Sunday, November 12, 2017

The OPERA HOUSE Chapter 9 & 10


The figure sat on the top row watching the pianist coached the young lady. It has been some years then when he was back in Paris, he would sneaked in and looked at her. She has changed from the young teenager to the full blown lady but the most challenging change was her voice. She have then dual role to play, the dancer for the mother and the soprano for the guardian.

“Oh, Raoul. mother had agreed to me to be coached in singing by Master Valerian.” Christine then hugged him. It was their first hug and he had barely even touch her hand since. The young man then was only fifteen knew little of love and kisses but hugging was he was used to from the many visitors to the Manor. They all wanted to hug ‘Little Raoul’ for it may lead to more hugs from Comte de Chagny and perhaps his sharing of wealth.

“I am happy for you.” The young lad held the lady closer to him. He felt the softness of her body on his and then he felt the irritation inside his pants but he won’t let go. He could smell her hair and the skin on her neck.

“Raoul, can I…” The lady was pushing him off her. He pulled away and apologies for his action.

“I …I am sorry.”

“It’s okay. I had seen many hugged …and they kiss…”

“May I kiss you?” Raoul asked out hastily. Then he retracted back. “I am sorry. I was carried away.”

“It’s …okay. Yes, you may kiss me…. On here.” Christine handed out her right hand. Raoul leaned down to kiss her hand and then he stopped there. He looked at her wrist and then to her elbow. He was to shift his eyes then when she leaned over and kissed his forehead.

“Mother does that often to me.” Christine smiled when he leaned up. He was at eye level to her. He was unsure what made him do it but he moved forward to kiss her on the nose. He stayed there and when she moved her head, he laid his kiss on the side of her lips. He lingered there and it was her who moved to kiss his lips before she pulled away.

“You should kiss on the lips but you need to move your nose out of the way.” Christine told him. “Elaine told me so.”

That was their first kiss then and subsequently there were more but the young couple dare not ventured further. They were in public places and he has not heard of the hunting lodge.

“Monsieur Raoul, your friends are here.” The young man then of nineteen looked to the usher who spoke to him. He nodded and followed the other out to the lobby of the House. There were his three friends from the Military College.

“Hey,Raoul. We are going over to Cabaret de L’Enfer Montmarte.” Enrique the Moroccan hollered out. The other two grabbed hold of the idiot who told the whole world where they were going. The young man laughed and then followed his friends to the place where all that was evil lurked. That was what the priests condemned at their sermons.

The Cabaret de L’Enfer was everything a young man wanted to get into then. Its entrance was like stepping past the gates of Hades with the gaping mouth made to resemble the door. Once inside the place, you will be transformed to the hellish decorations of demons and harpies that were carved into the walls while demonic midgets served drinks there. There were the tables and benches for those who needed company and seats but beware the one that may share your table held amorous request. It could be for free or be dispensed with an exchange of money for pleasure.

“Raoul, if I am to die at battle bury my soul here. I shall be pleased for eternity.” Enrique voiced up his final request but then he was considering other more immediate request from the lady seated next to him. She could have been his aunt but she held all the attributes a young horny man needs.

Vous voulez que je vous suivez? Comment puis-je faire confiance à vous ne m'avez pas volé là-bas.” (Translated:  You want me to follow you back? How can I trust you will not rob me there.)

“Je ne vais pas vous voler. Je vous entraînerai dans les plaisirs de l'amour. Vous pouvez me déposer votre amour.” (Translated: I won't rob you. I will coach you in the pleasures of love. You can deposit in me your love.)

“She offered me love.” Enrique was then drunk and his purse near empty. The others cheered him on regardless that the one he was sacrificed his ‘millions’ was ghastly looking. So were all of them in the Hall after all they were demons in disguise.

“Go, Enrique. At least you won’t die a virgin.” Raoul shooed him off to his personal venture. The remaining three young men then continued with their drinks until Raoul later found himself alone at the table. The other two were taken away by some ladies for groupe de quatre mois. He had declined on the reason he was not into sharing.

“You have a place to stay?” Raoul looked to the lady seated next to him. She looked like Christine and held the same looks from the neck downwards. The man nodded and then he was off with her to her place for his was too far. He stepped into the small room overlooking the Pigalle other offerings. The place was with a bed and cupboard and a table stacked with kitchen utensils. The room was lighted by the single gas light near the table but it was better that way not to see the peeling paints and the worn carpet.

“Do you have the money?” The lady stood there in her evening dress. She had discarded the shawl that was to keep the cold away. Raoul reached for his purse and drew out some notes. He then looked at her.

“Do you sing?” Raoul asked. “Faust? Carmen?”

“What is your name again?” Raoul asked once more.

“Whoever you want. And I can sing. I am loud and deep.” Raoul could not tell the difference then for he was drunk but he did know who she was to him then.

“Christine, I love you.” Raoul then slumped forward on the lady body. She heaved him over and then stepped to the bowl of water. It was cold but she wanted to clean herself. She slipped on the night robe before searching his pockets. He had some small changes and two cigarette sticks. She took one and lighted up the other end. She sucked in the smoke and then puffed it out. That was her only luxury then to suck without gagging.


Everyone had been to his domain but none have seen him. He cared not for them nor cared if they did of him. Life was meaningless for him from birth to his year when he learned that pain came from love. Yes, he was born deformed and only his mother protected him. When he was old enough to understand why the incessant pain was there, it was too late to feel it. He recalled then at the early age of five, his mother pulled aside to speak to him. He listened hard for he could not speak much.

“Emil, you must be brave.” The ailing woman sat on the only chair in the house looking at her son who was seated on the flooring. He was dressed in some rags but they provided him comfort for his body. He was normal in every limb but his disfigurement was his head. He held a deformed head shape with the right side larger and it affected his facial expression to that of demonic expressions. The later made his speech slurred but the disfigurement gave him more to think and aided in his movements. He was quick on his feet and arms. And somehow the senses on pain have dulled while his hearing perked to higher levels.

Emil was brave but there was so much a child could do. With the limitations of the options after his mother passed on, Emil was sent to the circus. The Circus then was the main trend for family entertainment.

“See the Hunchback of Notre Dame ….here alive once more.”

“Hideous creatures from the high mountains.”

“Devil’s child…Poor mother ravished and then given birth to this child before she died.”

They were all spectacular captions to showcase Emil to the public. He was with them for over fifteen or was it twenty years. He lost count and for a person like him, the time was the break of dawn to the fall of the night. There was no other measure of time or would it have mattered.

The hideous part was the people paid good money to see him. And children threw him their half-eaten meals. Emil was never happier for he had food to eat and place to stay with no beatings. Kindness came in many forms too and one was a young lady who extended the muffin she was to eat. He took it from her before she could pull back.

“Mother, why is he there?”

It was a simple question.

But did you see the kindness behind it.

Emil did.

And so did Madame Giry.

They came that a few nights later. Not the girl but the mother and another older couple.

“Break opened the lock, Jean.” The elderly man took out the cutter he had borrowed from the carpenter. It was not a huge lock but the man took some time to break it while the ladies kept watch. The hyenas howled and so were the bears but who cares. They always do howl regardless of the time of the day or night. The caretakers were too drunk or exhausted to care.

“Come with me.” Madame Giry offered the child a coat. He did not know but he followed them like a child he was before. He followed them out and then after a short distance, he was led into a huge structure.

“Where shall we keep him?” The other lady asked.

“The lower levels. No one goes there.” Madame Giry voiced out.

“No, we are not agreeable. He may come out and harm the others. He must be sent to the ….country side. We can find a home there for him.”

“We can do that but for now, he needs to stay hidden. Where can we go?” So the call was made and the choice selected. Emil was led to the bottom levels of the House. Once he was there, somehow he felt at home. He rushed ahead of the trio and disappeared into the darkness.

“I think he is home.” Madame Giry spoke out. “We shall take turns to come here and feed him. And then we shall move him out to his proper home.”

That was ten years ago and soon after the ownership changed to the French business partners. It was also the words that Madame Valerian entrapped the other to secure guardianship of the lady named Christine.

“I never expected you to …do me in that manner. I am disappointed, Madame Valerian.”

“And I do apologies. Christine is a special child with a unique talent. I want to see what is good for her like you but to me that is in her singing. She has a superb voice for soprano.” Madame Valerian explained. “Christine will still be yours but we will help her in the singing. We have no children of our own and we shall take her from you. We asked is that you give us the chance to see her sing.”

There was one other who found singing was a relief for him. Emil never knew any comfort till he heard the singing. He sat there in the darkness and listen. Soon he was mimicking them with his own voice and despite his efforts, he failed to hum properly but his ears were able to distinguish the chords, the notes and the vowels of the singers. He knew the intensity of the voice and how with training, he learned their techniques. In his mind he was singing like them, in his ears he was listening like the masters, in his mouth he was muttering the instruction, and into his soul, he was a soprano singer.
Not until he heard her voice. She was a diva…no she was not yet one. She was a rough gem but with training, she will be one great soprano singer.

Like his mother was

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