Friday, February 26, 2016

TTO Episode 7.1

Episode 7
The Book of Edo
Daniel had carried me then as related by him. He was retracing his steps back to the chamber when he heard the sounds of footsteps. He placed me down against the wall and prepared himself to battle. He saw the group of single file on the path he was to take. There were seven of them and were armed with rifles. They were not troopers and looked like a rag tag squad. He saw then the leading figure was Kuzuka.
“Kuzuka! It’s me, Daniel.” The construct called out.
“Good! We finally meet.” Kuzuka was glad to meet us and then held back his emotions when he saw the unconscious form.
“What happened to Edo?” Kuzuka asked the construct. Daniel gave a brief description of the event.
“We have to depart. Troopers are in the Temple. I was advised that one named Greco was with you.” Kuzuka had explained. “It was his assistant who showed us the tunnels but he will not come in. Do you know he way out?”
“I can recall my steps.” Daniel replied. He then looked at the others who came with Kuzuka. The other sensed the construct query and replied.
“They are part of the resistance to the current Dark Order. They are members of the United Republic.” The United Republic was three hundred years ago when some of the Lords felt the Federation of Planets was taking over their controls and power. They grouped together and formed the United Republic. The war was short with the limited resources and support but it established a new order which was named after them or in short they were named the Resistance. They have been a small force but their works have been put into place to assassinate the Dark Order’s officers and also disrupt the Federation Fleets.
‘The Mitoushi House is one with them.” Kuzuka told Daniel.
It was then I recovered.
“Edo! You are awake.” Kuzuka was excited on seeing me. Daniel had stood back but his blank expression told me he was relieved that I was back.
“I am fine. Maybe …not.” I found difficulty standing up and Kuzuka offered his shoulder. I was to continue speaking but Kuzuka had directed that we move. The group of us then moved on with Daniel in the lead.
Daniel led us back to the chamber where he was with Greco. There were the huge statues and it offered many places for shelter or cover. We took our rest there while I recover. My head was clearing then and the strength almost recovered. I recalled the mental push by the masters but it was not an attack.
It was an insertion into my mind.
“Edo Harashi, you need to rest now to receive our thoughts.” My mind was intruded and I was powerless to resist. “There will be events that will unfold the things we have placed inside you.”
I saw images in my mind; extract from the notes of Grand Master Seldon, the strong arguments brought on by the others, the grand thoughts of Master Aetres, the purpose of the Temple of Stars and then there were the visions of the hundred years. Then the final words to me.
“You are the final piece in the balance. The last one needs your guidance or your retribution. May you use wisely the Order.”
Then there were the pains that seared through my mind.
“Arghh!” I screamed out when my mind tried to cope with the pain.. Kuzuka caught me before I was to fall.
“What happened?” Kuzuka was gravely concerned then. I shook my head and used his shoulder once more to stand upright.
“I am fine.” I pulled out a weak smile. “It was ….”
I could not continue for Daniel had rushed forth to caution us of the threat.
“There are troopers here now.” Daniel led us into the inner chamber where the notes were kept. I saw the body on the flooring but did not question the cause of the death. Kuzuka checked the place and then confronted Daniel.
“We are trapped here. How did you get here?” Kuzuka looked at the dead body. “Was that your’s?”
“Greco was… going to sell us out.” Daniel replied. “The Council of Masters attacked her. So was he.”
I looked at Daniel but he was at the doorway. He asked for a rifle and was given by one in the group. I then focused on the six others who were with Kuzuka. They don’t look like Mitoushi House servants for among them were three other planets inhabitants. I recognize brute in the reddish shade of furs and holding the heavy powered cross bow with the built-in power pack. He had a bandolier holding his spare power packs across his chest. It was unmistakable on the gender for his furs were not all that thick. I do wish that they get covered up but who’s staring.
“Damn Tunin.” I muttered.
The other two off non-human inhabitants was the Ryino’s; another set of square framed brutes with the curved horn on the bridge of the face. They have heavy hides on them but their body armour was thicker. They carry the powered short handled hammer that could level the boulder in seconds. Their modus of battle was rush and bang. Same goes for their mating rituals. They are an extinct breed in the systems. The others were one Monscrats and two Grecian. The weapons they carry were the standard issue of the troopers.
“My name is Henna Saloon.” The Monscrats was in the white top beneath the dark sleeveless vest, and the dark bottoms tucked into the dark felt boots. The Monscrats was mistakenly seen by me as a male but the buzz hair cut was misleading. She was assigned to protect me. I was still without a weapon.
“I don’t like to be named the anonymous and worse when I die in the battle, don’t say I was the bitch that bit the dick.” Henna made her point. She then handed me the six inches in length energy dagger.

“I cannot have you without a weapon.” The dagger was not much but in the skilled hands it was a deadly weapon.  

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