with our protection. None will come into the grounds for this is the Dark Wolves Lair.” The leader led Van Helsing to the middle of the chamber and showed him the layout carpet. He crouched down to pull the carpet up and revealed a trap doorway. He tapped on the trap doorway and soon it slid opened to revealed the stairs that led down to the lower levels. Van Helsing took to the stairs and was followed by the leader. Once the trap door slid back the stairs was in darkness for a while before the torches on the wall were lighted by itself. The steps down the stairs were steep and the walls pocked mark with tiny holes which formed some sort of hold for the person descending unfamiliar with the stairs. They soon came to the level below which was another unit but that one that held scores of the assassins checking their attires and weapons there.

“This is our preparation area before we venture out.” The leader explained while he led Van Helsing past them to the next chamber where the weapons were laid out in the racks. There were the ‘kora’, the kukris and even the beech loaded rifles and some muskets. The leader took the walk to the adjacent chamber where Van Helsing was greeted by the master there.

“I am Master Pungleng of the Dark Wolves lair here. We welcome you to our lair. We wished it was a better occasion but nevertheless we shall try to accommodate all your needs.” The master then motioned Van Helsing to the table laden with fruits and drinks.

“Master Pungleng, I am still unsure of what I am doing here. Some days back I was on the mountain and told of the imbalance in the influence. And of the vault which was to hold the so named untamed which I am not sure whom they are. I was given the impression that my nemesis was one of them. Then I was sent here and confronted my nemesis still at large here. We fought and as usual he escaped before I was set on by vampires and then the mob which I do not know who had instigated to look for me.”

“And above all, who hired you to protect me?” Van Helsing glared at the Master.

“Questions that will be answered in full now.”

“Our employer is a man of power. He is the Emperor Fu Manchu.” The Master spoke up. “Please do not be offended by that. The Emperor had seen it coming then that he will need the assistance of the demon slayer then. He had hired us to find you and protect you until the right moment to call upon you.”

Van Helsing was surprised that the one named Emperor Fu Manchu will need his services to the extent of protecting him.
“From what I am to do for the Emperor? He held an army and more capable warrior than me.” Van Helsing let off a laugh. “More to it, I have never met the man before. I am more familiar with Dracula.”

“The Emperor does not disclose his reasons but he feared the quest of his may had offended the undead and namely the Prince of Darkness. Dracula was a guest of the Guardians some time back he was met by the Emperor to discuss the Elixir of Life. It was rumoured that he had a bargain with the other; a pint of the tainted blood for the same with the Emperor but the former refused. He had the Prince of Darkness taken by force and delivered the blood. The Prince swore revenge.”

“I doubt your tale, Master. The Guardians will not do that for they are …” Van Helsing was cut off by the Master.

“No place on the land or below it cannot be breached by the Wolves. We took the task and lost two of our brothers then.” The Master made a bow to Van Helsing. “We got our blood but we also had the Prince escape then. It’s our vow that we bring the Prince back there or I shall replace the Prince in the chamber there. We are a guild of mercenaries but we are also bounded by codes and rules. As we have received the gold by the Emperor for our works, we shall repay with blood for our failures.”

“A very amusing tale but why was I given the Gyaling by the Guardians?”

“The Guardians knew that the weapons of Man may not bring the Prince of Darkness down to its knees and they valued life not be lost needlessly. They gave you the only weapon to control the Dark Prince.”

“I don’t work for free …most times.” Van Helsing stared at the Master.

“We know that which was why we will clear your conscience that had brought you to the mountains. You came here for a reason but you know not what. We can help you there. The Wolves have dated to the past generations before your forefathers hunted the blood suckers. We will tell you a secret that will open your heart to a new world. That will be your payment if you succeed in the task.”

“And if I chose not to be in it? I will seek my answer my own way.” Van Helsing displayed his confidence then.

“You may choose to walk alone but the Prince of Darkness will not release you for we have involved you.” The master replied. “We have laid the trail of your killings on the followers of the Prince and your link to the Emperor as his hunter of the dark.”

“Bastard! You set me up.” Van Helsing glared at the old man. “How could….”

“We are mercenaries and our works are by the weight of the gold it weighed. We held no emotions or links except to perform our tasks. I would suggest that you detached your emotions to work on your inner self preservation. Without your approval, the Emperor has left the word to annihilate you.”

“I would suggest that you serve the Emperor if not for gold then for your lifetime answer.” The Master then turned to leave the chamber. “The doorway is behind you.”

Just then on the vessel designed to fish on the cold seas up north, the fuming Doctor was seated at the lower bunk bed questioning his presence there. Ever since India, Doctor Watson had harbour doubts on his involvement with the sleuth on the goose chases.  The sleuth was as usual in his deep thoughts of the case, while puffing on the pipe at his lips. The doctor normally would had put up with the eccentric sleuth then took offence to the smoke.

“Holmes...” The doctor interrupted the sleuth.

“I say Watson, our trip to Oxford was not all wasted. I did some talking to the Father Lewis, and he gave me….”
“Holmes” Watson rose his voice and then the sleuth turned to look at him. “I …”

“I know I do owe you an apology for the things I kept from you on India and your past. You must remember, I am not an easy person to get along with.” Sherlock saw the impatience in the doctor and held his part to speak first. “When I first met you, I was …Well it was not my idea to get a house mate but Mycroft. He made me do it.”

“Holmes…” Again, the doctor was ignored.

“I took on you with some reservations but we got along. Well, most times.” Sherlock smiled. “And I treasured your company. The walks and the conversation, and the fact when you sat there like a …devoted hound…”

Sherlock saw the annoyance in the doctor.

“Okay, I like you. No…I love you. Not matrimonially or with any carnal desires. You can call it brotherly…”

“Holmes, open the darned window. I am suffocating here.”

“Oh, okay, Nice talking to you.” Sherlock proceeded to open the window. He took a whiff of the sea freshness and then regretted taking the ship instead of flying. He turned to look at the doctor who was then immersed in his reading habit.
“Holmes, would you close the window? It’s getting cold.”

“Yes, my dear…. Watson.” Sherlock grinned to himself. “I think I will do my work outside.”

The space there was too constricting.

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