Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The OPERA HOUSE Chapter 18,19,20


“Non….Non….” Lady Carlotta shrieked out. “She got it wrong.”

The whole ensemble for the rehearsal stopped. The ballerinas all stood there with their arms down watching then at the diva that held command on the stage.

“She …what’s her name again…Christina..or something got the chords wrong.” Carlotta screeched then at the conductor of the symphony. “Get her ….”

“No, she was right on the chords.” Monsieur Valerian rose from his piano stool. “I…”

“Be seated, Valerian.” The conductor motioned to the pianist. “Madame …Diva Carlotta, the ….”

“I am taking a break down. Get it right or I will not sing.” With that Madame Carlotta took off to the back stage. Christine had been watching the whole scene from the diva. She was shocked by the exchanges and stormed herself off to the backstage too. Madame Valerian pursued her ward while the mother of the child looked to her ballerinas.

“We shall resume our rehearsal.”

Christine was in tears when Madame Valerian placed the arm on her. She wept and then rushed to hold the lady who coached her.

“I did …everything to the note.” Christine cried out. “What is with the …Diva?”

“Because she is the Diva and you are not. Until you are one she holds the privileges.” Madame Valerian told Christine. “You must be tougher and above all, resilient to the callings here.”

The same did not apply to the Diva who was seething in rage. She stormed into her dressing unit and evicted the aide there who was using the makeup there. She sat herself before the makeup mirror, and stared into it.

“If you could talk, tell me I am still the Diva.” The diva looked at the mirror. “But you are not. We are not living in the fairies land and I am no Queen.”

The diva looked to the back of her hands. What was once smooth and free of veins but then it was contoured to look like the streets of London. She knew it age that caught up with her. Her voice stood the ravages to date but that day she felt threatened by the young singer. The younger lady held her chords well and above all, she was younger. She was her age then when the young Carlotta first started singing from the chorus lines to become the diva. She had a mentor then, an elderly singer who saw to her singing, career and her serving to him as his lover. She endured it all till she became the real Diva she was. Since then she had two husbands whom she married for wealth but her real love was the singing. She knew her time was soon to come when she had to retire but she wanted the finale to the career. The stint here will cap her final performance but not when the younger singer confronting her with the challenging voice.

“Madame Carlotta, are you alright?” It was Monsiuer Coligny who had stepped into the dressing room. He was distraught that she walked off the stage.

“Was the …singer not to your preference?” Coligny asked. “I will have her remove immediately.”

“Pour me a sherry, Monsieur.” Madame Carlotta told the man. “I am fine. It was just that she was …inexperienced.”

“Then I will have her removed.” Coligny handed over the glass after he poured it.

“No, she may stay. I will get the conductor to adjust for her voice. It will be fine.” The departing owner took leave of the diva. She was left alone once more and took her view of the face that stared back on the mirror. Coligny strolled back to the stage and saw Madame Valerian having returned there with the younger singer, Christine. He signalled the Madame to come over and they met at the far corner.

“I don’t know what happened…”

“Christine will improve, Monsieur Coligny.” Madame Valerian defended her protégé.

“And she will but I won’t tolerate…”

“No, Monsieur Coligny. Christine will …behave.” Madame Valerian intercepted the concerns of the other. She then turned to join her charges. She approached Christine.

“Do as I told you so. Don’t stretched your vocal there and lower the tone. The Diva needs to be heard and not you.” It was a command then an request. “If you want to continue on to sing here.”

Christine nodded then. She stepped over to the spot where she was stationed a short distance to the Diva. It was then she saw the Diva returning to the stage and then gave her the stare at her. She motioned to the Conductor and gave her instructions. At that moment, Christine felt her body sagged with the stress that she was having then. She has been training for days. It was then she thought of her lover, Raoul. She wondered how he was doing in his service. She heard rumours that the Comte was buying the House. If that happens and with her relationship on-going with Raoul, she might get to be the diva she was imagining then.

“Ladies, should we take it from the last bit.” The Conductor was tapping his stick on the podium stand.

Ah! that's not gallantly put,
but no matter, go, you'll take to it there
when you see
how fine is the wandering life;
the whole world your domain,
your own free will for law,
and above all that intoxicating thing:
Freedom! Freedom!

ALL (to Don José)
Take to the country with us,
come with us into the mountains,
come with us and you'll take to it there
when you see, away over there,
how fine is the wandering life;
the whole world your domain,
your own free will for law!
And above all that intoxicating thing:
Freedom! Freedom!
The open sky, the wandering life,
the whole wide world your domain;
your own free will for law,
and above all that intoxicating thing:
Freedom! Freedom!

That last line came out with vigour from Chrsitine. She was looking forward to the freedom when Raoul returned. She will be the Diva then.


Lenier stepped down to the catacombs below. He seldom went there; it was not he feared the dark but the place was inhospitable to the living except for the desperate.

“Emil, I need you up here.” Leneir called out. He had met Emil when he came down here. It was two years ago when he was told that there were some rodents below by Coligny.

“Monsieur, there are always rodents in the catacombs. We are…” Lenier was cut-off then.

“I know that the catacombs running below us are wide and interconnected to the other buildings but I want them stopped. Can you imagine if a rodent ran across the stage during a performance?” Coligny made his argument then and Lenier took to the catacombs. He armed himself with the overall, the holding bag and the packet of aromatic herbs. He took one the lantern to light his way there. He took to the one of the several doors that will give access below. The onslaught of the smell was there, with the stench of the decaying dead buried there. He took to the steps and walked on the arranged walkways. He had been there before but that was months ago, and it was a quick visit to check on a similar quest but he found then was a hog. He caught the hog and served it at the next serving.

Lenier wandered around and saw the rodents. They are always there and welcomed to the leftovers he threw there. He had an understanding with them; they stayed below or unless someone complained of them. He reached down to the murky waters there and twirled the surface. It was his signal for the rodents to come forth.

“It’s time to sacrifice some of your friends.” The rodents came when the signal was heard. Lenier saw them massing around him, of all growth sizes but he needed was only a few older ones. He reached down with his right hand and grabbed the large one by the neck. His fingers went around the head and then closed in with the crunch grip. The rodent struggled but it was soon dead. The rodents had remained there while he grabbed the second one. He was grabbing the third one when the voice shouted at him.

“St…Stop!” Lenier was stunned. He thought the rodents called him then but when he saw the crouched figure at the corner. The ambient of the catacombs was dimmed in the light and the lantern light did not reached there.

“Who are you?” Lenier was never one to be scared of the dark but then he felt a shiver on his body. He stepped over to the figure but the other was already running.

“Stop!” Lenier gave chase on the walkway. He ran along the walkway chasing the figure that seems to know his way. He was not the age when he could out run most of his military mates but he was a crafty man. He tossed the lantern at the fleeing figure. The lantern hit on the other and caused him to fall. Lenier reached and pulled the fallen figure. He pulled the face to look at and cringed at what he saw. He had seen many wounded and maimed but he was prepared for the hideous face that confronted him. He pulled back his hand and formed a fist. He wanted to smash the face then but another voice stopped him.

“Stop! Do not hurt him.” It was Madame Giry. “He is …. my boy.”

It was how Lenier met Emil.

And knew Madame Giry’s secret.

“How…How long had he remained there?” Lenier asked the Madame when they took the boy out of the catacombs. They met at the kitchen where the boy fed his fill for the first time in years. “He can’t be … your son.”

Madame Giry explained the situation with the boy and how she placed him there.

“Where else could I placed him? Look at him. You will not even look at him.” It was true then that Lenier will not stare at the boy’s face.

“He has to go. We can’t have him here.” Lenier stated his view. “You could send him to the …”

“Did I not say he is my….son?” Madame Giry voiced out her earlier statement. “He…”

“He is not your son. He may be someone’s son but not yours.” Lenier snapped back.

“Okay, I will tell you the truth. I picked…I stole him from the circus that was in Paris some time back. I felt pity for him. Can you …please find a place for him? He is strong.”

Lenier did not reply then. He stepped away and retrieved the bottle of cognac that he stored away for occasions like that. He took two gulps before he looked at her.

“No, I can’t have him here. He will….Monsieur Debienne ….Coligny…will not allowed that.” Lenier shook his head. “I have no place for him.”

“He can stay below. He has been doing it for some time now. He can …help you …with your works. You always complained that there are repairs that you do at night.” Madame Giry looked at the man she owed much then. “I will be nicer to you.”

“No, you need not be. I will take ……care of him.” It was a bold statement made by Lenier. “He stayed below. He stayed hidden. Until I can figure out where he can stay.”

It was then Madame Giry leaned over to kiss him. His mind flashed to the scene in Romeo and Juliet.

O happiness unalloyed! O immense joy!
Heaven itself has received our/their loving vows!
God of goodness! God of mercy!
Be Thou blessed by two happy hearts! etc.

Ô pur bonheur ! ô joie immense !
Le ciel même a reçu nos/leurs serments amoureux !
Dieu de bonté ! Dieu de clémence !
Sois béni par deux cœurs heureux ! etc.


Firin sat up on the bedding and then reached for the dressing gown to place over his shoulder. He felt the tug on the gown by his lover Trevor. He turned around and looked at the figure laid on the bedding displaying his morning glory then.

“Surely you wouldn’t want to miss this.” Trevor stroked himself before the man but Firmin was uninterested then. He pulled the robe to his body and approached the chamber pot. He stood there to release his bladder of the night’s load but his mind was still on the matter that he discussed with his financial backers.

It was held at the private room at the Gentlemen’s Club, with the three attendees there facing Firmin.

“I trust you know that the Opera House is not the only one in Paris. And it notoriety with the Phantom rumours was one factor that drove the attendance there. They are ever curious to meet the elusive Phantom.” The prominent member of the backers voiced out in his colonial ascent. “I did not come from Louisiana to place my funds on rumours.”

“Sir, I can assure you that the rumours as you were advised on are true but the other allure of the place is the reputation of the House. But our real allure is the catacombs below. It offered us a hidden passage to the river front where our goods could be delivered unseen and … in safety numbers.”“Mwen dakò..” The slim figure dressed in the three piece suit spoke in Creole Haitian. He shifted in his seat and looked at the third figure seated there. “Francois, I am sure you will agree with me. We cannot risk our funds on some unfounded rumours but if the catacombs there are of use, we can agree to it.”

“Then we have your consent, gentlemen.” Firmin beamed up. It had been an uphill battle with this bunch of backers to the revolution in Haiti but he needed the funds to channel some off for his own retirement. He will secure the armaments and shipped it off by the river to the French coast and from there to the larger ships that will sail for Louisiana and then by small boats to Haiti. It was a good plan and fortune to be made. 

And the fuck of the young son of the Louisiana backer named Trevor.

But there was a catch.

“Firmin, if we failed in this venture, we stand lose our plantations both in Louisiana and Haiti to the French. If we do, your life will be forfeited but death will not fast. The swamps at both places have very interesting inhabitants.”

Firmin have heard of threats to his life before but what he saw on first visit to the plantation when the runaway slave was thrown into the alligator pit was too much to handle. It was more than gruesome to see your limbs removed earlier being fed to the creatures before you are thrown in as the main meal. 

“Surely, you do want this.” Firmin felt the thrust at his rear and the arms that went around his waist to hold him. He grabbed the hands there and turned around. He looked at his younger lover and smiled. 

“Make me want you.” Firmin pushed the other hands to his manhood but the later pulled away. 

“It’s filthy there. Wash it first.” Firmin was told but he was insistent on it. He grabbed Trevor’s head to face him.

“Do it or ….we are off.” Firmin glared into the other’s eyes. The other relented and backed off to bend down. It was the bell to the room door rang. It diverted off the coital interest of both and Firmin approached the door. Trevor meanwhile climbed back into bed with the lips pouting in anger. 

It was Armand.

“We need to talk. Now.” Armand sounded urgent but his eyes averted the bedding and the figure on it. He was not one who found the scene needed to be described. 

“Give me a few minutes. I will see you at the Library.” 

The morning breakfast at the Library was minimal with the croissant served with butter and jam to be drowned by the morning brew of coffee with the cream topping. It was unlike the English spread of butter and jam with toasts, half boiled eggs, and brewed tea with the milk to be added on taste. Both men sat at the small round table and had their fill before they discussed the urgent matter. 

“The Comte does not want to deliver in full until he sees the gold bars delivered to his villa at the Spanish border.” Armand looked to his partner in the face. 

“Rogue! I thought we have an understanding that the remaining gold bars to be delivered upon the ship sailing to Haiti. Why is he renegading on the deal?” Firmin dropped the half eaten croissant to the plate. 

“I don’t know for sure but rumours that he is eyeing the Opera House. He wants to buy it.” Armand replied. “He needs the gold to secure the loan for it.” 

“The Opera House is not that expensive and more to it, the place is going to crumble with its current state of disrepair.” Firmin getting more upset. 

“I was in haste but the building stand in the line of properties along the catacomb route and then to the river. We need to secure a passage way for the goods that we are to smuggle.” Armand corrected his earlier statement. “More to it, the Comte is not as secure like his father. He has lost a lot in his other ventures and needed the gold to do this.”

“I do not trust the man. How can we have a hold on him?” Firmin raised the concern. 

“Like in Faust?” Armand replied. “When he offer Faust the prize with the aftermath that Faust was to repay later?”

“Yes, as in ‘a mere trifle, Here I am in your service, but down there, you will be mine.’ We will bind the Comte to at our knees.” Firmin laughed out. He saw the agreement in Armand’s look and laughed out louder. 

“What hails the laughter so loud from you?” It was Trevor who came to grace the meeting uninvited. Immediately then Firmin dismissed his partner in business and called for his business in the bedding to join him. 

“Have your fill, my dear. It’s clean now.”

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The OPERA HOUSE Chapter 16 & 17


Raoul knocked on the door to the Commandant’s office. He came then bearing the bouquet of flowers for the hostess. The door opened and there was Lorraine dressed in the gingham dress. He was asked to step in and shown the dining area.
“I prepared us dinner.” It was not a lavish spread but the meal looked delicious. “We are alone.”

“The Commandant is not around? I thought he will be here.” Raoul felt uncomfortable in the full uniform he wore that evening.

“No, Papa is away. He was called to a meeting for two days. We have the house to ourselves.” Lorraine smiled. The young man then took to be the gentleman that he was expected to be. She was the Commandant’s daughter and he intended to be a cadet.

“That was a fine dinner.” Raoul then were served the cognac in the living area. “Maybe I should help to clean the dishes.”
“No, that is not important.” Lorraine looked at him. Raoul had seen those eyes before and he doubted he want to do it. “You can paint me here. I can be on the settee.”

“Lorraine…” Raoul was stunned when Lorraine dropped the gingham dress and stood there nude.

“Paint me.” Lorraine told Raoul. The man strode back but she cautioned him.

“I demand that you do as I say. Or I will call Security and you will be arrested for trying to violate me.” Raoul knew Lorraine was not joking then. “The brush and paints are by the table.”

Raoul walked over to pick up the brush. It was a fine one and the paints were good ones. He then looked at her standing by the couch by the living area. She then took to recline on the couch with her legs stretched out.

“Raoul, am I beautiful?”

Raoul’s right hand holding the brush shook momentarily at the question. He looked at her and could not avoid admiring her beauty. He was without any real ladies; excused the whores that he had patronized on several occasions. It was not that he needed it but the pressure of his peers in the squad. He could not be seen to be not of one of them.

“Raoul, lease come nearer.” Loraine motioned to him. “The lighting here is better.”

Raoul lowered the brush and then stepped over. He leaned down to kiss her on the lips while her arms went around his neck.

Raoul was her first and when the opportunities arise he was there for her.

“Tell me, Recruit Raoul. Are you happy here in the Regiment?” The Commandant asked him that day in the marching ground. Raoul stood there in attention under the hot sun in his full uniform.

“Yes, Sir. I am happy.”

“Then you will march for next hour. I like my men to be tough. My daughter’s lover tougher than the others.” That was the start of his punishment.

Raoul ran for the tree trunk where he leaned on it. It was one of his brutal training then soon after the Commandant decided that he was to be toughened. He looked to his sides to locate the others. They were four of them out there armed with sticks to toughen him. If pain and breaking bones was the method to do. He was then without any weapons except his own hands. He tightened the muscles on his arm stretching and then releasing them in a series of moves. He then flexed his fingers to get the circulation going.

For Lorraine, he will survive the test.

Raoul rushed at the first hunter when the other stepped into the trail setup by him. He had broken some twigs to lead the hunter there. He lashed out with his hand to grab the hunter from the rear on the left shoulder. He pulled the hunter back and the punched with his left fist. The hunter went down against the tree trunk behind. Raoul followed up with the right leg into the belly. He then rushed in with his arms on the half crouched hunter and with that he pulled the head towards him to land the left knee.

One down and three more to go.

Raoul was armed then.

The second and third was easy to take down. They were not prepared for him, and he left them broken bones. The fourth was tougher. He was the Major.

Raoul crouched there on the hill side looking at the area below. He was hurt in most places but if he fail, it will be worse. He eyed the Major standing by the trees at the lower part of the hill slope. The officer was expecting him to walk by the trail below but he had taken to the slope to gain the vantage view. It was something that he learned from the gamekeepers who guarded his family lands.

The higher plateau gives you a better view.

Raoul descended with care towards the Major who was not moving then. He went down on his belly to crawl nearer and then he realized his mistake. The Major was not moving there.

It was a ruse to lure him there.

Raoul got up into a half crouch just then he felt the impact on his back by the forceful jump by the Major. Both of them went down the slope in a tumble of bodies among the bushes. He moved to get up and was brought down by the right fist into his face. He tried to block the other punches but it was oncoming. He rolled over to avoid the punches and then crouched up looking at the Major with his face bloodied.

“Not so smart huh? I being doing this for over a decade.” The Major stood up. He was dressed below the waist and head used his jacket to set up the stooge which was by the tree trunk.

“I have been watching you for over sometime. You are good, Raoul but I am better.” The Major held up his arms before rushing at Raoul. Both of them exchanged blows but the younger man was no match for the seasoned officer. Raoul sank to his knees with his arms held over his head.

“Raoul, you are dismissed form the Regiment. That is the Commandant’s order. You are a disgrace to the Regiment. Go back to your role as Viscomte.” The Major stepped back before he brushed the dirt off his arms.

“What did I do wrong?”

“You fucked the wrong person. Do you know that Lorraine was betrothed to someone in the Bavarian? He is the son of a Baron who owned some huge business.” The Major told him. “The Commandant is not easy with you. And more to it, Lorraine did not like you. She used you to get at the Commandant.”

“And I used her to get back at the Commandant.” It was then Raoul rushed at the officer midriff and knocked them over. The younger man was in a rage then with no hesitation for his own life, he was lashing out with his fists at the Major. The officer who was taken by surprise at the move had knocked his head against the ground and was in pain then when the blows came. The officer hurt by the fall could not raise much of a defence then against the younger man.

“I surrender…” The Major called out but Raoul was past listening then. He thrashed the other till the Major fell into a state of unconsciousness. Then he stopped there and stood up. He had never felt the rage inside him before. Lorraine used him for a stooge. He will leave for home.

To Christine.

“This is absolute crap!” Debienne tossed the note off his table when Coligny walked into the office. They have this private unit at the rear next to the dressing rooms and with a quick exit to the alley behind.

“Is it another one?” Coligny leaned down to pick it up. He read the note and it was the same as before.


It was not the first but the several previous ones were paid by the two to avoid the publicity. The rumours of the Phantom have been on the news some weeks back and with the counter publicity, they managed to quell the rumours. It did however spread to other establishments which had dispensed with other actions including the police but some of them failed to recover their rankings among the public.

“The Opera House will not suffer the same fate.” Debienne declared then to his partner. “We will pay.”

The payment took its toll for six months before he stopped. And the reminders came.

“I had it. Today the piano strings were cut. Valerian was fuming with rage. He had just got it tuned last week.” Debienne sighed. “Two weeks ago a fire broke out in the dressing room but Lenier stopped it in time.”

“Lenier… Maybe he is involved.” Coligny commented. 

“Lenier? I doubt so. He is …too gratifying. He won’t do that to us but he may know a bit more than us.” Debienne assured his partner. “I have known Lenier before he came here.”

“You knew him? How I was not to know? We have been partners for some time.”

“I knew Lenier when he was in the Legion.” Debienne voiced up. He recalled then during his hey days when the Legion was the place he could sought sanctuary.

“Captain Debienne, Corporal Lenier reporting for duty.

“Corporal Lenier, I need you to look into the theft of some supplies.” It was expertise of Lenier to find the information he needed. It was all arranged then when he cornered the one informant there. All it took was some smooth persuasion with some physical moves. He earned the respect of one named Captain Debienne.

“One favour and he is your friend; unknown to me.” Coligny replied with sarcasm.

It was soon to have the ex-corporal on the task to protect the Opera. He walked through the Opera past the corridors and rooms that he was ever familiar with. He was not to hunt the Phantom but to make sure the Phantom will not harm the Opera.

The Phantom found Lenier.

It was in the roof where they met.

“Who goes there?” Lenier stepped up through the opening of the roof. He peeked over the roof trying to make out the images in the moonlight. It was not a full moon but there was enough light coming from the city to illuminate the roof. He then saw the dark figure standing at the far corner of the roof. The figure was dressed in a dark cloak and had one a wide brimmed hat.

“It’s me, the Phantom. You wanted to see me. You wanted to know me. Here I am now.” The dark figure stepped out into the moonlight. His face was covered by the face mask.

“Who are you?” Lenier asked while he groped for a weapon to use. There was none on him. He stood there looking at the masked figure.

“Perhaps you need to know more about me…..the Phantom.” The masked figure reached for the mask to remove it. “I did it for the Opera.”

“I am also its owner in half. I am Monsieur Coligny.” The face belonged to the name. “If you must know, Corporal Lenier the opera house have been a loss sometime back. We are not the dame to match the others. The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dama Cathedral, the Lourve or the Sacre Couer Basilica.”

“I had to create some sensational news here.” Coligny admitted. “So the next question asked is why am I telling you this, Lenier?”

“I am just an investor keen to get my return back. The Opera House will be changing ownership soon. We are seeking new owners. And its time for the Phantom to cease.”

“Why tell me, Monsieur? I was assigned to find some missing supplies.” Lenier shrugged his shoulders. “New owners mattered not to me. I am ready to retire anyway.”

“No, Monsieur. You will stay with the Opera House. You are the man behind the curtain. You can do better than me here.” Coligny replied. “The mask, cape and hat will hand over to you after tonight. The Phantom will rest with you. If need be, you may let it rise again or deceased it yourself.”

That was the night the Phantom went to rest. And Mephistopheles had gained one more follower.  It was then Lenier recalled the last words of Faust  to the love of his life from the opera play.

Come, follow me, come I say!
Come! Let us leave this place!
The sky grows light already!
Come, you must obey my bidding!
The sky grows light already!

Lenier saw in the horizon the rise of the sun then. He had sold his soul to the Phantom then. Later at the break of dawn, Lenier saw a case was left for him outside his room door. He took it and left it at the catacombs hoping that it will be buried there forever.

As all treasures, it was whoever could find it will keep the treasure.

Friday, November 17, 2017

The OPERA HOUSE Chapter 13, 14. & 15


Raoul stood there before the daunting high double gate that was to be his imprisonment for two years to be trained as an officer cadet. He saw the two sentries there standing there in the red and blue uniform. He wished he would be wearing that one day but the sacrifice for it was for him to stay there for two years.

“Viscomte Raoul, you will be late.” Raoul turned to look at the servant who brought him there. The man was holding his luggage and was ever anxious to go back. He sighed and then recalled his conversation with his brother back at the house over the dining table.

“You will enjoy it. I did and now in the reserve to be called up if there is a need.” Major  Phillipe de Chagny when he is in the uniform. He does cut a fine figure in it and ladies swooned over him. “Our father and his father were in the army. Our generations go back…”

Raoul nodded to his brother while the other rambled on the family history. He knew them all for their portraits hung on the corridor to the bedrooms. He did wonder who did sleep in his bedroom or there were hidden corridors in the walls but he was not to know. The servants were close lipped on it.

“Phillipe, I …I don’t want to go. I am not a man of …physical needs.”

“Raoul!” The elder brother slammed his fork on the table. “Don’t tell me you are one of those…”

“No, I am not. I am saying I much prefer the finer side of life; the opera and paintings. I am bad in the playing fields. You knew that.”

“And all the more to get you toughen.” Phillipe made it clear. “I can’t have you being a weakling. I may not be… able to face father in the afterlife that we have you in that form. The family held men of valour and you will be one too. I am sending you to my Colours and they will make you a real man.”

“I need to see Christine before I leave.”

“Christine? Surely you are not taking that lady for your ….liking. I am telling you there are more beauties in the families and friends. I can attest to young Bernice…”

“No, Phillipe. I am in love with Christine and it will be her I shall wed.”

Raoul never got the reply he wanted but he was packed off to the Academy. He took his steps into the Academy and was met by Major Jacque Pierre..

“Viscomte you may be out there but here you are a recruit and your name is 24601. Remember that, 24601.”

The training was tough and the living conditions were tougher. Meals times were chaotic and the rest hours fewer than the times they get to bathe. Those were the laments of the recruits although it was not half as bad. Raoul endured it all for his family name above all he held the painting set he was given privilege to have.

It was a de Chagny gift. 

Raoul could not paint much but he did sketches then of the life he was enduring.

“You are good at it.” Raoul looked up from his sketch and saw the daughter of the Commandant there. She was young then but her interest was in the sketch.

“Your pencilling is bold and yet you brought out the lines.” The young lady smiled at him. Raoul then remembered his manners and stood up.

“I am …”

“24601. I know. And your name is Raoul de Chagny. You are a Viscomte.” The lady smiled wider. “My name is Loraine. I am the Commandant’s…”

“I know who you are but now I know your name. I am pleased to be acquainted with you.” Raoul did a bow towards her. He then looked at the barracks and was to excuse himself. “I need to prepare for my march. Au revoir, Madame.”

It was not their first meeting. They met for many more occasions.

“Who is that girl you always sketching?” Lorraine asked of him one afternoon. “Is she your sister?”

“No, she is a friend I knew back home. She inspired me in my drawings. Her name is Christine.”

“Are you in love with her? Most of them who draw their ….girls are in love with them.” Raoul heard the lady but he hid his smile. He was always thinking of Christine.

“I can be Christine.” Lorraine told him. He was taken aback and looked at her.

“You can but she is ..much older, and …”

“I will be older. It’s a matter of time.” Lorraine replied. “Will you paint me?”

Raoul looked at her. Somehow then he knew her intentions and was unsure how to tell her. If he made her angry his military career would be over. He then told her later.

It was not her last request and she was insistent.

“In the military, dedication is utmost importance. Your role will determine success or failure.” The Commandant told them. Raoul listened harder and then he decided that he has another year then. It was no harm to be dedicated to one other than Christine.

“Yes, Lorraine. I can paint you.”

Raoul got his first kiss from her.

Raoul also got his first cautionary words from the Commandant through the Major.

“You better take care of her or risk me having you get killed in training.”

Et la garde descendante
rentre chez elle et s'en va,
sonne, trompette éclatante !
Taratata, taratata !
Nous marchons la tête haute
comme de petits soldats, etc.

(And the old guard
goes off home to barracks -
blow out, loud trumpet!
Tararara, taratata!
We march with head erect
like little soldiers, etc.
(Carmen; No. 2 Chorus of Street Boys)

Emil listened to the song in his head. His mother used to sing that song to him when she still could. He missed her singing. She passed on and he went on to a new life. One that he thought was to be better but better was how one perceived it.

“Emil, you be good today.” The boy then of four years nodded holding onto his soldier toy.

“Father Enrique will be here soon. You will do me proud.” Florence the caretaker of the orphanage told him. He could not reply to her for he could only speak in syllable but not a complete sentence. He could however hummed the chords although it did not come out the correct tone. He did not like Father Enrique. He felt the other was not a nice man. He could not expressed himself so he sang with the low tone to himself in his mind.

Mon père ! Tout m’accable ! Tout est perdu !
J’ai, pour vous obéir,
Caché mon désespoir et mon amour coupable.
C’est à vous de me secourir,
À vous de m’arracher à mon sort misérable !
Parlez, mon père,
Parlez ou bien je suis prête à mourir !
Father! Everything overwhelms me! All is lost!
In obedience to you, I have
concealed my despair and my guilty love.
It is for you to help me,
for you to rescue me from my miserable fate!
Speak, Father,
else I am ready to die!
No. 16 Scene Romeo And Juliet (

“Mama….. I need…” It was Emil trying to find the words. Father Enrique arrived then and spoke to the caretaker. There were some exchanges of coins and then he heard the one word that was lived in his memory.

“Circus.” Emil could hear well despite his speech impediment and for a four year old, he was ever alert. His fear was coming to forth. He began singing once more in his mind.

Sur la place
chacun passe,
chacun vient, chacun va ;
drôles de gens que ces gens-là !
On the square
everyone comes by,
everyone comes and goes;
funny sort of people these!
(Carmen. No 1 Chorus)

Emil paraded off to the wait for the priest by the door. He had then worn the cloak with the hood to cover his head. He pulled it over there to cover the right side of his head where the hair growth was less. He had combed his hair to cover the lack of it there but the right side was higher and the hair will drop back. Then it was when Mother made him cover it with the hood. He sat there with his feet making circles with the dust on the flooring. He was not able to speak well but his hearing was acute on the right side. He could pick up the low noise that was around and able to differentiate the noise to the different source.

It was the day that he will leave the world of love to the curse of survival. A harsh reality he was not ready for. Even if he was ready for it, it was not what he had envisioned. Emil learned that some lessons well for he was gifted.

Emil learned to adapt with his new life.

Emil learned that he was different.

Emil learned that his solace was with his music in his mind.

Music soothes the soul.

Emil also learned how to dislike the others that was different from him.


“Christine, there is a visitor to see you.” Madame Giry told her daughter at the back stage. “If I am not mistaken, he is Comte de Chagny.”

“The Comte?” Christine dropped her dancing shoes and rose to her feet but the mother stopped her.

“Behave yourself, lady. Your shoes are to be kept in the locker and put on your other shoes.” Madame Giry told off her daughter. “The Comte like others can wait for the diva.”

Christine complied with her mother’s wishes while in her mind was the concern for Raoul. Was he hurt or perhaps death had prevailed? It can’t be for he was still in the Academy. And the fool have not sent a letter for days then.

“Christine, you must compose yourself. You will be a diva one day and men like him will wait for you. You must be prepared for that. Don’t be….” The daughter of the Madame had taken off while trying to slip on the left shoe. It was so undignified but the Madame knew what her concern was on.

Love was intoxicating and at the worse moment, could cause misery and anxiety. The last was what on Christine’s mind then. She held the same anxiety for Fabian.

“Comte de Chagny, I am honoured to meet you.” Christine did a bow to the man standing there at the lobby. “Did you..,”
“Mademoiselle Daee, I came to see you on another matter. If you were asking on the Viscomte Raoul, he is fine. The Academy will make him a better man there.”

“Have we actually met? I know I have seen you but have we spoken?” The Comte asked.

“No, Comte. We did not speak before but I saw you at the Opera before. Raoul…”

“The Viscomte you meant?” The Comte then stirring his tone to denote the formality be maintained. “Yes, we came here often. The de Chagny members are avid followers of the plays. It’s our favourite pastime besides hunting and of course the grand parties we hold.”

Christine felt the scene was not she was expecting and took on her subservient attitude.

“I am pleased to meet you Comte de Chagny.  How may I serve you?”

“Yes, I came here for a purpose. I have with me some letters which was to be delivered to you from Raoul. The boy is so busy with his training that he left his letters to be sent by the aide. The aide was the son of an old friend and ….. Well, the letters are here.” Comte de Chagny handed over the letters. “I trust that all are in order.”

Christine took the pack of letters and saw a few were opened. She was offended but she could not voice out then.

“Yes, some of it was opened by my servant. Imbecile did not read to whom they were addressed and assumed it was mine.” Comte de Chagny then came to the reason for his visit. “I am concerned on the Viscomte training. He is in the advanced stages and he needed no distractions now. When I was there at the Academy in his role, I had to work hard at the studies and tactics.”

“Oh, you know like your dancing. We have to rehearse until we are so good at it. And that took our utmost attention. I knew of one recruit then divided between his training and the personal matters he was hurt in the horsemanship rounds. Poor chap was bedridden since then.”

Christine bowed her head down to avoid looking at the Comte.

“Nevertheless I am sure the …Viscomte knows his duties and ranking. He will prevail to become the officer that will make the family proud.” Comte de Chagny then looked at Christine. “It’s only a period of time and then you may had found new plays. I am sure you are capable of it. In fact, I am….”

“Merci, Comte de Chagny. I am needed back for my training. Please excuse me.” Christine turned to leave with the Comte standing there upset at her not have hear his last words. He saw the young lady walked with quick steps to the back stage. He himself then felt a stirring in his heart for she was a beautiful and innocent lady unlike the companions he had to put up with.

“Comte de Chagny, we missed you at the second part of the meeting.” It was Debienne then still the owner of the House with his partner Coligny. They were accompanying the prima donna, Carlotta who may had agreed to sing there.

“Madame Carlotta will grace our stage with her gracious presence.” Debienne announced to the Comte. “It will be our honour that you be there on the opening night.”

“Phillipe Cherie, you will be there. You promised me.” Carlotta the soprano after having dispensed off two previous husbands was once again on the prowl. She was already in her early forties and with her marriages short in engagement, there was little doubt she was looking for better prey. She was dressed in the low cut blue dress adorned with the red roses that were in bloom over the wide skirt with the minx coat that was draped over her shoulders. Her high tone voice resonated in the lobby when she addressed the Comte who had then disrupted from his lusty thoughts on an innocent lady.
“Phillipe, you will come or I will cancel the signing.” It was undeniable that the lady was convincing for her hug on his frame was augmented by the push up bosom that would have made the Alps snow melt in winter.

“Yes,, mon Cherie. I won’t miss it for the anything.” Phillipe replied before he gave her a peck on the nose. The lady however moved her nose way and laid her lips to his as a seal of promise.

“Bravo!” Debienne called out. “We have lined up several plays featuring her. From Faust to Carmen and maybe even Romeo and Juliet.”

Coligny was meanwhile mentally counting the franc notes in his head.  

“Monsieur Debienne, could I speak to you in private?” Both men strolled to the far side before the Comte voiced his request.

“This Christine Daee? Could you…”

“It can be done. I will have her …” Debienne gave his snide smile but was stopped by the Comte.

“No, Monsieur. My intentions are gentlemanly. I would like to have her given a more prominent role in the coming plays. Could she sing?”

“Like an Angel, Comte. I can assure you that can be arranged.” Debienne mind reeling on how to do that.

“Then we have our commitments to come nightly with guests.” The Comte smiled at Armand. “I have a meet later with your friends; Armand Moncharmin and Firmin Richard.”

“Oh, those impeccable rascals.” Debienne laughed. It was then they heard a crashing sound at the back stage.

“Oh, of all the time. I must be going, Comte. Work and work calls for me.” Debienne took his leave but he did motion to Coligny to escort the Comte out.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...