Thursday, July 23, 2015

Mordred 14.1


The Previous Realm

Merlin holding his personal staff scoffed at the three that lined up before him. The one in the middle was their leader, Keb the King of Serpent. He was the leader of the Serpents and had been hunted by Merlin ever since. Next to him was his other son named Neheb; a figure of serpent with the frame of Man. The other was a younger person by the name of Seth.

“Do not think that your names will intimidate me.” Merlin challenged them. They were at the clearing in the dark forest, surrounded by the dark looming trees and the creeping undergrowth that covered the roots for the salvation of the sunlight. There was little to see beyond those growths for their thickness was dense and even the insects need to detour on their path. “Those were noble names of the myth but you are not any myth. All of you are of blood and flesh.”

“Absolutely wrong.” Keb smiled at Merlin. The former took pride in his flesh with the defined muscular sculpture uncovered by the loose drab of cloth across the chest and the body hugging pants to the shin high thick leather boots. He held a long staff with the carvings of a pair of serpents entwined on its length.

“I am Keb in the flesh and blood. I am his resurrected form from the generations of rest.” Keb gave out a loud laughter. 

“Only Keb would be accompanied by his child; Neheb who bows to no Man or God except to me.”

“Merlin, your insistence to quash my kind had borne me sadness. I see my followers succumb to your deadly blows although some were treacherous in deliverance.” Keb voiced out. “I am forced to confront you for the redemption of those you had demised their soul.”

“It’s befitting that the King shall clash with me for your numbers that perished on my blows were too many for me to recount in the memories. I hailed thee for your influence had garner much in the numbers and devotion, but the vile ways of the Serpent cannot be sanction by the Council. It’s my obligation to remove that influence and what better mode than to remove its main head.”

“Merlin, your dedication to your task is admirable, but when I voiced out the need to confront, I was not implying us in battle. I was referring to another which is pulling us to battle while they prosper in the result.” Keb explained himself. “I need …”

“Diversions? More of your own to influence me perhaps?” Merlin counteract on the other words. “Your twisted words meant nothing to me. There is no other force which I find more repulsive than yours.”

“Repulsion? Merlin, I am sad that you viewed us as such.” Keb replied. “The serpent have been linked to many evil deeds since the dawn of Man. The serpent was said to led Eve and Adam to the apple, and yet there were prove that it was the other who had influenced the serpent. The serpent was one of the few creatures to live on both water and land yet it had no limbs to move on but made to move on its belly.”

“Stop your tales. I will not believe you.” Merlin hit back but Keb was adamant of stating his views.

“The serpents have been the focus when evil present but is the evil the making of the serpent or others. Even you disbelieve me, when you were supposed to be the fair one.” Keb hit out with his staff on the ground. The serpents appeared all around the clearing and on the trees. There were many and yet they did not strike at all.    

“We are many here and fewer outside with your relentless hunts.” Keb continued on. “Their hatred for you will be quenched when your bones are left without the marrows inside.”

“But I command them to stay their action for I am to tell you that we are not your enemy anymore.”

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