Saturday, July 4, 2015

Mordred 6.2

The New Realm

Chiton looked towards Jake who had shaken his head. I knew Jake was no stooge; he would defend the village if asked. Even from me if he needed to defend a friend. I moved towards the windows and looked out. The hoofs belonged to the chariot which pulled outside the tavern. It was a golden chariot and there were two riders on it. I recognized them as Galahad and Gawain. They looked very much the same like before when they invaded my life. They stepped off and in their hands were the wooden staff. They also wore the long broadsword disallowed by the Council but this was New Salem. The Knights made their own rules.

The Knights were not looking at the tavern but at the dwarves standing there on the opposite side. There were seven of them with a tall lady at the left side. She was a lady with dark hair and her dressing was a dark pant suit buttoned to the cleavage with ample of that shown given the size of her orbs. She wore a waist length red jacket with the yellow strips on the sleeves. Her hair was worn short moulded around her head like an encased pumpkin shell. She was carrying a heavy machine gun on her right hand while the belt of ammo was strewn over her shoulders and tailing down her back to between her butts giving a false impression of a phallic protrusion on her. 

The dwarves were dressed in their typical read top and blue bottom while their head cover was the green shaded beret. That was the normal part but the abnormal parts were the assorted guns including shotguns and their belt of grenades. And one held a chain saw. Their heights were a disadvantage but their looks were snarling dangerous. They all had white beards but it was their eyes which gave them the dangerous looks. It was deep sunken and the eyeballs were reddish instead of blue or black. Their stares could scare even the coyote to slink away.

“Hey, Snowy.” Gawain called out to the dark suit lady with the machine gun. “You are needed by the Council. They want you out of this battle.”

“Yeah, which Council would that be? The one you used to serve or the new one led by that hybrid.” The lady replied before she armed the machine gun. “Closer and I will make you a new breathing hole. One that you could screw yourself.”

 Galahad laughed out loud at the remark but Gawain was not amused. He had liked Snow White before their priorities created the rift.

“Do you have to carry that?” Gawain replied. The knight was comfortable with his own staff and skilled crafts. Some of the dwellers of the realm have discovered the new weapons of this world and adapted to it.
Snow in turn laughed and held the gun by the barrel and clicked it with one stroke.

“I am, honey. It’s looking for your cherry hole at the rear.” Snow leveled the gun at Gawain. “I had spat gun oil over the length.”

“Insolence!” Gawain struck at the ground with his staff and raised the roots that moved towards the dwarves. On the other side, one of the dwarves in a knee length green shift rushed out with the chain saw buzzing. The dwarf sliced at the approaching roots into pieces.

“Good ol’Dopey.” The dwarf with the round rimmed glasses perched on the nose beamed out. “He isn’t one with the loud guns but his saw works wonder. His speciality is Chain Massacre.”
Galahad rushed in firing off the fierce sprouts of fire from the staff but was thwarted by the smoke grenades thrown at him followed by the roar of the machine gun. The shots landed close to his feet but none hit him. He retreated back to the chariot while Snow taunted his attack.

“Gala, best you stay on there. We aren’t keen on your bum for it has no cherry on it”

Galahad took offence to it and lashed from the chariot. It was enough to get the dwarves riled up which in turn levelled the shot guns at it. The series of gun shots tore the side of the chariot into shreds and the horses galloped off from the fright. Galahad himself had jumped for cover then but the battle had just begun.

Nimue rushed at the dwarves with her staff swinging wide. With the swings, she had created a shield which protected her from the shotgun pellets. She lashed out at the one named Doc who failed to move in time. Doc as his name sake was the healer but with his skills, he was also the potent one with his wide range of poisons. He fell backwards into Grumpy who was loading the double barrel shotgun. Both the dwarfs got tangled up but the later was faster in getting up. His manners were between bad and worse made him a grumpier personality to contend with. More when it was caused by the constant ache on his head.

“Told ya nothing works like our picks.” Grumpy cursed out when he stood up. He looked at the shotgun in his hands. It was empty and he threw aside the gun. He then reached for the rock pick with the shorter handle tucked into his back. The pick was the choice tool of the dwarf when they do their mining. They were used as weapons of survival. I once saw a dwarf drove off a dragon with the pick. Grumpy struck it onto the ground and heaved up a chunk of the stones. He then hurled it like a baseball batter. The stones hit at Nimue on her left shoulder. She fell down to her knees from the blow and Sneezy had his twelve gauge waist level lined up at her face.

“Hasta la vista, Baby…” Sneezy was the one with the large nose like that of a clown, but you seldom see his smile. It was his sinus which gave him his name. He pressed the trigger to blow his load of pellets at her face but she was whisked away by the split timing intervention. It was not the boys but the ladies unit have arrived full force with six of them. They were dressed in the dark suit and each held a staff like Nimue.  

“Hello, Snowy.” It was the split personalities of Nimue or known as the Ladies of the Lake. Their names were Viviance, Vivien, Elaine, Ninianne, Nivian, and Nyneve excluding Nimue who stood there in cold sweat.

“So the other six sisters are all here. Is it the family reunion time?” Snow replied. “Or your psyche analysis which all seven of you need to get together to remain sane.”

“I am okay.” Nimue spoke to her sisters. It was Nivian who spoke to Snow and Viviance who did the rescue.

“Well, one hit on our sisters is the same as any of us.” Nyneve in turn spoke out.

“With your odds, we thought we come.” Elaine added her voice. “Any comments , Ninianne. I guess not. You are the quiet one.”

Ninianne may be the quiet one but she was vicious. She stepped forward with her attack; the frozen ice streak that appeared like an extended spear. The dwarves jumped aside to evade it but not Bashful. He did a body twist like a ballerina while grabbing the web belt of grenades on it. He then hollered to Dopey.

“Time to send it back.” Bashful gave out smile as if he had dropped gas. Dopey sliced it off at three feet with the chain saw before Happy used his immense strength to hurl it back by the belt. The later was ever smiling for with that expression he focused his body strength to do the extra push. The belt shot out like javelin at Ninianne. It was Vivien who pushed up the shield around the sisters when the grenades exploded. Nimue was to move in again when the dark shadow appeared over them.

“Did I miss a good fight? Such a pity the mirror told me nothing.” The figure was a large lady with the build of a weight lifter but her frame was too short so she compensated with higher heels. She was dressed as if she had stepped out from a Victorian era in a Queenly fashion except her colours were garish. Like the dressing of that era, the corset was strung tight at the waist line. It accentuated all her curves and orbs to the maximum girth and width. Her hair was plumed up like a peacock and flared out like one too. She had on her side stood a thin guy dressed in a silvery translucent material with a jester hat, towering over her by the head but yet he bowed before her like a mirror hung over the wall with a loose wire. He was known as the Mirror on the Wall.

“The mirror did tell me though two teams of the Knights were fighting on the street.” The Dark Queen looked to the battling figures. “Such behaviour is utterly non-tolerable.”

“Hello…..Queen for a Mother.” Snow hissed out. “How could I have not known? Where your other broods are, the mother was never far behind.”

“Hello, Snow White.”  The lady replied. “And be courteous. I was still your father’s whore. Your father did fuck me as his wife although I did not birth you. You were….”

The Mirror released off a snigger there and was reprimanded by the Queen.

“Clam it, Mirror. I did not ask for your wisdom there.”

“Hush it, Queen. You might create a series of precedents with those bitches listening in.” Snow interjected. “I heard Nimue had sampled it with Merlin. Maybe it was your bed with the Mirror overlooking it. ”

It was rumoured that Nimue was one of Merlin’s secret lovers. Whatever it was, it roused Nimue into action. She lashed out towards Snow but that time the Queen cut in.

“The sibling fight stops now.” The Queen cut in. “The Council have …cleared her. We got bigger threat.” 

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