Saturday, July 18, 2015

Mordred 12.2

The New Realm

It was disbelieving then that we could have been in the anatomy of a living creature. An unusual feat but the last time I was shrunken before, it was into a metallic craft. That moment when I realised that I was inside a living anatomy made my own flesh cringed with fear. What was to frighten me more when I heard the voice familiar to me.

“Welcome, Mordred. Or shall I greet you as the Guardian.” I turned to look and saw it was Merlin. He was the same and had the loss of his thumb on his left hand. He saw me looking and smiled.

“The work of getting away was not without a sacrifice.” Merlin smiled. “However, I am alive. I am truly alive. Although I was thought otherwise by the others who believed me dead.”

I shook my head at the disbelief of seeing the man I was to replace. Rumpel was however glad that we found Merlin when we actually set out to find was Berlin. Merlin was dressed differently. He was in the dressing of a simple knee length gown and plain sandals while his long tresses of hair were into a pony tail. He was without his dark cloak and head cover. It was then I noticed he has a declining head line at the top of his head. That was probably why he needs the head piece to cover it.

“Merlin, thank the stars we found you.” Rumpel was in the grateful mode. He rushed towards the elderly man but Merlin stepped back. The elderly man had raised a shield to protect himself. It was also then when I saw the sticks in Rumpel’ hands. He was knitting something and aiming at Merlin. The later’ shield deflected the attack and Merlin then hit back with his mental blast. The blow had Rumpel thrown backwards to crash into the fleshy walls. There on the command of Merlin, the flesh there appeared and formed manacles on the tailor. It sticks were removed by the secretion of the flesh onto the hands and slipped out. The sticks fell down and were moved by the contraction of muscles towards Merlin. It wobbled as if it was riding on the crest of the waves.

“Rumpel, I am surprised at you. You were once my student.” Merlin glared at the manacled tailor. “It’s obvious that Berlin have got to you too.”

Merlin then glared at me.

“Guardian, you were always the careful one. When you were my student, you were careful when you are to use those crafts of yours. I respect that. You are not impulsive.” Merlin continued on. “Your arrival to the Divide means only one thing. You seek my brother Berlin and from him, you will ask of me.”

“Here I stand to reply to you. Ask away, Guardian.” Merlin replied. “I am the one you seek.”

“No! You are not Merlin. I know him too well.” I replied. “He will not ally himself with the serpents. He loathes them for their evil ways.” 

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