Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The OPERA HOUSE Chapter 16 & 17


Raoul knocked on the door to the Commandant’s office. He came then bearing the bouquet of flowers for the hostess. The door opened and there was Lorraine dressed in the gingham dress. He was asked to step in and shown the dining area.
“I prepared us dinner.” It was not a lavish spread but the meal looked delicious. “We are alone.”

“The Commandant is not around? I thought he will be here.” Raoul felt uncomfortable in the full uniform he wore that evening.

“No, Papa is away. He was called to a meeting for two days. We have the house to ourselves.” Lorraine smiled. The young man then took to be the gentleman that he was expected to be. She was the Commandant’s daughter and he intended to be a cadet.

“That was a fine dinner.” Raoul then were served the cognac in the living area. “Maybe I should help to clean the dishes.”
“No, that is not important.” Lorraine looked at him. Raoul had seen those eyes before and he doubted he want to do it. “You can paint me here. I can be on the settee.”

“Lorraine…” Raoul was stunned when Lorraine dropped the gingham dress and stood there nude.

“Paint me.” Lorraine told Raoul. The man strode back but she cautioned him.

“I demand that you do as I say. Or I will call Security and you will be arrested for trying to violate me.” Raoul knew Lorraine was not joking then. “The brush and paints are by the table.”

Raoul walked over to pick up the brush. It was a fine one and the paints were good ones. He then looked at her standing by the couch by the living area. She then took to recline on the couch with her legs stretched out.

“Raoul, am I beautiful?”

Raoul’s right hand holding the brush shook momentarily at the question. He looked at her and could not avoid admiring her beauty. He was without any real ladies; excused the whores that he had patronized on several occasions. It was not that he needed it but the pressure of his peers in the squad. He could not be seen to be not of one of them.

“Raoul, lease come nearer.” Loraine motioned to him. “The lighting here is better.”

Raoul lowered the brush and then stepped over. He leaned down to kiss her on the lips while her arms went around his neck.

Raoul was her first and when the opportunities arise he was there for her.

“Tell me, Recruit Raoul. Are you happy here in the Regiment?” The Commandant asked him that day in the marching ground. Raoul stood there in attention under the hot sun in his full uniform.

“Yes, Sir. I am happy.”

“Then you will march for next hour. I like my men to be tough. My daughter’s lover tougher than the others.” That was the start of his punishment.

Raoul ran for the tree trunk where he leaned on it. It was one of his brutal training then soon after the Commandant decided that he was to be toughened. He looked to his sides to locate the others. They were four of them out there armed with sticks to toughen him. If pain and breaking bones was the method to do. He was then without any weapons except his own hands. He tightened the muscles on his arm stretching and then releasing them in a series of moves. He then flexed his fingers to get the circulation going.

For Lorraine, he will survive the test.

Raoul rushed at the first hunter when the other stepped into the trail setup by him. He had broken some twigs to lead the hunter there. He lashed out with his hand to grab the hunter from the rear on the left shoulder. He pulled the hunter back and the punched with his left fist. The hunter went down against the tree trunk behind. Raoul followed up with the right leg into the belly. He then rushed in with his arms on the half crouched hunter and with that he pulled the head towards him to land the left knee.

One down and three more to go.

Raoul was armed then.

The second and third was easy to take down. They were not prepared for him, and he left them broken bones. The fourth was tougher. He was the Major.

Raoul crouched there on the hill side looking at the area below. He was hurt in most places but if he fail, it will be worse. He eyed the Major standing by the trees at the lower part of the hill slope. The officer was expecting him to walk by the trail below but he had taken to the slope to gain the vantage view. It was something that he learned from the gamekeepers who guarded his family lands.

The higher plateau gives you a better view.

Raoul descended with care towards the Major who was not moving then. He went down on his belly to crawl nearer and then he realized his mistake. The Major was not moving there.

It was a ruse to lure him there.

Raoul got up into a half crouch just then he felt the impact on his back by the forceful jump by the Major. Both of them went down the slope in a tumble of bodies among the bushes. He moved to get up and was brought down by the right fist into his face. He tried to block the other punches but it was oncoming. He rolled over to avoid the punches and then crouched up looking at the Major with his face bloodied.

“Not so smart huh? I being doing this for over a decade.” The Major stood up. He was dressed below the waist and head used his jacket to set up the stooge which was by the tree trunk.

“I have been watching you for over sometime. You are good, Raoul but I am better.” The Major held up his arms before rushing at Raoul. Both of them exchanged blows but the younger man was no match for the seasoned officer. Raoul sank to his knees with his arms held over his head.

“Raoul, you are dismissed form the Regiment. That is the Commandant’s order. You are a disgrace to the Regiment. Go back to your role as Viscomte.” The Major stepped back before he brushed the dirt off his arms.

“What did I do wrong?”

“You fucked the wrong person. Do you know that Lorraine was betrothed to someone in the Bavarian? He is the son of a Baron who owned some huge business.” The Major told him. “The Commandant is not easy with you. And more to it, Lorraine did not like you. She used you to get at the Commandant.”

“And I used her to get back at the Commandant.” It was then Raoul rushed at the officer midriff and knocked them over. The younger man was in a rage then with no hesitation for his own life, he was lashing out with his fists at the Major. The officer who was taken by surprise at the move had knocked his head against the ground and was in pain then when the blows came. The officer hurt by the fall could not raise much of a defence then against the younger man.

“I surrender…” The Major called out but Raoul was past listening then. He thrashed the other till the Major fell into a state of unconsciousness. Then he stopped there and stood up. He had never felt the rage inside him before. Lorraine used him for a stooge. He will leave for home.

To Christine.

“This is absolute crap!” Debienne tossed the note off his table when Coligny walked into the office. They have this private unit at the rear next to the dressing rooms and with a quick exit to the alley behind.

“Is it another one?” Coligny leaned down to pick it up. He read the note and it was the same as before.


It was not the first but the several previous ones were paid by the two to avoid the publicity. The rumours of the Phantom have been on the news some weeks back and with the counter publicity, they managed to quell the rumours. It did however spread to other establishments which had dispensed with other actions including the police but some of them failed to recover their rankings among the public.

“The Opera House will not suffer the same fate.” Debienne declared then to his partner. “We will pay.”

The payment took its toll for six months before he stopped. And the reminders came.

“I had it. Today the piano strings were cut. Valerian was fuming with rage. He had just got it tuned last week.” Debienne sighed. “Two weeks ago a fire broke out in the dressing room but Lenier stopped it in time.”

“Lenier… Maybe he is involved.” Coligny commented. 

“Lenier? I doubt so. He is …too gratifying. He won’t do that to us but he may know a bit more than us.” Debienne assured his partner. “I have known Lenier before he came here.”

“You knew him? How I was not to know? We have been partners for some time.”

“I knew Lenier when he was in the Legion.” Debienne voiced up. He recalled then during his hey days when the Legion was the place he could sought sanctuary.

“Captain Debienne, Corporal Lenier reporting for duty.

“Corporal Lenier, I need you to look into the theft of some supplies.” It was expertise of Lenier to find the information he needed. It was all arranged then when he cornered the one informant there. All it took was some smooth persuasion with some physical moves. He earned the respect of one named Captain Debienne.

“One favour and he is your friend; unknown to me.” Coligny replied with sarcasm.

It was soon to have the ex-corporal on the task to protect the Opera. He walked through the Opera past the corridors and rooms that he was ever familiar with. He was not to hunt the Phantom but to make sure the Phantom will not harm the Opera.

The Phantom found Lenier.

It was in the roof where they met.

“Who goes there?” Lenier stepped up through the opening of the roof. He peeked over the roof trying to make out the images in the moonlight. It was not a full moon but there was enough light coming from the city to illuminate the roof. He then saw the dark figure standing at the far corner of the roof. The figure was dressed in a dark cloak and had one a wide brimmed hat.

“It’s me, the Phantom. You wanted to see me. You wanted to know me. Here I am now.” The dark figure stepped out into the moonlight. His face was covered by the face mask.

“Who are you?” Lenier asked while he groped for a weapon to use. There was none on him. He stood there looking at the masked figure.

“Perhaps you need to know more about me…..the Phantom.” The masked figure reached for the mask to remove it. “I did it for the Opera.”

“I am also its owner in half. I am Monsieur Coligny.” The face belonged to the name. “If you must know, Corporal Lenier the opera house have been a loss sometime back. We are not the dame to match the others. The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dama Cathedral, the Lourve or the Sacre Couer Basilica.”

“I had to create some sensational news here.” Coligny admitted. “So the next question asked is why am I telling you this, Lenier?”

“I am just an investor keen to get my return back. The Opera House will be changing ownership soon. We are seeking new owners. And its time for the Phantom to cease.”

“Why tell me, Monsieur? I was assigned to find some missing supplies.” Lenier shrugged his shoulders. “New owners mattered not to me. I am ready to retire anyway.”

“No, Monsieur. You will stay with the Opera House. You are the man behind the curtain. You can do better than me here.” Coligny replied. “The mask, cape and hat will hand over to you after tonight. The Phantom will rest with you. If need be, you may let it rise again or deceased it yourself.”

That was the night the Phantom went to rest. And Mephistopheles had gained one more follower.  It was then Lenier recalled the last words of Faust  to the love of his life from the opera play.

Come, follow me, come I say!
Come! Let us leave this place!
The sky grows light already!
Come, you must obey my bidding!
The sky grows light already!

Lenier saw in the horizon the rise of the sun then. He had sold his soul to the Phantom then. Later at the break of dawn, Lenier saw a case was left for him outside his room door. He took it and left it at the catacombs hoping that it will be buried there forever.

As all treasures, it was whoever could find it will keep the treasure.

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