Wednesday, February 3, 2016

TTO Episode 3.1

Episode 3
The Book of Natria
The Scimitar V was a sixteen hundred thousand tons metal monster design based on the Defiant Class Cruiser specifications. The ship had the designed line of the double scimitars with the sharp blades end to the fore and the engines were at the rear. The two structures were interconnected with a series of nine bridges in the middle. The cruisers measured five miles in length and a quarter mile across to a height of a quarter mile. As in its namesake, the cruisers were named the Scimitars. Each Scimitar cruiser held a crew of five thousand with a complement of eight thousand troopers and two hundred Stringers in its ten hangers. The cruiser deadly weapon was its double phaser cannons which could pierce a planet from its surface to the core with its energy blasts. It also housed over two hundred double cannon turrets on the sides of the ship which protect it from enemy fighters.
On the main bridge of the Scimitar which was placed on the biggest bridge at the ninth one at the fore, there stood the commander of the cruiser Admiral Hoffman at the Viewing Chamber. The Viewing Chamber was a round twelve feet radius platform with a handrail for the ones uncomfortable with height. Below the Viewing Chamber, the main Bridge was a hive of activity with the three circular consoles that was manned by the thirty Scimitar staff there with ten senior officers holding the controls there. All of them report to the Commander who was then gathering the updates. Above the grey haired Admiral frowned at the large glass window view at the bridge. He had dismissed his command seat which had stayed hidden in the flooring. The Admiral was dressed in the hard pressed double breasted suit with the bicorn or double horn design that was once favored by the ancient mariners on Monscrats. His hat held the admiral lapel design that was clipped on the left side horn. At his waist was the red sash with the Federation of Planets emblem. His footwear was the knee high leather dark boots.
“Admiral, we have destroyed the Navaro Cannons.” Bridge Commander Helstrom reported when he stepped up to the higher platform. The officer in command of the Scimitar V was close to the retirement age with the same uniform but his head gear was devoid of any lapels. However the Commander had the shoulder boards with the rank shown in the sword design. He was not pleased to play chaperone to the Admiral. It stifled his style of command.
“A minute too late, Commander. We also lost the Destroyer Shield III. That frigate held five hundred crews and a thousand troopers.” Admiral Hoffman reminded the Commander. “Such losses are unbearable under my command.”
“No, Admiral. It’s a loss which I have taken counter measures to correct.” Commander Helstrom saluted the Admiral. He had just instructed the removal of Commander Gantt from the Scimitar I. The Commander was assigned the task to locate the cannons. For his incompetence, the Commander was jettisoned into the void of space.
“Commander Gantt had been replaced.” At that moment, the Admiral looked to the Scimitar I that was on the left side of the Scimitar V. “I am sure Commander Ian Hoffmann will do a better task.”
The Admiral could not hide his smile knowing that his son was promoted to command the other cruiser. Such was the qualities of a capable son.
“I want to know the status of Darth Natria.” The Admiral held no respect for the Dark Angel of the Order but protocol demands he was to be courteous with the representative of the Secret Order.
“Darth Natria had flown to the surface on his craft.” Bridge Commander Helstrom replied. “He is accompanied by the usual complement of troopers and a squadron of Stingers.”
“Good. May he perish on the re-entry.” Admiral Hoffman cracked out his cynical remark. He then turned to the Commander. “I want the resistance cleared on schedule.”
Commander Helstrom saluted and then left the Admiral to his admiration of the Scimitar I.
Meanwhile on the planet surface, a transport craft that was designed differently from the trooper landing craft took its own landing near the Command Base of the Enforcers. The unique transporter was designed in an inverted crescent look but it could carry over fifty troopers at any one time.  The transport craft was white in shade with the three stripes of red across its hull on the top. It was escorted by ten Stingers which hovered in a protective formation around it. The crescent transporter landing doorway was in the middle inside the crest. It opened to dislodge the first squad of twenty troopers who then took protective cordon for the main squad. The second squad of another twenty troopers then disembarked with their protectorate, Darth Natria.
The hooded figure in the overcoat stood there with the focus on the three remaining towers of the Command Base. The second squadron formed a cordon around Darth Natria while the first squad troopers scouted the outer perimeters. The third squad of ten troopers then appeared flying out with their jetpacks. The third squad took off towards the towers.
“I want the one named Edo Harashi found.” I voiced out to the troopers. “And get me my hover base. I want to check the towers myself.”
“As you commanded, Darth Natria.” I felt the thrill whenever I hear them addressed me as the Darth. It was my hard earned ranking from the years of suffering under my master, the Grand Order Illium. The Master was no kind tutor with the training and worse as my guardian. The Grand Order had picked me from the ranks of the troopers to be his apprentice. I still recalled his words.
“Trooper Stella Noir, the force inside you is strong. You may yet be my apprentice.” I recalled looking at the figure in the hood then. He was twice my age but his presence was over powering with the ranking then as the Darth. I was overjoyed to be selected but then it was when my lessons began. Every subject always began with the easy introduction and then moved onto the harder indoctrination before you get absorbed into the body and soul of the subject. I was there for all in the journey. An admirer to the apprentice by day and servitude servant by night with my body and soul bare to his whims and desires. The training was hard but the sacrifice to the lust of the man was worse. The Grand Order was no man of love but of pain. His mind twisted like his teaching was translated to me. I soon became twisted like him but somehow I kept a part of my own inside. I survived because I wanted to be the all powerful Darth and then the Grand Order.
A fool’s dream for the Grand Order had moved himself into the position permanently. He had lost his physical body to decay despite the Dark forces having extended it to three hundred years. Just before his final decay, the Grand Order had his mind shifted into the mass of circuitry and machineries. He had become the Dark Machine of the Secret Order. I for one still remained in my physical body with some portions replaced with the construct parts but my mind and heart remained the same. So was my desire to be the Grand Order.

‘My Lord Darth Natria, there is no trace of the one you seek.” 

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