Monday, February 29, 2016

TTO Episode 7.3

The sickle came in hard and fast from the side but I blocked it with the left hand. My right hand holding the dagger when in for the slash on the throat but she retreated. I turned my body and kicked out with the left leg but she had retreated further. I was not stopping then and kicked out a front right kick. She tried to retreat but was blocked. Her back was against the wall and she used her left hand to block the kick. Without a second thought, I pulled back my leg and then used the knee to kick low. I got her in the crotch but she had her sickle handle hit the kicking knee. I fell back holding the knee. She was hurt but I was taking any chance then. I rolled hard to escape. I then stood up and stood on my good leg. Darth Natria was standing a distance away and her left hand was rubbing her crotch.
“You are good Enforcer but I had more fights than you.” Darth Natria gloated on her defensive moves. “I should have seen that coming but it was mostly for the bad boys.”
 I saw her other attribute which she was over confident. I moved my weight onto the right foot and did the unexpected. I was taught by the masters that the way to rush at anyone was to get the proper momentum when you shoot off with the legs. With the momentum from the legs I rushed at her.  My body slam move knocked her off balance and we both went down in a heap. I rolled off her but not before I kicked out with my left leg. It made contact on her face hard. She rolled over while I half crouched on my feet. I have lost my dagger but she still had her sickle. I looked for the dagger and found it nearby. I threw myself across the distance and grabbed the dagger with my left hand. I turned around and saw her half crouched glaring at me.
“It’s a good fight, Enforcer. I sensed your strength but you are still raw.” Darth Natria spoke out. “Not many or should I say even fewer have fought me had come this far. You are truly the exceptional.”
I stood up and held the dagger at my side. I was heaving in the deep breaths with my eyes on her. She was good, and better than most I have fought. I shifted the dagger from the hammer to the ice pick grip, my favourite style. The Darth had also stood up and held the sickle in her right hand.
“Shall we dance one more?” Darth Natria took on her fighting stance again. I however ignored her and took a new stance. I spread my arms with the legs clammed shut. It was a new one I learned from a dynamic dancer.
“Your confidence may be your downfall.” Darth Natria rushed over with the arms spread behind her. She took two steps and then jumped. She did a body somersault but I had rushed to the side. She landed and swung out her arms. The sickle barely missed me but I had my dagger stabbed down. I aimed at her right elbow and slashed at the sleeve. She had her left arm lashed out and landed me a hard chop on the right shoulder. The pain was intense but I had shut myself to pain after the knee hit.  I fell backwards again but my hard training paid off. My right leg went out at the other’s knee. I gave her the same pain but both of us felt the sore pain. I held my arm over the sore shoulder and stood there. She was hobbling on her good leg and held the sickle.
“We are even, Enforcer.” Darth Natria called out. “It’s unfortunate. I am tired of the fight.”
The troopers came streaming in with their rifles drawn. They covered the cavern and then I saw Kuzuka and Henna were led in without their weapons. There were more troopers with them. I then sensed the trap that was sprung on me.
“You were a fool, Edo Harashi.” Darth Natria looked at me.

“Darth, we lost the other one.” The trooper reported. I knew then Daniel was missing.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

TTO Episode 7.2

The shooting began when one of the troopers was too cautious and fired at what may had been a shadow. Unfortunately, it was a real shadow. I did mention the Ryino’s were not without any flair in the battle and held a rather protruding rear. The trooper barely missed the Ryino’s and that triggered the return fire. The Ryino did not miss then. The other troopers began shooting and the others in the Kuzuka’s group return fire.
I stood behind Henna while she fired at the troopers. I felt silly then for my lack of participation. I took some sneak views and counted seventeen troopers standing. Two more had gone down in the fire fight. I needed to get in the fight. I saw my remote chance.
I signalled Henna and then rushed out without hesitation.
It was a brazen move; the crouching dash with the shots barely missing me. I jumped from cover and then reached the fallen trooper. I reached for the rifle and held it in my hands. It felt familiar for I have trained on it. With the rife, Edo the Enforcer was back.
I turned my body and shot the nearest trooper in the face. And then ran across another cover before ducking low. I shot from that position at the two troopers in the chest. Three down and I was alright. I saw the others had taken down another five troopers but we lost Henna. She was shot when she tried to follow me. I took down one more troopers when more the reinforcement had arrived. It was then I sensed the disturbance in my mind.
I saw an image.
It flashed in my mind.
It was too fast for me to recall the image.
Across the cavern, Darth Natria reeled back when the image snapped into her mind.
She also saw an image.
It was too fast for her to recall.
The fighting was however real then. She pushed the second batch of the troopers to assist the others. She held the sickles in her hands. She threw out the left handed one at the Ryino. It was well aimed but the darned breed ducked in time. Her sickle flew back in an arc to her when it had no contact. She cursed under her breath for her miss. She was losing her hold on the Order. She had never missed a target yet as the Darth. She rushed out towards the Ryino with the shots flashing by her. She felt the searing pain but her mind was determined to kill the Ryino. Swipe! Darth Natria sickle in the right hand had cut in deep at the Ryino’s left shoulder and deep into the chest cavity/ The Ryino screamed out the sound was hoarse and low before it dropped flat on its face.
Darth Natria did not stop there. She pushed herself forward in anger and went for the others. She jumped up high and threw the sickles in a cross threw. Both sickles on their own path struck at the others’; the two Grecians in the chest. She was not stopping then and was headed for me. I held up my rifle but I did not fire. She was unarmed.
“Stop the shooting!” Darth Natria called out. Henna heard it too and stopped. All of them did as told. It was then I stepped out.
“I want everyone out.” That was Darth Natria’ next call and the troopers retreated. Henna filed out with Daniel behind her.
“Edo?” Kuzuka had stood there but I motioned to him to move. He saw my determined look and relented. The cavern was once more still and without the feel of any wind.
“I am Darth Natria.”
“I know. I saw your image in the vids.” I replied. “You are the Apprentice.”
I bit my tongue on that. The proper term to use was the Lord of Order. She was to report to the Grand Order who was not seen for years.
“Yes, Enforcer. I know you but not why the Grand Order wants you.” Darth Natria stepped forward and then stooped to pick up the sickle. She pulled it out and held it in her right hand. “I thought I knew everything. I was after all the Darth but I know nothing of you. I was drag from the far borders to your small planet and then here. Who will be so important to have me travel like a freighter unwanted load.”
“Enforcer, I dislike that.” Darth Natria had recovered the second sickle. She looked at it and then at me. She kicked it over. The sickle had a short handle and the blade was curved with the smooth edge. The handle was a metallic one with curved designs on it. There was a switch on the top of the handle. The blade may have been made from titan-steel which was hard metal and strong conductor for energy infusion. I had seen such weapon; it was like the energy dagger I held. Darth Natria had kicked over the sickle to me.
“Pick it up.” The other had motioned to me. “It’s only fair that you are armed.”
I kicked the sickle back towards her. I then reached for the energy dagger on my waist belt.
“It’s straight. I prefer them this way.” I smiled at her. I then kicked the sickle to the far side. “I have one and you should one too.”
Darth Natria then spread out her arms with the right hand holding the other sickle. She then took on the stance of the popular Monscrats fighting style. The factor that makes up a good stance are few; the spread of the feet, the direction of the feet, and the elbow on the arms. These factors determine the attacking and defensive moves and the balance when force is applied to the body. The weight of the body is on the sole of the feet; the shifting of the weight to determine the attack or defence. The shift of the weight may propel the body or readied it for the impact. She stood with her right leg swung back behind the left in a slight bent at the knee. Her arms were bent at the elbows held close to the side of her chest with the sickle held in a reversed hold and the curved blade facing out.
“The Monscrats have a fierce fighting style.” I smiled. I then took my one other stance taught by the masters in the Academy. It was the Mistral Movement Style. Like Darth Natria, I have my legs spread but my left arm was held across my chest as if to protect it and the right arm swung to the back where I held the energy blade in the ‘ice pick’ grip.

Friday, February 26, 2016

TTO Episode 7.1

Episode 7
The Book of Edo
Daniel had carried me then as related by him. He was retracing his steps back to the chamber when he heard the sounds of footsteps. He placed me down against the wall and prepared himself to battle. He saw the group of single file on the path he was to take. There were seven of them and were armed with rifles. They were not troopers and looked like a rag tag squad. He saw then the leading figure was Kuzuka.
“Kuzuka! It’s me, Daniel.” The construct called out.
“Good! We finally meet.” Kuzuka was glad to meet us and then held back his emotions when he saw the unconscious form.
“What happened to Edo?” Kuzuka asked the construct. Daniel gave a brief description of the event.
“We have to depart. Troopers are in the Temple. I was advised that one named Greco was with you.” Kuzuka had explained. “It was his assistant who showed us the tunnels but he will not come in. Do you know he way out?”
“I can recall my steps.” Daniel replied. He then looked at the others who came with Kuzuka. The other sensed the construct query and replied.
“They are part of the resistance to the current Dark Order. They are members of the United Republic.” The United Republic was three hundred years ago when some of the Lords felt the Federation of Planets was taking over their controls and power. They grouped together and formed the United Republic. The war was short with the limited resources and support but it established a new order which was named after them or in short they were named the Resistance. They have been a small force but their works have been put into place to assassinate the Dark Order’s officers and also disrupt the Federation Fleets.
‘The Mitoushi House is one with them.” Kuzuka told Daniel.
It was then I recovered.
“Edo! You are awake.” Kuzuka was excited on seeing me. Daniel had stood back but his blank expression told me he was relieved that I was back.
“I am fine. Maybe …not.” I found difficulty standing up and Kuzuka offered his shoulder. I was to continue speaking but Kuzuka had directed that we move. The group of us then moved on with Daniel in the lead.
Daniel led us back to the chamber where he was with Greco. There were the huge statues and it offered many places for shelter or cover. We took our rest there while I recover. My head was clearing then and the strength almost recovered. I recalled the mental push by the masters but it was not an attack.
It was an insertion into my mind.
“Edo Harashi, you need to rest now to receive our thoughts.” My mind was intruded and I was powerless to resist. “There will be events that will unfold the things we have placed inside you.”
I saw images in my mind; extract from the notes of Grand Master Seldon, the strong arguments brought on by the others, the grand thoughts of Master Aetres, the purpose of the Temple of Stars and then there were the visions of the hundred years. Then the final words to me.
“You are the final piece in the balance. The last one needs your guidance or your retribution. May you use wisely the Order.”
Then there were the pains that seared through my mind.
“Arghh!” I screamed out when my mind tried to cope with the pain.. Kuzuka caught me before I was to fall.
“What happened?” Kuzuka was gravely concerned then. I shook my head and used his shoulder once more to stand upright.
“I am fine.” I pulled out a weak smile. “It was ….”
I could not continue for Daniel had rushed forth to caution us of the threat.
“There are troopers here now.” Daniel led us into the inner chamber where the notes were kept. I saw the body on the flooring but did not question the cause of the death. Kuzuka checked the place and then confronted Daniel.
“We are trapped here. How did you get here?” Kuzuka looked at the dead body. “Was that your’s?”
“Greco was… going to sell us out.” Daniel replied. “The Council of Masters attacked her. So was he.”
I looked at Daniel but he was at the doorway. He asked for a rifle and was given by one in the group. I then focused on the six others who were with Kuzuka. They don’t look like Mitoushi House servants for among them were three other planets inhabitants. I recognize brute in the reddish shade of furs and holding the heavy powered cross bow with the built-in power pack. He had a bandolier holding his spare power packs across his chest. It was unmistakable on the gender for his furs were not all that thick. I do wish that they get covered up but who’s staring.
“Damn Tunin.” I muttered.
The other two off non-human inhabitants was the Ryino’s; another set of square framed brutes with the curved horn on the bridge of the face. They have heavy hides on them but their body armour was thicker. They carry the powered short handled hammer that could level the boulder in seconds. Their modus of battle was rush and bang. Same goes for their mating rituals. They are an extinct breed in the systems. The others were one Monscrats and two Grecian. The weapons they carry were the standard issue of the troopers.
“My name is Henna Saloon.” The Monscrats was in the white top beneath the dark sleeveless vest, and the dark bottoms tucked into the dark felt boots. The Monscrats was mistakenly seen by me as a male but the buzz hair cut was misleading. She was assigned to protect me. I was still without a weapon.
“I don’t like to be named the anonymous and worse when I die in the battle, don’t say I was the bitch that bit the dick.” Henna made her point. She then handed me the six inches in length energy dagger.

“I cannot have you without a weapon.” The dagger was not much but in the skilled hands it was a deadly weapon.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

TTO Episode 6.4

The trip to Grecia IV was uneventful. I had Commander Tarnia taken care of by the troopers. They held a personal feud with the Stingers pilots and no one cried when the body was jettison out. Who cares; she was not one with the other pilots on the Shield IV. I have the protection of five squads of troopers for my disposal.
“Admiral Hoffman asked that you try to being them all back alive.” I glared at the Captain. I did not appreciate his remark. The military and the Order have not been on equal terms. We, the Order have the Grand Order for our supreme commander while the Council of Nine ruled for the military.
“Your transport is ready.” The Captain saluted and then walked away. I boarded the transport and flew towards the Temple of Stars.
“Trooper Leader, I want the area scanned.” The leader stood there unmoving. I hate those military stereotypes. They won’t act unless you are the commander. I glared at him. “Is there anything I said that you do not understand?”
“I can’t do it not without authorization from the Captain.” The leader was direct. I ignored him and walked to the communicator. I had the Captain on it.
“Captain, I want the area scanned on its structure. I need to know if there are any subterranean levels and any adjacent structures. The Grecian are adept in such structures.” I then looked at the Trooper Leader. “And I will have another leader appointed. The current one does not suit me.”
Without warning, I have the Trooper Leader dismissed from his post and also took his head. The sickle on my right hand dropped to my side without a trace of blood on it. The other troopers looked at me with their fingers hovering at the trigger on the rifle. I glared at them one by one, without a nervous tic. It was the way I was trained. The stare me down will avoid any of them being heroic or at worse, brotherly love for the dead leader.
“The Captain told me to get another leader.” I spoke up. “I want you.”
The trooper I motioned saluted and then began the drill on the others. The ranking makes them think they are powerful over the others. If only he could read their minds. The report on the structure arrived. I was right. The temple has an intricate tunnels and subterranean levels. I studied the schematics and then gave my orders.
“There four exits from the subterranean levels.” I showed the troopers. “I want the incursion from there. We will work it inside out while the other exits are guarded. I also want troopers on the hills here and here.” I motioned to the holographic image of the hills. “Stingers will assist them all.”
“I also want the troopers to carry thermal goggles and also flash grenades.”
The troopers split into three squads; twenty by the front door, twenty troopers at the exits and the others into the tunnels. I knew then when in the subterranean levels, the squad will split further into ten or twelve troopers each and then they will start the search. I was not taking lightly that we might encountered ambushes. I have ten bikers on the hills and three Stingers.
Ambushes were what the troopers disliked. It caused them to lose one of their numbers first before they could retaliate. And in ambushes, most times the defenders tend to lose more. I overheard one of the troopers told the other that they were in Grecia.
“They are pacifists there.”
I soon find out he was wrong.
“Give me cover fire!” I shouted to the troopers that were at the other turning in the tunnels. We came to a triple tunnel intersection when we were shot at. Two troopers went down firing their rifles blindly during the fall. We were part of the second sub-squad of the second squad. We had journeyed down like half a dozen tunnels of which some led to nowhere. I had them retraced the steps and then searched on.

We got shot at when we reached a huge cavern.

Monday, February 22, 2016

TTO Episode 6.3

I delayed my departure but I was too late. Darth Asoka had left for his own undisclosed planet with the apprentice. I then took my pursuit for the one sought by the Dark Order. I was given the use of the frigate Shield VII under Captain Norrin Rand. I have also requested the assignment of Commander Tarnia to the frigate.
“I am honoured, Darth Natria.” Commander Tarnia saluted and then bowed before me. “I did not know then.”
I was dressed in the scant clothing with the face masking that was donned then. I have the chamber arranged with the offerings of the delicacies from Monscrats. I have also arranged a comfortable shade of red lean back seat designed for three persons. The seat held the comforting vibration equipment which will ease the tension in the occupant.
“You are forgiven.” I motioned to the commander to take the seat next to mine. “I was masked then as of now. We have to be discreet.”
“I am honoured, Darth Natria.” Commander Tarnia was obviously in fear of me. I have to loosen her apprehension on me. I offered her a drink which was touted to ‘loose one’s inhibitions’. She took it down in a gulp and I poured her another. I explained myself on the previous encounter and soon we were talking like friends. We began sharing on the smaller things like our food and then the clothes before we ventured to more intimate issues. We laughed on the things spoken and poured more drinks.
“Tarnia, do you have any siblings?” I asked of her after she had taken the fifth pour but who bothers to count then. She had not taken much of the food. I had assumed that she will like Monscrats being one of them but I was wrong. So we took more drinks.
It was she who spoke on the family. One that I almost forgotten for years.
“I have two brothers but they are traders like my father. Only I have enrolled in the service for the Federation of Planets.” Tarnia said. I was taken aback by the revelation. I searched my mind for the questions and then I found one.
“Do you miss them?” I asked the petty question. I could had mind probed her but it was not my intentions then. I wanted to keep it above the level. Tarnia nodded and then told me that with her service, she could only managed two visits each full cycle of the planets.
“I have two nieces.” Tarnia smiled when she recalled her nieces. “Jaana and Taana. They are my second brother’s kids. Do you have any?”
Tarnia saw the frown on my face and having spoken that she apologised to me.
“I did not mean to bring that up.” She covered her error with the extra measure of pour in the goblet. I had to swing that to the reason we have those drinks.
“You don’t need to. I have no nieces or ….nephews.” I replied. “I have no siblings.”
I lied then. It was the emptiness that made me lie. Renair have died in my life. So have my parents. I then turned to Tarnia.
“Can you be my sister?” I asked of her. “A sisterhood of love and comfort is all I asked.”
Commander Tarnia looked at me. I could feel her apprehension on my proposal. I took the cue to lean over and kissed her on the lips.
“Comfort me please.” I asked of her. She was resistant initially but that was soon removed. Later when I lay back on the seat with her cuddled next to me on my left side, I thought of my own sister. We were close and even fought over the same boy at one time. She won and I left to become the trooper. It was then I resented the other gender for their selfishness on us. His name was Antonio and he was a jerk. He was not the jerk then when I met him but he wanted to befriend more than me. I thought it was nothing then until he betrayed me.
“How could you do this to me?” I confronted Renair. “I loved Antonio.”
“So do I. We can both love him. We are after all sisters. Before this, we shared everything.” Renair had made her stand. I wanted to reply but there were no words from my lips. I chose to leave instead. Just before my departure, I told Renair my feeling of betrayal.
“Renair, you done the one thing that a sister would never do. I will never forgive you nor will I ever have another like you in my life.” I made the vow towards her. I then looked at sleeping Tarnia.
“I am sorry but there can be no more sister in my life.” My right fingers reached for the front of her neck. My fingers grabbed it and pressed down hard. Tarnia struggled hard but she was no match for my strength with my legs wrapped over her. I moved my body onto her and then pushed hard on the neck Tarnia gave out a last gasp of breath with her eyes fixed on mine.
“We shared too much.” I told her seconds before her death.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

TTO Episode 6.2

The hooded figure stepped up from the opposite stairs onto the podium. The other apprentice had on the same coat like mine but it was bright yellow. The figure stood there and then removed the coat. It was a lady there; a younger version of me with the body hugging suit with matching waist level jacket and boots. Instead of a waist belt with weapons, the other apprentice wore a set of greaves with the shorter blade weapon named the ‘sai’ gloved there. The figure was then followed up with a taller figure dressed in the hooded gown.
“Darth Natria, she is the apprentice I would you to meet.” I looked hard at the first face that held the same hairpiece as mine. I recognised her then.
“Renair?” I uttered the name not spoken from my lips for over three hundred years. Renair Noir was my younger sister who was on the farm with my parents when I joined the troopers. After I was declared dead in a battle task I went into seclusion in the First Temple as the apprentice, I lost contact with them. It was forbidden by the Dark Order and I was sent into a long sleep where my mind was ingrained with the Order teachings. When I woke up fifty years later, I then undergo my training as the apprentice to the Master.
“Renair is dead, Darth Natria. She is the newly appointed Darth Rain. She is my apprentice. I am Darth Asoka.” The other replied. “I am glad to meet you, Darth Natria.”
Darth Rain then sprang into action with a run and leap at me with the ‘sai’ drawn in the cross draw from the greaves. I had retreated while withdrawing my preferred sickles to fight her. The other landed on the spot where I was standing and then did a body roll over her head. Her attack was blocked by me with the sickles. I have pulled my left leg back for balance when I blocked her attack. The other then did a reverse somersault with her right leg striking at my head. It was a favoured move by the Scorine Cultist for their hidden techniques. I had seen that move and turned my body sideways to the right to avoid it. When I did the turn, I have also launched my attack with the left handed sickle at the exposed side. Darth Renair was quick in her reflexes and twisted her body to the left to land there on her feet.
“Your Master taught you well.” I commented. The other did no reply and launched another attack. Her swinging right leg was blocked by my left hand but I was almost stabbed by her. With her leg blocked, she had pulled it back to the rear with her body bent forward and both hands holding the ‘sai’ aimed at my chest. I snapped my body back and had my left knee hit her at the right elbow. I then twisted my body and delivered a low kick into her left ribs. She went down in pain with her left hand at the ribs.
Her master, Darth Asoka had then jumped in and defended his apprentice.
“Your Master was not as good as mine.” I gave her the snide look. I then took my own fighting stance to do my attacks but the Grand Order had stepped in to intervene. The three feet long red fusion energy staff appeared in the right hand with a swing at my face. I retreated on the attack to recover my stance. I knew of one apprentice that favoured the energy staff.
Darth Asoka did not reply but resumed the attack on me. The energy staff swung like a pendulum with its swing from left and right before it changed direction to do the upper slash move. I deflected it with my right handed sickle while my left handed sickle went for the low cut. Darth Asoka pulled back on the attack and resumed his pendulum swing. He then turned his body sideways and the energy staff flashed downwards in the overhead slash. I moved my head to avoid it but the energy blade had extended by another foot then. The blade stopped close to my face and hovered there when the voice of the Grand Order roared out.
“The match is over. Darth Natria had proven herself worthy as my apprentice.” I saw Darth Asoka expression hidden beneath the hood was grim. “However she has flaws in her understanding the Order.”
“Then allow me to train her once more.” Darth Asoka bowed to the Grand Order.
“Denied, Darth Asoka. Your apprentice lacks more than mine.” Grand Order looked at me in disgust. “I am assigning you one more opportunity to redeem yourself. The one you seek is at Grecia IV.” Grand Order had given me the task.

“Fail me no more.” 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

TTO Episode 6.1

Episode 6
The Book of Natria
If there was a description to describe the chamber of Grand Order Illium, it was built in the design of a huge coliseum. I was despatched there to First Temple of the Dark on Montrie V. It was not the prime planet among the five that made up the Monscrat Empire but that one housed the main armies of the Federation of Planets. It housed three space ports on the surface that serviced all the ships in the fleet with five orbital space ports for the Scimitars ships. It also held a hundred troopers’ bases with one land continent of over six hundred miles reserved for training of these troopers.
It was also the home of the Grand Order Illium. His mind was encased and linked to the main system that was housed inside the high wall huge coliseum that stands ten level high with a radius of half a mile. The coliseum held four entrances with the stairs that led to the central hundred feet round podium in the middle. The sides of the coliseum was affixed consoles and equipment which were linked to the six hundred huge processors maintained by the one thousand and six constructs in the sub-terrain of three levels.
The coliseum was surrounded by the mile wide open ground layered with the white gleaming rock surface. Beneath the surface was the automated defence system with a complement of ten squads numbering five hundred troopers. No crafts were allowed to fly inside the five miles radius of the coliseum ground and all access was by the single hover train that moved from the northern entrance towards the coliseum structure. I board the twenty seats automated hover train and took the ten minute ride to the coliseum. I disembark there and walked into the coliseum. The place was dark but each walk I took, the area around me will light up. I looked into the darkness and there were no servants there to greet me.
I was all alone.
I took my walk and then saw the ascending stairs. It was wide at about ten feet across and soon I began my climb. The stairs measured two hundred and nine steps before I reached the middle podium. I took my steps towards the centre of the podium and stared into the dark walls of the coliseum. Then the place began to light up starting with the coliseum walls moving downwards from the top. The lighting soon spread to the podium which when lighted up made the floor looked transparent. If you are not prepared for it, the feeling then was as if you were standing in the air.
“Stella, welcome back.” The hologram of the Grand Order appeared in front. The image showed the Grand Order dressed as always in the dark gown with the matching dark overcoat and hood. The overcoat held five red stripes on its back that were embossed in as if was clawed across the back from the left shoulder to the right thigh. His face was half covered by the red mask on his right side to the edge of the mouth. There was no slot for the eye but in its place was a dark yellow jewel that was placed there. The jewel was reputed to be the Eye of Jana; the reputable icon worn by the tyrant then of Jana.
“I saved this for the Lords.” The bastard was mocking me. “They liked the formal dressing or maybe they detest my current looks.”
The hologram changed to a new image. It was still his face except there was only half. The half which was covered by the red mask before had been replaced with the connectors and cables. Unfortunately, the Eye of Jana was still there; the eye among the wires. He changed back to his younger self.
“Well, I am back.” The bastard actually grinned. If only he knew, I disliked the younger look of his too or any of his image. I was there because I was his apprentice.
“I called you back because of your failure to secure the … the other apprentice at Mistral.” I pulled the hood back from my face. I glared at the hologram. I won’t apologies for my dismal performance.
“I am talking to you, Darth Natria.” The Grand Order was upset with my silence and he called me by given name. “You do know that nothing evades my intelligence staff. The attempt at Traders’ Post was not your usual tasks. The loss of the frigate? Are you ..”
“The frigate was not my fault. The Admiral planned the …” I snapped back.
“Admiral Hoffman was in command but you were to coordinate with him. Instead you went off on your own excursion to Mistral.” The Master had replied. “His loss is also your responsibility. The Admiral is already reporting that loss to the Council of Nine. Your name was plastered there. I don’t cordon failures.”
“The Admiral…” I wanted to defend myself.
“Darth Natria, there’s decline in you.” The Master hit back. “I think you need a new training. There is one other that you would like to meet. You were once with them as the apprentices’.”
I was one of the earlier apprentices with five others. I knew two others died during the training.
So that leaves two names then.

Zita Corleone and Anatoly Petrich. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

TTO Episode 5.4

“Doctor Shiong, I want you to have the program ready by tomorrow.” I heard the man in the uniform addressed father then in the lab. The lab was one of the many in the facility but that one was secluded and without access to the others except Father and the exceptional few. The lab had no opening except for the doorway which was the only access and exit. It accommodated with the array of consoles and equipment for his work. Most times the only sound was the whirring cooling fans in the machines or the occasional curses by the inventor. That day was the same with the cooling fans taking the background noise but the cursing was in the thoughts. Father had ignored the man and went on with his work. The uniformed man had stormed out of the lab leaving me alone with Father. I stepped up to the figure who I addressed as Father.
“Father, your meal is ready.” I stood there for the father figure to reply. He was bent over the desk dressed in the white overall smeared with lubricants and other dirty substances. He stood upright and then looked at me. Father had the extended looks on his frail body with the declining hairlines. He rubbed his hands on the overall before I could extend the napkin.
“Thank you, DN.” Doctor Shiong smiled. Father has the friendliest look. “I see that you have learned well from mother.”
Mother had died six months ago. She was stricken with illness that soon claimed her life. Father was sad since then and his work was demanding. Those in the uniformed did not know his pain.
“DN….I wondered if you would like a changeover.” I heard Father and looked at him.
“Was it something I done that displease you?” I asked. “The meal was bad? Or…”
“No, DN. The meal is fine. I am meant to say if I was gave you a makeover. I could re-program you. You are a Domestic Nurse model. You are the finest. What if I will to move you to a different design.” Father sighed. “I am aged and one day I may leave you. And I do not want to see you …”
“Please don’t cry, Father. I am fine with what I have.” I consoled Father.
“No, you are not fine. You will not get a similar …father like me. I will have you changed. You will be my subject on the prototype.”
I then became DN-501 or Daniel; the new designate for the battle droid with the unique self-adapting program. I retained my old programs as DN to serve him but there were more refined programs suited for my new role. My new design frame was more versatile and added to it was the extra power in the joints. Father hid me form the others while he conducted the tests on me. He gave me a change in the Laws of Robotics.
“Fourth Law of Robotic; if the human is deemed to be dangerous to others, then that human may be harmed if all other means of restraint have failed.” Initially, my system displayed a number of errors when the above law was applied but Father assisted in updating the programs to allow for what may be termed as ‘intuition’ in the human logic.
“Daniel, intuition is the fine line of decision making. It’s the appended to the Fourth Law for those moments when your logical program may act against your movements, the appended will override the constraint.”
“It re-defining your logical restraints.” Father explained. “It’s my gift to you for being my …..child.”
I was never ready or him. Father kept on changing me until that day when he stopped.
“I will not have my works given to another.” I heard Father shouting at the uniformed man. “It will always be mine.”
“Doctor Shiong, your program have been shelved. The Council have not seen any new developments. Your other peers have all handed in their works except yours. Your new construct is still under development as reported by you. The Council have given the tasks to the new team. All your works will be handed to them.” Father pleaded with them for his own designs and in the end, he got was only me; the previous DN model they assumed to be given away.
I followed Father into his retirement. It was not long when he introduced me to Edo Harashi.
“Daniel had unique skills that will be of assistance to you.” For the first time, I showcased my skills to someone new other than Father. It was after a severed test of martial bout and some damaged circuitries.
“Edo, Daniel is my only gift to you.” Father presented me to her. “He will protect you in your new task as the Enforcer. In your new role, you may have a partner of your own choosing. He can be with you day and night.”
Edo Harashi was to join the Enforcer. She accepted me then on the wishes of her mentor. I soon joined Edo Harashi into her personal life.
And her bed.

Father had foresight to make sure I was suited. I chose the model fittings. I was a Domestic Nurse; I know my way in the mode of serving.   

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

TTO Episode 5.3

The wall cover collapsed on my punch. It was a think wall with a unique locking mechanism of gears and switches but my crude approach was the logical one. I have no idea how the key looked like. It was big enough for me to squeeze through. There was another chamber there but it was built of shelves with the scrolls and bounded hard reading materials. I gauged from my scanner, there was five thousand five hundred and nine books.
“By the words of Master Seldon, this place is huge.” Greco gasped out his wonderment on the new discovery. He was to rush forth when I stopped him.
“Don’t do that. I need to scan for the items which were most recently moved.” It may be my guide to Grand Master Seldon notes on the assumption it was last placed there. The scan revealed most of the documents have not been moved for over five hundred years at least. There were some that was moved from the layers of dusts there in the last hundred years. I was keen on something moved in the last fifty years and found none. So that left me with a dozen notes in several places. I moved in on those and narrowed the search to the last five within an hour. It was the wrong selections. I was wrong and then I moved to the other batches. It was a stroke of light as what Edo would have said if she found the notes. For me, it was a process of eliminations.
Then I found the notes. It was the cover on the top that intrigued me. It held an image of the small hand scale. On the right side of the scale was the same eye and on the other side of the scale were the five small circles around a bigger circle. I felt the circuitry in my frame moved with the surging currents. I knew those symbols.
The eye was the symbol of the Order. The Order oversees everything including the Light and Dark side. The circles were the symbol of the five fingers in the grasp of the bigger circle which represent the people. Or in other form of representation the symbol of control or power.
The revelations on the first notes matched most of the events that happened in the last hundred years. Grand Master Seldon did not state his revelations in plain words but in a series of one liner. Some of those lines read alone would not reveal much but if the events were matched to some evens then the answer was there.
The takeover by the Moncrats with the alliance from the Order of the Dark was seen by the Grand Master. The dominance by the Order of the Dark over the others including the Moncrats was also there. The most interesting was one riddle I read that intrigued me.
“The Old Master once of flesh became mechanical with its power on the movement that reached far and wide.” I read that as the rumour of the Grand Order Illium have died and his mind moved into the system. I read on for more what may be termed as recent entries.
“The quest for the last one will be intense but the quest will be long while the one will remain the last. The last one will be protected and then violated. Beware the last one is without emotions.” Those lines were the last one in the notes. If I had human emotions, I would have felt the shivers down my spine but I was a construct. I could fuck but that was as human I may be. I read the line once more and felt my system stirring inside me. Those lines may mean Edo who was the last of her line. She was most times without any emotions. Even her fucks was then without any emotions. She wanted the pleasures and not the lovey ties.
“What are you reading there?” Greco snapped my thoughts then. I looked towards him.
“The notes.” I replied. I was wary of the Grecian. “It may not be the one we seek.”
“Then let us continue looking.” The Grecian bent to the task while I stood there. I began to have doubts on Greco. If he read those notes, he may interpret them better. That will be the end of Edo and myself. I reacted then.
I tapped his shoulder. He stood up and turned to look at me. My right hand then went out to punch him in the face. The blow was deadly with my construct strength behind it. I crushed his nose and then forced the splinter of the bones into his brain. Greco fell down onto his knees with his hands holding the blood that was flowing from his nose. I kicked him aside and moved to open the last notes.
Somehow I stopped then.
I got the system interferences in me. I recalled those earlier lines that made me kill Greco. Maybe I misread the lines. It may not be Edo that the Grand Master Seldon was referring to.
It could be me.
I was the last of my model.
There were no others.
That was what father told me.

“You are the first and the last.”

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tweet...tweet....16th Feb.. Happy Belated Valentine

TTO Episode 5.2

The next thing I knew was Edo had collapsed onto the flooring. I rushed forward and held her in my arms. She was in a dream state form my initial assessment. Her eyes pupils were moving rapidly then and her breathing was intense. I looked up at the five masters but they have retreated to the rear.
“Hold it!” I shouted to the masters. “What did you do to her?”
There was not reply then but I soon found myself surrounded by troopers. There were five of them then with the Trooper Leader. He held up the communicator and advised the Central Command of our capture.
“Command, we have the apprehended the one named Edo Harashi.”
There was no time to delay then and I hit out with my right hand. I grabbed the nozzle of the nearest trooper and aimed it at the others. In the confusion, the trooper whom I grabbed his rifle fired at the others. Two of the troopers went down in the shooting before I reached out with my left hand to topple the trooper. I used that trooper body as leverage to swing over with the legs lashing out. I caught the trooper leader in the kick and then landed with a half body crouch. I had then the first trooper’s rifle and tossed it to land hilt side on my right hand. I found the trigger and shot the last standing trooper. All it took was three point five seconds with my enhanced frame versatility.
I fired one blast into the recovering trooper leader and then the one which I toppled.
“Do not shoot me.” Greco pleaded with his life. I looked to the masters and saw that they have fled the scene.
“I have no knowledge of this.” Greco was trembling there when I hand carried up Edo. We needed to escape and I was unsure of how to do it. It was Greco who offered me his assistance. I followed the long haired figure with Edo slung over my right shoulder. Our escape involved climbing down the dim lighted stairs to the lower levels. Greco took me into a labyrinth of tunnels which every one of it was lighted by gleaming wall materials. It was dark at some stretches where Greco had told me to take the steps ahead with faith. There was no breeze in the tunnels but I felt the coldness in there. Soon we came upon a high door made of some hard material. Greco placed his right hand on the right side of the doorway. There may a hidden switch there which Greco triggered the door to slide open. The door slide wide but there was no breeze from it. All it showed was more darkness.
Greco stepped into the chamber and the place lighted up by the burning torches that were lined up all around the wall. Each of them came to light one after another. The chamber slowly brightens up and my first sight was the uncovering of the high ceiling.  Either the door or our presence triggered off the switch to the torch. The chamber was shaded in white and despite the ages on the wall the shades were as pristine if it was printed yesterday. On the side of the wall in the cavern, there were the high erected statues of the Grecian warriors before the people became pacifists.
“This is the ancient chamber of the Heroes. Since we became the new Grecian, the masters have us moved the old figurines to here for storage.” Greco looked at the tall statues measuring over thirty feet each. There were twelve of these statues there positioned in a line up. Each statue was designed individually with the details of each hero. The statues were shaded in white but their eyes were unique. Each set of eyes held different shades of the minerals materials. 
“I come here for the passages of understanding.” Greco explained. “My people have been pacifists since the Battle of Yarn. We have never wielded any weapons but here these ancient heroes held one each. They were heroes before.”
I looked at the statues line up and saw their expression of strength. I recalled in my memory data, the Grecian were once warriors. I laid Edo down and the checked the nearest statue. I recognized the crude sculpturing as that of the warrior Persian with the distinguishing trident in the left hand. He was one of the great leaders of the Grecian and conquered many tracts of land for the King then. He had the long beard but it was his deep sunken eyes that made his enemy fearful of him.
“Persian the Brave.” Greco muttered the name. “He was the greatest of them all. He once bested the great beasts in a single combat.”
I crammed up a smile to Greco. He lowered his head and chuckled.
“Despite our long standing for peace and non-violent, the history of the Grecian is still available to all.” Greco explained. “I did my submission on the virtues of violent when the needs arise but the masters rejected my reading for it was deemed unacceptable. I escaped here to ponder their decisions but till today, I have not their reasons for it.”
“How did the troopers come here?” I asked for it was known that the Federation of Planets have not posted any of their units here for the respect on the Grecian’ lifestyle of peace. They detest anything that invoked violence.
“All I knew was the troopers staked a base nearby for some time now with the end of the hundred years reign.” Greco said. “That was not all I heard. The troopers are everywhere in the galaxies, and their fleets now ply the space routes. There is a fear on the last reign of the ten years which the Federation of Planets feared may be its demise.”
“What are you saying?” I asked back.
“There is an unconfirmed finding that Grand Master Seldon had written down the notes on the hundred and the last ten years reign. He never disclosed it but left it was to be made known only on the end of the thousand years reign. The masters then had complied with his wishes but they did not tell the others of the findings. Instead they have sealed the notes in places not disclosed.”
“Why? Why would the masters do that unless….” I worked with logic and it did not compute then except for some undisclosed logic. I was to query further.
“Did any of the rumours indicate of any locations?” It was a wide shot. Greco shook his head. So much for the pacifist that ventured into the opposite which in my understanding may be a full circle in his journey. I then focused on the statues and the chamber. It was secured for then, and allowed me to check on Edo. She was still unconscious.
“The Federation of Planets had their First Fleet here in the system. They scanned the planet surface with their sensors.” Greco suddenly voiced up again. “I doubt it could reach this level.”
A reassuring thought and then it intrigued me further. I queried Greco on the chamber and who had known of it.  
“There are few but among them, only myself dared to come more than once. The others feared the statues will come to live perhaps.” Greco laughed. “Even the masters declined my call to check the chamber but nevertheless I came. It’s a good place to reflect on the mind.”
“Then I assumed the place is taboo to your people.” I then walked to the statue named after the warrior Persian. I once saw Edo spoke to a statue before. When I questioned her, she told me it was a ritual of the House to speak to that statue. It was then I noticed that the twelve statues were staring at one direction. It was a spot on the far wall. I walked towards it and saw the carvings on it. It was of a single eye; a rather evil looking one. It had the double thick eye lids with the large orbs in the middle. When you stared at it, I felt the eye following me. I did a scan on the wall and noted that it had a hollow cavity behind it.
“Is it okay for me breach the wall?” I asked Greco. His facial expression could be well described as shocking.

Monday, February 15, 2016

TTO Episode 5.1

Episode 5
The Book of Daniel
The Grecian origins dated back to the sixth millennium when the space travel was a myth then. The Grecian were a developed nation then with the vast sea faring armies that allowed its empire to expand almost a tenth of the lands on the planet. It was such a great empire that the no other nations dared to wage war on them but they will contribute trades and tributes then. The Grecians were one of the developed nations which also brought on the awareness of arts and readings. The interest of this diverted path from the earlier warlike empire battles brought on the study of the stars. It was the first Masters then who was named Aetres that said there was life beyond the world they were in. He was laughed on for his observation and foremost ridiculed by the warlike supporters then. Aetres however had his own followings and then developed the first reading of the stars.
“The stars are not there for us to watch but to learn.” Aetres made that statement and soon the subject was known as Aetres Workings on the Stars. It was a strong one that his supporters made it their ambition to understand the stars. That study of the stars did not ventured further than mere observations for many generations until the eighteenth millennium when the first flying crafts pierced the clouds above the mountains. It brought about keenness to know what lies beyond. The achievement curve went up into a steep climb from there with new inventions and then after four more millennium the Grecian saw the first space travelling craft that went out to the void of space.
“A major breakthrough for the Grecian with his minor hurdle.” It was spoken by Amtrad, the leading supporter of Aetres teachings.  For the next five more millennium, the Grecian had worked on the colonization of the planets in their system, and then came the their first contact with the other words. It was the turning point to the Grecian then.
“To war or not to war.” The Grecian had over the millennium discovered that the peaceful approach was the preferred one than their ancient warlike approach. All their space exploration ships were unarmed and thus they became adept negotiators and diplomacy ruled their approach. Such was the greatness of the Grecian that they fought no war since then but they were part of it as the passive observers.
“Welcome to the Temple of the Stars.” The long haired and bearded figure in the worn out white knee length garments and knitted sandals bowed before Edo and myself. We had parted company with Kuzuka on the planet Grecia IV. The later had taken the HP-109 to an undisclosed location on the moons for safe keeping.
“I am named Greco, the nine hundred and sixtieth scholar of the Temple.” The speaker had his long hairs braided at the end where it smacked his butt. His body scent was that of the lilac flower which was aplenty in the temple. “The Mitoushi House have advised us of your coming.”
I have to admit the Temple of Stars held more than drab dressers for the accommodations were exceptionally fine. We were led to a large chamber to rest while the host prepared the needed for us later. It was a scenic chamber with the view to an exquisite ancient structure that emits water from the tip into the pond below it. I found it masculine although its portrayal of the structure was definitely that of a budding human child. Edo did not hesitate to jump into the inviting bath pool in the chamber while I have to pick up her discarded flight suit. I would have joined her but there was another inviting contraption for my liking. It was a circuitry tuning set which resembled a reclining seat. Once seated on it, the seat’s miniscule probes will appeared like fine needles to embed into my programming nodes. It will then do a system calibration and fixed the damaged boards. It was the pleasure beyond the moans. I sneaked a view towards Edo and saw she was well handled then. The water in the pool had transformed into a cocoon around her body and in it the water was swirling to every cracks in her body giving it the once over wash. Such was the luxury of the Grecian hospitality, that I turned myself to it.
“Daniel, I need you up.” I heard the command and activated myself. I stood up from the reclining seat and faced Edo. She was already dressed in a short sleeved sun shaded loose waist fitted tunic and matching pantaloons bottoms with the braided sandals. Her head gear was a green scarf tied to the rear.
“Get yourself covered.” Edo motioned to the same outfit but in darker blue shade. “Greco is taking us to the Inner Chamber.”
I got covered but left out the sandals. They looked too feminine to me. The inner chamber held more surprises in the offerings. It was designed for the serene environment with the soft cascading flow of water from the length wise of the wall which flowed into the culvert at the bottom to disappear below the raised platform which we were standing on. Greco stood to our left while in the front of us was the Council of the Masters. Above us on the high dome like ceiling was the layout of the Grecian System.
“It’s a rare occasion for us to address our guests here but the House of Mitoushi had made a favourable argument for it.” The Master who spoke was one of the five there. They were alike to Greco in their dressing except theirs were grey in the shades. “We are the Master Seldon here.”
“The works of Master Seldon could not be restored to only one of us but the combined five of us was able to digest all that he gave us.” The Master continued on. “The Grand Master once said that there will be a thousand years of reign followed by the hundred years then after it the next ten years. In that next ten years, there will be one without any legacy who will turn the cycle back or not at all. Such is the way of the balance of the Order”
“Edo the last of the Harashi House, this may be your destiny as we step into the coming ten years.”  

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...