Monday, February 8, 2016

TTO Episode 4.1

Episode 4
The Book of Edo
Never ride in a borrowed vehicle from a trader. They are all craps and what they offered was scrap. The land hover would have sat comfortably for five but the trader had removed the comfort from it. Instead it sat three with the other spaces modified for a double mini cannon mounted on the elevated pole with the double energy pack on the flooring. The land hover engine packing a powerful engine was situated at the rear with front section modified into a storage compartment. It had seen better performance but on that day it will hold well, I hope.
The vehicle had no roofing and environment equalizer which left me sweaty and upset. The later was more prevalent when Kuzuka was glaring at my protruded nipples on the suit. The wind made me aroused but I was not fucking anyone when my perspirations were from the wrong heat
“Edo, I am sure I could operate this vehicle.” Kuzuka was in his macho attitude when I had taken the wheel. I ignored him while I drove the land hover. One thing about this hover’s we do not have to experience bumps but it was still a need to avoid the sudden breaks in the terrain. The vehicle was cleared to levitate at above three feet above the ground assuming flat ground. When the terrains become bumpy, the vehicle hovered higher. There was a limit though at six feet. Anything higher will need to be avoided. I was skipping the designated routes and taking the unexplored ones which hold those high irregular terrains. Our journey was towards the cliffs by the seaside, and it won’t be scenic that day. It was a normal one hour drive but on the unexplored route I might hit before the one hour allowing for my reckless driving with no set limits on the need for comfort. During the drive, the sensors then screeched out loud. Thank the stars it was working for I knew the navigator was not. I was driving based on my own instinct.
“We may have picked up a Stinger.” I called out to Daniel who was manning the mini cannons. The sensors screeched out more Stingers. “Correction, we have two coming from different sectors.”
I heard Daniel armed the mini cannons before he strapped himself before standing up. He does not want to be thrown off the vehicle when I take evasive action. I felt constricted in my flight suit and wished that I have my own suit then. It was not too soon when I heard the arrival of the Stinger. It was the nearest one.
“Kuzuka, be helpful. And stop staring.” I called out to him. Kuzuka smiled and then looked for items under the seat. It was one of the most accessible spots. I normally leave a side arm there too. The Stinger came in hard, and fierce. I had to keep on turning the wheel to avoid the blasts. Daniel tried his best but the darned mini cannons have no automated target system. It was pure luck shooting at a flying craft which was doing two hundred miles an hour then with my best speed between a hundred and above by forty. I thought we had it worse but the second Stinger came on our flank.
“Shucks, we got a double whammy on the flank.” That was my call when the enemy was more than one.  The pilots then took on a wide berth before coming at us on both sides from the rear. They normally do with one in front and the other from the rear like a double fuck.
“Edo, the Stingers are trying to get in a vectoring shootout.” It was a move to have two crafts converging on the target together from different directions. These pilots were doing it wrong or they are competing for the kill.
“I can feel that, Daniel. Can you split them? My other holes are sore.” I shouted back while moving the vehicle near a low rise. I was hoping to get the Stingers off my flank with the higher terrain. They did as I expected and soon disappeared over the rise. They flew upwards above the rise. I kept close to the rise while Daniel trained his mini cannon there. It was a game of ours. We knew the Stingers will appear.
One did with part of its saucer seen. It was all Daniel needed.
The mini cannons hit it when the saucer tried to fly parallel to the rise and then it went down in a heap of explosions.
One down and the other still out there. It may not come over and remain there for reinforcements. I drove on until I saw the sea. We were nearer than I thought.
“The place we were to go?” I shouted to Kuzuka. He looked up from his search and then gave me the coordinates. It was a narrow path by the cliff that led to the beach. I knew that route for it was one of the few tracks I go for on my lonely drives. I drove towards there and then turned off at that sharp corner. It was a sandy drive down for about five minutes given my speed then of sixty five.
“Go on for another mile and then hit the tunnel.” Kuzuka gave me the other direction.  It was a private beach. I reached the beach and drove on alongside it. The Stinger appeared then from the sea flying just above the waves. Its cannons were hitting the side of the cliff. I ignored and drove on while Daniel tried to deter it off. It was then I saw Kuzuka dragging the missile launcher from the rear of the lad hover.
“I hope it work.” Kuzuka was inspiring at times. He levelled it at the Stinger and the darned launcher did fire. The missile missed the Stinger but it pulled off. It gave me time to focus on the driving. I soon reached the place which Kuzuka was telling me about. It was a small tunnel in the cliff that would fit the land hover at sixty five miles an hour. I turned the wheel and the land hover did the tangent swing on its structure with the right side of the vehicle tilted upward. The tunnel was short and soon we were inside the lagoon.
The lagoon was oblong shaped and surrounded by the high walls. It was a private place for the Houses and they all take turn to visit there. No House wants another House to intrude on their party there. Well with the war going on then, I doubt there will be any party then. I reached the inner lagoon and then got the last direction.
“Move to the end of the lagoon there by the three boulders.” I saw it and drove there. We got off in a rush and proceeded to the high cliff wall. There Kuzuka reached for the hidden switch to open a doorway in the wall. He took us in for a short dim lighted wall. Then we arrived at what may be called a cavern.

Inside the cavern was Kuzuka’s surprise.  

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